Narrow Escape

What a slap! The force invaded Xiaoyu's chest, causing a large purple bruise to appear on his chest. However, the force of the palm broke all his meridians, which is undoubtedly a life-threatening talisman for a thin young man.

Fortunately, the Tianjue Heart Sutra is the first holy energy for healing. Except for the last time when he was helpless against the Beast King Mang, this time it did not disappoint Guert.

The Heart Sutra of Tianjue quickly traveled around Xiaoyou's body, and all the broken meridians were connected almost instantly, but for this thin and weak body, even if the meridians were connected, the damage would still be huge. It has been done and can no longer be erased.

And the man in black didn't knock off the spirit blade as easily as he had imagined, and after a ding, the spirit blade still flew straight towards him without moving.

The man in black also underestimated this point, barely moved his body, barely dodged the blow, the spirit blade missed, turned around and flew towards Guert's side.

The man in black also turned his head to look at Guert, seeing that he was pressing his big hand on Xiaoyou's back, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle like a silver bell, and said: "It's useless, he is not suitable for cultivation Yili's Juemai, relying on the old man Luo's ten years of building, finally achieved today's achievement. Fortunately, there are those second-level help, otherwise, it would be really difficult to deal with this old man Luo alone; now it's all over , You can achieve your goal without a single soldier."

While Guert kept inputting Yili, he was thinking about how to deal with the current situation.

According to what the man in black said, Grandpa Luo and Xiaoyou must have offended someone, so they were hunted down; and all along, it was relying on Grandpa Luo's strong strength to protect Xiaoyou. Now that the barrier is gone, then These guys are about to get their hands dirty.

Grandpa Luo wanted to escort Xiao You to Zuo Youtian by himself, probably because he was afraid that these people would attack Xiao You; if they thought Xiao You was dead at this time, wouldn't there be no harassment along the way? ?

But the key question is, this person will definitely not let him go easily, what should he do, so that he can get out of his body while ensuring Xiaoyou's safety?

The man in black deliberately slowed down and walked over, as if laughing at the futility of all Guert's rescue actions at this time.

At this time, Guert gradually began to care about in his heart.

He reckoned that the Tianjue Heart Sutra input should be enough for Xiaoyou to hold on for a while, so he gently placed Xiaoyou on a thick piece of grass, stood up slowly, and looked at the approaching man with lightning-like eyes. Man in black.

With a slight movement of his hand, the spiritual blade just now reappeared in his hand, with an angry expression on his face, he said: "I want to avenge him!"

The man in black laughed and said, "I told you a long time ago not to waste your energy. How about it? Now you know how powerful you are? But don't worry, you will be next." The long sleeves fell down slowly, revealing the lotus root arm of Jujushuang Saixue, and a dark green light loomed on the slender fingers.

From the laughter just now, Guert knew that she was a woman, and he also thought that this person was covered in black clothes, probably because he was afraid that people would know his identity, but now that he no longer concealed it, he obviously regarded Guert as a dead person to deal with.

Swinging the spirit blade, he took the initiative to attack the man in black along different trajectories.

The man in black seemed a little afraid of the light from the spirit blade. His slender fingers kept moving in the air, stirring up the air around him, causing ripples to appear.

Under the dark night sky, on a vast grassland, there is only a ray of light here. It looks beautiful on the surface, but in fact, the danger in it is beyond words.

Gurt was sweating profusely, it wasn't that he did it on purpose, it's just that the man in black obviously wanted to see how hot he was, so he didn't take the initiative to attack, but this stroke after stroke was extremely deadly, as long as he As soon as he stopped, his throat would be cut by that beautiful finger.

The man in black snorted coldly with disdain, and said: "Sure enough, it's a waste of the sky, even the first level can't compare!" Her figure flashed, and a strange emerald green flashed in the night.

Guert knew that he was by no means an opponent of the man in black, but he never thought that he would be so vulnerable.

The beautiful palm, the emerald green light, was printed on his chest, almost exactly the same as where Zhong Xiaoyou was hit just now.

Guert raised his head and spit out a mouthful of black blood, and shot in the direction of the man in black impartially, while falling backwards at the same time.

And the figure of the man in black flickered, and also retreated more than ten meters.

The black blood fell on the lawn not far away, and the green grass in front of it was completely withered in an instant.

Although the man in black hid his face, he could also tell that her expression changed slightly at this moment.

The spit out of this mouthful of black blood meant that although the poison entered the body, it was turned into a blood arrow and spit out by this person.

The man in black looked at Guert who was lying on the ground, and sneered secretly: "I didn't expect that this man's ability to transform poison is first-rate, but... the power in his palm alone is enough to kill you."

Guert was indeed seriously injured, and the emerald green light on the palm of the man in black was full of poison. Even he, who possessed the Heavenly Heart Sutra, couldn't stand it, so he had no choice but to vomit it out, otherwise he should just pretend to be dead. die.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, while Xiaoyou fell on the ground only half a meter away from him, and the man in black was watching him from twenty meters away.

Guert knew that this was a critical moment, and fighting her was the worst option. If he could escape, he would escape. If he couldn't, at least Xiaoyou had to be safe.

Asking suddenly, the man in black realized that Guert was still alive, and couldn't help shouting coldly: "Don't hide on the ground and pretend to be dead, big man!"

Guert's ear was blown by a strong wind, knowing it was not good, he quickly rolled on the spot, picked up Xiaoyou next to him, and rushed into the valley.

Where Guert was lying just now, a ball of green fire suddenly erupted, and only the man in black laughed sinisterly, saying: "Your life is really hard!"

Guert didn't dare to stop at all, especially when he heard the fluttering of the clothes behind him, he didn't dare to be negligent, and charged forward with all his strength. Unfortunately, this small valley is really not big, and there is no way to go inside. The man in clothes let out a sharp laugh.

At this time, Xiaoyou, who had been nestling in Guert's arms, said in a low voice, "Left... left!"

Gurt didn't even think about it, so he swiped to the left.

He has seen this place before, it is a mountain wall covered with vines, although it is not a cliff, but at least there is no road here, but since this is the place where Xiaoyou has been practicing for a long time, naturally no one can more familiar than him.

"On the mountain wall, the vines are pulled apart..."

Guert was overjoyed, is there a secret door on this mountain wall?

Although this is a bit mysterious, nothing is impossible for the cultivation world. The man in black at the back also seemed to sense something was wrong, his figure accelerated, and there were bursts of piercing sounds.

Guert was startled, and quickly pulled the vine, but the mountain wall was as smooth as a mirror, and there was nothing there.

Guert was stunned, could this be Xiaoyou talking in Lingling's dream?

He lowered his head and was about to look at Xiao You, when suddenly there was a vibration in the whole valley.

Guert was startled, and when he looked up, he saw that the cliffs on both sides of the valley seemed to be collapsing, making a huge rumbling sound; and the green trees in the valley also fell to the sides as if they had encountered some kind of storm. Suddenly, even the turf on the ground was lifted up, making a crackling sound.

In less than a moment, the small valley was completely buried by a pile of falling rocks. The wind on the grassland was still there, but there was no one in sight.

Doos City.

At noon, an ordinary-looking boy was pulling a sallow-faced and thin boy to stand at the door of a rather elegant restaurant.

There are so many people here that even two bodyguards have to watch over the door; and one of the bodyguards couldn't help showing a look of disdain when he saw the two people standing in ragged clothes and looking like bumpkins at the door. expression, spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm .

The boy hurriedly dragged the little boy to avoid him, raised his eyebrows, and there was a slight chill in his eyebrows.

The little boy hurriedly pulled the boy over, and said in a low voice: "Brother Xiao Gu , this is how it is here, let's leave it alone, let's find a place to live and talk about it later!"

These two people are Guert and Xiaoyou who escaped from the valley.

Although the valley collapsed that night, everything was obviously planned in advance. Just before the cliff collapsed, a big hole was exposed under the two people's feet, sucking them in. The two hid inside, listening to the sound from nature outside. power.

Xiao You was hit by the palm of the man in black, and although Guerte healed most of it with the Heart Sutra of Heavenly Jue, the trauma was unavoidable, and all his strength disappeared without a trace because of the broken meridians at that time.

Guert is also uncomfortable here, and the continuous excessive force makes the red and yellow light that appeared only faintly outside the dantian more and more intense.

Guert knew that it was because Grandpa Lauren forcibly opened his dantian, which restored his own Heavenly Determination Sutra ability, that he completely crushed the power of Beast King Mang to death. Now, with the continuous depletion of his Yili, the power of Tianjue Heart Sutra is gradually weakening, and the dantian—that is, the connection between Yihai and the meridian, is likely to be cut off again by the power of Beast King Mang. At that time, I will return to the living dead who only has consciousness but can't move at all.

They stayed there for three full days to recuperate before they dared to come out.

The originally spring-like valley had been completely destroyed, and the man in black didn't know if he was dead, but Guert didn't find any corpses in the ruins.

After they came out, they began to discuss how to go.

Guert's understanding of the cultivation world is not as good as Xiaoyou's. But Xiaoyou seems to only know about Dixutian, and he doesn't know anything about other heavens; but he knows that if he wants to go to other places from Dixutian, he must first go to Fengshen City.

With Xiaoyou in his arms, Guert wandered across a vast grassland for four or five days before he found this somewhat decent city of Dusse.

Guert was surprised by everything in Dusse City. What surprised him was not that he had never seen it before, but that everything here was no different from the human world.

Until the bodyguard outside the restaurant spit out thick phlegm at him, he deeply believed that this is the human world, but the relationship between people is more indifferent, and the snobbery of these bodyguards is also expressed more directly.

Seeing the bodyguard turning his head, then nodding and bowing to another luxuriously dressed guest, Guert couldn't help but feel amused.

The greed of human beings since ancient times seems to be magnified in the world of cultivation, but not restrained. Could it be that they, who have undergone the baptism of cultivation, don't know what cultivation is?

Xiaoyou next to him was still afraid that Guert would rush up and make trouble, so he pulled him and wanted to walk forward.

Guert patted him with a smile, and said: "Wait for me, you haven't eaten anything for so many days. Although you are a bit weak, you can't ignore your health!" Go to the restaurant.

Xiaoyou couldn't hold him back, so he could only watch him walk past helplessly, praying in his heart that nothing would happen, but when Gurt walked past, the bodyguard glared at him at first, but after a while, he changed She opened her face, which was full of fat and flattering smiles.

Xiaoyou stared blankly, thinking to himself: Could it be that Brother Xiaogu knows any special secret technique? To actually make these usually the most snobbish people bow their heads to him.

Before he could react, Guert had already walked over, took his hand, and walked towards the restaurant.

This time, of course, what greeted them was no longer thick phlegm, but enthusiastic smiling faces.

The lobby of the restaurant is well-decorated, so it's no wonder that two bodyguards are required to open the door. It seems that this restaurant is quite famous.

At this time, there was a lot of noise in the hall, Guert frowned and said, "How can we eat here, is there no other place?"

His words were not loud, but they happened to spread throughout the hall.

There was a sudden silence in the hall, and almost everyone turned their heads to the door. I want to see what kind of character dares to say such arrogant words here.

Just kidding, if you can't even eat in the most luxurious elegant building in Doos City, where else can you eat in the whole Doos City, no, it should be said that the entire Dixutian?

When they saw clearly that the person who said this was just a rustic boy with ragged clothes and a sallow and emaciated child by his side, they couldn't help laughing.

Xiaoyou has never seen such a battle before, although he did not hide behind Gourte, he also pulled Gourte and signaled to leave.

Unexpectedly, Guert rolled his eyes, looked at the lobby supervisor who was rushing over, and said, "Why, if this is the place, then I'm leaving!" After saying that, he turned around and dragged Xiao You away.

The manager of the lobby is a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a friendly smile on Yuanyuan's face, and said: "Where, where, we have a place to entertain distinguished guests." Walter went to the backyard.

After saying this, the whole hall fell silent again, and everyone's gazes were completely different from the last time's ridicule, mixed with astonishment, envy, surprise , jealousy and so on.

Gu Er dragged Xiao You, and followed the staff through the hall slowly, wondering in his heart: Is this backyard a special place? Isn't it just a meal? Why do those people use that kind of look?

Just as he was about to walk through the hall, suddenly the person on a table in the middle of the hall jumped up and said, "What's going on?

I have been queuing for three months, and I haven't been to the backyard yet. This beggar boy is actually qualified. Is your Du Sichang's life skill not wanting to do it? "

As soon as he said this, the faces of the people around him changed color, and someone who seemed to be familiar with him even gave him a hand.

The friendly lobby manager let out a series of laughs, and said, "You are from the old Yang family, right? You have been in Doos City for several months, and you still haven't made any progress."

That person was exposed as soon as he saw him, he was startled, and before he could speak, the middle-aged man with a friendly smile on his round face had already walked over, almost without any reaction, this old Yang family member was taken away up.

Guert was stunned, knowing that this was an extremely advanced mind-confusing technique, but he didn't expect this kind of mind-confusing technique to appear on the lobby supervisor. Did he accidentally fall into some trap?

At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile: "Please come in quickly, distinguished guest. I will take care of some trivial matters first, and then I will come to serve you immediately."

The kind smile of the middle-aged man was no longer so cute in Guert's eyes. It's just that after thinking about it, he can't think of anyone here who will harm him, and this is the first time for Xiaoyou in Doos City. Even if someone wants to harm him, it is impossible for them to be there when they enter the city. Get ready here. Moreover, the two of them really need a good meal and a rest now.

Just now at the door, he just showed the pearl in his hand a little, and the eyes of the bodyguards immediately changed, as long as the trouble can be solved with money, it is not a trouble.

Gould strode into the backyard of this Dustang.

This is an elegant residence with a single-door detached courtyard, with elegant layout and exquisite food, which is comparable to the feast hosted by Shangqi Wenxuan, the leader of Qi Wenxuan in the Renwenjie.

While eating, Gourt ordered the clerk to send two clean suits, both of whom hadn't eaten for many days.

Although Yili practice can help them gradually reduce their need for food, but they are tired from running around for days, and Guert has been lying in bed for nearly a month without eating.

The same is true for Xiaoyou. He has been by his grandfather's side since he was born. Although he has never experienced any hard times, this is the first time he has come across such an environment and such food. It is the first time that his petty eyes can't realize what he did. Those upper class people are still pretty good.

Finally full, Gurt also began to calculate the current environment in his mind.

Although he didn't know the background of the person in black in the valley, but her level must be above the first level. When he thought of this, he immediately felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured all over his body.

In the past, he ran amok in the human world, relying on Yili's magical powers and understanding of Yili, but all this has become the most common thing here; under the guidance of Grandpa Luo, even Xiaoyou, for Yili's understanding and comprehension is probably higher than his. Therefore, the man in black said that he was a useless person that day, and it was indeed true.

In terms of skills, how could he be the opponent of these people?

What's more, the emerald green light in the woman's hand was full of poison. This knowledge was a new shock to him--it turns out that cultivators can also use such despicable things as poison.

Fortunately, his Tianjue Heart Sutra can test and restrain all the poisons, which makes him very relieved; so he tried the food just now before letting Xiao Youyou eat it.

Finally, after both of them finished eating and changed their clothes, Guert called the waiter to come and check out.

At this time, the friendly middle-aged man walked in, bowed his waist and said with a flattering smile: "Sorry, sorry, it took a little longer to deal with the matter just now, have the two distinguished guests finished eating? There is no need to pay, this meal has already been taken Please."

Guert and Xiaoyou looked at each other, and they both saw each other's astonishment. Guert's face remained calm, and he said with a smile: "Who is so generous? This is the first time our brothers have such a good thing when we go out!"