Deus Ex

Guert couldn't stop laughing in his heart, this girl really likes to be brave, she just couldn't cry anymore, but now she sees herself coming and starts to pretend to be tough again.

She smiled in her heart, but didn't show it on her face. Seeing that she hadn't wiped her tears with her hands, it is estimated that her hands' mobility has not recovered yet.

He walked to Lian Qinghan's side without saying a word, grabbed her hands with both hands, and a chill spread over him. He wanted to take Xiao Cheng with him. Obviously, Lian Qinghan had to resume his actions, otherwise how could he hold her back alone? Move two people!

Even Qinghan knew that Guert had no malice, so he didn't speak any more this time, and silently endured Guert's treatment.

There are still five dark green light spots left, and this cold current is gradually used up. Just when he almost lost his strength, the phantom bracelet on his wrist flashed red, and another red bead turned black, and Guert's body Immediately, there was another burst of true energy. According to the previous steps, one light spot was resolved one by one. After such a process, the energy of two beads was actually used up.

Finally, even Qinghan's body restraint was lifted, and Guert wiped the sweat from his face. Although he has been replenished with energy, the process of constantly losing, replenishing, releasing, and replenishing is extremely tiring.

Guert turned around while wiping his sweat. He had just walked a few steps and was about to open the door to go out when he suddenly felt something and quickly turned his head to look, only to see Lian Qinghan standing there with reddish eyes.

Guert was stunned and said, "What? Still can't move?"

Tears welled up in Lian Qinghan's starry eyes, his mouth was about to move but stopped, and finally said: "I'm sorry just now!"

Guert was stunned, and laughed secretly in his heart at the same time, it seems that his strength just now was not in vain, making this girl say sorry to others is really more difficult than reaching the sky.

There was no reaction on his face, and he said: "Let's go, I have to take someone out with me."

Seeing that Guert didn't react at all to his rare concession, even Qinghan was slightly angry in his heart, and shouted: "Hey, you, I apologize to you, why didn't you react at all?"

Guert was also very helpless to this girl's savagery, and immediately said: "What do you want me to do?"

Lian Qing stomped her feet angrily, this is the first time she has taken the initiative to apologize for such a big life! Hmph, this stinky pervert!

Seeing her puffy look, Guert's cheeks were flushed like red paint, she had a special style, he was stunned, and hurriedly turned his head and said: "I can stomp my feet and get angry, um, it seems that I have been saved, let's go !"

Lian Qinghan finally couldn't bear it any longer, and said coquettishly, "Smelly pervert! Hmph!"

Gurt finally couldn't help laughing, rubbing his stomach and laughing until he fell down, saying: "You really didn't hold it for five minutes, haha!"

Seeing his smile, Lian Qinghan realized that he had been tricked by him, and was angry in his heart, but a strange feeling surged up in his heart, his pretty face flushed, and he cursed: "Hmph, you bullied me!" After finishing speaking, he rushed over to hit Gurt.

Guert didn't bother to dodge, so she let her punch her twice. At first, the punch was relatively heavy, but then Lian Qinghan probably saw that Guert didn't dodge, so the force naturally eased. In the end, it seemed to be giving Guert massage.

Seeing that it was enough to play around, Guert grabbed her fist and said, "Let's go out quickly. I have a uncle who needs to be taken away together. Remember to take care of it for me."

Lian Qinghan's jade-like face showed a thoughtful expression, as if he was in a daze, and ignored Guert's words. Guert shook his hand in front of her face twice and said, "Are you okay? Listen Did you hear what I just said?"

Lian Qinghan seemed to wake up suddenly, her little face was flushed, she shook off Guert's hand just now, and said, "I know, I'll help you clear the way, you can go behind your back!"

Guert was too lazy to figure out what the little girl was thinking. He nodded, pushed open the door, hugged Xiao Cheng and said, "Uncle Xiao, this is a friend of mine. I will carry you behind my back. She clears the way, let's go out together."

Xiao Cheng glanced at Lian Qinghan, nodded and said: "Thank you, miss." After speaking, he even sighed softly.

Lian Qinghan was stunned, and said: "Why is Uncle Xiao sighing? Could it be that he doesn't believe that I can take you out?"

Lian Qinghan has always been used to speaking bluntly, Xiao Cheng is a person who rolls around in the officialdom, on the one hand, he is surprised that Lian Qinghan speaks directly, on the other hand, he also likes Lian Qinghan's frankness, he smiled and said: "No, you misunderstood Yes, I sighed because seeing you reminded me of my daughter."

Guert rolled his eyes at the side, it seems that Lian Qinghan is really straightforward, what to say, when he heard Xiao Cheng mention Xiao Ling, he hurriedly interjected and asked: "Where did Xiao Ling go? I didn't find it when I came back this time." you."

Xiao Cheng sighed, and said: "I sent her to Jindu half a year ago. I threatened Chi Tianjun that if he dared to touch Linger, he would bite his tongue and kill himself immediately. He asked me, so he never moved Linger."

Guert thought to the side: Chi Tianjun is not so stupid, is he? Now that you know that Xiao Ling is so important to you, wouldn't it be better to capture her to hold you hostage?

Xiao Cheng seemed to see Guert's doubts, but he didn't explain much, saying: "Let's go quickly, this is someone else's territory, let's chat slowly when we get out!"

Guert nodded, turned his head and said to Lian Qinghan: "Go and prove your ability. We have been in for a while, and the outside may have discovered it."

Lian Qinghan said confidently: "No problem, they are busy chasing the moon formation, if we don't harass them, they will be happy for themselves, hum!" After finishing speaking, he wanted to rush out quickly.

Guert carried Xiao Cheng on his back, as if he suddenly remembered something, he took out a bunch of keys from his pocket, and said, "Quick, you go outside and let everyone out!"

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.

Guert and even Qinghan knew that they must have been in for a long time and were discovered by patrolling soldiers outside, but they didn't care about these small characters, and even Qinghan slowly opened the iron doors one by one outside, Guert Walter also followed leisurely and watched.

After a while, there were nearly ten people standing in the small corridor. Fortunately, Xiao Cheng was there. The group of people outside were all officials who opposed Chi Tianjun in the city. Xiao Cheng knew all of them. It is said that Guerte Lian Qinghan is his daughter Xiao Ling's classmate at Jinling Martial Arts Academy, and because Xiao Ling is busy practicing kung fu, he asked these two senior brothers and sisters to rescue him.

Seeing that Guert and Lian Qinghan were not like ordinary people, those people were skeptical in their hearts, but they respectfully regarded them as lifesavers and expressed endless gratitude.

Because his father was also a military officer, Guert was used to the tone and tone of these people when he was a child, and he knew that Xiao Cheng must have his intentions in not revealing his identity, so he pretended to be submissive with a smile on his face.

Although Lian Qinghan doesn't know much about affairs, she comes from the world of comprehension after all. Her natural sensitivity makes her too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, and only pays attention to the movement outside. After all, she can take on the important task of bringing these people out.

Guert frowned and watched these old guys who had just been released greet each other, cleared his throat, and shouted: "Please be quiet, let's go out and talk slowly."

The nine people here were just locked up, and they didn't suffer as much torture as Xiao Cheng, so apart from being slightly weaker in spirit, their bodies are fine.

I saw a sixty-year-old bearded old man walking up to Guerte and said, "I am returning with great honor. I think that the most important thing we should do now is to rescue Lord Long!"

As soon as he said this, the original chaotic voices in the corridor suddenly disappeared, and the silence was eerily terrifying. Even Qinghan, who was standing outside, couldn't help but look back, apparently not knowing what happened inside.

Guert was also at a loss, thinking: Lord Long? who is it? Why are these people suddenly quiet?

Just as Gurt was about to ask, Xiao Cheng who was on his back suddenly said: "Lord Hong's words are very true, but we should wait until we escape from here, and then settle accounts with Chi Tianjun who is trying to rebel!"

Hong Ronggui's complexion changed, and he said: "Chi Tianjun, that bastard, joined forces with the bandits to try to control the city, and imprisoned righteous people like me here. I would like to ask him face to face, where did this bastard get the courage to do so?" Do such disobedient things!"

Guert didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Could this person be an official and a fool? Chi Tianjun is the city guard, and all the troops in the city are under his control. Now that he has escaped, he may not be able to escape Chi Tianjun's control. He actually wants to question him face to face!

At this moment, Lian Qinghan said: "Hey, can you go away? The outside is already surrounded by soldiers!"

Guert scanned the surroundings, and saw that some of the nine people were terrified, some were angrily about to go out and desperately, and some were silent.

He thought to himself: If there are really a crowd of people outside, these old men will be in danger if they really want to shoot bows and arrows.

It's definitely okay to take Uncle Xiao away by myself, but that girl is definitely not willing to have physical contact with these old men, so what should these old men do?

While thinking about it, Lian Qinghan's pretty face suddenly changed, and said: "The moon chasing formation has begun!"

Guert was startled, and after being reminded by her, he really felt a strange force in the distance spreading around, like water ripples, quickly swinging out.

Guert suddenly felt heart palpitations, and immediately shouted: "Lian girl, let's go!" Before he finished speaking, he rushed out with Xiao Cheng on his back.

Lian Qinghan scolded softly, because she was standing at the outermost position, she rushed out in front of Guert, and said at the same time: "Due to the limited terrain, there are at least a few hundred soldiers outside, and outside these hundreds of soldiers , and more troops are coming!"

Guert was startled, and his footsteps slowed down. He originally thought that there were at most a hundred people, and he could rush out with his speed as long as he killed two casually, but now there are so many people, there is no time to fly out.

Lian Qinghan smiled back and said: "It doesn't matter, it's useless to have a few thousand more, I have recovered all my strength, this level of gap cannot be made up by their numbers. Let's go!"

As soon as we walked out of the last sentence, a cold light flashed out, and even Qinghan's white flying sword appeared in a flash. This appearance was radiant and cold, and the first to bear the brunt were the soldiers at the door of the basement.

They were originally holding weapons and staring at the person rushing out of the tunnel, but with a flash of light, their eyes were all white at the same time, and they couldn't see where the person was at all.

Guert was startled, thinking that even Qinghan was about to start a massacre. Although these people had nothing to do with him, they were all flesh and blood after all. How could they slaughter so casually, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill people indiscriminately!"

Lian Qinghan nods her head slightly, retracts her jade fingers slightly, and the flying sword disappears in mid-air. Almost at the same time, another jade hand is gently stretched out, and she softly whispers: "Static Curse!"

Guert immediately felt a strange force moving in Lian Qinghan's body.

In the eyes of others, there was no light at all. Even Qinghan just stretched out his jade hand, and the soldiers in front fell down silently, but Gurt sensed that even Qinghan's body was condensed into a thin thread. , extending outward quickly, although still standing indoors at this time, the filament has already reached the courtyard outside, and is continuing to extend outward at high speed.

All the soldiers fell down limply as soon as they were touched by this force. They were still breathing, but they fell into a coma.

After a while, Lian Qinghan withdrew his jade hand, turned his head and said: "Okay, let's go."

Guert was surprised at what kind of power this static spell was, and it was so miraculous. At this moment, he caught a glimpse of sweat dripping from Lian Qinghan's forehead. Obviously, it took her a lot of effort to cast the large-scale static spell just now.

But this is obviously the best way not to hurt the innocent, otherwise she can kill all the way with only a flying sword, so what's the use of the effort now, thinking of this, I can't help but start to have a good impression of this hot-tempered girl, see Looking at her slightly tired pretty face, she was stunned.

Seeing that Guert didn't respond, Lian Qinghan shook his small hand in front of him, and said, "Let's go! They used the enchantment so they can't chase them out, otherwise we won't be able to run away after they come out."

Guert seemed to wake up from a dream, he hurriedly greeted the people behind him, and he ran out with Xiao Cheng on his back.

Going out this time was really an eye-opener. The ground was full of soldiers lying there, and Guert and the others almost stepped out of these soldiers all the way.

These old men, including Xiao Cheng, didn't even know the real origin of Qinghan. They were shocked when they saw this pretty girl with such an earth-shattering effect just by stretching out their hands. Not a word.

Originally, after leaving the courtyard, Guert and the others could leave directly by flying, but the rescued people could not fly, so they had to take them all the way to fight out, and all they encountered were domestic servants, even Qinghan flew away. Without taking the sword, he went out smoothly all the way with a punch and a kick.

Guert didn't bother to care about where these people went, anyway, he just rescued them, and he himself came to the Mei Mansion with Xiao Cheng on his back, placed him in Luoyexuan, and served him personally.

Although Xiao Cheng was rescued by Guert Liangliu, after all, he was old and in poor health, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as he arrived at Mei's Mansion.

After such a tossing, another night passed. At this time, the sky had already brightened. Mei Ruoyu stayed up all night because she was worried about Guert. At this time, she finally went to sleep under Guert's persuasion. After Xiao Cheng had settled down, he got up and stood in the pavilion, just as he stood up, he realized that Lian Qinghan was gone!

Just now he was in a hurry to send Xiao Cheng in and get settled, so he didn't pay attention to her, but at this time, where would Lian Qinghan go alone?

Thinking of this, Guert was startled suddenly, and blurted out: "Not good! This silly girl won't go to Chi's house by herself, right?" He couldn't help worrying about Lian Qinghan, thinking: This girl probably won't so stupid? You sent it to your death once, why go for the second time? After much deliberation, he finally decided to go around the Chi Mansion again. If Lian Qinghan really went there, there would definitely be a lot of commotion over there, and he could play by ear at that time, and since Xiao Cheng was fast asleep in the room right now, it shouldn't be a problem.

Guert got lucky and his body floated up. Just as he was about to fly out of Luoye Xuan, he felt a strange force penetrate his chest in an instant. His whole body was broken and he fell down from midair.

Without the protection of true qi, his whole body almost fell apart, and he was shocked in his heart. How could his true qi be broken for no reason? But the faint force that came just now had a very familiar feeling, reminding him of the force that made his heart palpitate in the dungeon before. He couldn't help thinking: Is this what Chayuezhen is looking for? But how could I have such a strange feeling?

What they want to get should have nothing to do with me. Could it be that people within a certain range will be affected?

While thinking about it, he limped into the guest room where he was meditating before, let's put aside the matter of Qing Han for a while, because now he is a little bit hard to protect himself.

Reluctantly sitting cross-legged on the bed, after trying several times, he finally gathered the zhenqi in his body that was suddenly interrupted and dispersed. Although it was not much, it had returned to normal, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. , began to think about the situation just now.

Could it be that the moon chasing formation is really running, so it has an impact on me?

Will even the girl be affected?

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly the force from just now struck again, and his true energy was cut off. Guert only felt a shock in his head, and his whole body entered a strange state, feeling that his body was unreally frivolous in the air.

Guert was in a state of confusion, and at this moment, a girl's voice suddenly sounded, saying, "God, it's you!"

The voice was crisp and sweet, like a yellow oriole coming out of the valley, and it was extremely beautiful. Although Gurt didn't know what was going on, he knew that it wasn't real, it should be a direct dialogue with the heart through some kind of secret method. He immediately asked: "Who are you? What's going on?" The voice sounded again, and said impatiently: "Remove the rune on the box, or you will be locked again soon!" Guert still didn't understand the state, and asked: "What rune? Lock what?" The voice said: "Find out the box on your body, throw away that box as soon as possible, or erase the rune, otherwise you will be killed." I can't save my life!" Before Guert answered, the voice sounded again, and said anxiously: "I'll help you lure them away, hurry up!" The contact was cut off, and Guert returned to the state of sitting cross-legged in the guest room . The conversation just now is still fresh in my memory, and the girl's tone doesn't sound like she's joking, but wait, rune? Box? Could it be that?