Beauty Like Jade

Kabie suddenly ran towards the middle of the road, as if he wanted to take a closer look.

Guert was surprised: Could it be that this card is not particularly interesting, why do you have to run over to look at it, so you can't see it?

Looking at the group of people, I saw men and women on both sides, but they all followed the two sides, surrounded them and walked forward, and depending on the situation, this team will become more and more spectacular, because there are still many people on both sides of the street. Stop and join in.

Although there are few things like being more handsome among men, Guert felt a little uncomfortable seeing Zhao Yumin being so popular, and said coldly, "Kabie, are you still leading the way?"

The voice was filled with true energy, like a muffled thunder, which exploded in the hearts of the people nearby.

This moment not only awakened the dazed ordinary people on the street, but also a bunch of people over there obviously noticed this place, and Xiao Ling who was close to this side turned his head first.

Kabie was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, stood in the middle of the street, and said repeatedly: "Yes, yes, the boy is coming!" Even though he said so, his footsteps still moved slowly to this side.

Guert was so angry that he didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he turned around and walked towards the fork in the road, planning to go directly to Zhexin's residence to find him. Anyway, he was invited now, and he went there on his own initiative, so there would be no suspicion.

At this moment, Zhao Yumin's clear voice sounded, and said: "Is it Brother Hua? Have you had dinner yet? If not, why don't you go with us?"

Seeing Zhao Yumin greeting so politely, Guert should turn around and say hello before refusing no matter how cold the person he is playing at this time, he turned around slowly and said: "No, thank you Brother Zhao for inviting me, I'm just now going to eat..."

Halfway through the conversation, it stopped abruptly.

Guert's gaze, naturally, stopped on a beautiful woman beside Zhao Yumin. At this time, no matter what words he used, he couldn't describe the shock in his heart. At the same time, he understood why Kabie and others looked at him so obsessively. there.

is her.

No matter when and where, no matter how outstanding men and women are around, she will always be the most eye-catching one.

Several charming temperaments are mixed in her body, her face is as elegant and refined as the rain in the sky, her beautiful eyes are as clear as a pool of autumn water, but her eyes are so clear and bottomless. Coincidentally facing Gurt, he was surprised at first, but then there was a flash of surprise, his vermilion lips were slightly parted, and a light and leisurely voice sounded immediately.

"Do you know Yiyi, sir?"

Although the voice was light and melodious, everyone around could hear it clearly. The people in the whole street fell silent instantly, as if they were expecting her next words.

But in Gurt's ears, it was like a thunderbolt exploding in his ears, he hurriedly recovered and said: "I don't know."

Yan Yiyi's beautiful eyes stared at Guert for a moment, then turned back again, apparently not caring about Guert.

Looking at her naturally undulating silhouette like a mountain, and the beautiful side face formed by Zhong Tiandi's aura, Guert felt a wave of excitement in his heart, wishing to reveal his identity immediately.

Zhao Yumin didn't seem to notice the strange reaction between the two of them, he laughed and said, "I didn't expect Brother Hua, who is always cold-faced, to be so distracted when he sees Miss Yan."

Guert smiled awkwardly, coughed dryly and said, "I'm sorry, I'm going to attend the banquet of Mr. Zhexin of our country, let's take a step first!" As he said, he dragged Kabie who was still moving like a turtle, Go to the fork.

The moment he turned around, Yan Yiyi turned her face again, turned her eyes to Guert's back, and asked, "Who is he?"

Although Zhao Yumin was surprised that this beautiful woman who seldom took the initiative to ask questions, she would take the initiative to ask Hua Tanli who had just met, but she told the truth.

Yan Yiyi nodded slightly, and said to herself: "So he is Hua Tanli..." After a pause, a smile appeared on her lips, and said: "Come on, Yumin, let Yiyi come to celebrate today's achievement for you !"

Zhao Yumin seemed to be stunned, and it took him a while to react, nodding repeatedly.

Gul took Kabie and quickly walked towards the place where Zhexin hosted the banquet, still recalling the scene of meeting Yan Yiyi just now in his heart.

She is more beautiful than before, it is hard to believe that such a woman exists in the world, oh...

Suddenly remembering the sad look on Xiao Ling's face before, his heart moved, could it be because of the relationship between Yiyi and Zhao Yumin?

He also wanted to recall Xiao Ling's expression when he walked with them just now, but when he thought of the scene just now, only Yan Yiyi's figure came to mind, and he couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly.

I think I am more resistant to Yiyi than other people, but after seeing Yiyi just now, I still forgot to pay attention to Xiaoling.

It stands to reason that Xiao Ling is also a beauty with a unique style, but for some reason, no matter what woman stands with Yan Yiyi, even if she is a beauty of the same level, she will unconsciously pay attention to Yan Yiyi and ignore others.

Along the way, Kabie seemed to be reminiscing about the scene just now, and forgot to talk to Guert again. In this way, under his leadership, Guert came to a strange house, and Cabie led Guert in hastily.

As soon as they entered and stepped into the main hall, they saw Zhexin and others sitting on it, and Versace had already sat down in advance. At this time, both parties saw Guert coming, and stood up to greet him at the same time.

Guert knew that if Zhexin called him, he would call Versace, who belonged to the Qi League, to deceive others, but he was also extremely anxious, and he talked with each other while eating.

Halfway through the meal, Versace next to him suddenly asked to leave early because he was too tired today. Zhe Xin and Guert were naturally overjoyed, and Zhe Xin gave him a few words of encouragement in a pretentious gesture before letting Versace leave.

As soon as Versace left, Zhexin brought Guert to the bedroom inside, and said, "Ren Yan really has a conspiracy!"

Guert hurriedly asked the situation carefully. It turned out that Zhexin took advantage of everyone's attention on Yangtian Peak today, and directly led people to stop him about a kilometer outside the village. Fly down.

Through the special detector carried by Zhexin, they found their location, and knew that what they transported was not an ordinary attack weapon, but the "thunder", one of the top ten forbidden weapons of the Qimeng League.

Although the name is common, one is enough to instantly destroy that kind of conjoined mansion, and this kind of thunder also has a controller, and the master controller can freely control the explosion time, which is very terrifying.

When Guert heard the ten forbidden weapons, he was furious. Nuoer was killed by one of them, and asked, "Has it been intercepted?"

Zhe Xin said dejectedly: "No. The thing is very small, and we can't find it hidden on the body, and we can only confirm that it exists, but we can't know the exact location.

"Moreover, there were ten people sitting on a spacer, and the ten people scattered in four directions. This was the case for three consecutive times. Our detectors told us that each of them had something similar to thunder. Finally Afraid to scare the snake, so I had to forget it."

Guert was stunned and said, "Are there many of these? Is it easy to produce?"

Zhexin nodded and said: "It's not very difficult. The main materials are rare. Our Haijiao Pavilion has developed it decades ago, but because of its great power, it was only sealed in the experimental stage. This kind of thing, using the material inside nuclear change

Transformation, amazing power. "Goult asked: "How many are they expected to have? "Zhe Xin shook his head and said: "From the perspective of the detector, there are at least thirty or more, but I know that the Qimeng produced less than ten in total, so there should be many fake thunderbolts, just to deceive people's eyes and ears. "Guert nodded and said: "Okay, how many people can you use now? "Zhe Xin pondered for a while, and said:" Less than thirty. Because they were afraid that there would be changes in Twin Heart City, most of the troops were placed there. "

Guert knew that it was because he told them that Versace had a close relationship with Bader, so they paid attention, and immediately said: "You wait for me here, I will be back soon!"

Zhe Xin grabbed him and said: "This is a house that I booked in advance in my private name, all inside and outside are my people, I will tell others later that you are staying here tonight, so you can There's a lot of time."

Guert patted him, looked around, opened the secret door in front of Zhexin, Zhexin was dumbfounded, and Guert slipped in.

He changed his appearance to Brand, took out the clothes hidden in the "seal" beforehand, changed into a coat, and came to Tarim's room.

Tarim was walking back and forth anxiously, when he saw him coming, he shouted, "Oh my god, uncle, you are finally here. I have looked for you many times today, but you are not here."

Guert said: "What happened?"

Tarim hurriedly said: "I arranged a house for those people today as Ren Yan ordered. There are ten of them, and they are very strange. I have never seen them before, and no matter what I say, they don't talk to me. Later, when I paid attention, I realized that their tongues had long since disappeared."

Guert felt a chill all over his body, this way of speaking is really ruthless, these people are probably dead soldiers who swear allegiance to him to the death!

Tarim had a horrifying look on his face, apparently still very scared when he recalled it, and said: "Later I went to report to Ren Yan, and a man named Jamu under him received me and told me that he wanted me to arrange a job for them. a piece of identity

card, so that they can come and go freely in this area. I also arranged. "

Gurt asked, "Anything else?"

Tarim shook his head and said, "No, then I came back. But I always feel that those people are very strange. By the way, they didn't bring anything with them."

Guert hummed, knowing that no matter how specific things were, it was impossible for Tarim to know. He turned his eyes and saw the picture on his desk, and asked, "Have you researched this?"

Tarim said confusedly: "I compared the architectural drawings of the whole village, and I can't tell where this is at all." Then, he picked up the map, pointed it to Guert, and said, "For example, this half looks very similar to this place." The house that Mei Ruoyu and others live in, but it is obviously wrong to extend it."

Guert took the map and suddenly found that the lines on it were not very straight, and there were some ups and downs in many places.

Tarim explained: "At that time, I was eager to copy, so I covered it with paper and traced it. However, because the original map was not very smooth, there were many potholes, and the tracing could not be so straight."

Guert pondered for a moment, and said: "You can point out those potholes on this map, maybe it will be of some use." After a pause, he said: "In addition, there are places where those people live. Secretly?"

Tarim nodded and said, "There are all of them. This is also specially arranged by Ren Yan and the others. It is at the No. 7 secret door."

Guert said: "Go find Ning Fuhai and tell him to come here immediately, and I will come and find you later." After speaking, he dived out of the secret passage again.

Hiding in the secret passage, he suddenly remembered, if he were Ren Yan, when and how he would choose to attack...

At the secret door of No. 7, Guert was lurking there secretly. Looking at the situation inside the room, he saw ten men in black sitting sideways to him, each holding a piece of paper in their hands, and beside them were Standing alone, the room was silent.

After a while, the man said: "Have you all remembered clearly?"

Ten people nodded at the same time, and the man said hello, and rushed towards the secret door.

Guert was startled, knowing that this person was going to go through the secret door, he stretched out quickly, and hid at a corner, only to hear the secret door sneer open, the man sneaked in, looked at the directions on both sides, and went Swipe in the other direction.

Knowing that it was the location of Ren Yan's house, Guert breathed a sigh of relief, went back to the secret door, opened a crack, and looked inside.

The ten people were still sitting there like wooden figures, but if you looked closely, you could find that their hands were moving rapidly, as if they were constantly touching the piece of paper.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Guert's mind, he took a deep breath, hurried back, and came back to Tarim's house.

There was no one in the house. Tarim went to look for Ning Fuhai. He probably hasn't returned yet, but the map on the table has dots in many places. Guert stared at these dots and knew that there must be different meanings. Those people Unable to speak, it must be through some other means to convey the meaning, but not afraid of being known.

After a while, Ning Fuhai came, and Guert ordered: "Immediately send someone to guard near the place where these people from the Qingzhe Qi League live, and if you see any strange people in black approaching, immediately intercept them, so as to protect them." There is something wrong with their identity card, take it away immediately."

Tarim next to him was shocked and said, "This..."

Guert patted him and said, "You stay here and nothing will happen."

Ning Fuhai hurriedly asked what was going on, Guert briefly described it, and then said: "Send four more trustworthy people over, and I will take them to guard in the secret passage. No matter which direction there is any change, you will immediately Know."

After everything was done, Ning Fuhai suddenly said: "Caroline has been looking for you for the past few days, and she told me just now that if I run into you, I will ask you to find her." Guert frowned and said, "Is there any?" What are you talking about?" Ning Fuhai shook his head and said: "No, but she seems very anxious." Guert said: "Where is she now?" Ning Fuhai said: "Most people in the village gathered The square on the east side of the village. She should be there too."

When Guert appeared in the square in Brand's costume, few people noticed, only Caroline ran over with a cheer.

Looking at the people gathered in the square, Guert was taken aback and thought to himself, no wonder there were almost no people in the village as they came all the way just now, so they were all here.

Caroline grabbed him, dragged him into their camp, and said, "Uncle, I've been looking for you for days!"

Guert looked left and right, and found that Zhao Yumin, Yan Yiyi, Xiao Ling and others were also on one side, and Ren Yan was also on the other side. Shenguang's Yi Qingke and Garfield, among the eight people participating in the comprehension conference, Except for the absence of the two members of the Qi League and the Palace of the Gods, the others were all there.

Caroline obviously knew Guert's surprise, she giggled and said, "Originally, we came to the East Square to gather, and we wanted to make a noise here and let them have a good rest in the village, but they actually came here on their own initiative. With these heroes here, our party will be more interesting."

Guert was pulled by her to sit down, knowing that there must be many people watching him, he pretended not to see him, lowered his head and said to Caroline: "Ning Fuhai said you have something to ask me?"

Caroline looked around, then suddenly put her mouth close to his ear and said, "I suspect there are secret passages in the village."

Guert was startled and said, "What?"

Caroline blushed and said, "When I was taking a shower last night, I heard someone's voice. I didn't sleep after that, and sat there listening to it. In the middle of the night, I realized that there seemed to be footsteps walking by."

Guert was startled, and fell asleep in the middle of the night. Caroline's side seemed to be the way to Mei Ruoyu's side.

Caroline continued in a low voice: "I asked someone later. These projects were supervised by Tarim at the time, so I suspected that Tarim did it. Later, I remembered the previous ones and thought Tarim was very problematic."

Guert didn't pay attention to what she said at all. His eyes crossed the square and landed on Ren Yan on the other side. Seeing him chatting and laughing happily with several people next to him, he thought: If Yu and the others are not there, they must be in the house. This Ren Yan Yan came here again to be with so many people.

If there is an explosion at this time, this responsibility...

He stood up suddenly and walked out quickly.

Caroline called him and followed him out.

As soon as he approached the entrance of the square, he suddenly saw Mei Ruoyu hurried in with Fang Zheng, Luo Ping, Su Jian and others.

Guert paused, and he was relieved to see that they were all right.

At this time, Caroline behind her took the initiative to say hello: "Ah, you just came! Your seat is on the west side, and I have already reserved the seat before!"

Except for Su Jian saying yes to her, the other three passed her like the wind. Caroline pouted her lips and said, "Hmph, what's the big deal!"

Guert looked back at them in surprise, saw them standing in the middle of the square, and saw Yan Yiyi who was talking to Zhao Yumin at a glance, he was shocked and knew what they were going to do.

Sure enough, Fang Zheng's strange cry sounded, and he said, "It's really you! Mistress!"