The Medicine of Life

Guert slid forward, the whole person jumped forward, stretched out his hand, and barely scratched Xiaoyou's clothes, but just this grabbing gave Xiaoyou a leverage, and his little hand pressed Guert Stretching out his hand, he jumped up, and suddenly a golden sword glow shot out from the misty lake.

The mist that gushed out just now was swept away immediately, and the dark hole was also brightened.

Guert knew that this was from Xiaoyou's mysterious power. Xiaoyou was just frightened just now, so he didn't have time to react. Now that he has reacted now, it must not be so easy to be caught again. Let go of your heart and look down. go.

The surface of the lake was churning, gradually showing a vortex shape. Guert only felt that there was a force gushing out of the vortex, and the red and yellow light in the sea in his body became more and more active, as if he had received some echo like.

However, the leading force in his body, Yili, has not been depleted at this time, so he is not afraid of that beast king's power robbing his body.

The speed of the lake's rotation became faster and faster. It was originally a small vortex, which gradually expanded to a large vortex on the entire lake surface, and there were still a few bright lights shining in the center.

Suddenly Hao Se shouted: "Get out of here!"

Guert was in a state of distress. The power in the center of the vortex seemed to have established a certain connection with his body, which made him unable to turn around. Hao Se on the bank pushed over.

Hao Se caught Xiao You, and Xiao You shouted, "Hurry up and save Big Brother!"

Hao Se gritted his teeth, put his hands together, and then pulled to both sides. A white light belt was pulled out between his hands, and then pulled forward, the light belt rolled towards Guert like a tangible substance, and quickly tied him.

Just as Hao Se was about to pull him over with force, a huge wave suddenly slapped out of thin air on the lake, and quickly swept Guert into it.

As soon as the strength from both sides pulled, Hao Se's face suddenly became solemn, swept his hands across, tightened the light belt, and pulled Guert to the shore in one breath before the force completely engulfed him.

Before reaching the shore, suddenly a point of light in the center of the vortex suddenly lit up, and the whole cave was lit up again, and the light from Guerte Yihai also shone at the same time. He was shocked, because he had cooperated with Hao Se before, luck Knock the huge wave away, no longer caring whether it will be pulled over or not, and quickly calm down the disturbed mind, Yili circulates in the body, slowly calming down the gradually shining red and yellow light.

But this period of time was extremely painful for Hao Se.

In the past, it could be said that he and Guert fought against the huge wave together. Now Guert concentrates on dealing with the beast light in his heart. When Ruo Hao Se wants to deal with the huge wave alone, he will be judged. The light bands that were originally evenly distributed , suddenly narrowed from the middle, and finally, with a beep, the light band split from the middle.

Seeing that Guert was about to fall into the vortex in the lake, Xiaoyou, who had been standing on the side watching, suddenly jumped up and grabbed him, but immediately he himself was also swept down.

Hao Se hurriedly rolled the remaining half of the light belt over and hooked Xiao You, thus forming a strange chain.

At this time, Guert also recovered from the meditation, knowing that the situation was critical, he released Yili, and pressed his palms down. He was closest to the center of the vortex, and hit the extremely bright light spot at once.

A low roar came out, and a gust of cold wind blew out, Guerte froze all over, unable to move any more, Xiaoyou above was not much better, the hands that grabbed Guert were completely numb, His body was half stiff, and even the band of light binding Xiao You seemed to be frozen.

Hao Se said in shock: "Be careful, this is a tenth-level all-water-type icy air."

With a wave of his hands, the band of light quickly widened and tightly wrapped around Xiaoyou.

At this moment, the wind came from behind, and then an exclamation was heard: "Xuanguangjin!"

A faint fragrance came, and Hao Se only felt a cold voice coming from beside him, saying: "Hurry up, this is the unique coldness of Duchrysalis."

The voice in front is Chao Wuli's voice, while the woman's voice in the back is Yi Qingke.

Chao Wuli and the others first asked Zhao Yumin the specific location where he was attacked, and waited outside for a while, but when they didn't come out, they prepared to come in together with a few of them. Who knew that Yi, who had been standing silently by the side this time, Qing Ke also asked to follow, and everyone was overjoyed.

This Yi Qing is the descendant of the Fu Beast Department. Although she doesn't know her strength, after all, she should have a deeper understanding of strange spirits like the Duchrysalis.

They ran all the way, until here they saw them in distress.

As soon as Yi Qingke's robe fluttered, she jumped onto the surface of the lake. Her vermilion lips moved slightly, as if she was thinking about something, and then she pressed her long, white fingers downward, and a light red light shot from her hand to the center of the vortex. On that little light.

The long light red hair was fluttering in the wind, and the originally wide robe was close to her body, outlining the beautiful figure with bumps and convexities, plus the light from top to bottom, the beauty was astonishing, all the people standing on the shore Everyone was stunned and almost forgot the purpose of coming here.

Even Hao Se, who was holding the "Xuanguang Jin", only focused on looking at Yi Qingke, and the saliva from the corner of his mouth began to flow out unconsciously.

Guert, who was in the vortex, of course didn't have the leisure to see the beautiful scenery above, but what he experienced was another miserable situation.

Hao Se's reminder made him vigilant, knowing that there was a chrysalis underneath, and the tenth-level all-water system ice air, although he didn't know what level of power it was, had already frozen his whole body, and even Yili's movement, It was also a few beats slower than usual, so that the beast glow that had been suppressed by him before began to move again.

And he also began to realize that only the beast glow from Xiaoxiu Beastmaster can suppress the Duchupae, so he slowly collected all the power into Yihai, preparing to consciously let the power of the Beastmaster appear.

And his own power is still there, as long as he keeps his consciousness intact, he will have a chance.

Sure enough, the red and yellow light began to extend towards the meridians like last time, and because the energy was fully absorbed, the speed of the beast light was particularly fast this time, almost sweeping across the meridians, and soon the familiar feeling appeared.

Guert knew that this moment was the most important thing. If something went wrong, his consciousness might be lost. He gritted his teeth and prepared for the final transformation.

At this most critical moment, a light red light from above shot into the center of the vortex, and a familiar feeling gushed out from the light.

Guert was startled, knowing that it was Yi Qingke who had come.

The power of the Beast King in his body is of the same origin as Yi Qing, they both come from Xiaoxiu Beastmaster, Yiqing is the descendant of the Beastmaster who has been around for thousands of years, she has extraordinary talent in her own right, but she was only attracted by the beast saliva of Xiaoxiu Beastmaster , Every trace of strength still comes from oneself.

As for Guert, the power of the Beast King Mang was directly implanted into his body, which was more primitive than Yi Qingke, but also more pure, but it was not easy to control.

The beast glow in Guert's body seemed to sense his own power, and the more excited he became, the more difficult it was for Guert's body to control. Finally, he raised his head and roared, and the power of the beast king appeared completely!

This roar awakened everyone by the lake from Yi Qingke's beauty.

Hao Se was stunned at first, and then excited. He was the only one who knew that Guert from the Tower of Conferred Gods had appeared again!

Yi Qingke's beautiful face above showed a shocked expression, as if she had sensed something, she retracted her hands, and her slender body plunged down, shooting into the whirlpool.

The spot of light in the center of the vortex, after Yi Qingke's light red light swept over, was startled by the roar again, it seemed to be frightened, the light became much dimmer, and the inside of the cave suddenly became dark again.

As soon as Guert stretched his body, he could only hear the crackling sound of bones all over his body, his face remained unchanged, and he still had the same honest and honest appearance, while his eyes showed a very strange state, turning red for a while. The two colors of yellow turned back to black after a while. If Hao Se saw this scene, he would know that this was the result of the alternation of Guert's own consciousness and the consciousness of the beast king.

Finally, his eyes opened, not the red and yellow color just now, nor his original black eyes, but dark brown, bottomless, but implied a certain wild quality, which made people dare not look more.

The originally turbulent water waves seemed to have turned into land. Guert put his feet firmly on the ground, stretched out his hands, and hugged Xiaoyou who was still holding him tightly.

Xiao You had completely froze and fell into a coma.

Guert was moved in his heart, and was about to input the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue to help him heal, when he suddenly remembered that the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue in his body had been incorporated into Yi Hai by him at this time , he had spent a lot of effort just now to find this balance point, barely Keep the consciousness, and fill the meridians with the power of the beast king's light, and now the body is completely full of the power of the beast king's light.

It was also very strange at this time, the vortex was still there, and the huge waves were surging, but they seemed to be fixed. The waves were fixed in the air, forming a huge barrier, like a blooming petal. The "Xuanguang Jin" sent Xiaoyou to Hao Se's side.

As soon as he sent it out, he heard a gust of wind from above, and he felt a sudden sensation in his heart, knowing that it was Yi Qing who had arrived, so he ignored her and looked down.

I saw a sharp corner at the center of the vortex, and the light I saw before was emitted from the top of this corner.

Guert leaned down again, came to the sharp horn, pressed his hand on it, a strange force came, the light in his body changed suddenly, he took a few steps back suddenly, panting heavily.

At this time, Yi Qingke also came down, staring at Guert strangely, knowing that he was the man she had met on the street, that is, the man she had always suspected in her heart.

Before he could speak, Guert had already let out a low growl, his eyes flashed, the red and yellow lights reappeared, and his aura began to become enchanting. It was obviously the balance point that Guert's own consciousness had finally grasped. It was broken by the power of that unicorn.

Yi Qing could only feel a strange feeling emanating from Guert's eyes, which seemed kind and strange; seemed obsessed and panicked, all complicated emotions seemed to be infused at this moment come over.

Guert snorted coldly, and said in a blunt voice, "Let it go!" Then, he squatted down, and with luck in his palm, red and yellow light shrouded it, and then he slapped down hard.

The originally flowing water seemed to be solid, but it was split into two from the middle, and the horn disappeared in a flash.

Gurt's face began to change, but his body was still moving, and he shouted violently, "Where are you going!"

She rushed forward, but Yi Qing was shocked by the vigor he sent out, and she retreated. The shock in her heart was indescribable. As a person who was under the saliva of Xiaoxiu Beastmaster, she was very familiar with this force. This is the Beastmaster strength!

Still thinking, at this moment a sharp pain came from her feet, Yi Qingke looked down, and saw that the horn that disappeared just now had run behind her and was slashing fiercely towards her ankle.

She was startled, and immediately jumped up, but then found that the frozen water waves around her recovered, and huge waves more than ten meters high smashed down from all around.

She was shocked, she knew that she was too reckless just now, she shouldn't have rushed down to such a deep place, at this moment, she couldn't go up any further, and there was a burning pain in her feet, and she couldn't use her strength at all.

When a huge wave hit, a powerful big hand hugged her slender waist, and at the same time flashed upwards, quickly passed the height of the huge wave, and reached the top of the cave.

Seeing the huge waves sweeping across the entire Great Lake below, Yi Qing breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had escaped, she was about to look up at her rescuer, when she heard Guert's blunt voice: "Get out of the way, don't get in the way !" After speaking, he threw her towards a group of people on the shore.

Yi Qingke's body lightened, and she fell to the shore. Her feet hurt and she was about to fall. Naturally, Hao Se next to her would not let go of this great opportunity to grab her. She was about to hold her thin shoulders when another person compared her to her. He quickly moved to Yi Qingke's side, supported her by the shoulder, and said, "Are you alright?"

It was Zhao Yumin.

Hao Se was so angry that he hummed, cursing Zhao Yumin and his eighteenth generation of ancestors secretly in his heart. He still lost power to Xiaoyou. Xiaoyou's frozen body has gradually recovered, and his consciousness has slowly returned. See his finger pointing to the hole.

Everyone hurriedly turned their attention to the top of the cave again. Due to the pressure of the huge waves, the vortex also disappeared, and there was no light in the cave, it was pitch black, and everyone only knew that a boy was on the top, as for the figure and appearance. can not see clearly.

The person hidden in the darkness seemed to be preparing for something, and the red and yellow lights gathered beside him.

And the lake below was churning again, but this time it was different from the previous ones, it was no longer a huge wave, but a wave of waves rolling on the lake. Hao Se looked at the lake, his face became serious, and he shouted: " If we can't hold on, let's run away, this chrysalis seems to be coming for real."

Guert's blunt voice sounded, and said: "Hmph, if you are afraid, you will leave. If this kind of low-level spirit also lets me escape, then I am too shameless !"

Except for Hao Se, who knew everything about Gurt, and Yi Qingke, who could sense the aura of the beast king and understood what Gurt meant, everyone else couldn't help but look at each other.

Obviously, they have never seen anyone in their life who dared to call this solitary pupa of the whole water system and the guardian spirit of Yuan Chengtian a low-level foreign spirit. At the same time, infinite curiosity arose in their hearts. When Qing Ke came out, no one could see clearly his movements, which showed that he was not good at bragging.

There was a loud noise on the surface of the lake. This time it was no longer limited to the surface of the lake. The entire cave seemed to be shaking. The huge waves on the lake finally rolled up again. Xiaoyou, Yi Qingke, Zhao Yumin and others attacked.

Immediately, the entire cave was swept by the lake water, and the people who came in just now didn't care about looking at anything anymore, and didn't want to find any chrysalis, so they fled out one after another.

Hao Se pulled Xiao You to flee, but Xiao You shook her head resolutely, looked up, obviously wanted to find Guert, Hao Se smiled wryly, said no more, picked up Xiao You, kicked her foot , two people flew towards Guert.

On the other side, Yi Qingke was injured on her foot, Zhao Yumin supported her, and the two were running out, when they were about to turn around, Yi Qingke turned her head subconsciously.

I saw Hao Se and Xiao You flying upwards in the cave, and beside the boy who rescued her just now, the red and yellow lights were already shining brightly, and the light was shooting in all directions. Looking at the face, Yi Qing was immediately stunned.

I saw the man's long bangs, under the full sky, deep red and yellow eyes, straight nose bridge, tight lips, slightly pale face, exuding a charming temperament, It was Gourt whom she thought about day and night.

Yi Qingke screamed coquettishly, and was about to break free from Zhao Yumin's hand and run back, when the huge waves of the passage had already hit, Zhao Yumin hurriedly stepped up her strength, and took her out of the straight road closest to the big lake.

She desperately turned her head to look back, but the face had already been hidden in the darkness, and the powerful red and yellow Beastmaster Mana had been shot down, and the light moved upwards into the lake.

Then, when a huge wave hit her, she lost consciousness.

Guert looked at the rocks covered with green grass all around, and there was a stone road under his feet. This is a stone room. Just now, in order to withstand the final attack of the chrysalis, the Beastmaster used up all his strength at one time, and the large-scale ten-thousand-field created by the chrysalis The icy air of the whole water system of the first level washed away at once, opening a big hole in the entire bottom of the lake.

They flew down the cave and came to the stone chamber.

Hao Se put Xiao You on the ground, exhaled heavily, and said, "It was really dangerous just now, I almost suffocated to death!"

Guert looked at him in bewilderment, Hao Se said in surprise: "Did you feel out of breath just now?"

Guert had recovered his consciousness at this time, shook his head and said: "No, the whole journey was fine just now, but where did you say that chrysalis went?"

Hao Se stared at him blankly, then laughed, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "You ask Du Pu, Du Pu will naturally be slapped to death by you!" After a pause, he said: "Do you think Where is it cold on your body?"

Guert was startled, touched his heart, and said, "How do you know? I always thought it was cold here just now!"

Hao Se was startled, sighed, and said: "Oh my God, there is a spirit under the Dupu spring, and it will definitely crawl out again to kill you. You sucked its inner alchemy, and you don't even know it yet."