Pretending to be a Fairy

The sky was cloudless and the sun was shining.

This is a small community on the outskirts of Yanghua, with various high and low houses stretching out, and there are probably hundreds of families.

Seeing this, Guert fell down and left the two of them at the same time. Seeing their faces ashen, their legs trembling, he secretly smiled, knowing that the hurricane had frightened the two of them just now, so he coughed slightly He said, "Is it here?"

Luo Ping pushed Fang Zheng, obviously he hadn't recovered yet, and wanted Fang Zheng to speak first.

After all, Fang Zheng was physically stronger, took a few breaths, and said, "Yes, Luo Ping and I both live here."

Gurte nodded and said, "Take me to your house!"

Luo Ping turned pale, shook his head, and pointed at Fang Zheng, who also looked miserable, begging, "Let us rest for a while... just now... the speed just now was too fast... "

Guert laughed in his heart. Although he had never been to school, he also knew that only the martial arts academy where his elder brother was in taught the basic levitation technique, but the speed was very slow, and the height generally would not exceed twenty meters. The speed probably scared them a lot, haha, it's really cool!

Recalling the exhilarating feeling of being in the air just now in my mind, I also thought of the thrill of those cultivators in the Dongtian Realm flying in the sky at a height of ten thousand feet, and I was yearning for it.

But the strange thing is, it seems that in the data of the artifact, there is no record of how to enter the realm of cultivation cave.

It suddenly occurred to him that Pujie hadn't moved since he came out, and he probably went to sleep again, so he should know and ask when he wakes up.

After a while of thinking in my mind, I turned to Fang Zheng and Luo Ping. Seeing that their eyes were straight, as if they were thinking about something, I felt amused in my heart, and laughed and scolded: "Are you leading the way? If you don't lead the way, I will take you in." It's already..." As he said that, he was about to come over and grab them again.

The two boys were startled, jumped up immediately, and ran quickly into the group, while running, Fang Zheng also shouted: "Follow me!"

Gurt was also taken aback by their actions, and then walked up with a burst of laughter.

This is obviously an ordinary civilian neighborhood. The two ran wildly all the way, and Guert followed behind without any haste.

At the door of a house, Luo Ping suddenly stopped and said: "This is my house, there is no one here now, you can come to my house to take a bath."

Fang Zheng pointed to a nearby family and said, "This is my house. I'll bring you my clothes. You are taller than me, but it should be about the same."

When he said this, Guert was stunned suddenly, thinking: Yes, I seem to be taller than Fang Zheng, I didn't seem to be so tall before...

Suddenly Luo Ping said timidly: "You can go in now!"

Guert hurried in, scanned the layout of the room for a while, then hurriedly looked for the mirror, and said at the same time: "Luoping, how tall do you think I am now?"

Luo Ping looked at Guert in surprise, seemed to think of something, and said, "Fang Zheng is 1.8 meters tall. You are taller than him, so you must be at least 1.85 meters..." After a pause, seeing Guert Te didn't respond, and said, "I'll prepare hot water for you..."

Guert didn't pay attention to Luo Ping, but just stared blankly at himself in the mirror. His disheveled hair reached his waist, his clothes were tattered, and he wore them one size smaller. Since he hadn't seen the sun for a long time, his complexion looked worse than before. Pale a lot, but a pair of big eyes are quite normal, black and white are distinct, there is no pair of pupils, there is some stubble on the chin, the whole face looks completely different from the previous self.

He thought blankly: Mom must not know me when I go back like this... But this cultivator is really strange, how could he change my appearance...

I don't know how long he was in a daze, but Luo Ping ran over and said, "Master, it's ready, you can go take a shower. I'll send the clothes in later!"

Guert lost his mind about joking, turned around blankly, went in to take a bath, changed into the clothes that Fang Zheng had brought in after the bath, finally recovered, and walked out refreshed.

As soon as they came out, they saw Fang Zheng and Luo Ping sitting there, talking in a low voice, looking inside from time to time, when they heard Guert's voice coming out, they turned their heads at the same time, just stunned.

Guert looked at the two of them in surprise, and saw that the eyes of the two of them were fixed there and did not respond at all, so they couldn't help but give each other a head, and laughed and scolded: "Are you two stupid?"

Fang Zheng was slapped, but his eyes still didn't turn, but he finally said: "Big... Master... You... So you... are so handsome!"

Wearing thousands of clothes, flattering but not wearing it, Guert suddenly smiled and said: "Haha, is that right? Haha, is there such a thing?"

Luo Ping said from the side: "Really! Master, you really shocked us just now, such a person should be a fairy in the cultivation world!"

Guert laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth, he thought to himself: Since I was a child, I was usually praised as cute, but I have never been handsome. It's rare to meet these two boys when I came out, and I can talk better than before. ,Ha ha.

Fang Zheng and Luo Ping saw Guert smiling happily and remembered what was on their minds, so they pushed each other, wanting each other to talk.

Guert's mind turned so fast, knowing that these two people must have something to tell him, he asked, "Do you have something to say?"

Those two people looked at each other, kneeled on the ground with a plop, and said in unison: "We want to worship you as our teacher..."

Guert jumped up immediately, quickly shook his hand and said, "No way!"

He didn't expect such a thing to happen, these two people may be older than himself, it doesn't matter if they were joking earlier, how dare he really accept them as apprentices.

Seeing that the idols in their hearts did not agree to accept them as apprentices, the two pleaded bitterly at the same time, only to hear Fang contend: "Master, you can accept me, I am a fast learner, as long as If you teach me once, I will definitely be able to, and you come to the mortal world alone to do business, and you can't do without one or two errands. Xiaopingzi and I are very familiar here. If the master needs help with something, Just tell us, we will definitely do it properly for Master!"

Luo Ping echoed: "Master, you can trust us, we really want to cultivate the truth, who knew those old aunts stuffed the two of us into the Institute of Magical Artifacts, Master wants to help us!"

At the beginning, Guert felt familiar with the first few sentences Fang Zheng said, but later he remembered that he had said it to others before, and he couldn't help being amused. They didn't even pay attention to what they said.

Fang Zheng and Luo Ping looked at each other, and thought: We two speak so sincerely, master should be more careful, right?

Because the two were kneeling, they couldn't see what Guert was thinking. Seeing that Guert didn't respond at all for a long time, they secretly looked up at him and saw that he was in a daze, feeling disappointed.

Fang Zheng coughed twice and said, "Master, please accept us, we will definitely not let you down!"

The cough seemed to wake Guert awake, and he suddenly remembered something, and asked, "What year is it now?"

When Fang Zheng and Luo Ping heard Guert speak, they thought it was done, and their faces were showing joy, but after hearing Guert's words clearly, they were disappointed again, but they didn't dare to offend.

Luo Ping was about to answer the question, when suddenly there was a "bang", the door had been kicked open, and a clear girl's voice sounded at the same time, saying: "It's October 20th, 2993 in the imprint year! Don't even think about it." What tricks are you playing with me!"

Gould stayed there, 2993? It was only September of 1992 when I was arrested by them. How could it be more than a year?

While he was in a daze here, the girl had already walked in, and saw the surprised look in Guert's eyes standing over there, and then her cheeks couldn't help but flushed, and she looked down at Fang Zheng and Luo Ping. The man was kneeling, as if remembering something, he asked, "What are you two doing?"

Fang Zheng hurriedly stood up, and as soon as he said the word "I", the girl called out again: "You, you, what are you? You must have done something wrong with your hesitation. Now is the time for school, Why are you two running back?"

Luo Ping pointed to Guert and said, "He..."

The girl rushed again: "He what? Did you want to say that on the way to school, the two of you met a person who was seriously ill and was dying, and you sent him to the hospital, so you didn't go to class? This time Who is it? Are you an idiot to ask what year it is?"

Fang Zheng hurriedly said: "It's not...we..."

The girl's cheeks were extremely red, she put her hips on her hips, and shouted: "Man, you have to admit it when you do it. Hmph, you always don't go to class, and you keep bragging that you are a duo of cultivation! How can you be good like this? The most important thing in martial arts is to practice martial arts!" The important thing is"

Luo Ping was sweating in anxiety, looked at Guert, then at the girl, and shouted: "Sister Hong'er, stop talking nonsense, he is..."

The girl wanted to talk again, but Guert had already finished his daze. Seeing the two boys being tormented by the girl, he couldn't help but smile, and said, " let them talk. Is it complete?"

As soon as the girl heard Guert speak, she stopped talking and just looked at Guert blankly.

Guert felt hairy when she saw him, touched his face, and said, "Is there something on my face?"

The girl's pretty face suddenly turned red as if it had been dyed.

Fang Zheng and Luo Ping laughed secretly, knowing that sister Hong'er must have been shocked by the appearance of this cultivation master.

When Guert saw Hong'er's reaction, he was also stunned. He took a few steps forward and looked in the mirror. The reason why he didn't look at it just now was because he thought the two boys were flattering, so he didn't pay attention at all. When I saw it, I was stunned.

Clear eyes, straight nose bridge, red lips, soft long hair hanging on the waist, tall figure, well-proportioned muscles, except for a little thinner, the whole person is almost perfect, especially the kind that is from the inside. The elegant temperament exuding from the outside is like a fairy.

Guert took a deep breath and thought to himself: Why didn't I realize that I was so handsome before... Could it be that all of this is due to my practice?

A little disbelieving, Guert couldn't help making a habitual grimace, and the beautiful boy in the mirror also made a grimace, which was elegant and playful. Now Guert believed it completely, scratched his head, and thought: handsome is handsome, it is better than ugly...

Turning his head, seeing the three people beside him staring at him stupidly, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you looking at? Is the quarrel over?"

Hong'er blushed, turned her head away immediately, and cursed at Fang Zheng and Luo Ping: "You two brats, quickly explain to me why you don't go to class?"

Fang Zheng pointed to Guert and said, "We met him...and then...he came back."

Hong'er looked at Guert suspiciously, her face was no longer as shy as before, and the other party argued with Luo Ping, "What's wrong with him? Is he sick? Why didn't he go to class?"

Guert found it amusing and thought: These two people obviously walked back when they saw me, but now they lift themselves out as an excuse. It seems that I am the same as before, and they are also children who don't like going to school, haha .

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw Fang Zheng winking at him, and asked in surprise, "Why?"

Luo Ping came over and said in a soft voice: "Sister Hong'er grew up with us, we will not hide it from her, and tell you your identity..."

Speaking of this, Guert naturally knew what was going on, suppressed his smile, nodded repeatedly, and said, "Okay! It's okay!"

When Hong'er saw these three people whispering in front of her, her pungent personality appeared again, her brows raised, and she was about to speak, when Fang hurried over, put her ear into her ear, whispered a few words, and then Pointing to Gould.

Hong'er exclaimed in surprise: "What did you say? He's a fairy?"


Fang Zheng and Luo Ping hissed at the same time, with an exaggerated expression on his face, and said, "Don't be so loud, Master Mud appeared here quietly this time, and no one else should know!"

Hong'er was taken aback by their expressions, and looked back at Guert, wondering and uncertain.

Guert shrugged, sat down indifferently, let them wait and see, wandered around, and began to look at this place.

This place is simple but refreshing, and one can tell at a glance that it is a very ordinary family. This type of family is the most common in Yanghua City. They have no status, but they live a normal and happy life.

With a sweep of his eyes, he suddenly found a portrait hanging on the wall. It was an ordinary middle-aged man smiling slightly. The smile at the corner of his mouth was similar to that of Luo Ping. His heart moved, and he knew that it might be the portrait of Luo Ping's father. Sympathy, Luo Ping is about the same age as himself, and his father should not be too old, and he may not have died normally.

Suddenly he thought of his father who usually beat and scolded him, and a wave of thoughts spread, thinking: If it is really October 20, 1993, then I should have not been home for more than a year, I don't know How are Dad, Mom and Big Brother?

But... With such an obedient elder brother, everyone shouldn't miss my naughty younger brother too much, right?

Just as she was thinking of this, the conversation over there seemed to be over. Although Hong'er was still dubious, she was obviously taken aback by Fang Zheng and Luo Ping's eloquent description of how powerful the Mud Master was. Even Guert, who was not good at flying, The ugliness of hitting the tree was described as the mud master was practicing a unique skill, so he deliberately used the aura of the ancient tree to hit his head on the big tree.

Gurt was startled when he heard their descriptions were incomparably brilliant, and thought: These two boys can brag better than himself... Especially that Fang Zheng, who looks very honest, did not expect to be able to speak like this, this is really It's really hidden.

Just as he was sighing here, several people over there had already come over. Seeing Guerte sitting on the chair, Fang Zheng and Luo Ping hurriedly bowed down again, saying: "Master, the disciples have finished the work." For your introduction, I also ask Master to teach us two tricks."

Guert grinned, and said, "Who is your master?" After a pause, he looked at Hong'er who was acting silly beside him, blinked, and said, "Hello, Sister Hong'er..."

As soon as these people were stunned, Fang Zheng's expression changed, and he said, "Aren't you a fairy?"

Guert laughed and was about to speak when a voice suddenly came from outside: "Hong'er, come out quickly, the lady is here to find you!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Hong'er's face changed, and she hurried out while responding.

Here, Fang Zheng and Luo Ping's expressions also changed. They looked at Guert, and before they had time to speak, they heard a soft female voice: "You guys didn't go to class today?"

Luo Ping's expression changed drastically, and he shouted, "Mom..."

When Guert heard the soft voice, he remembered what his mother had said to him before, his heart tightened, and he turned to look over.

A kind middle-aged woman was walking in, and when she saw an outsider standing in the room, she was stunned, and she was even more surprised when she saw Guert's appearance clearly, and said, "Xiaoping, this is your friend." Well?"

Luo Ping was startled, and quickly glanced at Guerte, afraid that this "immortal" who didn't know whether it was real or not, would get angry at his mother for saying that.

Unexpectedly, Guert smiled and greeted Luoping's mother very kindly.

Guert has a very sweet mouth and a good appearance. After only a few words, he has already become familiar with Luo Ping's mother.

Fang Zheng and Luo Ping next to him were too frightened to speak, and watched them talking blankly. After chatting with Guert for a few words, Luo's mother changed the subject and said, "Xiaoping, if you really don't want to Just go to school, don't study those things, go and do something for the young lady's house, and you won't be wasting time all day long."

Luo Ping's face changed drastically, and he said in a crying voice: "Mom, I don't want it, I want to cultivate, I want to become a fairy!"

Luo's mother suddenly sighed softly, looked at the portrait on the wall, and said, "It's not like you don't know how your father passed away...why are you still thinking about these unrealistic things... Hurry up and do things obediently Let's make some money and start a family!" After a pause, he turned to Fang Zheng and said, "You too, your mother told me yesterday, you and Xiaoping should go together! There is also a care at the same time!"

Fang Zheng's expression also changed drastically, and he said, "Aunt Luo, I..."

It was not easy for Guert to interrupt, so he had to watch from the sidelines. Suddenly Luo Ping knelt down in front of him and said, "Immortal, please accept us as disciples, we promise to learn hard!"

Fang Zheng also knelt down.

Luo Ping's mother was stunned, looking at her son, thinking that he was crazy about cultivating, she almost fainted in anxiety, and hurriedly said: "Son, don't think about it! Mom is not forcing you, but..."

Suddenly there was a faint cry from outside, it seemed that Hong'er was shouting for help.

Luo Ping's mother's expression changed, and she said, "Go and have a look, it seems to be Hong'er's voice, could something be wrong with Miss?"

While talking, Fang Zheng and Luo Ping had already run out, and Guert disappeared in a flash.