Introduction to MC

Name: Myra

Threat Level: Catastrophe-class (Special S Rank)

Species: Unknown (Suspected: True Dragon)

Weapon of choice: Dual Polearms/Sword(s)

Age: 26 at time of death

Gender: Male at Death/Female after Reincarnation

Mc pic:

Magic Abilities

Warp Portal: A type of elemental magic that allows the caster to draw the same series of symbols at the entrance and exit. These symbols worked strictly as pairs, so stepping into a Portal would always bring you to the same destination.

Anti-Magic Area: Magic formed by rewriting the laws of the world to create a barrier that prevents the usage of magic.

Summoning Magic: Magic that can be used to summon other beings such as spirits or demons.

~ Skills ~

Common Skills (Start of Story)

> Coercion: Enables the user to intimidate a range of targets. Scales to the strength of the user and the targets' ability to resist it, the effects range from feeling hostility to feeling fear up to losing consciousness.

> Thought Communication: A higher-level version of Telepathy, letting the user build links and talk with multiple people at once. Remains effective across a range of about one kilometre.

Extra Skills (Start of Story)

> Shadow Motion: This allows the user to move within shadows, and very quickly move to people and also places the user had been to before. To use it the user still has to move through the shadows to the destination but is not hindered by any obstacles whilst within the shadows.

> Spatial Motion: This allows the user to be able to transport himself to a place he has visited before. It usually takes several minutes to connect spaces, but Spatial Motion is capable to have the user escape from Ramiris' Labyrinth ability.

> Black Flame: Enables the user to create black flames which can stop regeneration. It can be freely controlled and even fired like bullets at enemies with temperatures surpassing 1400 °C.

> Dress Change Magic: A type of magic that lets the user swap clothes and equipment at will.

> Spatial Magic: This allows the user to manipulate spatial particles to create spatial pockets which can be used to store large amounts of items.

> Hyperspeed Regeneration: Near instantaneous regeneration. Regenerates fast enough to prevent most fatal wounds from being fatal, including beheading. (Isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

Unique Skills (Start of Story)

> Deus Vult: Passive ability which grants immunity against all but a few attacks. (Isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

> Elysium: Passive ability that prevents death. In other words, Immortality. If the user is defeated(killed), they are reincarnated instantaneously at a random, isolated, location in the world at which point they will enter a cocooned state. Whilst in this state, a Seven Seals barrier is active, preventing all but the user's Voithós, and other lifeforms directly connected to the user's life source, from entering a 1-mile radius of the user. This state will remain active for 1 week before the user will reemerge at max strength. (Isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

> Voithós: A strong spiritual companion that serves as the assistant/guide of its master. This higher spirit form is known as a Kyn and cannot die as long as its master is alive. In the event, it is defeated (killed), its spirit will simply return to its master. (Isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

> Koukoúli: Impregnable Cocoon formed from Dragon Scales infused with Seven Seals barriers. Used to protect the host from all attacks, however, while in use, the host cannot launch any attacks themselves. Works in tandem with the Elysium skill. (Isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

> Ektelestís: Ability to fire a bolt of pure energy (or multiple bolts at once) at a specific (or multiple) target(s). Instantly kills all beings with a Threat Level lower than A (Hazard-class). Injures those of a higher rank with the severity of the injury varying based on the strength of the target at the time of impact.

> Ámesi chrísi: Allows the user to instantly cast any spell without the need for incantations. Also allows the user to learn magic skills/abilities much faster than normal.

Ultimate Skills (Start of Story)

> Seven Seals: Unbreakable barriers (to all but Myra) that surround a large area of land, usually used before Death Mark.

> Death Mark (aka Mark of Death): Generally used alongside the Seven Seals skill, it kills all marked targets within the barriers created by Seven Seals. If used outside Seven Seals barriers or inside any other type of barrier, its area of effect might extend beyond the expected parameters.

> Thanatos: A skill which when used in its highest form has the potential to vaporize entire continents.

> Genesis: Ability to create other beings, regardless of power level, with ease. The more powerful the being created, the more energy gets expelled by their creation. Can cause damage to immediate surroundings upon use.

Also grants the ability to create a clone of oneself. The clone will have the same appearance as the user/master but will not possess the same levels of strength. It will instead only possess one-third of its original's strength. Clones will also not have access to the Unique Skills and Ultimate Skills of the user. (Ability to clone isn't affected by the use of Anti-Magic Area)

Can also be used to create objects, buildings, cities, etc. The higher the number of objects created, however, the more taxing the skill.

Additional Notes

- While Seven Seals and Death Mark can be used independently, the only way to limit the damage caused by Death Mark is to use it alongside Seven Seals. If used without the barriers formed by Seven Seals, it can and in most cases will kill targets that aren't within the designated location including friendly/neutral forces that are stationed nearby. That being said, like Thanatos, it can be used at different power levels to minimize or maximize its destructive power as the need arises.

- Due to the sheer magicule cost to use the skills Thanatos, Death Mark and Genesis, they can only be used once per day if used at max power. This means that if Thanatos is used at max power, it cannot be used again for the next 24 hours. Within that same downtime, Death Mark and Genesis will also be unavailable and vice versa.

- If the skills aren't used at max power, however, they can easily be used multiple times per day with the effects of their use on the user varying based on their strength. In the event they are used at max power, the 24 hrs after the skill's use will be used to regenerate the user's magicules. This doesn't affect the user's ability to use Seven Seals.

- All Myra's Ultimate Skills at the start of the story are skills that are unique to her and her alone. This means that no one else in the world can use these skills.

- Genesis cannot be used to create beings with any of the Ultimate Skills of the user. If Genesis is used to create a massive city alongside the population required to fill it, it will result in the same 24 hr downtime/blackout mentioned prior. If used only to create the city, however, or the people but not both at the same time, it will not result in said blackout.

- The following are the only skills (at the start of the story) that Myra has which are NOT affected by the Anti-Magic Area skill's effects: Genesis (Cloning Only), Koukoúli, Voithós, Elysium, Deus Vult and Hyperspeed Regeneration. This doesn't include abilities.

- The ability, Summoning Magic should not be confused with the Genesis skill. The Genesis skill does NOT summon existing creatures. Instead, it creates new ones from scratch.

- Voithós is not the same thing as Great Sage. That being said, it does possess most if not all of Great Sage's abilities and more.

Story: The story begins after Rimeru evolves into a Demon Slime. He has successfully revived Shion and the others that had died. He has also successfully transferred Veldora to a new body and has taken Diablo as a subordinate. This is the point in the story where this story will begin.
