Battle of the Orcs

Guert also went in and scanned the surroundings. This is a stone room with stone benches, stone chairs and other items. Gurt asked: "Which door is the elder's room?" The young man pointed to the third one feebly, and said: "Our Saha elder lives in it, don't say that I took you here later." here."

Guert looked at him and saw him paralyzed on the ground covered in bloodstains, with a pitiful expression on his face. He didn't want to care about him any more. He opened the door and walked into the third door while maintaining a high level of vigilance. He didn't want to follow the last time That was buried in the sea of stones for more than a year.

Pushing the door open, he was taken aback.

The floor is covered with a red carpet, and the surroundings are luxuriously furnished. A naked old man is lying on a big soft cotton bed, his whole body is loose. Beside him are six naked and beautiful young girls, some are beating their backs, some are fanning the wind. Others sat on his lap, Guert laughed secretly: Do all the people in Qihailin like this? What's even more strange is that when he opened the door and came in, no one in the room looked up at him.

Holding the spirit blade, he walked up to the old man, only to realize that he seemed to be resting with his eyes closed.

The girl next to him seemed to realize that there was a good-looking boy in front of him who had never seen him before. They all turned pale with shock, and some even cried out coquettishly, but they did not leave their original positions.

The elder opened his eyes leisurely, saw Guert in front of him, was slightly startled, and said, "Why are you here?"

These words were strange to Gurt's ears. Logically, when such a person appeared in front of him, what he would blurt out should be "Who are you?" or "Who are you?" But this sentence "You Why are you here?" But it seemed like he knew him.

He asked strangely at the moment: "Do you know who I am?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across the elder's face, and he shook his head and said, "I don't know." Guert still had doubts in his heart, but the elder had already opened his mouth and said, "What's the matter with you here?" Guert said, "I think May I ask, what is Qihailin's holiday with my father and elder brother?" The elder raised his white eyebrows and said, "Who are your father and elder brother?" Guert's eyes flashed coldly, and he said, "The old man from last night Don't tell me you've forgotten about this matter?" The elder said, "So that boy was you last night, Tao Shisan is really useless."

Guert suddenly had an unpredictable feeling in his heart, especially the elder in front of him, it really didn't feel like he was being coerced by himself, except that when he came in at the beginning, the girls screamed, but now they are still the same as before Serving this elder, naked in front of him, he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

At this moment, the entire stone room suddenly trembled, and a fierce roar came out. The elder's face changed, and he shouted: "Yanyu, what did you do?"

As soon as Guert stabilized his body, he saw the door was pushed open, and the young man he had dragged all the way ran in, and shouted with a smile: "Haha, I finally got out, these wolf cubs really killed me ."

The elder's expression changed drastically, and he said, "Nonsense, who allowed you to let them out?"

Turning his head, he asked Guert, "Did you come with your friends? Hurry up and save people, it will be too late."

After finishing speaking, he volleyed a little, and another door appeared in the stone room, the elder said: "Go quickly!"

Guert was stunned, and said, "What do you mean? You haven't told me the answer yet, why should I leave?"

The elder said anxiously: "Your father Ling Yuan Honggui is a military god of a generation, how dare I offend you casually, just ask your mother about everything else, forgive me for not saying more."

After a pause, he said: "If you don't stop it, those friends of yours will be turned into a pile of minced meat."

As he said that, several roars came from outside, which made people tremble with fear.

Guert was startled, knowing that the inside story was not simple, he glanced at the young man and said, "I want to take him away!"

The elder's face darkened, and he said: "No, I think it's for your mother's sake that I didn't hold you accountable for breaking into Xuanming Mountain and hurting my child. You should go there quickly, otherwise you won't be able to save anyone. "

Guert looked at the lumps of fat on the elder's naked body, and for some reason, he felt a little afraid, especially when he mentioned his mother again and again, he didn't think about it anymore, looked at the elder, and said: "I will meet you someday." Come again!"

After finishing speaking, his figure flashed out, and rushed out of the mountain.

The elder looked at the swinging door and sighed for a long time.

Guert rushed out along the corridor, feeling the bloody aura along the way. When he got out of the mountain, he looked back and saw that it was the big hole that the young man who called Misty Rain wanted to let him go. Could it be true? What did he let go of?

Thinking about the roars he heard before, and thinking about how empty the entire village was, he felt uneasy. Although he had always disliked the people of the Nona family before, after all, he now belongs to their side. Save, and Maya is still inside, this girl helped me a lot after all.

His figure swept forward like lightning, the surroundings were deathly silent, surrounded by mist, but what was different was the smell of blood, which seemed to be spreading.

Finally, a shrill scream came, and Guert's heart tightened. It was a female voice, and Maya was the only girl from the Nona family who came to Qihailin, so it must belong to her.

After a few low growls and screams, Guert finally arrived. The muddy ground was soaked with blood, and he stepped on it and made a "tattling" sound. The corpses around him were lying in disarray. He didn't dare to pay attention. Look, his eyes quickly locked on Maya lying on the tree and a blood man in front of the tree, and a strong stench was coming from a beast beside the tree.

It stood there half a person tall, with its short tail raised high, its front paws scratching the ground impatiently, and it was making heart-stopping growls.

The blood man in front was waving the weapon in his hand, obviously trying to stop the beast.

And Maya on the tree was already stained with blood, and she was looking at the tree in horror at this time, her whole body was trembling.

Guert knew that Maya should not be injured, and the bloody man below should be Uncle Zhong according to his height, and he was trying to save Maya with death, but judging from the situation, it was already at the end of his battle.

At this moment, the beast suddenly let out a roar, and rushed forward quickly.

Guert took a deep breath, and quickly jumped over. The spirit blade was already in his hand, and he was about to swipe towards the beast with a flash of cold light. The drawn spirit blade.

Guertwan didn't expect this beast to be so sensitive. Just as he was about to change his move, he saw the beast's hind legs kick back suddenly, and its whole body turned so that it faced him. .

Guert couldn't let it hurt, he fought hard with both hands, and a burst of strength burst out, and he blocked the two sharp claws abruptly, only to hear the beast scream, and fell several meters back.

Maya exclaimed in surprise: "Xiaoqiu!"

Guert frowned. Just now, when he met the beast face to face, he had a very bad feeling in his heart, especially the green light in the eyes of the beast, which seemed to remind him that it was not just a beast.

The beast fell to the ground and immediately got up, but what stunned the people here was that "it" didn't land on all fours this time, but stood here like a human being, with its claws like hands. Waving it in front of his chest, his sharp teeth kept grinding up and down, and there was an incomparably murderous look in his eyes.

Uncle Zhong, who was wounded all over his body, seemed to have realized something, and cried out: "Oh my god, it's an orc, and they have orcs!"

Guert knew from the fact that the thing was able to escape him just now, that it must have spirituality, but Uncle Zhong was still stunned when he called the orc, and in a flash, the orc had already rushed forward , his figure was so fast that it was unbelievable, almost as soon as he moved, he was already in front of him.

He spat out Yili from his palm, and was about to hit the orc, when the orc suddenly lowered his body, landed on all fours again, and rushed towards Uncle Zhong on the other side.

Guert yelled that it was not good, and he didn't dare to use all his strength to fight. After all, the orc moved too fast, and if he hurt Uncle Zhong, he would be finished. He rushed forward, and when he was about to catch up, he heard Uncle Zhong scream Screaming, blood rain spurting, it seemed that even the white mist was dyed red.

Guert, who arrived one step later, swung the orc to the side, and then saw the blurred corpse on the ground, and felt a chill in his heart. This orc is too terrifying. This is just one. If there are more, How can I fight this?

Maya on the tree screamed violently, and kept crying Uncle Zhong's name, which was exactly the same, reminding Guert that protecting talents is the most important thing at this time.

As soon as her figure was raised, the whole person rushed to the tree and hugged her by the waist.

Just as the whole person was about to fly up, a stench suddenly rushed in. He glanced and saw a pair of green eyes of the orc staring at him fiercely, feeling a chill in his heart, but there was Maya who needed protection beside him, so he couldn't move away at all. When I got up, my heart sank, and with a click, the branch was instantly broken, and the two of them fell down, just in time to avoid the orc who rushed at the side.

It was the first time that the orc had been dodged by someone. He roared frequently, obviously getting more and more angry, and swooped down from top to bottom again.

Guert rolled to the side again, and was forced into a panic. The main reason was that the speed of the orc was too fast. If he was alone, he might be able to dodge barely, but with Maya, he couldn't dodge at all.

Dodging several times in a row, the orc's pounce became more and more powerful and powerful. Guert's heart moved, pretending to be stagnant, and the dodge was half a beat slower. The orc obviously would not miss this opportunity , came quickly.

At this moment, a burst of red light exploded, and a layer of red mask suddenly wrapped Guert and Maya inside. It was the Hongfei Sky Wheel that had not been used for a long time.

This magic weapon that Guert relied on to save his life in the early days played a role again at this time, saving him and Maya.

A burst of red light overflowed from Hongfei's sky wheel, and the shock caused by the orc's pounce sent it flying for several meters, but there was also a crack on Hongfei's sky wheel.

Looking at the cracks on the mask, Guert felt extremely sorry in his heart, and secretly said: Xiao Hong! Xiaohong, if you hold on a little longer, I will definitely find someone to fix you!

Guert flew the Hongfei Skywheel to high altitude, and Maya hid inside it was very safe.

He looked at the orc below who was snarling at him, and murmured, "Look at how I skinned you!"

Looking at Maya, who was so frightened that she could only cry, Yili vomited, and her figure squeezed out of the mask.

With a clap of both palms, he took out the spirit blade again, vomited Yili slightly, and immediately the outside of the spirit blade overflowed with white light, the blade light was close to one meter, and the cold air was overwhelming.

He yelled in the air: "Beast, watch how I deal with you!" After speaking, the blade burst out again, and the whole person dived towards the ground.

Not to be outdone, the orc stood up, roared at Tianchang, and moved his claws, but no matter how powerful it is, it is only a body of flesh and blood after all. In terms of IQ, it is even worse than the eccentric Guert. After being cut by Guert's spirit blade, he roared repeatedly, and the skin and hair that fell off his body also flew around with the wind.

Although Guert's face was relaxed, he was secretly surprised in his heart.

This spirit blade is a rare soldier with a handle that cuts gold and cuts jade. It can only hurt the fur of the orc. It can be seen how hard the skin of the orc is, and the speed is so fast. If you can deploy your body resources at any time, you may not be able to do so easily.

Looking at the corpses here again, it must have killed them all in one go. Except for their appearance, they are not as good as the ghosts in the cultivation world, in other respects, they seem to be more terrifying than the ghosts in the cultivation world!

While thinking about it, the spirit blade pierced towards the orc's heart. This was the result of Guert's continuous experimentation. He didn't believe that there was no part of the orc's body that could hurt it.

Finally, the orc uttered a terrible roar, and a bloody arrow shot out, and Guert pierced his heart with the spirit blade.

But almost at the same time, Guert's heart flashed with warning signs. Although he didn't know where it came from, he had always believed in his body's reaction, so he quickly retracted the spirit blade, rolled back, and dodged nearly ten meters.

At the same time as his body flew out, a green light suddenly appeared from the orc's injured heart, and he shot forward like a weapon. If Guert didn't move, he might be pierced by this blow Body.

Guert broke out in a cold sweat. He could naturally sense the strangeness of this green light. Not only was it stronger than his own blade light, but it also pierced his body, and his body-guard qi might not be able to stop it.

What's this?

The green light disappeared, and the orc lay on the ground panting. Although his eyes were still staring at him fiercely, the green light in it had gradually dimmed, and it was no longer as fierce as it was at the beginning.

Suspicious in his heart, Guert deliberately walked slowly to the side of the orc, raised the spirit blade, and was about to make a move, when suddenly Elder Saha's voice came, saying: "Its beast light has been released, please be merciful. "Gurt was not surprised that Saha would come to intercede at this time, and cursed secretly in his heart: If he couldn't dodge that one just now, he probably would have died. He asked: "What is the beast glow?" Saha's voice floated from afar, and said: "It is a protective device cultivated by orcs, and it will shoot out only when encountering high danger." Gu Walter thought for a while, looked at the bloody corpses around, and said, "It killed so many people, why should I let it go?"

Saha was silent for a while, and said: "This is what the Nona family asked for, trying to bring minorities into the territory of Qimeng. This is impossible. You can go back and tell Nona's Danzi, I can put His attack today is regarded as his mind is in a daze, so don't care about it."

Guert rolled his eyelids, thinking that this old guy is really arrogant, he killed so many people, and he said he would not trouble him! But these are none of my business, let them handle it themselves!

He said: "What about me? What benefits do I have?" Saha was silent for a while, and said: "I can tell you a secret about the beast glow, but you can't tell others."

Guert snorted, and said in his heart: This old guy is really powerful. From the few words just now, I can hear my interest in the beast glow. Immediately said: "Then tell me."

Saha is not a fool, forcing Guert to make an oath.

Guert rubbed his head and said with a wry smile: "Is my reputation so bad?" But he still made an oath.

Saha pondered for a while, and said: "This orc is called Kentan, and belongs to the low-level orc tribe. Its beast light is only a protective tool, but some higher-level orcs can cultivate the beast light into their own weapons... "

Guert was startled, if the green light just now turned into a weapon in his hand, the power would be really amazing. Immediately asked: "What do you tell me these things?"

Saha said: "If you encounter an orc attacking you, it must be a high-level orc, so remember to pay attention to this kind of beast light, its power is still higher than the spirit blade in your hand. The refined body protector cannot be seen by anyone who is not idle."

Guert heard him say that he is better than Qingyin, and thinking of the situation just now, it is indeed possible, and smiled wryly at the moment: "It seems that I am still not waiting for nothing."

Sahamer remained silent, and Gurt had to ask again: "What does this thing have to do with spirits?"

Saha seemed stunned for a moment, and then said: "Since you know the spirits, it means that you have been in contact with people from the cultivation world, so it's okay to tell you, the promotion of orcs is the spirits."

Guert frowned and said, "From half-human to full-beast, how could it be a promotion?"

Saha suddenly laughed twice, and said: "You have never been a 'beast', so how do you know that 'human' is a good state for them?

"Actually, for them, half-human is a painful cultivation process, and the ultimate goal is to be a whole beast. Whole beast, half-beast and half-human, and then back to full-beast, this is their training track." After a pause, Said: "Okay, I have answered all the answers, let's go, don't come here to make trouble again."

There are a few questions still swirling around in Gourt's mind, but they're all about his parents.

Just as he was about to ask again, the orc who had been crawling beside him suddenly moved. Gurt stepped back subconsciously, and saw the orc's figure disappear into the thick fog with lightning.

Seeing that there was nothing to threaten, Guert knew that even if he asked, Saha would definitely not answer, so he had to give up, turned around and flew up to Maya, and saw that she was still lying on the Hongfei Tianlun, her body trembling. It doesn't stop, it seems that the stimulation just now was too deep.

He sighed secretly, picked her up, and flew towards the Nona family.