Heal and save lives

At this time, there were a bunch of people gathered below, except for a few unknown warriors, there was the soldier Xing Yu that Guert met in front of Xiao Cheng's house, and the big enemy Ren Mang he met on the street. , Zhu Qian, one of the four sons of the imprint.

In addition, there is a middle-aged man in a mighty military uniform standing beside him, who seems to be Chi Weiyang's father who was deposed by Guert, and the owner of this place - Chi Tianjun.

I saw Xing Yu next to him, and the middle-aged man who accompanied Chi Weiyang last time whispered a few words in his ear, a cold light flashed in Chi Tianjun's eyes, and he said loudly: "Mr. Is it done?"

Mu Fengling bent his body slightly, dodged backwards, and disappeared into the darkness.

When Guert saw him leave, he couldn't help but relax, the wonderful feeling disappeared immediately, and the whole person seemed to return to reality from another world, and the surrounding noises poured into his ears, obviously it was Fang Zheng, Luo Ping, etc. The two boys were playing tricks over there, and there was still a little smoke in the far corner at this moment.

He looked at this side, but everyone below was even more shocked. This Mu Fengling had a special identity, even Chi Tianjun did not dare to offend him, and he was extremely careful when speaking, and Mu Fengling had never been polite to Chi Tianjun. , these people also understand.

But now, Mu Fengling turned slightly towards Guert, everyone was shocked, they didn't understand why Mu Fengling was so polite to this kid!

Guert moved his body, the girl in red with his left arm was still unconscious, he couldn't help hesitating in his heart, now that the enemies are gathered below, do you want to settle all the old debts at once? But she was still holding Ling girl in her arms, and it would not be a good thing for her to remain in a coma for a long time.

Chi Tianjun suddenly shouted: "Master above, your friend seems to be injured, please come down and have a chat, and we will help you treat that girl's wound by the way!"

Guert curled his lips, thinking how this old boy took me for a fool. I would be so stupid if I fell into their encirclement so stupidly!

With a cold snort, he said, "I'll settle the score with you next time." After finishing speaking, he unfolded his figure and was about to fly away.

A few people dressed as warriors suddenly appeared beside him, obviously what Chi Tianjun said just now was mainly for delaying time, now seeing the warriors surrounded Guert, he couldn't help shouting: "Hey, boy, let's get caught! "

Guert suddenly felt bored for a while, and he couldn't get any energy up and down, especially looking at the movements of these warriors, he couldn't find the feeling just now.

He put away the spirit blade, flicked his finger in the air, and a few bursts of true energy popped out, and the whole person flew out quickly.

Those warriors couldn't stop Guert who was determined to leave, the swords were bounced away before they hit, and in a moment, everyone disappeared Guert.

Chi Tianjun and the people around were shocked when they saw Guert showing such a trick. Although those warriors were average, they were also Chi Tianjun's bodyguards. They didn't expect Guert to break through so easily.

Chi Tianjun couldn't hold back his old face anymore, especially in front of Zhu Qian, Ren Mang and other outsiders, he said angrily: "Let's let him go this time, hmph, next time I see him dare to break into my house!"

He paused, and then said: "Come on, send more people to the dungeon, I don't believe he can break in and save that old fellow Xiao Cheng!"

It's a pity that Guert didn't hear this sentence. He flew all the way, and when he flew out of Chi Tianjun's mansion, he let out a scream, notifying Fang Zheng and Luo Ping that they could go back. Mansion, randomly found an empty room and walked in, and put down the girl in red on her body.

The room was dark, and even Guert's eyesight was a little difficult. He glanced at the girl with a melon-shaped face, big eyes and a straight nose, and she was very delicate. Eight changes, Ling girl seems to have changed a bit!"

At this time, the situation was urgent, and Guert didn't bother to see what had changed in her, and began to check her injuries.

After such an inspection, she found a very strange thing. Only one of her shoulders was damaged, probably because she was rubbed by the sword of the man in Tsing Yi, so some blood oozes out, but how could this slight injury make her unconscious like this? How long? Did she suffer any other hidden injuries?

Guert carefully inspected her injuries again. This time, unlike the last time, he only checked for blood stains. He touched or squeezed every place to see if there were hidden wounds. He didn't think there were any hidden wounds in the first few places. It was a special feeling. After passing a few places, he suddenly realized that what he was examining was a woman's body.

Every time I touched it, it was soft and smooth delicate skin. After realizing this, Guert's gaze could not help but sweep to the delicate breasts of the girl in red, and the round and straight thighs below.

After taking a few glances, Guert scolded himself, "It's so inhumane, to have such nasty thoughts about Ling girl. When we were young, we used to take a bath together."

Guert suddenly froze, no, he just disappeared for a year, why did this girl develop so well all of a sudden? She didn't cough last year!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly brushed the messy hair hanging from the girl's forehead, and carefully looked at the girl's face.

This time I was completely stunned. It turned out that the girl only looked more like Xiao Ling in outline, but it was definitely not Xiao Ling. It was also because I was too busy just now, so I didn't look carefully at the girl's face at all.

Since it wasn't Xiao Ling, who did the girl run into the house to save just now? Is it wrong?

His mind was confused, but as long as he woke up the girl, everything would be clear.

Guert's mind gradually calmed down, remembering the abnormality in his body when the qi gathered in his dantian before, and the clear flow in his body, he had an idea, stretched out his hands to grab the girl's slender wrist, and sank all the qi into his dantian again.

The dantian was slightly heated, and a clear stream rose, slowly flowing out from the wrist, and a white brilliance was emitted in the dark room.

Guert could clearly see these two beams of brilliance slowly pouring into the girl's body, and the girl's whole body was immediately covered by layers of white light, but after a while, he could see some red light emitting from the outer layer of white light. These are the possible sticking points.

Guert let go of one hand, and pointed at a red spot on that arm. There was a hissing sound, and the clothes split in the middle of the point, revealing a piece of snow-white skin, which looked the same. Under the reflection of the white brilliance, a tiny red dot appeared.

Guert tried to caress the red spots with his fingers, and the girl's body suddenly trembled, obviously touched. Guert knew that the source of the girl's coma must be in these red spots.

The wrist stretched slightly, and the clear flow penetrated here. Guert naturally transported the clear flow to the tip of the finger, and pointed it towards the red dot. Obviously, the red dot gradually disappeared in the white brilliance.

Guert was very excited, knowing that this would be useful, he hurriedly concocted according to the law, and eliminated the red spots on several parts of the girl's body, and finally only two remained.

These two positions gave him a bit of a headache, one was between the delicate breasts, and the other was at the dantian of the lower abdomen, both of which were acupoints on the human body, so delaying would definitely not work.

Guert cleared his mind and filtered out all distracting thoughts, tapped his hands lightly, and unbuttoned her red blouse, revealing the red underwear inside.

Because of her breathing, her soft and firm breasts rose and fell. Although the key parts were covered by underwear, the large snow-white chest muscles exposed were enough to make any normal man dream about it.

Although Guert is not a gentleman, he also knew that he should not be careless at this time. He found the red dot located between the two peaks and in the center of the underwear. He pinched it with his right finger and gently stroked it.

The girl in red trembled all over, and let out a low moan from her throat, as if she was enjoying something.

Beads of sweat kept rolling down Guert's head, and the red spot was slowly disappearing. With the disappearance of the red spot, the trembling of the girl in red continued to increase, and the twin peaks on her chest also became rippling. Even the original underwear Most of the softness that was covered is also exposed, leaving only the last bit of bright red.

The red spot finally disappeared, and the girl in red shrank like a shrimp and trembled a few times, then let go, and spread her whole body on the bed. Slowly, her fan-like eyelashes trembled slightly, and her eyes began to open.

Guert was drenched in sweat, but he knew that it should be done in one go, especially the last red dot is located at the dantian, the dantian is the place where one's true energy is stored, and it is also the most vulnerable place, where many profound arts are hidden. , the situation is even more dangerous, if a bad force knocks her out, it will be bad.

Regardless of the sweat on his head, he pulled down the girl's clothes, and suddenly he heard a scream, followed by a slap across the face, which hit him hard on the face.

The girl instinctively tugged at her clothes and backed away, with a fearful expression on her face, and shouted: "Pervert! What do you want?"

Guert was sweating all over his head, but he didn't expect that as soon as the person he rescued woke up, he would slap himself in the face. When he saw the girl's creamy face, he couldn't bear to see her frightened face, and as soon as he relaxed, the original slap turned into a light slap.

This time the misunderstanding became even bigger. The girl had obviously reacted from her instinctive fear. She probably felt Gurt's "obvious" obscenity. After that, a brilliant light flashed out.

Guert suddenly thought of the flying sword that the girl had released in the face of the siege of Mu Fengling and others, and he was shocked, knowing that she was releasing the flying sword again now, and shouted in his heart: "My dear, it really kills me, the flying sword! How can this house bear it? If you provoke those people again, it will be over."

He hurriedly grabbed it with both hands, separated the girl's hands and pressed them on the bed, probably because she hadn't finished the procedure of releasing the flying sword, the light flickered and disappeared, and the room fell into darkness again.

Guert let out a breath, but fortunately he didn't let it out, otherwise there must be a mess here.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, the girl started to kick her legs because her hands were pressed, and kicked Guert's lower abdomen again and again, almost to the point of death. He was furious again, this girl is too ignorant!

He was no longer polite, and got entangled with the girl. After a lot of tossing, Guert finally clamped her between his legs and held her firmly with both hands.

The girl looked unwilling to admit defeat, her willow eyebrows were slightly horizontal, her black eyes flashed sharply, revealing a fierceness, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, her face was full of rebelliousness.

Guert was sweating profusely, and hummed, "The girl is quite strong, how is it? Still can't move?"

The girl poohed and shouted: "Pervert, let go of me if you have the ability, or I won't accept it!"

Guert pressed the girl, and there was a burst of numbness on his body, especially his legs. He felt that the girl's round thighs were full of elasticity and strength, and there was a faint fragrance at the end of his nose. This fragrance was different from Yan Yiyi's, but But there is another taste, very comfortable, I thought I was an idiot before letting go, if a flying sword is released, how do I hide?

She curled her lips and said, "You're calling me a pervert, why should I let go? Hehe, a pervert should do what a pervert should do!"

A trace of fear flashed in the girl's eyes, but she still said: "Hmph, thief, if you dare to touch me, I will..."

Guert frowned and said: "The dog thief is also very ugly, you want to call me son, or young master. By the way, if I touch you, young master, what will you do?"

The girl was speechless by Guert's joking face, and said: "I will not let you go even if I am a ghost!"

Guert looked at her talking, and suddenly remembered the acupressure technique recorded in the artifact data, but because he had no chance to use it, he never tried it. Although he restrained the girl at this moment, he was tired after a long time. Very, especially this girl still has a red spot on her body that hasn't disappeared. Although I don't know what it is, it's not a good thing after a long delay.

This girl is very hot, so if you tell her carefully, you must think that you have some crooked ideas. Why don't you just think about something in your heart, so you haven't replied. Seeing that he didn't speak, the girl tentatively said: "Are you afraid? Are you afraid?" Let me go quickly! Then I won't be a ghost to harm you."

Guert had just made a decision, so he laughed and said, "Master, what have I been afraid of? I was just thinking, how could a woman as ugly as you think that I am interested in you?"

The girl's cheeks flushed immediately, as if she was excited, she shouted angrily: "Pervert, what are you talking about?" She had obviously always been conceited about her looks, and at this moment she was humiliated by Guert's words, so she couldn't help getting excited.

Guert smiled inwardly: "Girls really care about their appearance, especially the more beautiful a girl is, the less she will be called ugly by others. Haha, I'm going to piss you off today!"

He immediately pretended to be careless and said: "Oh? It seems that you are not only ugly, but also have bad ears. Then let me tell you one more thing. My young master, I only love beautiful women. You are too ugly. So haha!"

Tears began to flow in the girl's starry eyes, the slender eyelashes kept trembling, and the brows that were originally raised were also smoothed out, obviously a big blow.

At the same time, Guert also felt that the strength of her struggles on her hands and feet had eased a lot, and she couldn't help but be stunned: "This girl is too unconfident, why does she have no strength when I say it, but to be honest, She looks really good"

Apparently, the phrase "to be honest" was just something Gurt said in his stomach. Seeing her softening, he tentatively let go of his hand slightly, and tapped her body twice quickly.

Although this acupuncture technique was used for the first time, the effect was obviously very good. The girl soon fell into a deep sleep. Finally, Guert was able to let go of her hands and feet, leaving her charming body with a little reluctance, pulling down her waist. Long trousers only reach the Dantian.

The snow-white skin, flat belly, and charming fragrance make up a very tempting picture, especially when Guert had a fight with her on the bed just now, seeing this picture, he couldn't help but start Imagining it, the blood pulsed suddenly, and the cheeks burned red.

Guert's hands began to tremble constantly, as long as he pulled it down a little more, the trousers were obviously very tight, outlining the beautiful and attractive curves of the girl's legs, and at this time also greatly tempted Guert's heart .

At this moment, the clear stream from the dantian gradually poured onto the fingers, and a chill came up. Guert woke up with a shiver, and hurriedly left the girl's body, stood up, and aimed at the center of the dantian in a daze. Click the red dot directly.

Because he was confused by the girl's body before, Guert was not very sober, and he seemed more casual at this point. He didn't fully wake up until the clear current flowed past, knowing that Dantian must not be careless. If there is a slight difference, it will definitely kill , he was very energetic at the moment, and the smooth and smooth beautiful body could no longer arouse his reverie.

At this point, the two of them were gradually enveloped in white brilliance, while Guert himself had another change. Not a moment after pouring the clear stream over, the clear stream began to heat up, and he had no choice but to pour the clear stream back.

As soon as the Qingliu came back, it would automatically run around the meridian and sink to the dantian, and then come out of the dantian and rush to the fingers again. After two times, the red dot disappeared, and the Qingliu rushed back again. Dantian.

Gurt finally let out a long breath, and slowly opened his eyes.

Although the room was as dark as before, the things in front of me became more and more clear.

Guert thought in his heart that the process of digesting the red dot just now seemed to be a circuit that revolved around the sky. The feeling now is obviously different from that just now, and he must study it carefully when he has time.

Thinking in my heart, my eyes glanced at the girl lying on the bed, her star pupils were closed tightly, an inexplicable blush appeared on her beautiful face, the red shirt on her body was half untied, her crisp breasts exposed a large piece of white chest muscles, although her beautiful breasts were covered with red Covered by underwear, but this faint temptation is greater than any direct teasing.

It may be related to acupuncture. This time the girl's reaction was different from the previous times. She was quiet, but Gurt couldn't help but get a headache. When she wakes up later, how should she explain what she did just now.

Guert quickly flashed out of the room with the thought of "even if this girl gets mad, she must find a safe place to let her get mad slowly".

Just now, I didn't take the girl back for treatment because I was afraid that the girl would be seriously injured. Now that she's recovered, let's go back directly. So he dressed the girl in a mess, put it on his back, and hurried out of the Chi residence.