Goodbye Yiren

The two middle-aged men over there saw Guert's sudden distraction, and at the right time, they immediately waved their palms and rushed forward together.

The palm wind hit him, Fang Zheng yelled, Guert came back to his senses, his hands didn't move much, a red barrier was already in front, and all the force of the palm wind was blocked outside. If you look carefully, this There are still a few cracks on the red screen, which is the "Hongfei Sky Wheel" that Bustan left for him that day, and then protected him from being crushed by stones.

A few people here obviously didn't know the goods, and the two middle-aged people were so bloody that they kept beating hard over there. Gurt simply let them go, and his eyes were still locked on the girl in white standing not far away. body.

The girl in white was taken aback when she saw him take out the "Hongfei Sky Wheel", but in a moment she had recovered her composure, and she said calmly, "Where did this 'Hongfei Sky Wheel' come from?"

Although she was standing far away, the words spread throughout the arena, and everyone followed the voice for a while.

Guert was surprisingly nervous. If it wasn't for this girl that day, he would still be playing truant and wandering around like usual. Thinking of this, the original hatred disappeared, and his expression gradually became more relaxed. We met."

The girl in white also seemed surprised, but said calmly, "I think you look familiar, but I still can't remember where we met. Which one are you?"

Guert laughed and said, "Why are you talking so much now? When I saw you that day, you didn't say a word."

The calm appearance of the girl in white finally changed, and a strange look suddenly burst into her eyes, and said, "Where are you an expert?"

When she said this, Guert was taken aback. He was just describing what he saw that day. She did not say a word at that time. How could she have such a reaction?

Seeing him dazed, the girl in white had a twinkle in her eyes and said, "Where did we meet?"

Guert breathed out and said, "Yanghua, the underground church!"

The girl suddenly froze, showing a confused expression, and said, "Where is this place? I've never been there..."

This time it was Guert's turn to be startled, but then he thought that he was just a child at the time, and now his appearance has changed slightly and his figure has grown taller, so she doesn't know him anymore, but after thinking about it carefully, she said that she had never been there before. It's really strange.

The girl in white suddenly frowned and said, "It's fine if you don't want to say it, I'm leaving..."

Gurt was even more surprised now. Although the girl's appearance had not changed, her character and speech seemed to have changed a lot. When she was wondering, the girl turned around and walked away lightly.

Gurte suppressed the desire to chase after him, looked away, saw that the two middle-aged men had stopped beating, and said: "If you know how powerful you are, get out! Next time you meet me, you will not be polite! "

Although the two middle-aged people didn't know what the red screen was, they had heard of the words "Hongfei Tianlun" before, and they were already terrified in their hearts. Following Chi Weiyang, who was half dead, left, followed by seven or eight men running fast with their trousers in their hands, extremely embarrassed.

Guert put away the "Hongfei Sky Wheel" and turned around, only to see Fang Zheng and Luo Ping staring at him straight-eyed, Mei Ruoyu and Hong'er also looking at him with incredulous eyes.

Gurt shrugged and said, "What are you doing with that expression?"

Suddenly Fang Zheng and Luo Ping shouted at the same time: "Wow, Master, I adore you to death, please teach me a few tricks!"

Guert kicked one by one to the side unceremoniously, and scolded with a smile: "It's disgusting, I'm not a manly man, don't jump on me!"

Fang Zheng over there fell to the ground, and said with a disgruntled wry smile: "Master...we are not manly, but we can't find a way to express our admiration for a while, so we...but...don't be so ruthless. ah!"

Guert laughed and said, "If you want to be my apprentice, how can you not learn how to be beaten?"

Luo Ping immediately beamed with joy, and shouted: "Are you willing to accept us as disciples?"

Guert glanced at Mei Ruoyu and Hong'er inadvertently. The former was lowering his head shyly, while the latter was staring at him with wide eyes.

Seeing Mei Ruoyu, who was extremely shy, Guert was shocked suddenly, knowing that he probably had a language problem with the sentence just now, and he bumped into Mei Ruoyu by accident before, and it looked like Mei Ruoyu rushed over, so Guert Erte's speaker has no intention, but Mei Ruoyu's listener has his heart.

As soon as Guert was in such a daze, Fang Zheng said anxiously: ""

Guert waved his hand and said: "Master, you are tall. I am younger than you. What kind of master are you? I have something to leave. I will return this clothes to you someday!"

After speaking, people will leave.

Fang Zheng jumped anxiously, pulled Guert, and said: "Master, don't lie, the "Hongfei Tianlun" you used just now is the ultimate magic weapon of the Shenguang Kingdom. We only read it in textbooks. If you can even take out such a high-level magic weapon, you must be an immortal! Master, please accept us!"

Guert didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "This is a gift from a friend..."

But at this time, no matter what, Fang Zheng and Luo Ping just refused to follow, and desperately dragged on to keep Guert.

After a while, Mei Ruoyu over there finally said timidly: "I am the daughter of Yanghuamei Longyan. You saved me this time. If you go back, my father will definitely pay you... They will all live in my house in the future, how about Come with you too..."

After saying the first half of the sentence, I felt that it was wrong. Doesn't it mean that Guerte saved her because he was greedy for wealth? So I quickly changed my words.

Fortunately, Guert didn't pay much attention to her words at this time, so he didn't think too much, and smiled: "No, I'm still in a hurry." After a pause, he said: "By the way, you'd better go home quickly Take a look, the brat was so courageous just now, it probably wasn't groundless!"

As soon as these words were said, the complexions of these people changed, especially Mei Ruoyu's delicate appearance changed continuously.

Mei Longyan has a courtyard near here, not too far away, Mei Ruoyu sees that Guerte is determined to go, and she is not good at pulling him away, so she asked before parting: "It's been so long, and I still don't know the name of Mr. Tell me, if you are free in the future, please come to Mei's house to have fun."

Guert was not afraid of that Chi Weiyang's revenge, but remembering that his father Chi Tianjun seemed to be a high-ranking city defense official, he made up his mind, knowing that he could not cause trouble for his father, and immediately said: "Just follow them and call me Master Mud, there is always a difference between meeting and parting, I'm leaving!"

After speaking, regardless of Fang Zheng and Luo Ping's tugging, he flicked his sleeves and rushed away.

The wind was whistling, and Guert's clothes were fluttering. Fang Zheng's clothes looked a little loose on his body, but the top and bottom were short, which looked very strange, but fortunately, Guert didn't care much about these things, so it didn't matter. Still wearing it to run wild in the wilderness.

Finally, a white shadow appeared in front of him. Gurt was overjoyed, and suddenly accelerated, rushing to stop the white shadow.

The white shadow took a few steps back in amazement, saw the person coming, and said in amazement: "It's you..."

This white shadow is exactly the girl in white clothes just now, and Guert just wanted to chase her in a hurry to leave.

Gurt said with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "It's me..."

After the surprise, the girl in white was indifferent, looked at him, and said: "I want to go home, do you have anything to do with me?"

Looking at her expression, Guert suddenly became a little discouraged, and said, "It's okay, I just want to ask if you really don't remember me!"

The girl in white stared at him for a moment, and said, "I really don't remember. You are so handsome, if I see you, I will never forget you."

This is the first time someone of the opposite sex praised Gurte for being handsome in person. Gurte, a thick-skinned guy, couldn't help but blush, and hurriedly changed the subject, asking, "Do you know a trick to confuse people?" ?"

The girl in white showed a confused expression on her face, and said, "What kind of tricks are there to confuse people?"

Guert secretly scolded himself for being stupid. Asking this way, others would be an idiot if they had to admit it, but the girl in white did not seem to be fake, and wondered in her heart: Did I find the wrong person?

The girl in white suddenly showed a charming smile, like a flower bursting into full bloom, and said, "What's your name?"

Guert was stunned, and blurted out: "Ling... Guert..."

The girl in white nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, I will remember you, and I promise not to forget you next time. My name is Yan Yiyi, you can just call me Yiyi."

Hearing the name Yiyi, Guert suddenly shuddered, remembering that Chi Weiyang had called Yiyi just now, and couldn't help asking: "Do you know a person named Chi Weiyang?"

Yan Yiyi frowned slightly, showing a thoughtful expression, and said after a while: "I don't know, who is it?"

Guert was completely confused, just now Chi Weiyang clearly called Yiyi's name, and then made those crazy actions, but this girl named "Yiyi" didn't know him at all, and remembered what happened to him, and suddenly there was something in his heart. After gaining some understanding, he smiled and said, "It's fine if you don't know each other. You're a piece of trash. Where are you going now?"

Yan Yiyi gave him a slightly coquettish look, as if she was blaming him for asking herself if she recognized garbage, and replied: "I want to go home, haven't I said it many times?"

Guert was a little dizzy by her sudden change of expression, and asked, "Where is your home?"

Yan Yiyi suddenly showed a vigilant look, and said: "Why are you asking this? Bad guys are not allowed to follow!" At this point, she pursed her lips and chuckled as if remembering something.

Guert was dizzy by her hot and cold little girl's demeanor, and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Yan Yiyi seemed to be blushing a little, and said: "I laughed at you for being so handsome, so you shouldn't be a bad person."

Guert couldn't help touching his face, thinking: So there are so many benefits to being handsome.

But seeing such a smile on her face, Guert immediately relaxed a lot, and his thick-skinned true colors were revealed again, and he said with a smile: "Hee hee, since you know that I am not a bad person, then take me to have a look."

Yan Yiyi saw his stern look, covered her mouth and snickered: "Outsiders can't get in from our side, so it's useless to take you there."

Guert didn't know why, when he saw Yan Yiyi, he couldn't help but have the urge to provoke her. On the contrary, Mei Ruoyu didn't even have the interest to look at her more, so naturally he wouldn't let her go easily at this time, hehe He smiled and said, "Yiyi is so smart, so help me find a way..."

Yan Yiyi stared at him with both eyes, and immediately shot out tenderness, her body didn't move, and she had already come to Guert's side, stretched out her jade fingers like spring onions, and lightly brushed Guert's face, saying: "You look really good, but unfortunately I don't like..."

Gurt was taken aback by her sudden action, and at the same time took a breath of air.

How could she suddenly appear in front of him? If the hand she stretched out was trying to kill me, I'm probably decapitated now... I was thinking about these things, but I didn't pay much attention to what Yan Yiyi said.

He continued to say with a playful smile on his face: "What do you like or not, do you want to be my wife?"

A strange light flashed in Yan Yiyi's eyes, she tilted her head slightly, pretending to be thinking, and said: "This idea is good..."

On the contrary, Guerte was startled and thought: She won't come for real, right? But it's really not a disadvantage anyway, such a beautiful woman is not bad as a wife, haha!

Pretending to be surprised at the moment, said: "Has Yiyi taken a fancy to me?"

Yan Yiyi chuckled, and said: "You are really passionate... People just want you to be my lover because you are so handsome, hehe, it's okay to take it out for a while when you have nothing to do. Let other women envy others!"

Guert was dumbfounded, he never dreamed that Yiyi would say such a thing, he was stunned for a while and said: "Is it popular for girls to find a lover now?"

Yan Yiyi covered her mouth and snickered: "'s just that you said you want to go home with me, and I don't like you, so I have to let you be my lover, so that I can go back with me!"

Guert showed a hurt expression, pretended to be miserable, and said, "Why don't you like me..."

Yan Yiyi smiled lightly and said: "Don't pretend, you are so handsome, I am too insecure, if one day I run away with others, wouldn't I suffer a lot?"

Guert's expression just now was not entirely fake, three points were true and seven points were false. Hearing what she said at this time, he couldn't help but lamented: "It turns out that some people hate being good-looking!"

Yan Yiyi looked at him, suddenly smiled and said: "You should be younger than me, hee hee, little lover!"

Gurte used to be short and thin, and he was most afraid of others saying he was young, but now hearing what Yan Yiyi said, he didn't feel unhappy at all, instead he felt a little strange.

He pretended to be questioning, and said: "Then what should I call you? Big lover? It doesn't sound good! Then I should call you good wife!"

Yan Yiyi wrinkled her pretty nose slightly and said, "It's so disgusting..."

Guert laughed loudly and said, "Aren't you disgusting when you shout?"

Yan Yiyi smiled and put her arms around Guert's arm, and the little bird said in a friendly way: "Little lover, let's go!"

Guert only felt a burst of fragrance from his nose, and felt a lump of softness on his arm, so he couldn't help but stay there and didn't know what to do.

Yan Yiyi wondered: "Aren't you going home with me? Why don't you go?"

Although Guert spoke boldly and had a thick skin, it was the first time he met such an active girl, but her expression and behavior gave people a natural feeling, and there was no trace of hypocrisy. Having a headache, she coughed dryly and said, "That... my dear wife, where is your home?"

Yan Yiyi said softly: "I'll know if my little lover comes with me, come on, let's go!" After finishing speaking, they didn't see much movement on their feet, and the two rushed out quickly.

Guert only felt the wind whizzing by in his ear, startled and suspicious in his heart, thinking: This speed is much faster than myself, if she was going to go like this just now, how could I catch up with her?

Thinking of this, she suddenly remembered that she couldn't dodge when she reached out to touch her face just now, she couldn't help but gasped, and looked sideways at Yan Yiyi beside her.

Yan Yiyi showed a bright smile and said: "What is my little lover thinking? His face is a little pale..."

Guert suppressed the slight bad feeling in his heart, and hurriedly asked: "I see you look weak, how can you move so fast without seeing your feet?"

Yan Yiyi opened her mouth slightly, let out a cry of surprise, and said, "Really? Didn't you take me away? I always thought you were the one who took me away..."

Guert's head suddenly became dizzy. This woman's lies were more like the truth than the truth. He was obviously being taken by her to fly, and now he said such things to himself again.

Seeing his headache, Yan Yiyi couldn't help but covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Look at the appearance of the little lover, you are really cute, you have a first-class magic weapon like "Hongfei Tianlun", don't you know that there are other magic weapons? Is it?"

Guert came to his senses and knew that Yan Yiyi was using a magic weapon, but the magic weapon was a little too magical, and he used it without seeing what she had come up with. Turning to look at Yan Yiyi again, he saw that she was mysterious He smiled, but didn't speak.

While he was staring blankly, Yan Yiyi suddenly pointed forward with her jade finger and shouted: "Okay, the front is here!"

Guert looked at it in surprise, and couldn't help being shocked. He couldn't help but be familiar with this place, which is the urban area of Yanghua City, where he grew up.

With a feeling in her heart, she stopped talking until the two of them reached the gate of the city, Yan Yiyi suddenly wondered: "Why are there so many soldiers here today?"

Guert hurriedly looked, and sure enough, there were many people dressed as soldiers at the gate of the city. His father was a mid-level officer of the city defense. Looking at this posture, he guessed that something major happened in the city. I don't know if Dad is inside.

Immediately, he went up to ask people, sure enough, something happened in the city of Yanghua, more than ten members of a rich family were killed, the death conditions were horrific, all the women were raped first and then killed, it was very tragic.

Guert was taken aback, thinking that it must be Mei's home or something, he hurriedly asked his name and found out if his surname was Mei, he was slightly relieved.

Yan Yiyi glanced at him and said, "Do you know this family?"

Guert shook his head, and led Yan Yiyi and walked over. When passing through the city gate, he had to check his ID card. Guert quickly showed an innocent smile, and said, "None of us...can I go in?"

The soldier glanced at him, glared at him, and cursed: "Nonsense, no!" Then he spat out a bunch of ugly words.

Guert touched his nose, turned to look at Yan Yiyi, Yan Yiyi covered her mouth with a smile, and walked over to talk to the soldier.

Guert didn't even bother to listen, and stood behind waiting for her. Sure enough, after a while, Yan Yiyi took Guert's arm and walked into the city. Guert had contacted too many city defense officers and soldiers before. He asked, "You didn't let him take advantage of it, did you?"