Chapter 14: An Evening to Remember


“So, what’s your favorite color?” Logan asked between bites.

“Purple.” I took a sip of my sparking juice. “What’s yours?”

“Blue,” he replied.

The conversation went to topics such as these as we ate and got to know each other. It was funny that we were just now getting acquainted, and we were going to have a baby. Go figure.

“So, how do you like to be kissed?” he suddenly asked, studying me as he took a sip of his juice.

I shrugged. “Passionately.” I arched an eyebrow. “And you?”

“The same.”

“And for the piece of resistance!” the chef announced, walking in with Cherries Jubilee over vanilla ice cream.

“Oh, this looks delicious, but I’m not sure I can eat another bite!” I chuckled, watching the delicate flame shimmer over the cherries.

“Well, it’s there if you’d like it, madame.” The chef smiled as he glanced over at Logan. “Is there anything else you require before I retire?”