Chapter 41: Scarlet Night


Growling as my claws tear into the mud and a torrent of rain nearly blinds me, I push forward, raging against the storm above.

A red streak runs from tree to tree in front of me. Even in human form, that beast of a woman still has superb speed. She’s more powerful now than she was before. The mate of an alpha often has the same abilities.

I’m running with a blind fury, my only intent to get my teeth into the neck of Annette.

“Come and get me! Pretty boy!”

Her voice seems to be coming from everywhere at once. I skid to a stop, trying to get my breath and pinpoint her location, but I see nothing through the downpour.

I hear the sound of crunching and jerk my head to my left. An off-white, almost ashy wolf steps through the foliage, green eyes gleaming.

I snarl and gnash my teeth at her, but she only steps closer, her hips dancing as she moves. Her slender form barely makes a mark on the soft ground, and her coat is hardly affected by the steady rain.