The Holy Light of the Dark Heart

Brothers united to each other, Du Er and Du San who were in the back with red eyes, rushed over while calling Big Brother.

There was a cold light in Guert's eyes, and he pushed his hands forward, the ball of energy let go of his fist, and with a burst of energy, Du Dazhen flew out. The two brothers behind had no time to attack Guert, so they hurried to catch him. live big brother.

Guert was furious just now, so he didn't leave any room for his strike. Du Da's hand that hit him just now was completely crippled by him.

He couldn't help looking back at Yan Yiyi, who had been standing by the side watching the battle, and saw that she was still calm and breezy, as if all of this had nothing to do with her, but the slightly sad eyes in her eyes touched her. Gould then disappeared.

Guert didn't think much about the meaning in that gaze, but seeing that Yan Yiyi didn't blame him for being too ruthless, he breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, a gust of wind came from beside him, and Guert knew that it must be the other two brothers who had come to take revenge.

At this moment, he had already understood his own strength. With a clasp of his fingers, he released his energy, and there was an extra layer of protection in front of him. The impact of force caused the air around him to wrinkle and sway like water waves.

Guert immediately turned his head and saw that Du San was blushing all over, as if he was exercising his skills, he slammed towards him, and was swayed away by the protection formed by his energy.

Suddenly Du Er shouted: "The third child is back! He is at the Qi level, at least two levels higher than us, and you alone cannot be his opponent!"

With tears in his eyes, Du San shouted sharply: "I don't care! I want to avenge my elder brother!" As he spoke, he was still exerting force, and his whole body had stretched the clothes, like a red-hot iron.

Guert waved his hand, and the energy popped out, shaking him aside, and said: "I believe you will not be polite if you turn around!"

That Du Er stared at Guerte viciously, and said: "The winner is king, we will naturally not say any more, you can kill or chop as you like!"

Guert looked at him, shrugged his shoulders and said: "I have no vendetta against you, there is no need to kill you, just now I hit him a little harder, because that hit me was so painful..." He said, Then he walked towards Du Da.

Du Er held Du Da in his arms, and said in a godly voice, "What do you want to do?"

Guert stared at Du Da, and said: "There is no cure for external injuries, and the broken meridians of internal injuries can be repaired."

Du Er stared at him with wide eyes.

Guert squatted down, his fingers lightly brushed over Du Da's bloody hand, and he couldn't help but be surprised by a wave of heart meridian.

I didn't expect Yi Qi's power to be so powerful. I just broke his arm with just one blow, and the meridian inside was completely necrotic. If it was in the past, even his Tianjue Heart Sutra might not be able to heal it. Now I have to try it out!

Du Er is also a senior cultivator in the middle of the second level. He can see that Guert is not messing around, and the energy released seems to contain holy light, which seems to be from the medical department, but he saw Guert's dignified With a look on his face, he couldn't help but ask, "How's it going?"

Guert ignored him, but put his hand on Du Da's shoulder, and the Tianjue Heart Sutra began to flow in continuously. Finally, after a certain amount of Tianjue Heart Sutra circled the necrotic meridian of the arm, the brilliance began to appear, and the way was holy. The white light began to shoot out from the inside of the arm.

The meridians began to recover, and even some places where the bones were exposed outside, the skin and flesh grew rapidly.

Du Er and Du San were stunned.

Even Guert himself thought it was incredible. He didn't expect that the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue would be so miraculous after it reached the level of vitality. Then, if it reached a high-level level, how far the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue would be?

A strong sense of anticipation suddenly surged in Guert's heart, looking forward to the further promotion of his own strength, and looking forward to the performance of his Tianjue Heart Sutra!

Du Da's crippled arm soon recovered most of it.

Facing Guert's performance before and after, the Du brothers really didn't know whether to hate him or be grateful to him. Of course, Guert didn't care about these people's opinions, so he and Yan Yiyi opened the door and drove away.

On the way, Guert glanced at Yan Yiyi and said, "Why didn't you say a word just now?"

Yan Yiyi said lazily: "You have grown up, so I don't need to say more. But I'm curious, why did you hit him so hard in the first place? Then you went to save him?"

Guert hiccupped and said, "I don't know either, but it hurt a lot at the time, so I hated him for hitting him so badly, so I wanted to cripple his arm, and then I did that."

Yan Yiyi nodded slightly, and said: "What happened later? See how pitiful he is?"

Guert scratched his head and said, "I don't know, maybe it's because I'm afraid you'll blame me, or subconsciously, I don't really want him to suffer such serious injuries!"

Yan Yiyi showed a smile on her jade-like pretty face, and said, "So that's the case. Then, have you noticed any changes in your Heart Sutra of Heaven's Judgment?"

Seeing Yan Yiyi mentioning this, Guert couldn't help but get excited, and described the feeling just now with froth, and then said: "I think the power of the holy light of this Heavenly Heart Sutra should be able to fight against Yong Liansi, right? "He clearly hasn't forgotten the showdown he might face.

Yan Yiyi nodded her head and said: "This is mutual restraint. If your mother is to perform the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Jue, then there will be no opponents below Sanxian!"

Seeing that it was rare for Yan Yiyi to take the initiative to mention her mother, and she actually praised her so much, Guert couldn't help but bewildered, and said: " that amazing?"

Yan Yiyi shot out admiration in her beautiful eyes, and said: "Of course. In the general cultivation world, compared with the power of light, your mother must be in the top three." When the power of light uses the Heart Sutra of Absolute Heaven, its power is no less powerful than that of the top mental method of the Bright Order, the Bright Sacred Wing."

Guert asked in surprise: "It's strange, since my mother is a pure light force, why, as my biological child, am I considered a pure dark force?"

A gloomy look flashed across Yan Yiyi's eyes, but Guert didn't notice it, and was still thinking: "Could it be that my father is the problem?"

After a pause, he said again: "That's not right, Dad is also a light-level cultivator, even if he has a dark heart, he won't completely stain me, right?" When he said the last sentence, he raised his head and asked Yan Yiyi.

Yan Yiyi sorted out her mood, and said: "This... I don't know, maybe it has something to do with your accident. For the specific situation, I may only ask your mother." After a pause, she continued: "Maybe your mother didn't Know..."

Guert looked at Yan Yiyi in astonishment, not because he didn't get an answer, but because he felt that Yan Yiyi's words were a little strange, and in his impression Yan Yiyi had never spoken so stutteringly.

Yan Yiyi smiled at him, and said: "Okay, it's useless to think too much, it's better to save Hao Se first, after so long, I'm afraid he might be caught and hung up for torture!"

Guert knew that he couldn't find the reason after asking, so he simply kept the question in his heart, and the two began to rush to Liberty Day quickly.

After exiting the Endless Sea, one naturally entered the second-level high-level exclusive area "Ningxu Tian". This level of sky is rare and infrequently visited by people. The most powerful Ningxutian is the safest place.

Guert followed Yan Yiyi to a high mountain.

Yan Yiyi looked at him, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she said: "Every layer of heaven has an area that is a circulation area. As long as you have enough strength, you can open a door here, leading directly to the lower realm."

Guert groaned, and said: "So that's the case. Then I'll try!" After speaking, Yi Haichu began to get lucky.

He has never learned this kind of space movement tricks, but he tried it with Hao Se last time, but the result of that time was that they fell into the spirit world together tragically. But now he has the vigor to make the bottom line, and he will never make an oolong like last time again.


The surrounding air suddenly swayed to both sides like ripples, as if a hole had been ripped out of the space, a rectangular window appeared, and the inside of the window was a blank black.

Guert was stunned and said, "It doesn't seem right."

Yan Yiyi covered her mouth with a smile and said, "I know why you fell into the spirit world, you're just messing around!"

Looking at Guert's confused and stupid expression, he explained: "These passages actually existed when these days were created, and all we have to do is to guide them to appear.

"Each point corresponds to a point in the next layer of heaven. If this is a diffusion space, then you can jump to different days and follow the route to directly reach any layer of sky. Such diffusion spaces are generally only found in some high-level areas. There will be geniuses at the top."

Guert suddenly remembered the barren land of Midietian, that time Zimei seemed to drive there randomly and arrived at Pinghaitian.

Yan Yiyi continued to explain: "And what you did was not to guide the passage, but to open the passage by yourself. With your ability at that time, you couldn't open the passage at all. It should be the superposition of several people's strength to do it?"

Guert nodded, it was indeed possible to gather the strength of him, Hao Se, and his father Gu Yuanhong at that time!

Yan Yiyi said: "So you opened a small passage, and you were lucky to fall into the world of alien spirits. Now you are several times stronger than before, so you can open the space by yourself."

Guert looked at the black unknown over there in surprise, and said, "What is that place over there?"

Yan Yiyi shrugged her shoulders and said: "I don't know. The location here is pre-determined, you can't think of anywhere, and in this vast and endless space, if you fall into it, you can't find the previous location at all, then you You will lose yourself completely.

"Those high-level ones who created the great heavens can recreate a new position according to their own position."

Guert asked in surprise: "You mean, if I go in, I will never come back?"

Yan Yiyi said: "Yes, unless you are lucky, you can still find the exit after falling in, but the probability of this is about one in a billion, the vastness is too big, and the human strength is too small in the face of the void. "

Just as he was speaking, the originally open rectangular window suddenly jumped and disappeared into the air, as if it had never appeared before.

Yan Yiyi leaned towards Guert, next to Guert, smiled and said: "It's actually very simple, just look at it!"

I saw that pair of spring onion fingers flicking in the air, as if there was a layer of veil in the air. With her flicking, the veil fell off, and suddenly a bright purple light door appeared in front of her.

Guert saw it in his eyes, and at the same time, he sensed the intercommunication between the forces. Just now, Yan Yiyi leaned on him, in addition to feeling the shocking charm from the delicate body, a powerful force It also appeared in his induction at the same time.

The moment the jade hand brushed past, the change and rotation of breath, the degree of retraction and release of strength, all the tricks seemed to be imprinted in Guert's mind at that moment.

He looked at Yan Yiyi in disbelief, Yan Yiyi smiled, and said: "For a stupid student like you, this method should be used. Now you should know it? Let's go!" Ignoring Guert, he went straight across the light gate.

Guert patted his forehead, reminding himself that he was not dreaming. The mysterious feeling just now was unforgettable for the rest of his life, and how much magic is there in this woman who mysteriously appeared beside him from the beginning? How long will it take for me to reach her realm?

Free day, wanton state.

After the last big baptism, Liberty Day is still very lively, and it seems that it has not been affected at all, but it is Gurt who is troubled. His face may not be well-known in other places, but in Liberty Day, basically No one knows.

Especially the purpose of coming this time is to save Hao Se, not to cause trouble for himself. So the "invisible ghost face" that was no longer intended to be used finally came in handy again, and the face chosen was naturally the image of Uncle Brand that had never appeared in the cultivation world.

When Yan Yiyi saw his appearance, she obviously remembered the situation when they met in Lianyun Village, and smiled slightly: "The first time you saw me in Lianyun Village, it seems that you used another person's face Right? Later, at the banquet in the square, this uncle's face was used."

Guert and Yan Yiyi were mixed in the crowds of free days at this time, knowing that no one would recognize them, they relaxed for a rare moment, smiled, and said, "Of course. I, Brand, The chief investor of Lianyun Village, of course, has to hide behind the scenes , hehe."

Yan Yiyi shook her head and laughed, "Then why did you run away later?"

Guert paused, knowing that Yan Yiyi had already noticed him at that time, and couldn't help saying: "Didn't you tell them that they didn't know where I was? How did you know?"

Yan Yiyi giggled, and said: "I felt it when I met you on the street, and basically your actions have not escaped my observation. I know that it is not easy for you to maintain two identities, so of course I can't put you It was exposed directly. As my little lover, I will still help you with this little help. "

Gurt was dumbfounded immediately, but thinking about Yan Yiyi's various mysterious tricks, he had to admit that as long as his cultivation reached a certain level, it might not be possible to monitor people who are far away, let alone him who is close at hand. question. Scratching his head, he said, "Did you find out what bad things I did?"

Yan Yiyi smiled but didn't answer, Guerte felt cold sweat all over his body, coughed lightly twice, and said: "'s so big here, where is that damned Hao Se hiding..."

Yan Yiyi hummed softly, indescribably soft, turned her head slightly, looked around, as if searching for Hao Se's whereabouts.

Guert was attracted by her coquettish snort, looked at her involuntarily, and suddenly found a strange thing, and then looked around, feeling even more strange: Why are so many people around as if they didn't see her, It stands to reason that with her appearance and temperament, no matter where she is, she will be eye-catching!

Just as he was about to ask the reason, Yan Yiyi suddenly opened his mouth slightly, let out an ah, and said, "We seem to be late..."

Guert was shaken all over, and hurriedly looked in the direction she was looking at, only to see a few lines written on the high wall in the distance: "Wanted reward: capture Hao Se..." The following is some introduction about Hao Se , and his various appearances, even Guert, who has been with Hao Se for a long time, can only understand so much.

With such a wanted warrant hanging here, Hao Se is indeed more dead than alive. Guert was anxious, and only said: "Follow me!" He took Yan Yiyi's little hand and walked towards the city of desire along the flow of people.

In the City of Desire, there are many flower buildings and crowds.

When Guert came to the remote alley, he kicked open the gate and shouted: "Brother is here, younger brother is coming out to meet you!"

There is a lot of dust in the house, and it seems that no one has lived in it for a long time.

Guert didn't have much hope in his heart, but when he saw it at this moment, he was still disappointed for a while, frowning and looking around, suddenly remembered a person, and said: "Wait for me." Then he rushed out.

It's not that he intends to come alone on purpose, it's just that the person he's looking for is really inconvenient to bring Yiyi with him.

Crossing the alley and crossing the street, Guert found the courtyard with his good memory, which is where he brought Ye Jiyan over last time.

The last time he came here, he had already recognized the woman who was in bed with Hao Se, she was the one he met when he was looking for someone last time, and the two of them have had a good time together, so it is possible that they do not know Hao Se.

He sneaked into the house quietly, and when he got to the door, he heard another humming sound from inside, and he was stunned: Did this guy Hao Se live here all this time?

Just as he was about to lift his legs to go in, he suddenly heard several consecutive ah-ah sounds coming from inside, and he couldn't help being stunned. The voice inside fluctuated up and down, and what made him suddenly stop was that it turned out to be the voices of two different women.

Guert thought to himself: Could it be that this skill can be practiced by two women together?

He didn't hesitate any longer, kicked open the door, and walked to the bed, only to see a beautiful body lying on the bed, with curves exposed, it was indeed two women entangled together, those four beautiful legs alone were enough to make people feel dizzy.

Guert tried his best to keep his eyes on the parts that could be seen, stared at the two people and said, "You two are very elegant!"

The two women looked as if they had just finished their fun and were in the moment of aftertaste. They were disturbed by Guert, but they were not panicked. They just said with a displeased face: "Who are you? Don't you know that this is my home? "