Chapter 71: Passion


Folding my arms over my visibly pregnant stomach, I paced back and forth before the huge picture window, hoping Logan would come home soon. Although I appreciated him looking out for Seven, he was taking this way too far. Logan was bound and determined that Shane pay for the deaths of my parents—and I wanted that, too—but not at the cost of more of my family.

Just then, the door opened, and Logan walked in. His eyes met mine as he closed the door behind him, looking haggard and tired. “Lycia… you’re still up? You didn’t have to wait up—”

“It’s the only way I get to see you anymore,” I cut him off, heading toward the kitchen to pour him a glass of iced tea. “Here’s a glass of tea, or would you prefer bourbon?” He reeked of it, but I wasn’t about to remind him. He already knew I was upset. Besides, alcohol didn’t affect wolves the way it did humans, and there was no use adding fuel to the fire.