Fragrance disappears and jade dies

Guert's mind was buzzing, he was dizzy, and almost fell from the air. He hurriedly grabbed Bimowen's hatch with one hand, jumped in, and shouted at the same time: "Nuoer!"

Looking down at Nuo'er, her small mouth was still pressed against something, and the muffled hum just now came from her throat.

And the delicate and pretty face that was originally full of blood has also become pale at this time, the eyes are slightly closed, the slender eyelashes like rows of fans are constantly shaking, the long brown hair is a little messed up in the snatch just now, and the black hair on the chest The red bloodstains on the beach are shocking.

Guert lifted the seal that was attached to her small mouth, and while calling Nuo'er, he continuously lost the last little energy in his body.

Heart Sutra! Don't you claim to be the number one healing method in the cultivation world? Hurry up and rescue Nuoer!

He howled fiercely in his heart, but after Yili entered it, he discovered a fact that he never wanted to see——In Nuoer's weak body, all the meridians have been cut off, and a large amount of blood is constantly flowing outwards. gush.

Damn Lu Buya, he must have planted something in Nuoer's body before.

Yili continued to lose, and Ling Ye, who had been eroded by Qihai Sea for half a month last time, was able to be revived, so at this time, he was also looking forward to a miracle.

Although there was still no improvement in the meridians, Nuoer finally had a reaction on his face. He opened his eyes and saw Guert covered in blood, and exclaimed: "Brother Ling, are you injured?"

Seeing Nuoer come to life, Guert said excitedly, "Nuoer, are you alright?"

Nuo'er's pale lips also began to turn red, and she shook her head and said, "I don't know, I just feel light all over." Guerte was still sending energy into her body, but it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and there was no reaction at all. No, but Nuoer's little face turned redder and redder. Guert looked at her nervously, and the place where he was hit by that force just now had already soaked his white clothes with blood. Guert said: "Nuoer, be good, the elder brother will take you out." Even so, the little energy left is constantly losing to Nuoer, and he has no extra energy to activate Bimowen , The hatch has been automatically closed, which is more than Mo Wen's own residual energy, which can maintain it in mid-air for a while.

There was a smile on Nuo'er's face, and the two blushes on her cheeks became more and more obvious. She said, "I know that elder brother treats me the best. Since I was born until now, the days with elder brother are the happiest."

Guert felt chills involuntarily, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and hugged Nuo'er, who was usually eloquent, but now he couldn't say a word.

Nuoer suddenly grabbed Guert's clothes tightly and said, "Brother, hold me tight, I feel like I'm going to fly away."

Tears rolled down Guert's eyes, he hugged Nuo'er tightly, and buried his head deeply in the bloodstain on Nuo'er's chest.

The bloody smell on Nuo'er's body seemed to be the most beautiful fragrance in the world at this time, and he said with a slight cry: "Brother will always hold you tightly, and promise that you will not fly. If you fly away, I will catch you too!" Come back and let you be by my side forever!"

Nuoer suddenly let go of his clothes and stroked his hair, Guert quickly raised his head.

Nuo'er saw the blood on Gurt's face and the tears that were falling down, wiped it with her small hands, and said, "Brother, why are you crying? Do you think Nuo'er is bad? You don't want Nuo'er anymore?"

Guert knew that she was like a sensitive and fragile animal. Although she looked gorgeous on the outside, she felt extremely inferior in her heart, so she hurriedly wiped away her tears and said, "No, brother is so happy. Stay with Big Brother, and Big Brother will take you with you wherever you go."

Nuo'er giggled, her pretty face began to turn sickly red, but her blue eyes became more and more dim, and she said, "Really? Hehe, if big brother can put me in that space like this, I will be fine." alright."

After Guert was startled, he realized that Nuoer was talking about Bimowen, and he felt bitter, and said, "Nuoer, be good, brother will not let you leave, and you can't put it in that space, so I won't be able to see it." It's your turn."

Nuoer shook her head repeatedly, and said: "No, big brother, I'm too burdensome to be by your side, without me, big brother won't be hurt, I just want to hide in a part of big brother's body, when big brother misses me, Just let me come out and have a look at me, I've been waiting inside for Big Brother."

This must be what she had been yearning for all along, so she said it in one breath without even pausing, but she still couldn't catch her breath when it came to the last few words.

Guert knew that according to Nuoer's internal condition, she should have died for a long time, but it was unknown whether it was because of the special nature of the Heart Sutra or other reasons, she was still able to persist for so long.

He hugged Nuo'er tightly, tears blurring his eyes.

Nuo'er suddenly grabbed his clothes tightly and shouted: "Brother, brother, I'm going to fly away, I, I don't want to leave you"

Guert stared at Nuo'er with a blurred vision, and suddenly found that the redness of her pretty cheeks had faded in an instant, and the brilliance between her lips had disappeared, leaving only a touch of paleness, and even the tender body that was still warm just now, was gone. It also suddenly cooled down. Seventeen years of life seemed to disappear in this delicate body. "Nuoer!" Guert let out a stern roar, bleeding with hatred in his heart. But the tears could no longer flow out. Gently put down Nuo'er's body, looking at her beautiful body, I thought of the afternoon when I first saw her, that sunny afternoon, Nuo'er in hot attire stood by the bed, with a beautiful and delicate face, slightly shy Smile, frank demeanor "I am Nuoer specially sent to serve you, you, you must be the third master, right?" "Master, what service do you need?" All this seemed to happen yesterday, and quickly flashed in my mind Pass. Time flies, life is fleeting. This is the truth that I have already understood. I was looking at the river by the Yutiao River that day. Nuoer, who watched the running water together, has disappeared.

Nuo'er is different from Yan Yiyi, Yan Yiyi left, she felt lost, but more of a loss that wanted to be conquered but not conquered.

But from Nuo'er, I always feel the feeling of caring for this girl with my life, and Nuo'er is like a blank sheet of paper, without any stains, and has absolute trust in herself.

I have this trust, but I haven't fulfilled the original promise. I looked down at the blood on my body. I have my own, but more of it is sprayed from Nuoer, using blood as an arrow. ? Or device?

When Nuoer planted these in her body, would it hurt?

The tender feelings in Guert's heart suddenly turned into monstrous hatred. Just now, in order to convey energy to Nuo'er, he himself had been exhausted too much. Leaning against Bimowen, suddenly the whole Bimowen trembled.

He barely stood still, and said to himself: I won't seek revenge on these damned things, but they will strike first instead.

Just about to sit down and meditate, suddenly, a voice sounded in my head: "Stinky boy, what happened, woke me up!"

Hearing this voice, Guert must have been extremely excited as usual. At this moment, his heart was full of hatred, and he said coldly: "Shut up, go back and sleep!"

What can speak in Guert's mind is naturally the bonus that entered into his body along with the artifact—the Bodhisattva, his consciousness is entangled with Guert's.

Last time, because I had to help Guert rush out of the stone sea, I was exhausted and had to rest for many days. Until just now because of Nuoer's death, Guert's mood changed a lot, and the hatred that penetrated his bones Only then did he wake up.

Pu Jie said in astonishment: "Boy, what happened to you? Your parents were chopped off? Such a big enmity"

Guert said coldly: "Shut up!" After finishing speaking, he stopped caring about Bo Jie's nonsense and sat down, sinking the true energy that was originally retained in the body into the dantian, and using the method of generating energy before, to start Transform, and start to accumulate energy again.

At this time, there was already a mess outside. On the one hand, Lu Buya and the others saw that the offensive was effective, but they only knew that Nuoer was doomed, and no one knew how Guert was injured. No one dared to go up to check.

On the other hand, Lu Buya and the others were discussing how to mobilize a large attack weapon to destroy Bimowen at once.

Especially with the turmoil just now, it is estimated that people nearby already know that something big happened here, but they dare not come in to ask because of the power of the two families, but if it provokes the Lord to come and kiss, it will be over.

After a lot of tossing around, the largest attack weapon at present was finally pushed out, which is also a siege-level "Heaven and Earth Boom", shaped like an ancient cannon, but it requires six people to input true energy at the same time to shoot out the solid ammunition in the tube .

After adjusting the position, look at Bimowen.

Bimowen just shook, but still stopped there.

An ominous feeling also began to emerge in Lu Buya's heart, and he hurriedly ordered: "Continue to boom! Dad and second uncle go up and have a look."

Lu Wuji and Hai Feng looked at each other, then turned to look at Lu Buya, Lu Buya said in a deep voice, "Hurry up, he must be injured!"

For some reason, the two elders seemed to be a little afraid of Lu Buya. At this time, they looked at each other again, and flew into the air, while Tiandihong below replaced the other six people, and once again bombarded Bimowen.

Bimowen was attacked again, and the shaking time was much longer than last time. Lu Buya stood below and watched, delighted to see this, and hurriedly ordered the subordinates to continue to change.

After driving four times in a row, Bimowen seemed to finally be unable to withstand such an attack, and kept shaking, while Lu Wuji and Hai Feng, who were flying in mid-air, were still hesitating and did not dare to go in. .

With a wave of Lu Buya's hand, it was obvious that another group of people had to go up, when a person below reported: "Everyone has already gone up twice."

Lu Buya looked back, and sure enough, most of the people were so tired that they collapsed on the ground. Then he remembered that Guert had bombarded at least 60 people just now, and the people around him were affected by that blow, which made it even worse now. No one is available.

In anger, he yelled at Lu Wuji and Hai Feng in the air: "What are you doing? Why don't you go in quickly?"

Lu Wuji and Hai Feng looked at the exhausted appearance of a bunch of people on the ground, and they both knew that there was probably no one available, so they looked at each other and started to swipe towards Bimowen's hatch.

This Bimo Wen was given to Guert by Haifeng himself that day, but even he himself did not expect that there would be today's appearance.

As soon as his hand touched the hatch, Bimowen's constant vibration since the sixth attack suddenly stopped.

Hai Feng was stunned for a moment, and was about to step back when suddenly the cabin door opened, and Guert stood impressively at the cabin door.

She was covered in blood-stained white clothes, with an impeccably handsome, but extremely pale face at this moment, exuding an extremely cold aura, as well as an undetectable strange aura.

Hai Feng hurriedly stepped back and stood side by side with Lu Wuji.

Guert recovered half of his strength at most, but time was urgent. Although he could drive Bimowen away first, he was afraid that these people would hide after leaving, thus losing the chance to avenge Nuoer, so he used this half of his strength Power to revenge.

At this moment, seeing Hai Feng's frightened retreat, he smiled coldly and said, "Do you also know that you are afraid?"

Hai Feng and Lu Wuji are both masters of the Qi League, but they have already felt the pressure from Guert before they make a move at this time. Thinking of the power of the previous attack, no matter how calm the two are, they can't help it. Can't help but change his face.

Hai Feng forced a smile and said, "Third Brother, there must be some misunderstanding between us."

Guert said: "Misunderstanding? Is it a misunderstanding that Nuoer was kidnapped to threaten me? Or was it a misunderstanding that I accidentally wanted to use Nuoer to kill me?" People can't help but tremble.

When he said this, Hai Feng and Lu Wuji immediately turned their eyes to Guert's chest. They could only see that the white shirt was completely soaked in blood, and they couldn't tell whether Guert had any blood. Injuried.

When Guert saw their gazes, he naturally knew the meaning. He remembered the tingling pain that came from nowhere when Nuoer groaned before, and knew that this must be their secret weapon. He immediately asked: "Just now?" What did you plant in Nuoer's body?"

Hai Feng was frightened by Guert's expression, and was about to answer in a daze, when suddenly Lu Wuji next to him pulled him, Hai Feng woke up suddenly, and said: "This is none of your business!"

Guert's eyes shone coldly, he stared at Lu Wuji, and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, in short, you will only die today. If you don't tell me, then wait to tell the ghost!"

As soon as the voice fell slightly, the whole person turned into a phantom, and rushed towards Haifeng and Lu Wuji.

Hai Feng and the two of them didn't expect him to do it so quickly, but they are not ordinary masters after all, and they have known each other for many years, and they have a tacit understanding in all aspects of cooperation. go.

Guert had already gathered his spirits, knowing that these two were masters, he made a magic blade with his right hand, and spit out his left hand with Yili, drawing a circle in the air, and the white light passed by, then stopped suddenly, forming a white circle At this time, he was floating forward intact, just in time to meet the two people who came together.

The two of them were going to fight with Guert with all their lives, but they didn't expect that before Guert arrived, a circle drawn by Yi Li had already floated over.

It was the first time the two had encountered such an attack in nearly fifty years of confrontation. They looked at each other, but they couldn't figure out the depth.

The white circle of light was approaching, Hai Feng let out a low drink, and tentatively slapped a palm wind. The white light passing by the palm wind shook slightly, but there was still no major change.

Hai Feng was suspicious, and was about to turn his head to ask Lu Wuji, but suddenly Lu Wuji's face changed drastically, and he shouted in surprise: "Be careful!"

Hai Feng looked back, and a powerful wave of true energy suddenly appeared in front of him. He hurriedly muttered a secret word, raising the true energy all over his body, and hurriedly pushed out his hands to protect his body.

There was a loud "bang", only a rattling sound, and then with a bang, Haifeng spat out a mouthful of blood and fell from the air.

Lu Wuji rushed down, and was about to catch Haifeng. Guert, who had been waiting for a long time, would not let the two of them go at this moment. The spirit blade flashed and stabbed towards the flying Lu Wuji.

In a hurry, Lu Wuji slapped two palms, trying to stop Guert, and fell down at the same time, hoping to catch Haifeng.

Guert is full of strength, how can he be so easy to block, and the speed of activation is many times faster than that of Lu Wuji. As soon as Lu Wuji's body fell, Guert had already reached the bottom, and when Lu Wuji came over, it was Swipe down on him.

Lu Wuji didn't expect Guert to be so fast, so he subconsciously summoned up his true energy and blocked it with his hand.

Blood flashed, screams sounded, one arm of Lu Wuji flew out like this, and the whole person fell down at the same time.

Guert chopped off a part of his arm, and without frowning, he swiped the spirit blade and attacked Lu Wuji from another angle. Lu Wuji was not Guert's opponent in the first place. He had just had an arm chopped off, so he had no ability to block him. He sighed secretly, closing his eyes and waiting to die. Seeing that he had given up resisting, Guert sneered and said, "Don't think that I will let you go! Die!" With a flash of cold light, he chopped off Lu Wuji's other arm. At this moment, a strong force struck Guert's back. Guert waved his other hand, and then slapped a palm on the attacking force. One side of the spirit blade was still cut out. At the moment when the spirit blade touched Lu Wuji, the palm of his hand also aligned with the person behind him. With a "boom", Guert's whole body was shaken violently, and his whole body was sent flying more than ten meters away. Naturally, the original spirit blade attack also failed. He hurriedly stabilized his figure in the air, and swept his eyes away. I saw that the originally fallen bodies of Hai Feng and Lu Wuji had already slowly landed on the ground, as if they were supported by a pair of invisible big hands.

There was a strange feeling in Guert's heart. He looked not far away and was stunned.

Dressed in snow-white clothes, his handsome face was showing an expression of surprise, and his slender figure stood there, like a fairy.

It's him!