Crowin sits in an ornate chair behind a reddish-brown desk. He wears a dark suit with a deep red tie. His Usurper’s Amulet hangs around his neck: a dark metal chain at whose bottom rests a hollow glass chamber filled with reddish mud.
Behind him, there’s a large bookshelf with more statues than books. The biggest one depicts a large silvery wolf holding a severed human arm. The gore at the base of the arm has been sculpted with such care that if I could not smell the metal and pigments it’s made from, I would be tempted to think it’s real.
Crowin grins at me as I enter, the width of his smile serving to bare his teeth. He is no true Alpha, but you couldn’t tell from the scent of pure dominion he radiates, mixed with a faint smell of human blood whose origin I hope I never have to learn.