den distress

Feng Qi paused slightly, and then said: "I don't need to report to you. Besides, if you want to advance the decisive battle after "Three Breaths" to now, I have no objection."

Chi Chali laughed, and said: "Unexpectedly, Feng Qi, who always hides his edge, would take the initiative to say such a thing, did I offend you by what I said just now? However, since you Feng Qi spoke, then if I It seems unreasonable to refuse the challenge!" As soon as the words fell, Chi Chali took a step forward, and a powerful arrogance surged up.

Feng Qi leaned over and said to Guert in a low voice: "Station back, protect yourself!"

Although Guert didn't understand what the so-called "three breaths" meant, but he had seen how powerful Chi Chali was just now, and he knew that he was not at the same level as these two people. affect yourself.

Immediately nodded, and jumped back, at the same time Yili moved the shield on his body, looked at the two from a distance, and a wave of thoughts surged in his heart.

This is really like a dream. A moment ago, I seemed to be still in the human world, enjoying the happiness of the strong. From the perspective of myself, I would feel disdain from the bottom of my heart, no matter how gorgeous moves, No matter how deceitful the false move is, as long as he passes it with a single effort, it will immediately disintegrate.

But standing here at this time, the powerful energy in front of him is constantly surging, especially in the scene just now, Chi Chali's shuddering energy made him fall to the ground without any fighting spirit, and he was a little bit at a loss Well, this was never possible before.

Looking back on the past, in fact, after coming out of the sea of stones, this is the starting point for my progress. I have no other advantages except the Yili that I share with all first-order cultivators. Everything will start again from here. The scene of defeating the opponent effortlessly will completely change with the change of the opponent!

Gurt didn't feel the slightest bit of frustration, but instead felt a strong sense of excitement, as if he had found a fresh toy, every pore in his body was open, and an inexplicable blood surged in his chest.

A voice shouted silently in his heart.

"One day, everyone here will be trampled under their feet!"

At this time, Chi Zhali and Feng Qi over there seemed to be moved. Chi Zhali glanced at Guert from a distance and said, "Feng Qi, he has much more fighting spirit than you!"

Feng Qi trembled in his heart, and said: "This is not necessarily a good thing for us."

Chi Chali looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "The ordinary life makes you forget your memory, come on, let my "life and death" tell you the meaning we are looking for!"

Before the words finished, the powerful force from before rushed towards Fengqi, so strong that even Guert, who was tens of meters away, couldn't help but pause.

Guert thought to himself: I really don't know what this air of birth and death is! It's terrifyingly strong!

Although Feng Qi was suspected of deceiving him, he still vaguely attributed himself to Feng Qi's side. Although he already knew that Feng Qi hadn't used his real skills in the few contacts he had with Feng Qi at this time, but this time Still can't help but worry.

Hearing Feng Qi gesturing with his hands in front of his chest, a bright light burst out from his body. Although the light is an invisible substance, it stabs towards Chi Chali like two sharp swords at this moment.

Chi Chali laughed and said: "It's the Sword of Illusion again, don't you know how to use some new tricks?" After a pause, he shouted: "Break!"

The air of life and death, like a ball of black flames that kept beating, quickly engulfed the two phantom swords, and the originally dazzling light suddenly dimmed. The bright light disappeared completely, that is to say, Feng Qi's phantom sword was suppressed by Chi Chali.

Guert's heart was about to jump into his throat. He was worried about Feng Qi on the one hand. On the other hand, if Feng Qi died, it meant that he had died more than half of the time. Now his strength is comparable to that of Chi Chali. Not at all one level.

He was still thinking about what coup Feng Qi would use to deal with Chi Chali, but the extremely arrogant black flame in front of him had already swallowed up the phantom sword in a split second, and stood there motionless Feng Qi.

Gurt was stunned for a moment, why? Feng Qi was terminated so simply?

Just now in the midst of surprise, Chi Chali's cold voice came out: "Hmph, you will always have such sets of afterimages and swords of phantoms!"

Feng Qi said in a peaceful voice, "But it works every time, doesn't it?"

As soon as the words fell, two glaring lights shone again. Chichali, who had been hiding behind the black flame, suddenly burst into two glaring lights. They were the magic sword that had been swallowed up just now! At the same time, Feng Qi's figure also appeared in front of the bright light, with a faint smile passing by his lips.

Chi Chali sneered and said, "How can you guess the energy of life and death?"

At the same time as he spoke, the black flame that was blocking the side suddenly disappeared, and the incomparably powerful force also disappeared out of thin air. Chi Chali stretched out his hands, and inserted them into the bright light emitted by Feng Qi like lightning, only to hear "dang dang" After several beeps, the bright light disappeared, Feng Qi groaned twice, and took several steps back.

Chi Chali said: "Sword of Birth and Death, Feng Qi, you underestimate me!"

Feng Qi raised his head to look at the sky, and said: "I didn't expect you to cultivate the energy of birth and death to such a level, it is true that I underestimated you before, but..."

Before he could say anything later, his figure quickly flashed out. The target was obviously the wind vortex whirling around the lake. Chi Chali sneered and said, "Why are you running? Let me learn from you!"

That black flame reappeared and shot at Feng Qi.

Guert was almost stunned, just now he clearly saw that Feng Qi was swallowed up by the aura of birth and death, how could Feng Qi still appear there?

Chi Chali seems to be referring to the afterimage of the illusion. Could it be that he used Yili to create an afterimage? But the real body ran to the side? This is simply unbelievable!

At this moment, Feng Qi's voice came from next to his ear and said: "Crush the waterfall, after the waterfall is the animal den, go and bring Yi Qingke out!"

Guert was startled, and glanced over, only to see billowing black flames, which had already caught up with Fengqi in the air, and devoured him again, but Guert heard Fengqi's voice again at this moment: " Why are you still in a daze? Go, let me deal with him!"

It was only then that Guert came to his senses, and knew that Feng Qi did this to delay time on purpose. Although he didn't mean to obey Feng Qi at all, but remembering that the person trapped inside was Yi Qingke, he put aside other things and directed at Feng Qi. Bustan's face should also save her.

The figure quickly swept up and floated towards the waterfall. The torrent that was originally rushing down became a long icicle hanging in the air. The Voiceless Spiritual Blade appeared on the palm of his hand.

Looking at the thick icicles, Guert knew that it was probably what Feng Qi and Chi Chali had done to protect Yi Qingke in the den when they met just now. Spit out several meters of blade light, combined with the edge of the spirit blade, hit the icicle fiercely.

The voiceless spirit blade is indeed a magical weapon, and the whole spirit blade is completely lost. Gurt only felt a sharp pain in the hand holding the spirit blade. He was bleeding continuously, and he thought to himself: What kind of icicle is this? I concentrated on Yili in my hands, but I couldn't resist the invasion of this ice shards.

At this moment, there was a continuous rumbling sound, and the icicle began to appear countless cracks along the hole made by Guert.

Guert held his breath and concentrated all his energy on his hand. His hand was already numb from the ice when it was stuck in the icicle. At this time, he gradually recovered. Slowly, his energy transitioned from the hand to the spirit blade, and then the spirit The blade was pulled out violently.

There was a clicking sound, and the whole icicle shattered.

A pitch-black hole appeared in front of him.

Over there, Feng Qi was constantly fighting with Chi Chali. Chi Chali glanced at him and said in astonishment: "What kind of weapon is that in his hand? He even forcibly hit your "Bing Yi Barrier" Broken."

Feng Qi was also extremely shocked. He asked Guert to rescue Yi Qingke just now, and it was a helpless move. After all, Chi Chali was an opponent of the same level as him. If they really wanted to fight, they would definitely not be able to win in a short period of time. Negative, and Yi Qingke has been in the animal den for a long time, she is the object of the protection of the higher authorities, if this task cannot be completed, it is estimated that she will not be able to go back.

But he never dreamed that Guert would knock open the icicle so "easily", that is, the "Ice Barrier" he had formed before. Although he was in a hurry at the time, it shouldn't be Guert. This level can be opened.

Feng Qi is Chi Chali's old opponent. Since the two became cultivators, they have been the most familiar opponents in the battle between light and darkness. At this time, Chi Chali looked at Feng Qi's expression and said with a sinister smile: "Yes. Didn't you think of it? Ha, I suddenly changed my mind. I don't want to kill him anymore. It's better to leave this trouble to you envoys of justice..."

Feng Qi was stunned, his eyes swept towards the waterfall over there, seeing Guert standing at the entrance of the beast den for a moment, then he rushed in, his heart tightened, suddenly there was an inexplicable nervousness, his body was hallucinating, another illusion The afterimage turned out, but the whole person plundered towards the animal den in the waterfall.

Just when he was about to get close, suddenly a strong wind came from beside him, and Chi Chali's yin voice said: "The same trick, you try to deceive me every time, don't you underestimate me?"

Feng Qi secretly complained, but before he could react, a cloud of black flames had already rolled in, he knew that no matter how distracted he was, he would be in danger, so he said in his heart: "Guert, it's up to you, don't let me down... ..."


Guert flew all the way, except for the occasional smell of a fishy wind, he didn't have any other special feelings. It was just that the road was rugged with strange rocks and rough roads, which seemed to be formed naturally, but there was another road there, especially the more It gets darker and darker as you go inside, and the temperature gets lower and lower, and there is a gloomy wind blowing from time to time.

Guert continued to swipe deep without touching the ground, and the wind kept whistling past his ears, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

Guert wondered why the wind here is so strong. Is there a vent in this den?

As he continued to go deeper, a strange feeling gradually surged in his heart, as if he was not the only one here, and there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes watching him around.

For some reason, he suddenly remembered the orcs he had encountered before, and the pair of green eyes that flickered on and off seemed to exist here too.

Another tens of meters passed by, and while he comforted himself not to be afraid, he wondered how deep the cave really was. Although the road was a bit tortuous, it must have reached the end after such a long time.

Hurrah, another hurricane came. With Guert's skill, he had to grab the stones on both sides in a hurry to support himself not to be blown away. He couldn't help cursing the wind secretly, but he found out after a while. This time was different from before. In addition to the ghostly screams in the wind, there was also a girl's cry for help.

Guert's heart trembled, the girl inside could only be Yi Qingke, the voice was flickering in the wind, it was really hard to hear what she said clearly.

Finally, the gust of wind passed, and Guert knew that he needed to take advantage of this time to act quickly. With a little tiptoe, the whole person swept forward at high speed. After turning a corner, there was a straight road ahead. Although there was no strong wind, there was a gust of wind It still came out from inside, and there was a strong fishy smell.

Guert was stunned, it didn't seem so strong just now, could there be some monster in front of him? Thinking of Yi Qingke's cry for help just now, she no longer hesitated, and quickly dodged inside.

The surrounding stones are getting more and more strange. It is said that they are strange in shape, but there are many strange shapes in the same unity. Going further inside, there is a bright green light flashing on the stone. In the dark cave, this Although a few points of light are faint, they are bright enough for Guert.

After walking a few more steps, he saw Yi Qingke. It was a big pit with a diameter of at least 30 meters. There were countless bones piled up beside the pit. Among the bones, Yi Qingke was lying on the edge of the pit with messy clothes. , lying on the ground with his head on his side, his light red hair was being blown up by the wind from nowhere, but his legs were hanging in the air across the pit, and his whole body was facing outwards.

It seemed like he wanted to figure it out, but halfway through, I don't know if it was because of lack of strength or other reasons, and he just lay there and didn't move.

Guert held his breath unconsciously. Based on his feeling, he knew that there must be something under the pit, especially the air here was filled with an indescribable special smell.

Because there were too many white bones piled up beside the pit, he flew over lightly, and before he could get close to Yi Qingke, he felt the faint green light attached to the rocks all around him, shooting towards him.

The speed was faster than when Chi Chali was chasing Feng Qi just now.

Almost at the same time, Guert turned over in the air, and the brilliance of the spiritual blade radiated, blocking the horizontal and vertical grids, and quickly formed a light net around him, preventing the green light from getting close.

As soon as the spirit blade was swung like this, the cold air unconsciously overflowed to the surroundings.

Under the big pit, there seemed to be a strange sound, although it was nothing special, but hearing it in Guert's ear, he felt his whole body's movements stagnate, his hands moved slowly, and the green light shot over .

Guert was terrified, his nerves tightened, and the sense of stagnation in his movements disappeared immediately. He tried to protect himself with his palm, but the green light seemed to have heard something, and it suddenly scattered to both sides.

Then, he heard a muffled snort from Yi Qingke below. Guert didn't care about being surprised, and leaned over to look down, only to see that Yi Qingke had woken up, but her eyes were dazed, she probably hadn't recovered, and was about to call her , suddenly she raised her head unconsciously, and shouted suddenly: "Guert!"

Guert didn't expect that she would suddenly recognize him at a glance, and when her eyes came into contact, she would be shocked. Just now, Yi Qingke's eyes were normal when she looked at them from the side, but now when she looks at her head-on, she realizes that A little red light flickered in her eyes, and they were extremely bright and radiant, obviously she was awake.

Are these two red glows the inspiration she got from the den? It also made her see through her appearance just now!

But this is not the time to ask these questions, Guert hurriedly shouted: "Come up!"

Yi Qingke also seemed to know the danger at this time. She jumped and was about to fly when suddenly a flexible tentacles flew out from the big pit. Because it was black, it blended with the whole background until it touched Yi Qingke's body. The ankles were hooked tightly, and the two discovered it.

Yi Qingke let out an exclamation, and the body that jumped up fell down again, the bones around her were smashed into pieces, and the tentacles behind her pulled her down even more.

Yi Qingke's beautiful face was full of fear, and the two red spots in her eyes seemed to have disappeared, she shouted: " me!"

Guert had already swept down, grabbed her hand, pulled her tightly to the edge of the pit, threw the spirit blade almost at the same time, and pointed at the protruding tentacles with one hand.

Under the light of the spirit blade, the scene around the pit was finally no longer so blurry. I saw that the tentacles were slender in front, and became thicker as they went down. There seemed to be some peculiar dark spots on the black skin. Gray, some brown, very scary.

Guert knew that this must be a part of the body of some kind of creature in the pit. He muttered the mantra secretly, and the spirit blade knew human nature and knew Guert's purpose. Guert, who was constantly pulling Yi Qingke, felt a chill all over his body.

At this time, Yi Qingke had completely turned into an ordinary woman who did not know martial arts, and the tentacles seemed to be a creature that frightened her very much, her face was full of fragility and helplessness.

Guert simply squatted down and hugged her entire upper body tightly in his arms, so as to ensure that she would not be forcibly pulled down.

The spirit blade over there also lived up to expectations. It was extremely fast, drawing a white line in the air, and a stream of blood spurted out, splashing everywhere.

As expected, the tentacles were frightened, and the whole brush shrank back, and then there was a low growl from the pit, and even the whole underground, which seemed to have angered it.

Guert hurriedly pulled Yi Qingke away from the dangerous position beside the pit, hugged her, and flew out with her body floating.

Flying less than five meters away, the green glow that had just spread out wrapped up again, Guerte hurriedly let the spirit blade fly back to protect himself, and on the other side threw Yi Qingke fiercely forward, saying: "Run quickly! "

Yi Qingke turned around in the air, and even slid forward. Guert looked at it for a moment, and thought to himself: True Qi shouldn't work here, why did she suddenly...

Before he thought about the reason, the green light had already attached to his body, and the piercing pain came from his skin. Guert couldn't help but groaned a few times, pointing his finger downwards, and the big strands of vitality in his body The force quickly flowed there.

He now knows that this little bit of green light must be some kind of creature, and those few bites just now bit him, and the things in the den are definitely not of an ordinary level, which made Yili protect himself painful It's unbearable, and it might be highly poisonous, but I have the "Heaven's End Heart Sutra" in my body, so I'm not afraid even if I have a highly poisonous upper body.

Thinking of this, his confidence increased greatly, the spirit blade had already flown back, he held it with one hand, and swung a light net around his body, quickly blocking those little poisons from continuing to attack him.

Suddenly, a crisp voice shouted: "Be careful not to let them bite, this is the guard next to the little beast king, called the monster locust, very powerful!"

Guert was startled: what is the little beast king? Could it be the monster under this pit?