Chapter 1: A Walk on the Wild Side


After dressing in a short black dress covered in sequins, I checked myself in the mirror again. One long sleeve covered my left arm down to the wrist, but my right shoulder and arm were bare. I turned sideways to take another look, gaining my courage. I had bought the dress a few months before but never had a reason to wear it... until tonight.

My family and I lived away from the Shadowcrest Warriors Pack so we could have some privacy and not have to live with the shame of my father being an Omega, the lowest rank in the Pack. I guessed it was to be expected. In the Compound, everyone looked down their nose at me and my family, so Mom and Dad moved us off the grounds in hope of a normal life.

But in my father’s defense, he bought an Italian restaurant last year in an effort to improve his status in the Pack. I would just as soon we leave the Pack entirely. But then we’d be considered having gone rogue, even if we lived in a house and had jobs. A wolf without a pack was a wolf without protection. So, my father opted to play the game and try and move up in rank.

I grabbed my black sequin purse that matched my dress, donned my black high heels, and walked down the hallway, ready for a night out.

“And where do you think you’re going, Lycia?” My brother, Seven, stood in the doorway, blocking my way.

“I’m going out.” I sighed, clenching my fist at my side. I didn’t want to fight in this dress, but if that’s what it was going to take to get out, then so be it. “I’m twenty-one and haven’t even started my life yet. So, I’m going out. Now, get out of the way.”

He stepped aside but was hot on my heels. “Where, exactly, are you going?”

“None of your business.”

Dad raised an eyebrow as I passed him sitting in the living room. “Be careful out there. Make sure you go with someone. It’s dangerous for wolves to be out alone at night—”

“Humans do it all the time,” I cut him off. “I’ll be home later.”

I slipped into my long black leather coat hanging in the closet by the door. It was August, and the weather was already getting cool at night. It always started getting cold in upstate New York at this time, even for wolf-shifters.

“Yes! You’re finally going out!” Mom kissed my cheek, a smile plastered across her face. “I’m glad to see you’re finally taking my advice and having some fun! The only place you go is to work and home.” Mom took my hand, much too excited. “So, tell me. Are you going out with Taria? She’s such a nice girl!” Taria was my best friend and co-worker at The Clip Joint, the beauty salon where I worked as a hairdresser.

Seven rolled his eyes. “You shouldn’t go alone.”

“You go out alone all the time!” I shrugged. “Why shouldn’t I? I’ll see you later.”

I quickly closed the door, not waiting for his response. I hurried to my car and climbed into my small Kia Rio, and headed toward Supernova, a local nightclub. I’d been there a few times with friends since I turned twenty-one, and it was a nice place. Fun. Classy. A great place to dance, hang out, and meet people.

I made a left turn through the mountains, taking in the orange, yellow, and red fall leaves. Fall was my favorite time of year. Even though it was night, wolves had perfect vision in the dark. That was why some of us joined the military, although we were careful to conceal it from the humans. Usually, wolf-shifters keep to themselves and only interact with humans when needed.

I pulled into the parking lot of Supernova, and the music was already blaring. As soon as I got out of my car, I clicked the automatic door lock on my keychain and headed toward the front door of the club. Tonight, I was going to have fun. I was tired of playing it safe and tired of my Pack ridiculing me. I was ready to cut loose and live on the wild side for a change and maybe even do something a little dangerous. I was keeping my options open.

The sound of glasses clinking resonated from the bar to the right, and people were talking to each other, yelling over the loud music. After fishing my ID out of my purse, I stepped up to the bouncer at the front door when it was my turn.

One of his eyebrows rose, giving me a sexy smile as he quickly looked over my ID and handed it back to me. “Have fun tonight.” He winked as he stamped my hand.

I walked on, smiling as a thrill ran through my body, glad to see that my dress was working.

All eyes were on me as I passed the first bar and headed toward the second bar to the left. It was quieter, and not as many people were there. I sat on one of the barstools and smiled at the bartender.

“So, what’ll you have tonight?” he asked, placing his hand on the bar as he turned sideways.

“A frozen Mango Margarita and a shot of Amaretto, please.” I laid my purse on my lap, not wanting to leave it where it could easily be taken.

“So, it’s a shot night tonight, huh?” He set an empty, clear Margarita glass on the bar but poured the shot of Amaretto into a shot glass and slid it over to me.

“You have no idea.” I downed it and set it back down. “Another, please.”

He chuckled as he refilled it. “I’ll be right back with your drink. But if you keep going like that, you may not need the Margarita.” Then he walked away to fix my drink and to help another customer.

As I sipped the shot, I scented another wolf nearby. Humans came here along with wolf-shifters. I looked up, and there he was, sitting right across from me, drinking a beer.

He held up his beer as he smiled and took a drink. He had dark brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and was heavily muscled. All wolves had blue eyes, so that was no surprise, but he seemed to look right through me. I downed the rest of the shot.

“Would you like to dance?” I looked across the bar at him as I set the shot glass on the counter and motioned for another. The bartender nodded.

“Yes, I would,” the handsome wolf across from me replied. He left his beer sitting on the bar and stood, rising to his full height... and he was huge. He had to be six foot five or something, nearly a whole foot taller than me. I was tall for a woman—five foot, six inches—but he dwarfed me. He held out his big hand, and electricity coursed through my body as I took it.

He led me onto the dance floor and slipped one arm around my waist as I laid my arm on his shoulder. He held my other hand and brought it to his chest, looking into my eyes. “So, what brings a beautiful woman like you here tonight... alone and unprotected?”

“I can take care of myself.” I shrugged, enjoying his manly scent that smelled like high-end cologne, musk, and rain. Actually, his natural scent smelled so good that he probably didn’t have to wear cologne. Then a part of me wondered if he was even wearing any cologne at all, or if he just naturally smelled that good.

He chuckled, arching an eyebrow. “From me?”

A thrill ran through my chest. “Why? Do I need protection from you?”

He lifted one shoulder. “Maybe.”

The song came to an end, and I stepped away. “Well, thank you for the dance—”

“Would you honor me with another dance?” he asked, a beautiful sexy smile curling his lips.

I wanted to live on the wild side tonight, and so far, he hadn’t disappointed me.

“Sure, why not?”

But this time, he pulled me close, and my breasts pushed against his chest as he slid his strong arms around my waist, leaving me no choice but to slide my hands to his upper arms. Muscles bulged beneath his thin, muted-green sweater, causing my heart to pound as he stared into my eyes.

He leaned close, his eyes never leaving mine, as if trying to read my mind, but I was sure he couldn’t. He was just that intense.

Unable to take any more, I laid my head on his chest and swayed with him to the music, feeling safe in his arms, despite his warning.

He leaned his head against mine. “What Pack do you belong to?” he asked, his voice merely a whisper, too low for humans to hear.

“No names. No identifying features. Not tonight.” I looked into his eyes. “Let’s just enjoy ourselves.”

He shrugged. “As you wish.” We danced a bit longer, and then he asked, “So, can you at least tell me your profession or position in your Pack?”

My heart fell. Once he heard I was the daughter of an Omega, there was no way he would have anything more to do with me. “I’m a hairdresser.”

He chuckled, his eyebrows raised. “Seriously?”

I nodded, a crease forming between my eyes. “Sure. Why not? Everyone needs haircuts, right?”

A broad smile spread across his face. “It’s okay, just... refreshing. Usually, women want to tell me their pedigree or their status in their Packs before their profession.” He shrugged. “I just find it amusing.”

“And what do you do?”

“I’m into… management.” Okay, so he was intentionally being vague, just like me.

“I see.” One corner of my lips curled into a smile. “And your Pack?”

He burst out laughing. “I thought you wanted no identifying features tonight. No Names. No Packs.”

I chuckled. “Okay. Fair enough.”

Suddenly, a sexy Latin song came on, and, to my surprise, he led me along the dance floor in a perfect West Coast Swing. The way he moved his hips to the music and spun me around was nothing short of magical. When the song came to an end, another came on, and we kept dancing. He was so good on the dance floor, I couldn't help but wonder what he would be like in bed.

But I quickly pushed the thought from my mind as we danced. After all, I had never been with a man before. Then again, I had wanted to live on the wild side and see how the other half lived for once. A part of me felt like being reckless. I chuckled to myself. This poor man didn’t know what he was getting himself into. He had probably come here for a drink and to have a little fun. I was sure he wasn’t here to find a Mate.

All too soon, the song ended, and he kissed my hand and led me off the floor. My heart sank, thinking that was going to be the end of our story. But then, he surprised me when he asked, “So, do you mind if I get my beer and sit with you?”

I chuckled, shaking my head as his smile faded. “No. I don’t mind at all. I’d love it.”

His smile quickly reappeared. “I’ll be right back.” He went to the other side of the bar.

In the few moments that he was gone, another man approached. “Mind if I sit down, lovely?”

“Yes, she minds,” a gruff, powerful voice said beside me. I looked up and smiled, for it was my mystery man, having come back to claim me. Or, at least, that was how I saw it.