Chapter 21: The King and Us


“Does that happen often?” Lycia asked as we headed out of the club.

The driver opened the back door, and I quickly guided Lycia inside. “Not often, but it does happen from time to time.” I climbed in behind her, glad Silas didn’t have a chance to get near her. If anything had happened to her, I wouldn’t have stopped until it rained blood. Nothing or no one could have stopped me.

I slid my hand to her stomach, looking deeply into her eyes as Oscar pulled the limo away from the curb. “Are you sure you’re okay, Lycia?”

She smiled, running the back of her hand softly over my cheek. “I’m more than fine. How are you?”

“Fine.” I nodded, letting out a deep breath as I pulled her to me and kissed the top of her head. “I’m just glad you’re okay. If anything were to happen to you—”

“Stop. Nothing’s going to happen to me.” She looked up into my eyes, melting my heart. “You have to trust that I can take care of myself.”