Besieged on all sides

Hao Se glared at him and said: "Why did those who saw them die? Of course they were killed. It is said that there is an unwritten rule in their family, that is, everyone who has seen them must die! Then Of course I have to act first, although this kid is still young, don't be afraid of him, but who knows who is behind him!"

Guert thought to himself: If you want to say this, if you send Xiaoyou to that world, doesn't it mean that you will be killed?

After thinking about it again, this Hao Se doesn't know whether what he said is true or not...

Hao Se looked at him and said, "So if he is your younger brother, then you should also..."

Goult explained: "I was adopted by his grandfather, we are not brothers!"

Hao Se nodded and said: "Well, don't worry, he is now our third generation of wretched man, and he is very powerful. Rescuing him will definitely strengthen the power of our family, haha!" Thinking of a bright future.

Guert said tentatively, "Aren't you afraid of being killed?"

Hao Se chuckled and said, "Since it's a brother, why would he kill me? What's more, no matter how miserable it is, there is still a brother with you! I believe you will keep the eldest brother!"

Guert secretly said: Let you save the person first! He hurriedly laughed and said: "That's that, big brother is a generation of wretched men, so naturally he is extremely despicable, nothing will happen!"

Hao Se nodded again and again, obviously these words sounded good to him, he clapped his palms and said, "Okay, I'll come to the rescue right away, and we'll go out to drink and celebrate tomorrow!"

Guert watched from the side, although he was a little worried that Hao Se would do something, but thinking about what he said, and looking at the cold sweat constantly appearing on Xiao You's head, and the slight movement of his closed eyelids, it was obvious at first glance. Knowing that he is dreaming, such a long dream is really too much burden for such a child.

Hao Se's eyes were closed, his lips moved slightly, his fingers moved together, and he touched the vital points on Xiaoyou's chest. Guert was startled and almost screamed out, because as long as this vital point is swept by force, no matter how strong it is, No one could resist it, but it was too late to stop it. I clicked it once, but Xiao Youyou didn't move, and beads of sweat broke out on Hao Se's head.

Guert stood beside him, secretly mentioning his strength, if there was something wrong with Xiaoyou, he would immediately kill Hao Se.

As time passed by, Xiaoyou began to react, his body trembled slightly, Guert felt nervous when he saw it, but he also knew that after so long, Hao Se should be really treating Xiaoyou.

After a slight tremor, Xiao You regained his previous calm, but this time it was obviously different from before, a trace of rosiness appeared on his sickly face.

Hao Se let out a long breath, let go of his hand, and fell backwards. Guerte hurriedly supported him. Hao Se smiled bitterly and said, "Why do I bother myself? I'm so exhausted!"

Guert said with concern: "Is he alright?"

Hao Se nodded and said: "This child is also full of suffering. He was severely restrained when he was young. I tried to help him lift it just now. Who knows that the restraint is so severe that I can't even move. It seems that this The world of comprehension is full of masters! We are all frogs in a well!"

Seeing Hao Se's expression of emotion, Guert secretly guessed in his heart that he had suffered some loss from helping Xiao You lift the restriction just now, so he couldn't help asking: "Is that restriction very powerful?"

Hao Se nodded and said: "It's very powerful, the strength of the person under the ban is at least above the second level!"

Guert suddenly thought of Grandpa Luo. With Grandpa Luo's strength, he must know the restriction in Xiaoyou's body, but there is only one reason why the restriction has not been lifted, and it must be that Grandpa Luo himself cannot lift it!

Hao Se suddenly raised his voice, and said, "But that's good too, it's like blowing our family's reputation, haha!"

Guert was furious, and thought to himself: If he is really as strong as you said, how could he be fooling around with you...

Suddenly Hao Se swayed, his face turned pale, Guert hurriedly supported him, Hao Se waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, just go and rest for a while!" After speaking, he turned around and went out, and stopped at the door , said: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that the houses here are all casual living, and I live next door!"

Guert was stunned, just live? What's the meaning? Still thinking, Hao Se has gone out.

Because he gave up the bed to Xiao You, Guert had to sit on the ground in meditation, sorting out what happened during the recent period in his heart, knowing that he was extremely lucky to have made it this far.

But the experience in the God Conferred Pagoda was really weird. He was obviously beaten down by Hao Se, so how could he be caught by a strange force all of a sudden?

And at that time, his original face was revealed, which showed that his consciousness at that time was totally unknown!

Moreover, the roar that he made seemed to belong to Xiaoxiu Beastmaster. Could it be that he was possessed?

Guert couldn't help but smiled wryly, isn't his physique particularly suitable for being possessed? Old Yu seemed to be doing the same thing last time, making Spirit Blade upper body!

But after making such a big fuss, he was not recognized. Could it be that his wanted arrest has been lifted?

Ah, how stupid, the wanted report about Guert was sent from the human world, and my identity as Guert was not in the realm of comprehension at all, so of course I wouldn't be listed here!

He couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but when he thought of the arrest warrant, he suddenly remembered the portrait of his father he saw. The brother and sister Leng Wenhan said that his father killed a two-star catcher here five months ago. Will it stay here?

And there should be a bulletin board similar to the God Conferred Pagoda, right? I don't know if there will be a father's name on it?

Thinking of this, he looked at Xiao You on the bed, and saw that his breath was steady, and his face was gradually turning rosy. It should be that Hao Se's treatment has been effective. Do you want to take this opportunity to go out and have a look?

As soon as the thought moved, it was hard to stop, hesitated again and again, and decided to go out for a walk.

He walked out of the door, unexpectedly after such a long time, the outside was still so bright, judging from the sky, it was impossible to tell the time.

Guert has long been used to the strangeness, and secretly said: I have even experienced winter to spring, and these are nothing.

He opened his eyes wide and looked around. There was still no one on the street. He walked along a row of houses, surprised in his heart. Except for the different numbers at the entrances, the houses here were all exactly the same. It was built, and Hao Se also said that you can live here as you like, I really don't know what that means!

He walked forward while wondering, and finally found someone in front of him, a young man, at the door of a house. He hurried over and asked, "Excuse me, brother, where is there a wanted notice around here?"

The man looked at him strangely, and said, "Did you see the sign over there? That's it!"

Guert hurriedly thanked him, walked forward according to what the man said, and only found that it was an empty sign when he got closer. He had seen it in front of him before. Having already entered the house, he couldn't help but wonder: he doesn't know this person, so why is he lying to himself? Could it be that this brand has another agency?

Turning around to look at the sign again, I saw that there was no trace of writing on the slate-like sign, and after a closer look, I found that on the left side of the sign, there was something like the doorknob just now. Just slightly smaller.

He put his hand up, and the tentacles were icy cold. He thought in his heart that Hao Se just opened the door with a flick of the handle. Could there be some mechanism?

He imitated Hao Se's hand gestures, he flicked without any response, his heart moved, and he flicked again, but there was a lot of energy in his hands, and only heard a slight click, and suddenly many Like the atlas he stole, the words on the slate are also written in two languages.

He looked at this scene in astonishment, and thought to himself: No wonder people without Yili can't come up, everything here seems to be guided by Yili.

At this time, wanted messages appeared on the slate. He hurriedly looked carefully, and one image after another rolled out row after row on the slate. After looking at seven or eight images in a row, he finally saw the portrait of his father. There is still no name in the information, only under the wanted portrait, there are three glittering golden stars to indicate that this is a three-star wanted criminal.

However, there is a line of small characters at the bottom that reads: "This person is suspected to be the four-star wanted criminal Ling Da nineteen years ago. Back then, he mysteriously disappeared after defeating many people with the "Zhen Yuan Jue". High-level five-star catcher intercepts, the outcome is unknown. The rest of the information is unknown !"

Gurt was stunned: Nineteen years ago? What is this concept? Ling Da, both of them are surnamed Ling, could it be his father's alias?

Still thinking, a voice suddenly sounded, saying: "Don't worry, your name is not on it."

Guert trembled, turned his head and saw that Feng Qi was standing not far behind him, looking at him with sharp eyes, Guert immediately had a feeling of being seen through.

Feng Qi walked slowly and said: "I didn't dare to confirm it before, but I just received a message, so I came here in a hurry."

Guert knew that he couldn't hide it at this time, and asked, "What news?"

Feng Qi said with a solemn expression: "I came here in a hurry, just to ask you." After a pause, he said: "What happened in the God Conferred Pagoda."

Guert was stunned, and said: "Conferred God Tower? Those two people?"

Feng Qi was extremely surprised, and said: "You really did it? I've seen Leng Wenhan and Leng Ziyan brothers and sisters before. It's impossible for you to surpass Leng Wenhan in strength! I was still wondering if the news was wrong! "

Guert's mind was shocked, and he realized how much trouble he had caused. This Leng Wenhan was a three-star catcher. At that time, another "self" seriously injured him, and the cultivation world would definitely respond.

Feng Qi sighed, and said: "You really can cause trouble. Leng Wenhan is lying in Fengshen City now, and the higher authorities have sent someone to treat him, but he may be completely disabled, and that child still has a bright future."

Guert recalled the whole process, if he hadn't wanted to take Leng Ziyan away, Leng Wenhan wouldn't have fought himself desperately. Can't help saying: "How is Leng Ziyan?"

Feng Qi glanced at him, and said: "Zi Yan is accompanying her brother, there is no response for the time being, but you should be mentally prepared, their background is not weak!"

Gould was stunned.

Feng Qi snorted coldly and said: "Do you think it's so easy to get a three-star catcher here? Besides your own strength, the backstage is also the key.

"The two of them are two-star and one three-star at such a young age, and the backstage is at least a second-tier high-ranking, and there is also the Fengshen Pagoda, which is the power of Tianxiao Valley. I don't dare to cause trouble there. If you follow the rules, you are fine! The disturbance in their territory is out of control, and they will lose face, how can they let you go!"

Guert has seen Feng Qi speak so harshly for the first time in a long time. He still remembers that Feng Qi also looked relaxed when he was kidnapped by the Ye family that day. It seems that this time it is really serious!

Feng Qi probably knew what Guert was thinking, and sighed softly: "I am also for your own good, no matter why you came here, it is not a good thing to have so many powerful enemies here at once, especially this time, I am not sure I can keep you!"

After all, Guert was still a teenager, and his heart gradually became angry, and he snorted coldly: "Then let them come to me!"

Feng Qi smiled wryly and said: "This is not the time to quarrel, you tell me what happened, and I'll see if I can fix it!"

Guert knew that Feng Qi had good intentions, and the matter of Beast King Mang was indeed a headache. If it popped up again, I don't know what else would happen!

Just when he was about to speak, Feng Qi suddenly said in awe: "There is someone, come with me!" After speaking, he swept his body and flew to the opposite side of a row of small buildings, flicked his finger on the door, and the door opened in response, Guer Te followed closely, and the two came to the second floor, just in time to see the scene on the street before.

As soon as he came up, he saw two figures flying towards him on the street, with light red soft long hair, and even from a distance, he knew that this person was Yi Qingke, and the person next to him was a handsome man in Tsing Yi, Zhao Yumin.

Zhao Yumin frowned and said, "I clearly feel that Teacher Feng is here, why is there no one?"

Yi Qingke's eyes were also full of confusion, and she said, "It should be around here, or maybe she's hiding."

Zhao Yumin said: "What kind of news do you think Teacher Feng received? She turned pale in shock and didn't help Xiao Ling to heal her. She just ran out by herself."

On Yi Qingke's icy and stunning face, there was a thoughtful expression, she shook her head and said, "Let's look for it again!" After speaking, she swept her body and flew towards the row of houses on the other side.

Gurt heard the conversation and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Is Xiaoling injured?"

Feng Qi sighed: "She's too anxious, so she's a little out of breath, just take it easy and recuperate, it's incomparable to your troubles."

Guert smiled wryly, and hurriedly told the story of what happened in Fengshen Tower, naturally skipping the part about Xiaoyou.

Feng Qi was shocked and said: "You mean that the person who injured Leng Wenhan was actually the Beast King?"

Guert said helplessly: "Otherwise, with my level, how could I hurt Leng Wenhan..." These words were exactly what Feng Qi asked before.

Feng Qi closed his eyes, as if he was recalling something, said: "No wonder I saw that portrait, no matter how I looked at it, I felt something was wrong, so it was because of this." After a pause, he said: "However, how could this Beast King Mang turn into a ghost?" Consciousness controls your body?"

Guert smiled bitterly: "This is exactly the question I want to ask you." Then, he carefully recalled the scene at that time, and said: "However, I suspect that the beast king's glow is not transformed into consciousness, but purely using strength Control, and he only shows up every time my energy dies."

Feng nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go back and look up the classics. Anyway, with the arrival of Qingke, many classics about the beast king should be decipherable!" Then he sighed and said, "What happened to you is really strange. I chased after another person that day. , Followed those people from the Ye family and almost circled around Dixutian, but in the end they found nothing, I didn't expect you to be fine instead."

Gurt didn't dare to say in detail how he was fine, but only said that he would be fine after falling in the cave for a while.

Suddenly there was a loud noise outside, and the voice was very familiar. After listening carefully, it turned out to be Zhao Yumin and Hao Se.

Feng Qi looked at it, and said: "Let's go out quickly, so as not to cause any uncontrollable things, you can't reveal your true identity for the time being, and we will talk about it when I arrive at Jiuxuantian and meet Master Hades."

These words are also in line with Guert's intentions, after all, Xiaoyou is not very easy to show off.

Feng Qi glanced outside again, and said: "This Hao Se's background is very strange, you'd better be careful, I can't see through him!" After speaking, he took out a small triangular card from his pocket, and said: "This you Take it well, if you want to go to Jiuxuantian, you will use this."

Guert was still thinking about Feng Qi's evaluation of Hao Se, at this time Feng Qi had already stuffed things into his pocket and disappeared into the house.

Guert picked up the sign, saw the small characters "Feng Qi" written on it, knew that it must be Feng Qi's identity certificate, his heart warmed up, Feng Qi gave this to him, obviously to show his respect for him kind of trust.

At this time, the noise outside had stopped, and Guert knew that it was almost done. He slipped out of the window and walked around behind the house, pretending to walk across the street.

As soon as he walked out, he saw the backs of Feng Qi, Yi Qingke, and Zhao Yumin not far in front of them. They were walking in another direction. Guert secretly sighed in his heart, but luckily he didn't walk with them face to face. Otherwise it's really awkward.

Unexpectedly, after walking a few steps, Hao Se, who was still standing at the door, yelled loudly, "Oh, brother, you are back. Oh, really, let me tell you, I was bullied by a woman just now."

Guert frowned. For some reason, this Hao Se was always attracting attention intentionally or unintentionally. As expected, Yi Qing stopped first among the three over there and looked this way. The onlookers who were watching because of the quarrel just now also stopped immediately, knowing that it was lively again.

Guert complained endlessly in his heart, but he said with a look of anger on his face: "The humiliation of the elder brother is the humiliation of the younger brother. Hurry up and tell the brother what happened?"

Hao Se was also afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so when he clapped his hands, he seemed to be extremely moved, and said: "What a good brother! Forget it, it's also because the appearance of the eldest brother is not pleasing, otherwise if you confess well, you won't be misunderstood. Insulted."

Guert was shocked, and said: "What? Brother confession?" As he spoke, he secretly glanced at Yi Qingke, who was looking over there, their eyes collided in the air, and Guert quickly dodged away .

Hao Se said with a bitter face: "Yeah, do you think the eldest brother is thankless?" After a meal, he straightened his small and thin chest like ribs, and said: "But as us, even if we want to be rejected knowingly The courage to confess!"

Suddenly there was a slight commotion over there, and Guert was about to talk to him, but when he heard the sound, he turned his head and saw Yi Qingke walking towards here, his heart tightened, and he cried secretly: It's over, it won't Did you see me?