Dark Heart Lock

Feng Qi pondered for a while, and said: "The descendant of the Fushou Department, enter the dark heart lock. Although we need your special skills now, according to the ancient law, the Fushou Department has orc blood, which belongs to the dark heart. The only way is to go. Only in the beast den can you get the essence of the subduing beast system."

Yi Qingke remained expressionless, seemingly unmoved.

Feng Qi took the initiative to explain: "Actually, there is not much difference between these two sects, it is just to choose the general path. People with bright minds can also practice dark mind methods, and vice versa. It is just the difference behind this gate, what is the specific difference?" , because I haven't been there, so I can't give a specific explanation. But one thing is for sure, as long as it conforms to the basic nature, then the road behind this door will be relatively easy."

The four nodded in understanding, and the four were divided into two groups, Hua Tanli and Yi Qingke were in one group; Zhao Yumin and Xiao Ling were in one group.

Guert stood at the door, turned his head to look at Xiao Ling in front of the door next to him, and said in his heart: Be careful, girl Ling, don't let Uncle Xiao down!

After the four of them bid farewell to Feng Qi, they pushed the door open and entered.

There was a loud bang, bang bang, the door looked like it was made of wood, but I didn't expect it to make such an astonishing sound when it was opened in such a way.

They didn't know that this loud noise resounded through the entire first level of the cultivation world at the same time, which represented that the newcomer from the human world had stepped into the cultivation world.

Feng Qi's eyes stayed on the dark heart lock, and after a long time, he smiled mysteriously and disappeared into the darkness.

Gurt could finally put his hand down, the harsh light made him very uncomfortable.

He never dreamed that as soon as he entered the door, it would no longer be the pitch-black space just now. The sky was blue and cloudless, surrounded by lush greenery, tall trees, fragrant grass, and a gurgling stream. They were standing On a green grassland, the scenery is picturesque.

Yi Qingke cheered, rushed to the edge of the stream, stretched her jade hand into the stream, stroked lightly, the cold and clear stream sprinkled in the air, little drops of water were crystal clear, gorgeous under the sunlight.

Guert looked at Yi Qingke, he didn't expect this cold Yi Qingke to have such a lively side, especially when he saw the smile on her face that came from the heart, he couldn't help feeling happy, and the corner of his mouth unconsciously twitched. smile.

At this time, Yi Qingke happened to glance over, and the two looked at each other. Yi Qingke immediately suppressed her smile, stood up, and walked forward without saying a word.

Guert looked at her back in amazement, shrugged, not knowing where he had offended her, and followed her up.

This "" is really not as bad as they imagined before, and of course it is not as beautiful as what they saw when they first came in.

There is soft soil under your feet, and the air is so fresh that you can't tell the exact time just from the sky.

The two kept walking forward. Although the surrounding environment was very good, there was no one there for some reason, and although the surrounding scenery had changed, it was still the same. The two began to feel a little impatient.

After walking for a while, Yi Qing finally couldn't bear it any longer, stopped and said, "Where is the animal den?"

Guert looked around, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Yi Qingke stomped her feet and walked in another direction.

Guert hurriedly followed, feeling at a loss in his heart. After walking for so long, he didn't know which direction to go. The terrain here looks very open, but in fact the more it is, the more confusing it is. Especially Yi Qing knew how to go to the animal den, but she didn't even know where to go!

The two walked for another hour, but Yi Qing became more and more impatient. The beautiful scenery that she had been amazed at just now seemed like a nightmare.

Guert looked at her back, then turned his head to look not far away, and said: "There should be a stream ahead. Since there is a stream, there must be a source. Why don't we follow this stream, even if there is no harvest, It will be nice to see the beautiful scenery then."

Yi Qing didn't pay attention to him, but she quickened her pace, and the two quickly passed a hill, and sure enough, a stream similar to the one just now appeared.

The two looked at each other, knowing that this space is actually not that big, it's just that the two have been going around in circles. Guert was silent for a while, and said: "Let's walk along the stream!"

Yi Qingke nodded, and the two of them walked forward while making marks intentionally. Guert suddenly said: "By the way, aren't you the descendant of the Volunteer Department? Can you summon someone who can run very fast?" Fast orc?"

Yi Qing was stunned, looked at him strangely, and said, "Do you know there are orcs?"

It was only then that Guert realized that not everyone knew about this. Just as she was about to explain it, Yi Qingke herself explained: "By the way, you belong to the Qimeng. People from the Nona family should know about it."

Guert remembered the Qihai forest that he had been to before, that time Danzig was going to attack there, and a beastman appeared in the end, and he heard from the elder that it seemed to be related to some minority issue, it seems that this Yi Qing knew about this.

Yi Qing didn't know what was going on in his mind, and said, "I can't summon orcs, at most I can only summon ordinary animals, and here, if I want to summon ordinary animals, I also need to have them here!"

Gurt nodded again and again, knowing that he asked a fool's question, he continued to walk forward with a sullen head.

After walking for a while, Yi Qingke suddenly said: "Have you...have you noticed that we can't even use our true energy now?"

Guert was taken aback, can't it be used? It is obvious that his body can still be used, but the only strange thing is that he cannot fly. He has already discovered this before, but because he is afraid that it is because of the energy in his body, he dare not say more.

Yi Qingke looked at his expression and said in astonishment, "You can still use it?"

Guert had no choice but to bite the bullet and nodded: "Yes! It's possible!" As he spoke, a ball of true energy was pumped out of his right hand, and he gently held it on his hand.

Although it was very simple, Yi Qingke was dumbfounded, and it took a while before she realized, "Then you don't feel anything unusual?"

Guert knew that the possible situation was here, and replied truthfully: "I can't fly with gas!"

Yi Qingke looked at the sky, her eyes flashed, and she said: "This should have been blocked when you entered here. The only possibility that you can still use your true energy, but I can't is that this restriction is based on the level. , your cultivation of zhenqi is worse than mine, so you still retain it, but you are restricted from flying; while I am not as good as you, all basic zhenqi has been sealed."

After listening to her analysis, Guert thought for a while, and knew the real reason, it should be because of the energy in his body, and if he can fully release the energy, does it mean that he can fly? This space is the space that only Yili can fly?

Yi Qing saw that Guert stopped answering the call, so she had no choice but to continue walking, while Guert was thinking quickly in her mind.

The realm of self-cultivation is a practice world based on strength, and true energy may be useless in it, so Feng Qi said that the current cultivation of true energy is nothing, what they are looking at is a learning ability.

And the four people selected from the human world obviously don't understand Yili, so they arranged this place called "" before entering the cultivation world.

If anyone fails, they will fall into the "Jingyuan Dimension", so the intention of this "Jingyuan Space" should be to allow every person who advances to cultivate the most basic strength here!

Guert wanted to understand this, so he couldn't help but pause, looked around, and secretly said: If this is a training place, there should be some hints, or some auxiliary equipment, why is there nothing? What's the use of just letting us go back and forth here?

Yi Qingke also stopped, looked at him and said, "What's wrong? Did you find anything?"

Guert continued to walk forward, shaking his head and said: "No."

Yi Qing looked at him strangely, then turned her head and continued walking.

Guert looked at Yi Qingke's back and thought to himself: "There must be some arrangement around here, and I am a person with strength, so I can't feel it! But Yi Qingke is not a weak person, Although the talent of the Beast Department is not very useful here, her senses should be top-notch. How come she didn't find anything?"

Just as she was thinking about it, Yi Qing suddenly stopped, and Guert bumped into her unconsciously, the fragrance from her delicate body came bursts, she touched her nose, and was about to ask why she stopped, when suddenly Yi Qing gave her a hand. Pull him back and say, "Look ahead!"

Guert hurried forward a few steps. At this moment, the two of them were standing on a hill, their eyes were far away, and they could only see the scenery in the distance. It was no longer an unchanging green stream, but a large lake. A waterfall runs straight down, arousing splashes of water, and the source of the stream is here.

At this time Yi Qingke suddenly said: "Do you feel that something is wrong?"

After Yi Qingke said this, Gurt's heart tightened suddenly, and he blurted out: "Sound! There is no sound!"

Yi Qingke nodded in astonishment. Indeed, although the distance here is still far away, how could there be no sound at all when such a big waterfall rushes down!

The two of them suddenly felt a chill all over, and Yi Qing unconsciously held Guert and said, "Shall we go there?"

Guert knew in his heart that there must be the most critical place, that is, the place where the promotions of the human world are cultivated to produce vitality, but is it too simple to go in such a simple way?

Just about to talk to Yi Qingke, suddenly Yi Qingke shouted: "Look at the sky!"

Guert looked up at the sky, and his body shook. The sky, which had been cloudless just now, was already billowing with clouds, and the thick clouds were moving rapidly. The speed of that movement was so strange that it made people shudder.

Yi Qing is still a girl after all, especially since she has lost all of her true energy, her talent of subduing beasts is useless, and she has no way to protect her, so she shows her unique weakness at this moment.

Guert patted her and said, "It's okay! It's just the clouds rolling, it shouldn't have any effect on us!"

Even though he said so, when he looked down and saw the green fields on the ground as before, a chill surged in his heart.

The sky continued to darken, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it seemed that a heavy rain was about to fall.

Guert knew that the big lake was the key, so he pulled Yi Qingke over and said, "Come on, let's go!"

Although he couldn't gather his true energy to fly, it was enough to fly away. At this time, the distance from the lake was about a kilometer. He still held Yi Qingke by hand at first, but Yi Qing lost all his true energy. The action is similar to that of ordinary women, so the speed still cannot increase.

In the past, a thousand kilometers were covered in an instant, but now it took several minutes to cover half of the distance.

And in these few minutes, the sky has been a different scene.

First, a thunderbolt sounded, and then a giant blue lightning appeared on the thick black sky.

Guert turned his head and saw that the blue lightning was like a snake dancing wildly, twisting on the black screen, and then there was another devil-like roar.

He hurriedly picked up Yi Qingke's slender waist, stretched his body quickly, and sprinted towards the big lake.

Accompanied by the sound of thunder, another bolt of lightning struck down, but this time it was different from the one just now, the lightning pierced the ground like a sharp sword.

Guert only felt numbness in his feet, staggered and almost fell, Yi Qing hurriedly called out, "Are you alright?"

As if it was a signal, the surrounding wind was so strong that people couldn't even open their eyes.

Guert knew that if he didn't use Yili at this time, he would be finished. The wind, thunder and lightning were all coming towards people, not natural phenomena. Yili was released slowly, and said in a tone as calm as possible: "Hold me tight !"

As soon as the voice fell, there was another loud noise, which made people's ears buzz continuously, and the thunder outside indicated that it had passed, but Gurt only felt that the buzzing was still ringing in his ears.

He didn't know well, there seemed to be some special power added to the thunder, he hurriedly folded his waist with one hand, freeing one hand to lift up Yili, and brushed it against Yi Qingke's ears.

Yi Qing let out a sharp gasp, as if she had just recovered and said, "Thank you..."

Guert had already spit out the energy in his body, and he found that his feet could leave the ground, his body quickly spread out, and he rushed towards the big lake.

In an instant, they had arrived at the lake, and saw that the waterfall on the cliff was still rushing down as normal, there were still small fish swimming in the big lake, and there was a strong wind, thunder and lightning on their side, if it wasn't for Yi With strong body protection, it is estimated that the two items of lightning and lightning can kill the two of them instantly.

Yi Qingke was in Guert's arms, and she couldn't see the situation outside because of the strong wind, so she shouted, "What should we do?"

Guert lowered his head and said in her ear: "We have reached the lake, but the situation is very strange, don't move! Hold me tight!"

Yi Qing had only Guert to rely on at this moment, and she tightly held Guert with both hands, for fear of slipping off him.

This scene was unimaginable before coming in.

Guert's eyes flashed with divine light. Looking at the strange scene in the lake, he floated up and flew above the big lake. Except for the splash of the waterfall, there was no other influence, including the horror at this moment. environment.

Suddenly another bolt of lightning strikes, this time it is not directed towards the ground, but directly towards Guert floating on the lake.

Guert's heart tightened, he jumped up, and quickly shot out a force from his palm, hitting the lightning that twisted like a snake.

The speed during this period has reached the point of astonishment, I saw that the lightning bolt collided with Yili, and sparked a few sparks, which swayed to the side, and hit the lake with a loud bang!

Gurt also felt an overwhelming pressure at the same time. With his ability, he couldn't even stand still. He rolled continuously in the air and hit the cliff next to the waterfall.

Yi Qing was startled and exclaimed, "What's wrong with you?"

Gurt gritted his teeth, straightened his body, quickly adjusted his body, and regained his footing a moment before falling into the lake. He was panting violently. The collision just now obviously took a lot of effort.

Just then, he saw an even stranger thing.

The small fish in the lake were still swimming freely during this fight, but just before the lightning struck the lake, and the whole lake seemed to have no reaction!

And right now he was right next to the waterfall, and still couldn't hear the sound of the waterfall flying straight down, especially when he looked up, he couldn't see where the end of the cliff was.

God! what on earth is it?

Guert looked at the tumbling dark clouds in the sky, as if seeing an opponent who was gathering his luck to attack him, but he had nothing to do with it. Just when he was secretly resentful, the tumbling dark clouds suddenly stopped, Another bolt of lightning appeared.

This time it was more direct, no longer slashing straight down, but twisting and attacking Guerte from the air, like a master making a sharp sword move, fast, ruthless and spicy!

Guert held Yi Qingke in his arms, knowing that he must not be struck by lightning at this time, without hesitation, the voiceless spirit blade appeared in the only empty hand, and a burst of bright light shot out, and a ray of light was emitted from the spirit blade. The incomparably fierce blade light greeted the lightning.

Two bright lights, one red and one white, collided in the air, causing bursts of energy fluctuations.

Guert finally confirmed that the lightning did contain a lot of energy, so the lightning must be a trick from a person, but what happened to this lake?

The collision of such powerful Yili did not affect the lake water and the creatures in the lake at all. The only explanation for this is that my eyes deceived me, there are no small fish in this lake at all!

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his heart. Looking at the huge waterfall next to him, the light in his eyes burst into light, and he thought to himself: Is there no waterfall at all here ? Or... the lake and waterfall I saw are not here at all? hallucination here?

Thinking of this, with a flash of the spirit blade in his hand, he stabbed fiercely towards the lake.

Sure enough, the strength of the spirit blade is so strong that there is no response after such an attack.

Guert roared, it turned out that this place is really an illusion! What the hell is this damn road to the end?

Yi Qing seemed to sense his emotional fluctuations, and raised her head that had been buried in his arms, and was about to speak, when she suddenly saw the voiceless spirit blade shining white in Guerte's body, and said in a voiceless voice: "This... this Isn't it the voiceless spirit blade?"

Guert didn't bother to hide his identity at this time, and ignored her question, but said: "We were fooled, there is no lake or waterfall here!"

Although Yi Qingke was surprised, she also knew what was most important at this time, and hurriedly shouted: "This is impossible, there is obviously a stream flowing out!"

Guert was taken aback, what happened to this lake?

As he was thinking, the dark clouds in the sky stopped again. This time the tumbling time was longer, so Guert also paid special attention to the reaction of the sky.

Sure enough, two thunderbolts exploded, and two dancing golden snakes suddenly appeared on the black screen, crossing directions and bombarding Guert.