Ghost Storm

Everyone knew that this was the backlash of the three-eyed Wutao on his deathbed, and they all locked their eyes on Yi Qingke.

Yi Qing let out a sad cry, knowing that the three-eyed Wutao used the last strength when she was about to die, and used the "beast force traction" to counter her own "beast-subduing curse", and locked herself here firmly, and then shot out The cold glow was also the last blow of the three-eyed Wutao, it was impossible to block it!

She was about to close her eyes and wait for death, when an unusually familiar aura appeared behind her, a big hand was pressed on her shoulder, and the powerful beast king's light quickly poured into her body.

Yi Qingke's body trembled, her hands that had been stationary resumed their movements, and the "Survey Beast Curse" regained its strength, and at the same time that the cold light hit her body, she was stationary in front of her body.

This is a goose egg-sized, crystal clear brown crystal.

A familiar voice said in her ear: "Eat it quickly, this is Neidan."

Yi Qingke trembled all over, and turned her head to look at the person behind her in disbelief. The handsome pale face and the warm smile like spring breeze were exactly the Guert she missed day and night.

It turned out that Guert saw that something was wrong just now, so he quickly performed the "Dance of Soft Light" in the air, and unexpectedly, without anyone noticing, he came behind Yi Qingke, and promptly suppressed the surging blood in his body due to the sense of the power of the beast king. Beastmaster Mang strength, lost to her.

Seeing her weak face, Guert moved his palm and brought the brown crystals floating in mid-air to his hand. With the other hand, he held her soft chin and fed Neidan into it.

Everyone stared blankly at this almost miraculous scene, and suddenly a voice exploded from the crowd, saying, "She ate the inner alchemy!"

Everyone was sensational.

Guert's eyes flashed, knowing that it was that uneasy and kind person who started to fan the flames again.

He let go of Yi Qingke, and was about to use Yili to search for the person who spoke just now, when he looked around, he heard Hao Se's grinning voice saying: "Brother, you are really good, every time you speak at a critical moment, the person here just now You were also the first to discover the three-eyed Wutao, right?"

Guert swept his eyes and saw that Hao Se was already standing behind a man in gray, with one hand on the man's shoulder and a smile on his face.

The man's body shook violently.

Hao Se's expression turned cold suddenly, and he said, "Where is the sword fairy's relic hidden? Tell me quickly!"

Suddenly, everyone's attention turned to that person.

Guert secretly praised Hao Se's brilliant move, knowing that he was deliberately alarmist in order to divert attention.

The gray-clothed man trembled all over, and said in a trembling voice, "You...what did you say?"

Hao Se sneered and said: "From the beginning you lured us to kill the three-eyed Wutao, and later you intentionally stirred up people's hearts and killed an unknown number of people. What is your intention? Are you a member of the three major forces? Introduce it into the city, and then let us kill the guardian spirit, and you sit by and reap the benefits of the fisherman?"

As soon as these words came out, people with a little bit of brain began to wake up. After thinking about it, they remembered that this person was instigating every critical moment, and they couldn't help but cursed.

The man faltered and couldn't speak.

Hao Se was also smart, and said to the furious crowd around him: "Who would torture? I don't believe that under torture, this person can still not reveal the location of the Sword Immortal's relic!"

After finishing speaking, he was about to push the man in gray towards the crowd.

His last words immediately made everyone's eyes brighten. Seeing that Hao Se pushed the man in gray out, he was about to snatch him away. Suddenly, the man in gray voluntarily shouted: "I say, I say! The sword fairy's relic is actually Right here in this city, because our master couldn't defeat this three-eyed Wutao, he invited you here!"

Guert and Hao Se were stunned at the same time.

How could this guy be recruited so easily?

It shouldn't be logical, right?

A person in the crowd asked, "Where is the relic of the Sword Immortal?"

The man in gray pointed to the cave under the ruins where the three-eyed Wutao drilled out for the first time, and said, "In there, the gods and objects are guarded by guardian spirits, so we haven't gotten them yet."

As soon as his words fell, the cultivators floating in the air swished straight down and rushed towards the cave, fearing that they would be robbed first, only a few of them carefully looked at the gray-clothed man. leave.

In particular, Guert noticed that the three most powerful people just now did not move, and the two floated silently in the air, looking at the ruins below, and the thin old man among them was staring at Yi Qingke.

Hao Se grabbed the man in gray and sneered, "If that's the case, why don't you go down by yourself?"

The man in gray laughed and said, "Don't count on it. Anyone who enters this deserted city at this time will only have a dead end!" After speaking, his body softened and he fell down.

Hao Se was startled, and saw black blood dripping from the corner of the man in gray's mouth. At this time, Guerte had arrived, and his hand slapped the man in gray with a flash of light.

The dozen or so people who hadn't gone down all watched this scene, knowing that the man in gray must have committed suicide, but the last sentence made everyone present shudder.

All of a sudden, Gurt said, "What else do you want to say?"

Everyone was shocked, only to see that the man in gray opened his eyes again, looked around in confusion, looked at Guert, and said in surprise: "I'm not dead yet?"

Hao Se smiled and said, "You think you can die if you want to?"

Guert said coldly: "I know you are asking for your own death, but I can also make you live or die. Tell me, what's going on down there?"

The gray-clothed man seemed to feel the power of Guert in his body, looked at Guert in disbelief, and said: "What... what kind of power is this?" Suddenly he screamed and said, "I say!"

Guert used the Heavenly Heart Sutra to control the vitality in his body, putting him on the verge of immortality. No matter whether the man in gray wants to die or not, he is in great pain at this time.

The man in gray said dying, "Master, they are all lying in ambush..."

The voice fell slightly, and a cold star shot from not far away. Guert put all his energy on controlling the Heart Sutra of Tianjue, and he was powerless to resist. The man in gray snorted and died completely.

Guert hurriedly looked towards the launch site, only to see a stream of blood arrows sprayed out, a head flew out immediately, and the headless body fell down and fell to the ground.

After the man killed the man in gray, he committed suicide immediately.

Hao Se said: "Hehe, probably because he was afraid that you would make his life worse than death, so he wiped his neck and committed suicide."

Surprises happened one after another, and almost everyone seemed to be breathless. Not to mention the vicious arrangement, just looking at the ability to control subordinates, people have to admire, so many people are willing to commit suicide to hide their secrets.

There was an indescribable discomfort in Gurt's heart.

The thin old man who had been watching from not far away suddenly said: "Are you from Tianjue Valley?"

Gult shook his head and said, "No."

The thin old man glanced at him in disbelief, raised his figure, and rushed into the ruins.

The brown-faced middle-aged man and the old woman looked at each other, then rushed down, and the rest of the practitioners who had been cautious, also rushed down.

Guert secretly sighed in his heart, knowing that no matter how dangerous they were for the relic of the sword fairy, they would have to go down once before they were reconciled.

Hao Se laughed loudly, and said: "I knew I wouldn't have to put in so much effort. Look, people don't appreciate it. They know it's death, but they still rush down!"

While speaking, his eyes swept over Wei Yuanzhen who had been standing beside him blankly.

Guert was so angry that he glared at him again and again, and when he turned around, he realized that there were only the two of them left here, as well as Zhao Yumin, Yi Qingke, Wei Yuanzhen and that Tuokecai.

He thought something was wrong in his heart, and was about to slip away, but Yi Qing had already floated over, stopped Guert, looked him up and down, and said eagerly, "You...are you alright?"

Guert smiled and said: "Of course it's okay, otherwise how could you still stand here!"

Yi Qing said anxiously: "You obviously..."

Guert was startled, afraid that she would tell about the fact that he had the beast king's glow, so he quickly covered Yi Qingke's small mouth with his hand, and said, "Yeah, I know, I'm fine, don't worry !" Then, he put his mouth next to her pearly ears, and said, "Please help me keep my identity a secret."

This action was so intimate that the people next to him didn't seem to expect it. They were stunned and looked at the two of them with weird eyes.

Yi Qingke nodded with a blush on her face.

Guert breathed a sigh of relief, let go of his hand, and looked at the expressions of the people next to him. Only then did he realize that the action just now was too casual. It may be due to the attraction of the beast king's power, but he himself hadn't noticed it before. .

Hao Se over there seemed to be inspired by Guert, and ran to Wei Yuanzhen's side, said a few words in a low voice, but Wei Yuanzhen did not speak ill of him like last time.

Suddenly Zhao Yumin rushed to Guerte's side, clasped his fists and said, "Zhao Yumin is being polite!"

Guert didn't care about the strange look in his eyes, smiled slightly, and said, "You're welcome, Brother Zhao."

Zhao Yumin stared at him strangely, and said, "Excuse me, have you seen Miss Yan recently?"

Guert was surprised, he didn't expect him to ask this sentence when they met, he shook his head and pretended not to know: "Is Yiyi here too?"

A look of complacency flashed across Zhao Yumin's eyes, and he said, "Miss Yan contacted me a few days ago, I didn't expect that Brother Ling didn't know about it."

Guert was furious in his heart, and at the same time knew the meaning of Zhao Yumin's question, he deliberately laughed and said, "Really? I really don't know about this, but if you see her again next time, help me pass the message to her, If I can't see her, I'm going to divorce my wife!" After speaking, she flew towards Hao Se.

Both Zhao Yumin and Yi Qingke beside him were stunned at the same time, they didn't expect Guert to speak like this.

Guert's figure suddenly stopped, and he felt a wave of uneasiness in his heart.

He turned his eyes sharply, swept towards the ruins, and said at the same time: "Qingke, is there something down there?"

Yi Qing had been listening to them in a daze, but when she heard Guert's reminder, she hurriedly put her attention back, observed for a while, and suddenly said: "No, there shouldn't be any big strange spirits down here. ."

This is also the result of Guert's own detection, but since it is not a foreign spirit, where does this strange uneasiness come from?

At this moment, Hao Se also came over. He who was smiling just now suddenly frowned and said, "Let's go!"

Guert knew that he must have felt it too, and hurriedly said, "Do you know why?"

Hao Se frowned and looked at the ruins, and said, "I'm afraid there really are sword fairy relics down there."

The few people here are all fledglings, no one knows what Hao Se said, Wei Yuanzhen and Tuo Kecai also followed, and it became a situation of six people getting together.

Hao Se said: "The blood is soaring, and the treasure is born!"

Guert frowned and said nothing, looked at the ruins, nodded to Hao Se, and said, "Let's go!"

Zhao Yumin said disdainfully: "If you run away in a crisis, what kind of person are you?"

Tuo Kecai, who had been silent all this time, also said: "Since there is a bloody disaster, let's go and notify them as soon as possible. If everyone works together, it should be safe!"

Wei Yuanzhen also nodded in agreement.

And Yi Qingke set her sights on Guert.

Guert said with a smile: "The man in gray just now made it very clear that there is an ambush below, and they keep drilling in. Who can blame this? What's more, if you talk about it now, they will only I thought you were trying to lure them away on purpose so that you could swallow these treasures for yourself!"

Tuo Kecai said: "If you don't try it, how can you know? I don't believe that the charm of those treasures will be greater than their own lives!"

Guert said coldly: "Didn't you just step on the corpses of these people to come in? Why did they value their lives for this relic of the sword fairy?"

Zhao Yumin sneered and said, "Don't make excuses for your escape, I really feel worthless for Miss Yan!"

Gurt's eyes flashed with anger, and he thought to himself: This damn Zhao Yumin is just looking for him to raise an argument! Forget it, if they want to die, let them do whatever they want!

Hao Se looked at the sky. After an afternoon of tossing around, the sky had already darkened, but there was a little whiteness in the sky in the distance, and this white light was coming here at the fastest speed.

At the same time, Guert, who was planning to ignore them, also sensed the source of anxiety, looked up at the billowing white tide in the distance, and said, "Is that it?"

Hao Se nodded, frowned and said, "It's a strange feeling! It seems that I can't stay here anymore."

Guert looked at the sky, pondered for a moment, and immediately shouted: "Go! This city is about to be destroyed!" After speaking, he fell down and shot into the big pit in the ruins.

As soon as he drank, Hao Se also moved, but he didn't see how he moved, only saw a shadow, hugging Wei Yuanzhen, then his body sank, and fell into the pit following Guerte.

Tuo Ke said angrily: "Let go of Yuan Zhen!" and followed suit.

Yi Qing kept looking at Guert, saw him move, and followed him.

On the contrary, Zhao Yumin was the last one. He looked up at the sky, and his face changed suddenly. It turned out that the white light that was still surging in the distance just now appeared in front of him.

There was a rumbling sound, and the entire city began to collapse from the gate.

At this time, only the underground is the safest.

Zhao Yumin finally understood the meaning of Guert's action, and he didn't fall into the big pit when he threw his figure.

The moment he fell in, the entire barren town was quickly covered by this layer of white light, and it would never appear again.

In the dark, the underground passage.

The two people headed by Guert and Hao Se walked in the front, Wei Yuanzhen had already been put down by Hao Se, and Tuo Kecai who was behind also knew that Hao Se was trying to save their lives. At that critical moment, if he explained again, he would only Instead of wasting time, it is better to be direct.

Although the misunderstanding was resolved, Wei Yuanzhen still stared at Hao Se for a long time.

The underground passage here is very narrow, so Tuo Ke was afraid that Wei Yuanzhen would suffer again, so he walked behind Hao Se, Wei Yuanzhen followed closely, followed by Yi Qingke, and Zhao Yumin who came down last walked last.

When Zhao Yumin came down just now, everyone could hear the sounds outside clearly, and his breathing became heavier, knowing that their only way of life was the passage in front of them.

Several people walked forward silently, seemingly bored. After walking for a while, Guert asked, "What was the white light just now?"

Hao Se pondered for a while, and said, "I'm not sure, but it might be..."

Guert said in amazement: "This force is enough to destroy the entire city. It must not be an ordinary thing. Don't you know anything about it? Depending on the situation, the people in the city have already known it, otherwise they would not have moved in advance. Walk!"

Before Hao Se could answer, Tuo Ke suddenly breathed heavily behind him, and said, "Could it be the 'Ghost Storm' of 'Zuo Youtian'?"

"What's this?"

How could Wei Yuanzhen, who only stayed in 'Yuanchengtian' all this time, know this.

This time it was Hao Se's turn to rush to answer, and said: "The ghost storm, according to the legend, is left over from the confrontation between light and darkness in the realm of comprehension. Pulling it, it has been echoing in this layer of heaven.

"What we met just now should be it."

Guert suddenly laughed and said: "It seems that the news that the three major forces conspired to carve up the relics of the Sword Immortal was released by themselves. They had already estimated the time in advance, so they sent people to block it until the time That's about it, let us in and help him kill the three-eyed Wutao.

"If you can't catch that person, you must focus on other things now, and then until the ghost storm comes, everyone will die."

Hao Se added: "We found out later, and the man also directly said that there is a relic of the sword fairy here. It is difficult to judge whether it is true or not, but there must be something more powerful than the ghost storm here! Only in this way to kill us."

Everyone's footsteps involuntarily paused, and no one spoke anymore, and the passage seemed to have no end, winding and extending downwards.

After walking like this for nearly half an hour, the originally narrow passage suddenly became wider, and the first stone gate appeared, but it had already been smashed and they passed through smoothly.

The passage in the cave was still too dark to be scary, but after so long, I got used to it.

They passed through three stone gates all the way, and bloodstains gradually appeared on the ground, as well as fallen corpses, and everyone couldn't help but get nervous.

Hao Se leaned over to examine the corpse, and said: "The injury from Jianmang should be done by them themselves."

As soon as the words fell, suddenly the entire passage shook again and again, and the stones on both sides began to fall down.

Guert barely stabilized his body, and Yili quickly expanded forward, but the front was in a state of confusion, and it seemed difficult to send any message.

Finally, the shaking stopped.

Zhao Yumin suddenly asked: "Is the treasure born?"

Tuo Kecai said: "It's possible! Even if not, they must have touched something and caused the change."

Guert looked at Hao Se, the two had a tacit understanding, Hao Se knew what Guert asked him, he shook his head and did not speak.

Guert simply did not speak, and continued to walk forward.

But the next change made him unable to remain silent.