Chapter 8: The Beast


Siren glared at the beast over me—which I am calling him now—while I sat quietly between them and ate my cheeseburger and drank my soda. Although neither of them said anything, he kept sneaking peeks at me when he thought I wasn’t looking, trying not to smile.

I rolled my eyes and took another bite of my cheeseburger.

“Here’s the next address.” The beast rattled it off.

“Right, My—”

“Don’t finish that sentence,” the beast replied. My head snapped up, wondering what that was all about. “Let’s just do this next job, and we’ll head back to the Compound.”

“Right,” the driver replied, glancing up at him in the rearview mirror as the Mercedes followed.

He quickly reloaded his weapon. “I want you to stay in the car. If you get out, you may be killed.”

I scoffed. “You would kill me? After all this?”