Chapter 65: Preparations and Purpose


Fueled by vengeful purpose, I headed straight for the kitchen where I’d sent Seven. He was waiting there alone, pacing the length of the room like a caged wolf. His eyes blazed as they fixed on me.

“Well? Are we taking the fight back to that bastard Shane or not?” He stopped pacing, staring daggers into my eyes.

My lips curled into a fierce grin. “Father’s given the go-ahead. We’re going to war, and we won’t stop until Shane and his entire pack are wiped from the face of the earth.”

Seven met my feral smile with one of his own, cold and vicious. “Good,” he said softly. “Let’s hunt.” But this time, we weren’t hunting wild boar. We were hunting wolves.

Side by side, we stalked out into the night, headed toward the armory.

“I need to call Marshall and Siren,” I said, sliding my cell phone from my pocket. If we’re going to war, they’d want to be involved. Also, they’re Capos and need to coordinate their teams.