Chapter 42: We'll Protect Her with Our Lives


I quickly dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of beige shorts. Then I donned my shark tooth necklace and shoes and was ready to go. When I opened the door, the same two men were there, standing guard from the night before.

“Did someone come to relieve you last night?” I asked, looking between them. The last thing I wanted was for Lycia not to be protected because her guards were too exhausted to function. Even wolves needed rest and food.

“Yes, sir,” replied one of the wolves. “Two men came to relieve us at midnight. We returned to our Compound, rested, ate, and came back here at noon.”

“Good.” I nodded my approval. “Has anything happened?”

The other wolf shook his head. “No, it’s been pretty quiet.”

“Well, keep an eye out.” I took a deep breath, remembering the Lycan attack in Bora Bora. “We’ll be going to eat soon, and you gentlemen are welcome to eat, too, as long as you keep watch.”