Brotherly Love

The tears in Guert's eyes could no longer be stopped, and they flowed down instantly, saying: "Brother, it's me! I'm younger brother! I'm Xiaoqiu!"

Ling Ye's eyes had completely transformed into an indescribably strong family affection, and he coughed lightly again, and said, "I haven't seen you for a year, you've grown up!"

Guert's stomach was full of doubts, but since there were other people around, it was really hard to talk, so he turned to Master Tie and said, "Master Tie, please give me a prescription for healing!"

Elena next to her was also a smart girl, and she hurriedly said: "Then I'll help Master Tie, you guys talk slowly!" After speaking, she took a look at Ling Ye and walked out with Master Tie.

Immediately, only the two brothers were left in the room.

Ling Ye's spirit seemed to be getting better and better. At this time, he sat up reluctantly, with a smile on his haggard face, and said, "Do you have something to ask, little brother?"

Guert said anxiously: "Brother, what happened at home? Where are your parents?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Ling Ye's eyes, and he sighed softly: "Parents, don't even look for me, you couldn't even see me, but since you saved me, it means that we still have the fate to be brothers ."

Guert felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and it took him a while to come back to his senses, and said, "What do you mean by that, brother? Don't you really want me anymore?"

Ling Ye shook his head and said, "You didn't come back that day. Dad was very anxious, but he couldn't find you, and then he was in a hurry to leave Yanghua, so he arrived in Nandu in a hurry. The house here was originally arranged. But I was missing my mother's favorite Zi Xingyi, so I went back to buy it after I stabilized a bit, and finally it was shipped."

After a pause, he said: "You should have found this place through this, right? Dad said he left you a lot of clues, and said that if you really have the heart, you will definitely be able to find this place."

Gu Erte nodded, thinking that it was the clues that his father left on purpose, and asked, "Then where are they now?"

Ling Ye showed a painful expression on his face, and said: "About a month ago, something happened suddenly at home, and several groups of people came from who knows where. What's more strange is that they were not looking for Dad, but Mom." As he spoke, he involuntarily glanced at Guert.

Guert was raised by his mother since he was a child, and his relationship with her was so good that his old-fashioned father would be jealous. When he heard this, he was extremely nervous, and said, "Ah? How did you find your mother? How did your mother react?"

Ling Ye shook his head and said: "I don't know, it's those people that Mom met alone, and Dad seemed a lot more anxious than usual. After about five days like this, Dad suddenly quarreled with Mom on that day. It's very strange. , I only know that they are arguing, but I can't understand a word of the content of the quarrel."

Guert thought to himself: This should be a relatively advanced power, which can cut off part of the sound waves. It seems that Dad does have a hand, and he can also perform this kind of kung fu even in a fit of anger, but don't let the elder brother hear it. Does it mean that this quarrel is not a husband and wife quarrel in the ordinary sense?

Ling Ye continued: "Later, Dad rushed out in a rage. I didn't catch up with Dad, and when I came back, I found that Mom was gone. But from that day on, I didn't see them again until about a week later. , Dad came back with a dejected expression, holding a wine bottle alone, drinking in the pavilion behind the courtyard."

Guert knew that it was the place where he saw a pool of blood, and it was also the place where his mother often stayed. Dad hid there alone drinking, could it be for his mother?

But to make the old-fashioned father do such a thing, could it be that something irreversible happened?

Ling Ye looked up at Guert, and said, "Little brother, you should know that something must have happened to make Dad do that, right?"

Guert said: "Yeah, what happened?"

Ling Ye seemed to be remembering something, and said with a wry smile: "I don't know, I ran to ask, but my dad forced me out. After another three days, he finally came out, saying that he had something to say to me, told me After I did something, I went back to that pavilion."

Guert knew that the things he said must be extremely important. Seeing his elder brother's pensive look, he didn't ask further questions and waited for him to say it himself. After a long time, Ling Ye seemed to come back to his senses, and said with a wry smile: "It's really strange, even you probably wouldn't have thought of it." Gurt finally couldn't help it, and said: "What the hell is it? "Ling Ye said: "Little brother, what do you think of the relationship between the four of us?" Guert was stunned, could it be related to this? He replied: "Except that I am too naughty and my father keeps beating me, everything else is fine!" Ling Ye said: "Then tell me, what is our relationship like?" Guert was even more surprised, what happened? Let big brother talk like that?

He replied: "Of course we have a very good relationship between brothers. Everyone envies me for having such a perfect elder brother!" Ling Ye laughed at himself and said, "Perfect? My surname is not Ling at all!" Guert said in surprise: " What?" Ling Ye looked at Guert, and said in a word: "You are the only child of the Ling family." Especially on the word "only", the tone was particularly emphasized. Guert stared blankly at Ling Ye, and saw intense sadness flashing in his eyes. Although he often joked about the difference in personality between the two when he was young, he usually said that he was not born to his father, but his elder brother was, but he didn't. Thinking of the fact that it was the opposite, I don't know if this blow is considered a big brother? Immediately said: "Brother you"

Ling Ye said dejectedly: "I couldn't bear it at the time, so I chased up and asked, but I didn't know that I made a move. In the end, I was defeated by my father, so I left Nandu quickly. After I went out, I passed by Elena's house. I will come back again, so I said goodbye to her, but when I arrived in the suburbs, I suddenly passed out."

Guert's heart shivered, and he said, "Brother, doesn't he know that he has been hit by Qihai Sea?"

Ling Ye was stunned and said, "What Qihai Sea?"

Suddenly a ball of anger ignited in Guert's heart, and he remembered that the people in Qihailin once sprayed Qihai sea water in the back window of the house. He was sure that this kind of thing did not happen all at once, but slowly eroded the human body. Fortunately, he It was discovered quickly at the time, but my eldest brother was not so lucky.

The poison must have been poisoned at home. At that time, his mind was in a mess, and he was still arguing with his father. Under such a chaotic situation, he must have been infected and didn't know. Then, Qi Haihai must have killed his father, so Speaking of which, the puddle of blood in the pavilion should belong to Dad.

He quickly told all of this to Ling Ye, and Ling Ye was sweating profusely, and said, "So, Dad?"

A cold light flashed in Guert's eyes, and he said: "Well, maybe at the time when Dad told you to leave Nandu quickly, he had already noticed that there were people surrounding him, and someone had released Seven Seas of Water in the house, so he didn't want you to be involved ."

Ling Ye also reacted, and said: "Yes, at first, Dad just talked to me with a very apologetic expression, saying that he had concealed me for so long, and he really felt sorry for me, but all this time, he really regarded me as his own. My biological son came to raise me. My biological parents were his good brothers back then. They died in battle with him, so he adopted me!

"Later, when I chased after me to ask for clarification, my father had a strange expression on his face, but he wanted to drive me away. I refused, so I quarreled and was injured by him. Because I was injured by my father, I was so sad. Disappointed and left."

Guert has made up his mind, knowing that Qihailin is a ghostly place, he must go there, and what happened between his parents can only be found out by asking the person concerned. Fortunately, the elder brother is fine, but why is it all happening What happened before I came to Nandu? Is it really destined in the dark?

Suddenly, something came to mind, and he asked, "Dad's identity, brother?"

Ling Ye snorted and said, "By the way, my dad told me when I was eighteen years old."

Guert sighed in his heart, it seems that his father really regarded his elder brother as his son, but this biological son didn't say anything.

However, it would be worth it if the eldest brother is not sad because of this. Anyway, I am used to being mischievous since I was a child, and I am not used to my father's way. It is indeed better for my elder brother to inherit all this.

Because of this, Ling Ye seemed to think of the usual things between father and son, but ignored Guert's mood. After a while, he realized, "Little brother, it's not that Dad didn't tell you, it's because Dad thinks you are too young. , and it's too naughty to tell you this."

Guert shrugged and said: "Who cares about him!" After a pause, he said with a smile: "As long as the eldest brother is still there, who cares about that old-fashioned father."

Ling Ye naturally knew what the younger brother meant, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, younger brother. Although I was sad at the time, my parents have always been so kind to me. I would never leave this house because of this."

Although Guert saw that he still called his parents parents, but when he heard his promise at this time, a big stone fell in his heart, and he said with a smile: "That's good, I'm afraid that the eldest brother is gone, and I will be bullied in the future. Find someone I can't even cry and complain!"

Ling Ye seemed to be getting better and better, and said with a smile: "It's fine if others don't mess with you, who else would dare to bully you!"

The two brothers smiled at each other, apparently a year apart, many things happened, did not change the sincere relationship between the two.

Suddenly Guert said: "Did Dad tell you about the things before you came to Yanghua?"

Ling Ye smiled and said: "You are really curious, but he didn't tell me about it."

Guert widened his eyes and said, "Aren't you curious?"

Ling Ye shook his head and said, "It's useless to be curious if Dad doesn't tell me."

Guert sighed: "Brother is still as boring as before."

If he knew it, he would pester his father every day, forcing him to talk, and he might even tell the world that the God of War is here in exchange for forcing his father to satisfy his curiosity.

In fact, this is the difference between their brothers. Ling Ye will strictly abide by what their parents want to do, and will finish it quickly without any doubts, but Gurt is different. Their father Ling Yuanhong asked him to do something. For this matter, he will inevitably ask the reason, until he can't answer the question, he will start to feel complacent, thinking that it is unreasonable for him to do it, and he will do it honestly until Ling Yuanhong uses "violence".

After talking so much, Guert decided to let his elder brother take a good rest, and went out to find Maya or Alice by himself, to find out what the origin of this Qihai Forest was.

When I walked into the hall, I saw Maya, Alice and others sitting there, and there was a brown-haired middle-aged man standing next to him, about forty years old, talking solemnly, seeing Guert go After entering, he immediately stopped talking.

Maya greeted her with a smile, and said, "Brother, are you alright?"

Guert felt strange, nodded and said: "It's okay, I came here to ask a few questions, because I'm not familiar with this place at all."

Alice hurriedly said: "If you have any questions, just ask, you saved us, and we haven't thanked you properly yet!"

Guert glanced at her and saw that she had a charming face. She looked much purer than last night, and said with a smile, "It's about Qihai Forest and Qihai Sea."

Maya arranged Guert to sit next to her, pointed to the middle-aged man next to her, and said, "This is Uncle Suo, the housekeeper of this manor. He has been with my dad for decades. He is more familiar with the situation here than we are." Much. Do you have anything to ask him?"

Gurte nodded and said, "Hello, Uncle Suo, I want to ask about Qihai Seawater, is it possible that Qihailin is the only one that has it?"

Uncle Suo pondered for a moment, glanced at Maya, and said, "That's not necessarily true. Qihai Forest has been in decline for the past few years, and it's relatively declining. That's why some young nobles in the clan will sell Qihai Water!"

Guert said: "In this way, is it true that Qihai Sea is not only available in Qihai Forest?"

Uncle Suo said: "There are actually two types of sea water, one is called the inner seven sea water, and the other is called the outer seven sea water. The outer sea water is usually sold and processed by the Qihai forest tribe. It is an impure of the Seven Seas.

"The inner ones are collected directly from a place called "Xuanming River" in the Seven Seas Forest. They have not been processed, but their poisonous power is far higher than the usual outer seven sea waters."

Guert thought of the Qihai Sea that he had suppressed, turned his palm over, and suddenly the thin tube appeared in his hand, and said, "Uncle Suo, please tell the difference, is it inside or outside?"

Uncle Suo was taken aback, looked at Guert and said, "Where did this come from?"

Gould will go through and say it again.

Uncle Suo said: "It must be from the outside. The sea water from the inner seven seas is very rare. Unless it is a very powerful enemy, it will not be used."

Guert began to hesitate in his heart. After all, it was not enough to go to the people of Qihailin based on Qihaihai alone, unless he could prove that his elder brother was injured in Qihaihai.

But how to find Dad? After all, you don't even know who the enemy is! Moreover, my mother usually lives in seclusion and knows very few people. How could so many people I know come to visit suddenly?

Maya came over here suddenly, looked at the thin tube in his hand, and said, "I really want to thank you, if it wasn't for you, we would all be dead."

Guert was thinking about his parents and ignored her.

At this time, Uncle Suo suddenly said: "I want to ask, did you kill all the people at Wuthering Heights?"

Guert nodded slightly, and said, "If you have any questions, you can come to me."

Uncle Suo hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, that's not what I mean, I just want to make sure, because I've never seen anyone who can block so many with one hand!"

Alice said happily: "You are so powerful. Uncle Suo was still telling me just now. For some reason, the news spread so fast this time. It only took a while for twenty-one minorities to know about it."

Guert raised his eyebrows and said, "Know what?"

Maya laughed and said, "The mysterious boy beat a hundred with one and killed nearly fifty people in Qihailin."

Guert was startled, and thought to himself: How many people have been killed? But the news spread too fast? Did someone spread it on purpose?

He glanced at Uncle Saosuo and the others, and they quickly waved their hands.

Uncle Suo said: "We also received this news just now. Listening to the narration process seems to be like seeing it with our own eyes, saying how powerful you are, and how bad Qihailin is."

Alice said: "We also guess that someone spread it on purpose, but it's not bad, it just helps to increase your reputation, but it's a pity he didn't mention your name, otherwise your reputation will be even greater."

Guert thought to himself: I am not that stupid. If I am Guert, then it must be the Haifeng gang who did it. If I am Yuan Qiu, then someone on your side must have leaked it. No one would do such a traceable thing!

Maya continued: "My dad is going to mobilize the manpower, and immediately send people to attack Qihailin. No matter what, they have to hand over a murderer, otherwise everyone will think that our Nona family is easy to bully in the future."

Gurt said: "By the way, have you figured out their purpose?"

Uncle Suo said: "It's probably because of your elder brother. After all, the Nona family and Qihailin are not in conflict with each other. They have no reason to attack suddenly!"

Guert thought to himself: If this is the case, it is hard to say that the Qihai water on the eldest brother has nothing to do with Qihailin, but what is Qihailin's motive? Thinking of what the man in black said, he might have to ask their elders.

Immediately asked: "When are you going to attack?"

Uncle Suo said decisively: "In the morning, about two hours later!"

Guert laughed: "Count me in!"

Uncle Suo said happily: "It would be great if you could participate!"

Several people discussed the details again. Before the time came, Guerte proposed to find a place to rest. Maya had something to do, so he asked Alice to take him there. Before leaving, Maya also took Alice Pulled aside, said a few whispers.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and a round of red sun was jumping out of the mist, which was the beginning of the day.

While walking, Guert looked at the exquisite figure of Alice who was leading the way, and the swaying beautiful buttocks when walking, and couldn't help sighing. It seemed that he had been a little bit greedy since Nuoer. The woman's body is broken, no wonder how many men are crazy about beauty, and it really doesn't feel good to be controlled by the body!

He is the kind of person who is very casual in everything he does, but the more casual he is, the less he wants to be caught in something. The feeling of being mastered and manipulated makes him feel suffocated.