First Showdown

The breath collided, making a huge hissing sound, and the rolled up air current made people on both sides retreat to the side.

Feng Qi was also pulled back by a huge force, avoiding Zhan Tian's fatal blow.

The smoke dissipated, and there were two more people in the center of the hall. Everyone knew that it was these two people who blocked Zhan Tian at the critical moment and saved Feng Qi.

When they saw the two clearly, everyone exclaimed.

The current one is tall and straight, handsome, with black hair tied behind his head like Zhan Tian, but compared to Zhan Tian's coldness and murderous intent, his cynicism and lazy smile hang on the corner of his mouth.

He, of course, is the top figure of the younger generation who has been in the limelight recently—Gurt.

The person next to her was slightly shorter than Guert, and her real face was covered by a green cap, but the temperament she stood here and the imperceptible momentum made her more eye-catching, especially when she was with Gurt was still standing together hand in hand, which made people wonder a little more.


Zi Mei was the first to yell out, and then Yi Qingke, Zhao Yumin and the others also yelled out in shock, and the people behind them, except for a few who had just returned from the lower realm, did not know who Gurt was , but a few of them almost instinctively set their eyes on Yan Yiyi next to him.

Yong Liansi, who was behind Zhan Tian, naturally knew Guert, and said softly at this time: "Holy Master, this person is called Guert, and like the Holy Master, he has two diametrically opposed qualities..."

Guert was watching Feng Qi behind him, seeing that he was fine, when he heard Yong Liansi introducing himself like this, he smiled and said, "Little sister Yong, you really know how to introduce me!"

Yong Liansi smiled faintly, and was about to speak, when Zhan Tian suddenly asked with a strange expression: "Why do you look so name is Guerte?"

Guert thought Zhan Tian was about to start a fight when they met, but he couldn't help being startled when he saw this question, and said, "Yes... yes..."

On Zhan Tian's slashed face, two thick black eyebrows were tightly wrinkled together, as if he had encountered a great doubt.

Almost everyone noticed that something was wrong with his state at this time, and even Yong Liansi who was beside him looked at him suspiciously, only then did he wake up, snorted coldly, and said, "Who are you?"

Guert grinned, and said, "We are envoys from the upper realm. I heard that there are people making trouble here, so I came to see it!"

Everyone around him knew that he was joking, and everyone who cared about him secretly sweated for him. Almost everyone knew the strength of this master of the dark rank, and it was by no means below a high rank.

Zhan Tian frowned again, and said: "Upper Realm? Could it be from the "Upper Realm of the Realm"..."

The upper world!

As soon as this name appeared, everyone who knew it was shocked. Even Yi Qingke, Zhao Yumin and other cultivators who didn't know the relationship were shocked. After all, this is a high-level area, and the people in the high-level area Upper Realm, what kind of existence would that be?

Yong Liansi hurriedly said beside him: "Holy Master, he is just a child who has just entered the realm of cultivation, and it is his first time even visiting this high-level area, how could he be from the upper realm?"

Guert also felt strange in his heart, how could this Zhantian be so stupid from the moment he saw him, completely different from before? Is there some conspiracy?

Zhan Tian seemed to understand something, nodded, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "No matter who you are, since you came out, the result will be the same!"

Guert's heart skipped a beat, knowing that his so-called result would be the same, meaning he would definitely be killed.

At this time, Yan Yiyi slightly clenched him with her little hand and then backed away, obviously wanting Guert to challenge the sky alone.

Guert's pride suddenly increased, he smiled and said: "Okay, then let's see if it is the same!"

Zhan Tian paused, then jumped up, a biting chill hit Guert.

Guert cheered up, the evil spirit was still there, so he could still grasp Zhan Tian's movements, his mind settled down slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, his body flicked to the left, and then he moved forward Shot away.

Zhan Tian let out a low snort, his move was mostly a false move, he mainly wanted to overwhelm this young man in terms of momentum, but who would have thought that this young man seemed to have seen through his tricks.

But he wasn't nervous either. After all, compared to actual combat experience, he was a hundred times stronger than this young man. His forward body paused as he had thought in advance, and when he closed his hands, a powerful force shot out from his palms.

It was from that aura that Guert felt that Zhan Tian was just a false move, so he didn't retreat, but instead rushed forward. He had already taken out the spirit blade in his hand, and when he saw him stop, he waved the spirit blade, The cold light is frightening, sweeping towards Zhan Tian.


The cold light was completely lifted by Zhan Tian's power, and shot directly at Guert's body.

Guert was terrified. This was the first time he saw the cold glow from the Heavenly Jue Heart Sutra penetrated into the spirit blade, bounced away so easily. In just one thought, the powerful force had already hit his side. With a forceful twist, the spirit blade drew a ray of light around it, and the person disappeared at the same time.

Everyone was taken aback, many thought it was an illusion trick passed down by Guert from Fengqi.

But Zhan Tian was surprised: "You can still dance with soft light?" While speaking, he slapped his right palm towards the ground, jumped up quickly, and then the light flashed in the sky, and Zhan Tian disappeared.

Except for a few people, no one else could see their figures clearly.


Guert's body suddenly appeared on the ground, and he rolled back two times before he could barely stabilize his body, and the corner of his mouth was already bleeding.

While wiping away the bloodshot with his hands, he raised his eyes and looked around, Zhan Tian's figure appeared faintly in front of him.

He was shocked in his heart, he didn't expect that Zhan Tian could also dance with soft light, and his level was more than one level higher than his own. He was hit twice by Zhan Tian in the dark just now, if he hadn't been slippery enough, Zhan Tian didn't use his strength for the two hits, otherwise he would have been lying on the ground at this time.

Zhan Tian looked at him, with a strange look in his eyes, and said, "Who taught you the dance of soft light?"

Guert curled his lips and said, "I haven't asked you yet, why do you ask me?"

A strange smile appeared on Zhan Tian's face, and he said: "Of course mine was taught by Meng Jingxue." After a pause, he said: "Isn't yours?"

Guert said disdainfully: "Of course not. I haven't seen what Meng Jingxue looks like. Hey, I'm self-taught!"

Zhan Tian frowned, and said: "When you enter the high-level area, you will definitely pass Jingmengtian? How come you haven't seen it?"

At this time, Yong Liansi, who was behind him, took a step forward and whispered a few words in his ear. Everyone knew that he must have told him that there was no one in Jingmengtian.

Zhan Tian murmured: "Is something wrong? Jingxue..." Suddenly, a cold light shot out from his eyes, he looked up at Guerte and said: "Come on, I will go out today, and I will definitely kill a bloody one. Since you rushed Come up, then I will take you to the knife!"

Guert knew that he was not Zhan Tian's opponent, but he was not to be outdone, he smiled dryly and said, "Okay, okay, okay..."

With a movement of Zhan Tian's body, all the strength in his body burst out, and he rushed towards Guert.

Guert complained endlessly in his heart, this time Zhan Tian really showed his strength, if he was hit by Zhan Tian's blow, half of his life would definitely be lost.

A powerful force had already struck his side, he didn't have time to think about it, he drew out the spirit blade, rubbed the edge of his palm lightly, a layer of brilliance shone in front of him, and the dance of soft light appeared again.

The evil spirit on the field suddenly rose, and everyone backed away involuntarily. Only Yan Yiyi, who was in front of her, was still standing there with her hat covering most of her face. No one knew what she was thinking. At this time, in the center of the hall, apart from Guert and Zhan Tian who were fighting, only Yong Liansi and Yan Yiyi were left.


Guerte spat out a mouthful of blood, the brilliance dissipated, and his figure was crumbling.

Zhan Tian stood in front of him with a sneer, stretched out his fingers, tapped on his forehead, and said, "Die!"

With a snap of your fingers, it pops out gently.

There was a strange expression on Guert's face, the palms that had been hanging on both sides suddenly turned up, one red and one white light flashed, and two strange patterns suddenly appeared on the palm.

Zhan Tian was startled, and quickly backed away, at the same time he said in astonishment: "The palm of your hand?"

Guert's whole body was already in pain beyond words. Just now, the soft light dance was completely locked by Zhan Tian with the evil spirit, and he came three times fiercely. Forced out by the evil spirit.

But in this state of gradually blurred consciousness, Guerte only felt that the feeling of a certain part of the body became clearer and clearer, so that when danger came, he almost didn't even have to think about it. Flipping his hands was the most familiar move, and Zhan Tianhou's stunned exclamation actually shocked him slightly.

"The palm of your hand? Isn't this the trick of that dead old man in Pujie? Could it be that I've been possessed again? This is impossible!"

After having this thought in his hazy consciousness, he was startled, and the whole person was completely awake. The red and white light on Guert's palm faded, and the whole person stepped back, and finally stopped after taking a few steps.

He stared at the terrifying enemy in front of him panting again and again, and thought to himself: Zhan Tian's strength probably hasn't even reached a tenth, and he has already been forced to this point by him.

The "Heavenly Heart Sutra" and the spirit blade were easily flicked away by him, and the "Dance of Soft Light" was not as good as his attainments, and even the half-understood "Palm Universe" was forced out, and the tricks he relied on to save his life seemed to be All have been cast, but this battle day is still relaxed.

God! Why do you keep encountering such monsters?

An unbelievable light shot out from Zhan Tian's eyes, and he said, "Just now... you used "Palm Universe"? Why did you stop?"

Guert learned the lesson from last time, and began to pretend to be confused, pretending to be confused: "The palm of your hand? What is it?"

Zhan Tian looked at him suspiciously, and said, "Then what was that just now?"

Guert's figure flickered, obviously unable to stand up, and reluctantly said: "Just now I used it casually for self-defense, and I don't know what it is!" After a pause, he said: "Why? You are not Are you going to kill me? Why don't you come?"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhan Tian's mouth, and said: "Since you don't want to say it, you're welcome!" With a bow, he bounced towards Guert again.

At this time, unlike just now when everyone had no time to think, Feng Qi exclaimed in surprise: "Xiao Gu!"

As soon as he called out, Yi Qingke, Zi Mei and the others over there also rushed over at the same time.

But how could their speed be faster than Zhan Tian, Zhan Tian had rushed over in the blink of an eye.

Guert knew that he could not stop Zhan Tian's random attack, but all kinds of power in his body were still circulating. At this time, he let go of his heart, let go completely, let all the power in his body rush out with a loud shout, He slammed into the attacking Zhan Tian with all his strength.

With a loud bang, Feng Qi, Yi Qingke, Zi Mei and others were all bounced back, and a burst of brilliance flashed out on the field, making it difficult to see what happened, but Guert, who was already seriously injured, was right. Zhan Tian, the master of the dark ranks who was in perfect condition, the result speaks for itself.

Suddenly the original white light on the field turned, bursts of purple light shot out, and the hall was full of light. Yong Liansi behind him looked moved, and jumped up. Just about to go in, he turned back again with a somersault, and his body trembled backwards .

Everyone could see that Yong Liansi was forced to retreat, and they couldn't help being shocked. Although Yong Liansi had exhausted her strength before, everyone here knew her strength. Who could force her to retreat so easily?

Finally, the brilliance dissipated, and there was one more person on the field. It was Yan Yiyi, who was wearing a green coat and a small hat. She supported Guert and stood in the middle, while Zhan Tian stood where he spoke just now, as if he hadn't moved.

There was a strange light in Zhan Tian's eyes, looking at Yan Yiyi who was dressed as a servant, he said, "I never thought Zhan would encounter so many amazing things as soon as he left the customs today."

Yan Yiyi raised her hat slightly, revealing that peerless pretty face that could make the world go crazy, smiled slightly, and said: "Yiyi is here to welcome the Holy Master to leave the customs, of course we have to prepare some programs in advance."

Zhan Tian raised his thick eyebrows and said, "Yiyi? Who is he?"

Yan Yiyi looked at Guert with a little pity, and said, "I'm just Mr. Guert's little wife. Seeing him fight so hard, it really hurts my heart!"

As soon as these words were said, the audience was in an uproar. Marrying a wife for a cultivator violates the original meaning of cultivation. Although this thing does exist in the realm of cultivation, it only exists for some low-level cultivators, and this man in Tsing Yi openly declared that he was an ancient Walter's wife, this is against the rules of the cultivation world.

Yan Yiyi rolled her eyes, and everyone's expressions were seen in an instant. Except for Yi Qingke, who had seen her before, who had a look of surprise, everyone else had reasonable expressions.

She smiled and glanced at Zhao Yumin. After she rescued him last time, she used the Wangxin formula to wash away his memory about herself. The little lover should feel at ease now, right?

Thinking of this, I moved my eyes to Guert, saw his eyelids were trembling, knew that he would wake up immediately, and sighed in my heart, one day you will know why I am like this...

Yong Liansi over there suddenly asked: "It's you?"

Yan Yiyi raised her eyes to look at Yong Liansi, smiled and said: "It's Yiyi, the last time we met, I just said hello, here Yiyi will make amends first."

Everyone exclaimed again, they all knew that this seemingly insignificant servant had already fought Yong Liansi.

Yong Liansi had a strange look in his eyes, and said: "I didn't expect my sister to make such rapid progress after a long time, and even hide her breath to the point where Liansi can't see it!"

Yan Yiyi smiled lightly, and said: "Yiyi also congratulates you, the Holy Master's skill seems to have increased a lot compared to before when he came out of the customs, and I'm afraid only those who are above Midietian can compare."

Everyone next to them was shocked, high-ranking above Midietian! Isn't that Chongming? Could it be that only absurd admiration can stop this battle?

Zhan Tian also seemed to be shocked, and for the first time showed doubts in his eyes, he looked at Yan Yiyi, but he didn't speak.

Yong Liansi's eyes flashed with excitement, he turned to look at Zhan Tian, then at Guerte who was being supported by Yan Yiyi, and said, "Did you choose him?"

Yan Yiyi laughed and said: "Of course, you should have already felt it."

Before Yong Liansi could speak, Zhan Tian who was beside him suddenly said, "Are you the one who will succeed her?"

Yan Yiyi nodded, and said with a slight smile, "Yes, but not either."

Zhan Tian glanced at the crowd and saw that they were all bewildered, obviously no one could understand their conversation, so he said immediately: "What do you mean by that?"

Yan Yiyi said frankly: "There is no succession relationship between us. It was her own choice to come here, and so did I. That's it."

Zhan Tian sighed softly, and said: "Forget it, let's leave it like this today, these people's lives will be saved, and I will come back anyway." Glancing at the unconscious Gurte, he said: "There is something in his body. A strange power. Is it his own?"

Yan Yiyi smiled and said, "Maybe only you can answer this question, and I don't know."

Zhan Tian shook his body, looked at Yan Yiyi in disbelief, seemed to understand something, looked at Guert silently for a while, then turned around and said: "Let's go!"

Although Yong Liansi didn't understand the meaning of their conversation, she firmly believed in Zhan Tian, nodded with a smile, then waved her hand and said, "Welcome back, Holy Master, let's go back to the dark space!"

Those black-clothed masked men shouted in unison: "Yes!"

Zhan Tian raised his hands and said in an extremely majestic voice: "Please inform all the high-ranking members of the light that my dark-rank will re-enter the main realm of cultivation, and all members of the dark-rank will walk in the eighteenth heaven without hindrance. !"

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person quickly swept up, and then a strong light appeared, and the hall was filled with dazzling light. When the light dissipated, those members of the dark rank had all disappeared.

Everyone knew that it was Zhan Tian's intentional demonstration to prove their strength. After all, being able to move so many people away from this place in an instant is indeed an ability.

They turned their heads to look again, and they were shocked. Yan Yiyi and Guert, who were standing in the hall, had disappeared. Except for a few pools of blood on the ground that could prove Guert's defeat just now, there were no other traces.

Finally, Feng Qi was the first to react, and shouted: "Everyone obeys the order, return to their positions immediately, and wait for the instructions of the high-ranking officer!"

At this moment, Zhao Yumin in the crowd suddenly exclaimed, "It's not good! Qing is gone!"


"That's right! It's Yi Qingke, she was standing beside me just now, why didn't she disappear?"
