is a coincidence

Yan Yiyi hurriedly took it, and complained: "Such a cute puppy, what are you doing with so much effort?"

Guert laughed secretly, pretending to look at a puppy, he leaned his head towards Yiyi's red lips, quickly scanned the position of Yiyi's red lips, pretended to stumble, and stuck to Yan Yiyi's red lips.

Guert closed his eyes and slammed into it, imagining Yan Yiyi's soft red lips, and a soft object was attached to his mouth, but the smell at the end of the nose was wrong, how could there be such a smell on Yiyi's lips?

Quickly opened his eyes, he saw a magnified dog face squinting at him, he was startled, bounced back, and shouted at the same time: "Wow, ghost!"

Yan Yiyi was shaking the little gluttonous beast in her hand, and said with a smile: "Little lover, how does it feel to kiss a dog?"

Only then did Guert understand that Yan Yiyi had deliberately blocked herself with a puppy just now, so that she "missed the passenger car" in a tragic way, so she hurriedly wiped her mouth and yelled strangely: "This is my first kiss Yay! Yan Yiyi! You pay me for my first kiss!"

Amidst the strange screams, he rushed towards Yan Yiyi.

Yan Yiyi's silver bell-like laughter resounded all around, and she said at the same time: "Come and chase me if you have the ability! If you catch me, I will let you kiss me!" She twisted her slender waist, her figure flashed, and her whole body quickly swept out.

Guert was not willing to let her go, so he started chasing her all the way, chasing, and shouting, "Forgive me for my first kiss!"

Thus, in Yanghua City at the beginning of the night, there appeared such a scene: a boy with a broom head, strange clothes, and a stench all over his body, chasing an elegant and refined beauty with shawl hair and snow white clothes all over the street. Claim her first kiss.

After constant gossip by passers-by, this broom-headed boy became a role model for countless low self-esteem teenagers in the city.

Because of this courage to bravely pursue true love on the street regardless of the difference in appearance, countless low self-esteem teenagers regained their confidence and mustered up the courage to show their love to the person they love. , It also made the broom head hairstyle popular for a while. Guert was sitting on the side of the street panting heavily, and Yan Yiyi was standing not far away and snickering. This is already the north of Yanghua City. Chasing all the way, ran more than half of Yanghua City, and only stopped here.

Guert breathed out, seeing that Yan Yiyi was not blushing or out of breath, he was greatly admired in his heart, knowing that Yan Yiyi's cultivation was far above his own, he said: "My dear wife, you are really amazing, okay! Don't kiss me." Don't kiss, hey, my first kiss was ruined by you."

Yan Yiyi stepped lightly, and came to Guert's side in an instant, and said with a smile: "Who told you to be so dishonest, and our puppy hasn't barked yet, it's also my first kiss!"

Saying that, Yan Yiyi raised the paw of the little gluttonous beast in her arms and shook it twice.

Guert spread it on the ground like a discouraged ball, and said, "I'm human, how do you compare it to me?" It seems to have grown bigger?"

Yan Yiyi took it for granted and said: "Of course, it will grow up within a few hours of its birth, and when it has a certain ability to survive, it will grow very slowly." She said, then He held the whole little glutton in his hand and showed it to Guert.

Guert stared blankly, and saw that the little gluttonous beast, who had squinted its eyes, had opened its eyes wide now, with two small blue eyes rolling around, looking at the world curiously. The four little paws are facing the sky, and the whole body is lying there, looking very cute.

Guert couldn't help touching its head with his hand, and said: "What a cute little thing! Ouch! This little villain actually bit me 1

Yan Yiyi rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Its teeth haven't grown yet, how can it bite you?

Guert said with a bitter face: "I can't get it out, let's help it find something to eat, my hands are wet, I'm very sad..."

Yan Yiyi chuckled, touched his face, and said: "Okay, you hold it 1

After she finished speaking, she handed the little glutton to him, turned around and walked forward, trying to find someone to ask for some milk, goat's milk and the like, but she asked for several in a row, but they all said they didn't have any.

Because the little glutton had his finger in his mouth all the time, Guert said bitterly from behind: "My dear wife, I'm afraid only the big families have what you want. How can these small families have nothing to drink the milk?"

Yan Yiyi rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Didn't you say it earlier? Let's go further!" After speaking, her figure flashed and the person disappeared.

Guert suddenly thought, didn't Yan Yiyi once said that her home is in Yanghua City? Then why are you so unfamiliar with this place?

Just as he was about to ask her, she suddenly disappeared. Guert rushed forward, trying to catch up with Yan Yiyi. After passing several blocks, he finally saw Yan Yiyi's white figure, and heard her shouting in his ear. : "Come here, this store has it!"

Guert hurried over, Yan Yiyi saw him coming, and while pulling him in, said: "Be patient, it will be fine in a while."

Guert knew that Yan Yiyi was worried that he couldn't bear it, so his heart warmed, and he hurriedly said: "It's okay, it has no teeth, it's just wet and sad."

Yan Yiyi stared at him, and said: "I mean the puppy, it will starve to death."

Guert didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that he was being passionate again. It seemed that as soon as the little gluttonous beast appeared, Yan Yiyi's interest in it immediately became much more interested in it than in herself. The two of them walked in while talking, It seemed that this family was indeed a large family. Under the leadership of a servant, they walked into a courtyard.

This is a garden, with rockery and green water, and a large flower garden, showing the uniqueness of the owner's layout everywhere.

As he walked and watched, Guert knew that the owner of the house was not young. After walking a few steps forward, he was even more surprised when he saw the flowers in the flower garden.

At the beginning, my mother liked to grow flowers and grass at home, but there were not as many here. Although he was young, he had been familiar with these flowers and plants since he was a child, and he knew a little about these flowers and plants.

When he entered the door just now, Guert was dragged in by Yan Yiyi, so he didn't see where it was. Logically, although there are many such big families in Yanghua, they should all gather in the center of the city, right? This is the north of the city, which one could it be?

Guert was thinking, looking around, and was about to ask Yan Yiyi where this place was, when he saw a middle-aged man in brocade clothes walking over, holding a cup in his hand, probably it was milk for the little gluttonous beast.

Yan Yiyi smiled and said, "Thank you, Butler Hu."

Butler Hu hurriedly said: "It's okay, it's just a matter of raising your hands." He looked at Guert, saw the little gluttonous beast in his arms, and said, "Is it just for it to drink?"

Guert quickly took the milk cup, poured it into the mouth of the little glutton, and finally retracted his fingers.

Butler Hu said to Yan Yiyi: "It's already dark outside now, if Ms. Yan doesn't dislike her, she can live in this residence? My son won't be back until tomorrow."

Yan Yiyi looked at Guert, apparently wanting to ask him what he meant, but when Housekeeper Hu saw it, he said quickly: "It doesn't matter, this servant of yours should stay with him too, there are still many guest rooms in this mansion."

Guert was hugging the little gluttonous beast, and he started to pay attention when he heard the mention of Mr. Hu. He knew that Yan Yiyi was not looking for a random family. He probably knew him before, and now he saw that Mr. Hu treated him as As Yan Yiyi's servant, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Housekeeper Hu, how did you know that I am her servant?"

Butler Hu looked a bit at a loss, and said: "Ah? Isn't it? I'm sorry, may I ask who you are?"

Guert laughed and said, "No, I'm just surprised that you have such sharp eyesight, Housekeeper Hu, that you can actually see that I'm the lady's servant!"

Yan Yiyi looked at Guert in surprise, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Butler Hu laughed dryly, turned to look at Yan Yiyi, obviously wanting to ask her what she meant, Guert smiled and nodded at Yan Yiyi, Yan Yiyi was surprised, but still said: "Okay, I hope won't bother you."

Housekeeper Hu hurriedly said: "No, no, it's very convenient. You can pass through here to Luoyexuan, which is a separate courtyard. My son has been preparing it for the young lady."

Yan Yiyi said indifferently: "Thank you, young master."

Butler Hu led the two of them forward, passed through a corridor, and entered a courtyard, Ling and Yan knew why this place was called Luoyexuan.

It turned out that this courtyard was larger than the previous courtyards combined. There was a clearing paved with bluestone in the middle, and various trees were planted on both sides. There were dead leaves, emerald green leaves, and red maple leaves. The rustling wind blew by. The leaves of various colors are falling together, which is really beautiful, especially now that it is autumn, and there are falling leaves flying all over the sky.

The three of them stepped on the thick fallen leaves on the ground and walked towards the house inside. After only a few steps, the butler Hu left with great understanding, and said that everything inside was ready, and he could look for any orders. He, and outside Luoyexuan, there is a servant boy waiting on him.

After Butler Hu left, Guerte walked around the open space twice with the sleeping little glutton in his arms, and said to Yan Yiyi with a half-smile, "Do you like fallen leaves?"

Yan Yiyi looked at the leaves flying in the air, her gaze was a little wandering, she nodded and said: "Well, this person is quite caring, I just mentioned it casually, I didn't expect him to remember it." She paused and asked again: "Why did you say you were my servant just now?"

Guert's mood suddenly became bad, and said: "He said that's it, why explain so much?"

Yan Yiyi smiled lightly, shook her head, as if she was watching a naughty child making trouble for no reason, and said, "Are you angry?"

Gurtha said, "Ha, what a joke, why am I angry? What is there to be angry about?"

Yan Yiyi pursed her lips and smiled, "Are you jealous?"

Guert lowered his head and touched the little gluttonous animal that was curled up in his arms, and said, "If jealousy can fill me up, then I'll eat it."

Yan Yiyi walked over gently, not caring about the stench on his body, and slowly pressed her breasts to his back, whispering in his ear: "Doesn't my little lover believe me?"

Guert sighed, feeling the soft touch coming from behind him, but his heart felt different.

Alas, I seem to be jealous. A relationship that didn't matter at first, is constantly changing, and I actually start to pay attention to it. Now Yiyi treats me differently, but in the near future, will I become like Zhu Qian and the others? Like that?

Ever since I first saw Chi Weiyang's crazy state, I have always been wary of Yiyi, but for some reason, even though I was wary, I still seemed to be stuck in it. Caressing his handsome face, said: "Little lover? Why don't you talk? Are you angry with me?"

Gurt smiled bitterly: "I don't even know whether I should be angry or not."

There was a flash of light in Yan Yiyi's eyes, and she said in surprise, "Little lover, what do you say?"

A strange emotion welled up in Guert's heart. He took a deep breath, his eyes were no longer the frivolity of the past, and the laughing expression on his face disappeared. He whispered: "Yiyi"

Yan Yiyi bent her slender waist slightly, turned her head slightly, and leaned close to Guert's head, seeing the unspeakable expression on his handsome face, her heart was shocked, but she still said charmingly: "Little lover, you have something to say." Did I say?"

Guert turned his head sideways, and looked at Yan Yiyi face to face for a moment, a strange light flashed in his eyes, a smile appeared on his face, and he asked, "Do you love me?"

A trace of shock flashed in Yan Yiyi's eyes, but it disappeared in an instant, and she said with a charming smile: "Of course I love my little lover, otherwise how could I be so close to you?"

The smile on the corner of Guert's mouth remained undiminished, and he said: "Really? Then can we be more intimate?" He said, lowering his handsome face and getting closer, the tip of his nose touched Yan Yiyi's, The breathing of the two could be heard.

A red cloud flew over Yan Yiyi's pretty face, a few strands of messy hair jumped out to block her eyes, she opened her mouth slightly, exhaled like blue, and said, "Little lover? What do you want to do?"

The smile on Guert's face froze, still at that distance, and said softly: "Don't you know that there are many things that can be done between lovers?"

Yan Yiyi's breathing was visibly rapid, and her breasts, which were close to Guert's back, kept rising and falling.

Guert felt a numbness coming from his back, but all sorts of complex lights shot out from his eyes, and he looked at Yan Yiyi unabashedly, without saying a word.

Yan Yiyi looked at him with a dazed expression. Obviously she didn't expect Guert's current state, and the original panting gradually stopped, and her eyes were clear, meeting Guert's eyes.

The two looked at each other, as if thousands of words were intertwined in it.

After a long time, Yan Yiyi's eyes were suddenly covered with mist, and she sighed softly: "You are different from them."

Guert's pupils shrank suddenly, and his heart tightened suddenly. Could it be that she is really the girl in white in the temple that day?

The two faces were leaning against each other, and the subtle expressions on both faces could be clearly seen.

Yan Yiyi's pretty face was pressed against Guert, and she exhaled slightly, the mist in her eyes disappeared, and she was completely pure, her pretty face glowed with a holy and incomparable brilliance, the whole person was completely different from before, her clear eyes were calm Looking at Gurt intently, his red lips parted slightly, and he was about to speak, when there was a sudden noise outside.

I only heard a crisp voice saying: "You don't allow me to enter? I really don't know how my brother raised you slaves? Didn't you teach you the rules?"

Another voice outside murmured: "No, I dare not, but this is the forbidden area ordered by the young master, no matter who is allowed to enter, that

"Miss, you'd better ask the young master first, don't make things difficult for us servants."

At this time another young voice shouted: "Open your dog eyes to see who she is, get the hell out of here!" After a pause, he said: "Go, miss, let's go in."

The cry ended, followed by the sound of footsteps, Guert frowned, Yan Yiyi was obviously planning to say something to herself, these people came at a really bad time, but the voices of these people seemed familiar, Maybe he knew Yan Yiyi, saw the change of expression on his face, and said, "You know him?"

Guert curled his lips and said, "Go on!"

His gaze still returned to Yan Yiyi's face, but it was obvious that Yan Yiyi was no longer the calm look just now, and the blush that had faded on her face appeared again, Lilac's small tongue spit out slightly, and lightly touched her red lips. He licked it, blinked his eyes, smiled sweetly, and said, "Little lover, do you want to kiss me?"

The two were very close, and Yan Yiyi licked her lips so much that she almost touched Guert's face. Guert's heart shook violently, from Yan Yiyi's holy and inviolable face just now, to a person who is good at using body language The peerless stunner in her life seems to be just a blink of an eye.

Who is this Yan Yiyi? Temperament, expression, and voice can all change in an instant.

Guert only felt the fragrance in front of his eyes, and Yan Yiyi's peerless beauty was in front of him, but he felt as if he was trapped in a dream, and he couldn't figure out whether all this was really an illusion.

Just as he was gradually sinking in, suddenly two screams came from the door at the same time.


"Mud Master?"

Guert was startled, turned his head slightly, and saw three people standing by the courtyard where he came in, they were looking at him with extremely surprised eyes, they were Fang Zheng, Luo Ping, and Mei Ruoyu.

The cry just now, the first one was naturally made by the duo of living treasures and cultivators, and the second one was made by the sister of the owner of this place, Mei Ruoyu.

Guert rubbed his head, feeling a little embarrassed, wondering if they had heard the last extremely sweet question just now, seeing the three people looking at him with strange eyes, he coughed dryly and asked: "What are you doing here?"

Mei Ruoyu stood there with a pale face, without saying a word.

After Fang Zheng and Luo Ping peeked at Mei Ruoyu for a few times, Fang Zheng finally said, "We are accompanying Miss Mei to meet Young Master Mei. I didn't expect to meet Master!"

Gu Erte nodded, and before he could speak, Yan Yiyi who was beside him suddenly said, "Little lover, who are they? When did you accept apprentices?"

Yan Yiyi was still standing close to Guert at this time, but her head turned back slightly, her delicate and pretty face was showing an incomparably touching smile, Fang Zheng and Luo Ping stood there foolishly. Over there, while Mei Ruoyu lowered her head sadly.

Just now, Yan Yiyi's last question was impartial, and it happened to be heard by the three of them.

Mei Ruo originally came to look for her brother, but when she passed by here, she found that the place had been rebuilt, so she wanted to come in and take a look. Unexpectedly, she met Guert who she wanted to see, and witnessed the relationship with Guert. With Yan Yiyi's peerless beauty, the appearance that she was so proud of suddenly paled, and she felt a sense of loss in her heart.

Guert was not in a good mood, but when he thought of these two treasures, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "These two brats are calling Master, I will confiscate them!"