
Chapter 42: A girl likes to be crossed a little in love now and then.

When a week and a half goes by without any sign of either Aidan or Mathilde, Edmund figures it’s time he takes matters into his own hands. He’d have done it sooner, but every time he’s attempted movement without Aures’ strict supervision, he’s gotten an earful from the aforementioned and she’s banned him visitors.

Today’s visitor, however, creeps in after Aures and Lilliana have left for work. Good thing, too, because no one is more terrified of Aures than Olivier. It’s actually quite comical.

“I don’t know why, but she just gives me this impression that she’d gladly murder me if the situation was ideal, and she’s only a doctor because that is a socially acceptable form of physical torture,” he expresses to Edmund, helping him sit up enough to enjoy a cup of tea.

“Oh, she’s not so bad. Knows her way around a blade, that’s for sure, but I don’t think violence interests her much.” Edmund leans comfortably back into his pillows and accepts the warm cup.