Chapter 10

As I walk into the war room with Camille, everyone stands and bows. Looking at the massive table in the midst of the room, I notice that it contains a 3d model of what appears to be a map of the known world. I'm vaguely surprised to see something like it here but I suppress my emotions and take my seat at the head of the table. Once I am seated, everyone sits.

Ruby: Your Majesty, I carried out the elimination of the rebel force that was approaching our capital as requested. As expected, they didn't put up much of a fight but I encountered a few unknown persons along the border. The guy who fought against Aika was with them.

Me: Did it look like they were preparing to invade?

Ruby: No. From what I observed, they were mainly there to prevent the rebel forces from entering the forest.

Me: I see.

I wonder if they'll think we were attacking though. If so, then it was rather pointless to prevent the girls from killing the intruders. Sigh...

Me: What of our other neighbours?

Amelia: Negotiation with the Eastern Empire has proven ineffective as they have refused to accept any terms besides our complete subjugation.

Me: What of the Demon Lord to the south?

Amelia: We haven't managed to come into contact with her but her cult following don't seem to be interested in negotiating either.

Me: Cult?

Amelia: Well, a more accurate description would be followers as I'm uncertain of whether they are fanatic enough to be considered a cult.

Me: Well, for now, let them be. We'll focus our efforts northward but keep an eye on their movements. If they enter our territory, Cecilia can no doubt handle them.

Cecilia: It would be my pleasure. Might I recommend allowing Lady Amethyst to come with me if this eventuality occurs?

A quick glance at Amethyst, who's standing to the side in her armour, reveals a dragon's version of puppy eyes. She clearly wants to go out and I'm inclined to agree. This would give her valuable experience and I'm sure Cecilia will look after her. Besides, the only person I can see really posing a threat to her is that Demon Lord they keep mentioning and I'm sure she'd retreat if she enters the battlefield.

Me: Amethyst.

Amethyst: Yes Ma'am!

Me: Follow Cecilia's orders, okay? If she says retreat, retreat.

Amethyst: Yes Ma'am! Thank you very much.

Everyone smiles as she practically skips over to Cecilia's position.

Me: As for the Eastern Empire; Rosetta, Ruby, Necron and Morganna along with their subordinates and the 1st and 2nd Army will head north and drive them back out of our land. Raze the cities that don't surrender peacefully until you get to the border. Once there, push into the Eastern Empire's lands and sack every city, village and town you come across until they accept our new peace terms which will see them become our vassal. You are permitted to use all means at your disposal to do so. Should they refuse until the very end, ensure that none of their people leaves their territory alive.

Ruby: And here I thought I was the heartless one...

Everyone laughs but I do have a reason for this. We're already faced with many different enemies along many borders. We can't afford to have an enemy that will not submit on our back door when war inevitably breaks out between Demon Lord Milim and me. This will alert the other nations to our strength, yes, and they might even band together to stop us out of fright but that's a risk I will have to take. Our army is large enough to fight on three large fronts but I'd prefer not to have to fight in such a manner.

Amelia: Might I recommend an alternative, Your Majesty?

I should have known Amelia wouldn't just take the death of an entire nation easily.

Me: Feel free.

Amelia: I believe they will submit more readily if we don't harm their civilians. What's more, there are a few champions there that would prove valuable to us in the long term. If we were to defeat them in battle, it would be an appropriate show of strength and may just force the others to concede defeat.

Necron: Under normal circumstances that might work but this is one of if not the strongest military powers in the world. Do keep in mind that they have True Dragon's on their side as well. Our only option is to force them to accept peace to prevent the annihilation of their citizens or to kill every last one to prevent them from seeking revenge after.

Me: True Dragons?

Rosetta: The highest spiritual beings, considered the strongest existence in the world.

Me: That should prove a good test of your strengths but don't get yourselves or your armies killed. In fact, let's change the plan a bit. With this new information, I have a feeling that if we invade their lands and start burning everything down it'll only prolong the conflict and in the end, result in massive losses on all sides.

Necron: It would indeed give the people a reason to fight.

Me: Exactly, so just push them out of our territory for now. There's no use risking an even larger war when we have another Dragon to the south to worry about. That being said, not one of their soldiers that have entered our lands are to be allowed to retreat. As for the cities and towns on our side of the border, still, offer them the chance to surrender and burn the ones that don't.

Rosetta: As you command.

Me: Cecilia. Head south with your own force as well. Don't attack the cities there that have refused to join our kingdom, however. You are only concerned with the Demon Lord and her forces. Should they cross the border, intercept and eliminate or rout as you see fit.

Cecilia: My pleasure.

Me: Mai, Emerald. The people in the forest. Find out more about them such as what nation they are from, their approximate numbers and strength, the exact location of their cities and towns along with any other information that could prove useful. While your objective is not to engage but to observe, if you are engaged, you are not to kill anyone. Instead, do any and everything necessary to be able to withdraw successfully without killing.

Mai: Understood.

Me: I'll leave the strategizing up to you(all). The remaining portion of our army will be split between defending the capital and occupying captured territory. Any further questions or suggestions?

There's silence for a while before someone finally speaks up.

Cecilia: Can we keep the city with the most humans around, even if they don't initially surrender? It'd prove the perfect feeding ground for my children.

I'm sure her children won't be the only ones using said grounds but I don't see the harm in allowing them to use a city that was planned for destruction as their playground.

Me: Of course. You'll be responsible for that city, however. Choose any of the cities you encounter within our borders on the way to the south.

Cecilia: Thank you.

Me: Perfect. I expect nothing less than the perfect execution of these plans but you are free to see them through in whatever way you deem fit. My only concern is the results. I'll leave you to it.

Standing, Camille and I make our way out of the room. The minute the door closes behind us, the chatter begins once more. Listening for a brief moment, I hear them beginning to make plans for how to carry out my rather vague requests. Still, it causes me to smile as I make my way towards the nearest pantry. I look forward to how they'll handle this. It's the perfect test to find out just how capable our forces are. Besides, what's the worst that could happen?