Chapter 17: The Dark Outskirts

“Doesn’t pretending to be food introduce a danger that one of them will want to eat me themselves?” I ask.

“Not if they see me with you. They’ll respect that you’re mine.”

“Oh, goodie.”

“If you told me what your connection to Springwater is, I might be able to come up with a better solution.”

If only it were that easy. Besides, other than the fact that I’m from Springwater, somehow, I don’t know much. “I don’t think anything I know would help you with that. Plus, now that I know that the Bloodfangs can rip any information they want out of your head, I’m even less inclined to tell you my secrets.”

“I suppose that’s fair,” Nick admits.

Did mom make a mistake by not telling me more? Maybe. It’s hard, when the grief is still fresh, to be angry at her, but I can’t help but think she should have told me more.