Possession Revenge

Xiao Zhong saw that his figure and clothes were not that person, so he was slightly relieved, and then he was stunned, didn't he wear this clothes for that brat?

Taking a closer look, the two people are also very similar in shape. That person is clearly Guert, but what he said just now made him dare not be careless, and asked: "Who is your Excellency? My name is Xiao Zhong, not Xiao Ping."

Hu Shaoguang has been with Guert for a long time, so he can see that this person is Guert at a glance, but the aura emanating from this masked man and the sword aura just now are not what Guert can have at all.

Bustan, on the other hand, was stunned after being pierced by Xiao Zhong's blow through his ice-thawing body, staring blankly, as if he was recalling or thinking about something.

A faint smile appeared on the face of the masked man behind the veil, and he said, "Don't you even know me? Xiao Ping! Xiao Ping! Who taught you the trick of revealing your finger just now? Have you forgotten too?"

As soon as he said this, the three of them were shocked at the same time.

Bustan obviously woke up from his thoughts, and looked at Xiao Zhong and Gurth in shock. He had never seen Gurt before, so he didn't know that the person in front of him was Gurt.

But Hu Shaoguang was even more confused.

Jing Lu pointed out that it was the unique skill of the Shenren Mansion, but the Shenren Mansion was destroyed overnight three years ago. Could it be that what these two people were talking about had something to do with the Shenren Mansion? What surprised him even more was, how could Guert say these words?

Xiao Zhong was completely stunned, and said: "Who are you?"

The desolation in the masked man's eyes flashed past, full of coldness, he said: "Didn't you understand what I said? I was sent by them to take your life."

Xiao Zhong was also very good, he woke up from the shock in a short time, rolled his eyes, looked at the two people beside him, and said: "You are obviously the kid I sent in to get the artifact, why did you suddenly say these words? Could it be that he was possessed by someone?"

When he said the last sentence, there was a playful expression on his face.

The masked man's body shook, Guert's voice kept ringing in his body, and then trembled again and again. After a while, a clear and clear boy's voice suddenly shouted: "Wow, I'm possessed..."

Before he finished speaking, the voiceless spiritual blade that the masked man had been hiding in his sleeve suddenly slipped down and fell into his hand. Suddenly, the cold light flashed, and the voice returned to the previous cold feeling, saying: "You don't need to worry about it, You just need to know that I'm coming back to kill you."

Seeing this process in the eyes of the three people around him, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body, and he was shocked, especially the sudden change in Guert's voice before. Could it be that he was really possessed by a ghost?

Seeing the appearance of Qingyin Spiritual Blade, Xiao Zhong was obviously shocked again.

He thought to himself: Is it really that old guy? No wonder I didn't respond to the Spiritual Blade no matter how I called it, hey, no, how did this old guy take back the Spiritual Blade? According to the theory, it is impossible. Once the spirit blade recognizes its owner, it will not change its owner unless the original owner dies. I have already let him recognize the owner that day...

Just as he was thinking, the masked man had already raised the spiritual blade horizontally, and said as if praying to the sky: "Today I will avenge the forty-eight people in the Shenren Mansion, and I swear to drink Xiao Ping's blood on the Qingyin spiritual blade." Down."

Xiao Zhong's body turned cold, he had done something wrong, so naturally he couldn't concentrate on fighting at this time, but he was also considered a quick-witted person, he quickly raised the white jade box containing the artifact and said: "You help me kill him , or I will destroy the artifact."

After saying this, Hu Shaoguang and Bustan exclaimed at the same time: "No!"

Although both of them knew that the artifact was not so easy to destroy, they couldn't take the risk. If they lost the artifact, the impact on the two of them would be fatal.

The two looked at each other, looked at the masked man standing over there, Hu Shaoguang said: "Boy... I don't know who you are now, but..."

Before he finished speaking, the masked man said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, if you want to go up, go up together." After speaking, Qingyin Lingblade swept across, and a frightening sword energy attacked Xiao Zhong who was standing in the middle.

Hu Shaoguang didn't care about Xiao Zhong who was standing on the side, he waved his arm and hit the masked man with a palm print, convinced that with his palm strength, he should be able to force the masked man to fight back to save himself.

The masked man snorted coldly, stretched out his left hand, raised his index finger slightly, and with a slight tap, an incomparably stern zhenqi burst out, counteracting the strength of Hu Shaoguang's palm.

Hu Shaoguang was frightened, the strength was extremely fierce, his one-arm palm strength was no match for him at all, and he immediately dodged to the side.

At this time, no matter how ignorant people are, they can see that this person is using the Shenren Mansion's amazing skill, but it is much stronger than what Xiao Zhong used just now.

Obviously Xiao Zhong will not sit still, he used to be the owner of the Voiceless Spiritual Blade, so he naturally knows how powerful the Spiritual Blade is, if the person possessing Guert is that old guy, then the power he exerted is even worse than his own. I don't know how many times stronger.

He retreated to the side, hoping that Bustan on the other side could save him.

Bustan sighed secretly, waved his hands, and shouted, "Hey!"

A huge blue light net was spread in front of Xiao Zhong in an instant, the sword energy swept across, the light net was torn apart a lot, but it recovered in an instant.

The masked man's eyes froze slightly, and he sighed, "The air mask released by the deicing magic weapon... Bustan, why don't you go to refine the weapon... What are you doing here?"

Bustan smiled wryly and said, "Brother, I would definitely help you at other times, but now I have to offend because of the artifact."

The masked man sighed slightly, his voice became slightly older, and he said, "Do you see who I am?"

Bustan said in a deep voice: "After we parted in the past, I dare not forget the kindness of the Mansion of the Gods. It's a pity that when something happened to the Mansion, the little brother couldn't protect himself, and it was difficult to come forward to investigate."

Hu Shaoguang on the other side was extremely surprised at this time. From the conversation between the two, he had already guessed the identity of the masked man. He also knew Yu's family members, but it was definitely not this person.

And Xiao Zhong who was behind knew that the situation was not good, so he gave Hu Shaoguang a sneaky look.

All this is in the eyes of the masked man. At this time, he smiled lightly and said to Bustan: "The so-called investigation has passed. What I have to do now is to kill that damned person and maintain it for a while." It's only natural."

Bustan's face darkened, and then various complex expressions intersected. He was obviously struggling psychologically. In the end, he lifted his rough face slightly and said, "I'm sorry, brother, I must get the artifact this time."

The masked man smiled generously and said, "Good Bustan, since you know who I am, you should know that your ice-dissolving magic weapon is powerful, but it's still no match for my spirit blade."

After Bustan made his decision, he seemed to be holding the wisdom pearls in his hands, smiled slightly, and said, "Brother, don't forget, the current body is not yours. I have heard that there is a magic weapon, which can be used with secret methods. At the time of death, attach the soul to things. What my brother is using now must be this magic weapon."

The masked man was dumb for the first time, and after a while, he said: "Sure enough, it's the master craftsman."

This sentence is obviously an indirect acknowledgment of Bustan's inference.

Bustan smiled and said: "Then... I also know that if you return from this thing and possess others, there will be many restrictions, and...every time you possess, you will lose most of your energy. In other words, even if it is a peerless master, there are only three times at most."

The masked man laughed, and said: "My boy, that's right, I'm using the 'Returning Soul Device'." He paused, and said: "If Xiao Ping had your insight that day, I would have died a long time ago. It's a pity that this wolf-hearted thing is greedy for treasures and blinded by his interests, so he let me escape."

Bustan was silent for a while, and said: "I just want to get back the artifact, as for others, I can deal with it at my discretion."

Although the masked man's address to Bustan has been changed, he still calls him "Brother" to show his respect.

Xiao Zhong's heart trembled, and he shouted: "Bustan, what do you mean! Believe it or not, I destroyed the artifact right away?"

Bustan glanced back at him lightly, and said calmly, "Do you dare to destroy the artifact?"

Xiao Zhong was stunned by Bustan's understatement and was speechless.

The masked man hesitated for a moment, then said: "Bustan... If it is true as you said, I will give you time..."

Bustan showed a smile on his face, and said: "Thank you for your understanding." With a wave of his hand, the blue light net in front of him disappeared immediately, then he turned to face Xiao Zhong, spread his hand, and said: "Bring it. "

He released the deicing gas mask to show his trust in the masked man, then turned his back to him, exposing a large space on his back to the masked man's eyes, which showed his trust in the masked man.

The few people present are old Jianghu, so naturally they all understand this truth.

At this moment, Xiao Zhong is most anxious.

He only heard him shouting: "Don't ask me to give you the artifact, you should know me..." Before finishing speaking, he raised his right hand sharply, and a red light hit Bustan's face.

Bustan's ice-thawing bodyguard was broken by Xiao Zhong once before, and coupled with his understanding of the Shenren Mansion, he naturally knew how powerful Jingluzhi was.

At this time, the old god was there, and with a lift of his right hand, the blue light instantly gathered, facing the startled finger that hit the door in front of him, he blocked it horizontally, and at the same time, the whole person swept forward.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhong's move was just a false move, his body flickered, and he ran towards the side corridor.

Bustan shouted: "Where are you going!" With a wave of his hand, the blue light net that blocked the masked man's spirit blade suddenly appeared at the exit of the tunnel.

Xiao Zhong slammed into it with his rushing body, as if he had crashed into a bone-chilling world, his whole body was quickly frozen, and when he gradually lost consciousness, a warm current gushed out of the black box in his arms Spreading around Xiao Zhong, accompanied by an incomparably sacred brilliance, gradually devouring that layer of blue light net.

Bustan exclaimed: "It's an artifact! Not good!"

That layer of blue light net is Bustan's deicing magical weapon, and the "deicing gas cover" produced by his own true energy is gradually fading away under the brilliance of the divine weapon. It is too late for Bustan to take it back. Pu's body suddenly stopped, and he took several steps back, his whole face turned pale.

The masked man kept watching the situation on the field, and saw that with a wave of the spirit blade in his hand, a sword energy from afar swept across, attacking Xiao Zhong's deadly acupuncture point, hoping to kill him with one blow.

Hu Shaoguang on the other side has been listening to their conversation on the field. Although he was shocked because he learned a secret, he is still thinking about how to get the artifact. This is a great opportunity, and he certainly will not miss it. He is the most familiar with the maze, and the whole person quickly swept over.

Suddenly, the three of them rushed towards Xiao Zhong's position at the same time.

Unexpectedly, a wonderful thing happened, Xiao Zhong seemed to be frozen, floating in mid-air, a transparent brilliance flowed around his body, as if liquid was flowing in the air.

At this time, the entire "deicing gas mask" has been lifted, and the sword energy behind him has arrived, and the hissing sword energy accurately hit the fatal acupuncture point on Xiao Zhong's back, but the transparent brilliance in the air did not Seeing how it moved, that sword energy had already been dissolved into nothingness.

As soon as the sword energy was dispelled, Hu Shaoguang rushed over like a gust of wind, and said, "Follow me!" As he spoke, he wanted to go out from the entrance of the corridor.

He is confident that only he knows the maze here, so he thinks that Xiao Zhong will not hurt him.

What he thought was right, just now Xiao Zhong had been thinking about how to cooperate with Hu Shaoguang to escape here, but now Xiao Zhong's actions shrouded by the divine weapon were no longer under his control, and he raised his arm slightly disobediently, The surrounding transparent brilliance suddenly pushed Hu Shaoguang lightly, and Hu Shaoguang was bounced back at the entrance of the corridor as if hitting a transparent rubber wall.

Floating in the package of the light of the artifact, Xiao Zhong at this time has already started to slide out from the entrance of the corridor, but the speed of movement is still relatively slow.

Seeing that the sword energy was easily dispelled, the masked man over there was shocked in his heart!

From his point of view, he knows that the divine weapon is merging with Xiao Zhong in some way, if Xiao Zhong can completely digest the divine weapon, then he may no longer be his opponent!

How should the lives of dozens of people in Shenren Mansion be recovered?

His heart tightened, he raised his eyes and saw that Xiao Zhong had already slid out, he stopped hesitating, holding the Qingyin Spiritual Blade tightly with both hands, pouring true energy into the Spiritual Blade, in an instant the human and sword merged into one, a white light flashed, and the whole person moved forward Xiao Zhongchu rushed over.

But Xiao Zhong didn't seem to notice at all that the masked man behind him was trying to assassinate him with all his strength.

The sword energy came first, just like just now, the whole sword energy entered, but there was no reaction at all, and it was dispelled immediately.

The sword energy disappears, and the spirit blade arrives.

The spirit blade trembled slightly in front of the brilliance of the divine weapon, but then the spirit blade suddenly let out a clear moan, and it was completely submerged, and the masked man was also taken in entirely, probably because of the squeeze of true energy, the masked man The veil on his face fell to the ground, revealing Guert's delicate face.

Xiao Zhong let out a scream, the Qingyin Spiritual Blade was inserted into his body alive, a bloody light flashed by, the divine weapon Guanghua could no longer protect him, and the Guanghua was slowly withdrawing inward.

On the face of Guert, who had already dropped his veil, there was an obvious smile that did not belong to Guert, and the whole face showed the pleasure of revenge wantonly.

Bustan and Hu Shaoguang next to him stared at him in shock, and Bustan blurted out: "Brother Yu, be careful!"

But the number one master of the Mansion of God who was possessed by Guert, when he saw the blood flowing from Xiao Zhong's body, he completely lost his previous calmness and prudence.

When he drew out the spirit blade and was about to stab again, the wanton smile on his face suddenly froze, with a panic expression on his whole face, he shouted: "No... I don't want it, please give me a little more time... ..."

Before he finished chanting, Guert's whole body was already enveloped by the brilliance of the artifact that kept retreating from the fork, and several people on the field could clearly feel that the frightening true energy on Guert's body had disappeared. Sure enough, a voice suddenly shouted: "Wow, wow, it's terrible, I'm possessed by a ghost!"

As soon as these words came out, Bustan couldn't help but secretly sighed, the influence of the divine weapon on the ordinary magic weapon is too great, even the mysterious and super powerful magic weapon like the soul-returning weapon will be temporarily sealed by the magic weapon.

Guert's original sanity has recovered, and he already knows in his heart that he was possessed just now, so it will be very difficult for others to possess again next time.

As soon as Guert called out, Xiao Zhong naturally knew that the old guy had been temporarily suppressed by the magic weapon to return to the spirit blade, and he suddenly became angry, thinking: As long as I kill this kid, let's see who else he can borrow body out!

Although he was stabbed just now, the injury was not serious because the artifact had been protecting him. After a flash of blood, the wound had begun to heal slowly, so it was still easy to kill Guert.

Turning around, he glanced at Guert, and saw that the expression on the young man's face had returned to what it was before, and the murderous aura that was calm and pretentious had disappeared. He was relieved and said with a sinister smile: "Boy, go to hell!" Bar!"

At this moment, Guert is the person who is most confused about the situation here.

He knew that his body once did not listen to his commands, and his consciousness seemed to be replaced by another force. Now he saw Xiao Zhong's ferocious expression, his handsome face was constantly twisting, he was terrified in his heart, and waved his hand. The spirit blade that he was holding all the time slashed at Xiao Zhong.

Guerte's chaotic chopping method was naturally ignored by Xiao Zhong. Xiao Zhong flashed a grinning smile, pressed his handprint, flicked lightly, and immediately a bright red finger passed through Guerte. body of.

Guert only felt a chill in his body, and some liquid in his body was gurgling out, and his heart felt cold, and his whole body began to feel weak in his hands and feet.

He has always been optimistic and self-proclaimed smart, until now, it seems that he woke up from his dream and realized that he might die here! Woohoo, he doesn't want to die...

Bustan knew something was wrong when he heard Xiao Zhong's grinning laughter, and rushed up to save Guert, but no matter how hard he tried, the goddamn artifact brilliance cover was firmly outside, not moving at all.

In Hu Shaoguang's heart, although he also felt that Guert was a rare genius who was rarely seen in a hundred years, and it was a pity to die like this, he still sneered in his heart.

He thought to himself: It is right to let that stinky boy die, keeping him is always a disaster, and he actually chopped off an arm of Lao Tzu, hmph!

So Hu Shaoguang just looked at Bustan wasting his true energy and the spiritual power of the magic weapon, and at the same time secretly smiled in his heart. The more effort Bustan expended at this time, the better it would be for him to wait.

Guert's consciousness began to blur, Xiao Zhong's grinning head in his eyes moved away and near, and his hand unconsciously touched the penetrated place.

Wet and sticky, is this blood?

His mind was blank, and although his consciousness began to blur, he still knew what the sticky liquid represented.

At this time, the memories of the past ten years began to pour in; if I gave myself another chance to start over, would I have a different future?

Memories flashed by quickly.

In a trance, I only heard Xiao Zhong sneer and said: "Jingluzhi is still alive after being hit by me? Then try Jiangshuangzhi again." As soon as the words fell, a icy finger pierced Guer again. unique body.

Guert's whole body softened and fell down.

At the same time that Jiang Frost Finger penetrated his body, that icy clear current was aroused, and quickly rolled in his body, little by little, unknown changes began to take place.