Gratitude Report

No one expected that there would be such a dramatic scene at the end of the matter.

The two high-ranking officials were all forced away. As for the members of the Zijin battle group, they were all captured except for the leader who escaped. Except for some buildings in the Palace of Huanxi, there was no damage to others.

This battle seemed to unravel the mystery of the Palace of Joy, and everyone was shocked by its powerful strength. Especially after hearing that a high-ranking person appeared and then retreated, it increased the speculation about the strength of Huanxi Palace.

And inside the Palace of Joy, Guert, who was the hero this time, was standing with Yan Xue and the others, talking about how to deal with the Zijin battle group.

But his gaze was fixed on Ye You who was whispering with Hao Se.

Until now, he still can't accept it, how could the child who was hugged by him all the way to Zuo Youtian turn into a beautiful woman?

Especially when the two of them were talking, they occasionally laughed lowly and peeked at Guert.

Guert suddenly remembered that when he left Tianxiashi, Yewei had disdained them for calling Xiaoyou a little brother, and there was something in his words at that time, but they didn't realize it. But now that he saw Ye You, he knew the true meaning of what he said back then.

At this moment, Yan Xue asked: "Xiao Gu, what do you think of this?"

Guert knew that they were going to hand over several important leaders of the Purple and Gold War Group to the high-level Guangming, and said immediately: "I have no objections, but I am afraid that the high-level Guangming will be too busy."

When he said this, everyone remembered that the high-ranking light had never appeared since the War of Light and Darkness, and the one who knew the most about the inside story of the War of Light and Darkness here should be Guert. After the Spirit Blade, everyone had a new view on him.

Yan Xue asked curiously: "What is Gao Jie up to?"

Guert thought of what Lu Zongsheng and Fu Su had said in the high-level cemetery, but he didn't dare to say it casually, shaking his head and said: "I don't know, the Guangming high-level area is currently presided over by Feng Qi You can send someone to inform him and ask how to deal with it, which is equivalent to giving them face. The practitioners in the cultivation world are still handled by them."

Everyone pondered, and Guert apologized, and then left in advance, the direction was naturally where Hao Se and Ye You were.

He looked at Yeyou's snow-white and flawless beautiful face, and said, "Are you really Xiaoyou?"

Yeyou giggled, and said: "I was just telling Brother Hao that I will eat Huangyang meat another day!"

Guert was shocked, knowing that they were rounded up and Xiaoyou was seriously injured, and they hid in Hao Se's territory to eat. Only the three of them should know.

Since this beautiful girl can say this, she should be Xiaoyou at that time.

Just as she was thinking about it, Yeyou Qiaobi suddenly snorted disdainfully, and said, "By the way, I remembered, you were still thinking about collecting information on beauties, and thinking about ranking some rankings!"

Guert and Hao Se suddenly looked embarrassed. In fact, it was what Hao Se thought about the famous family at the time. Guert was under the eaves, of course helping to deal with it, but she didn't expect that she still remembered it.

Only Hao Se coughed twice, and said: "Well, Xiao You, this is all your elder brother's idea, it has nothing to do with me, look at me, I have a wretched appearance, so I am very honest, I never go out for sex, Your elder brother is different, tsk tsk."

Gurt glared at him angrily when he heard him confuse black and white.

But Yeyou obviously believed it, squinted at Guert a few times, and said, "Yes."

Guert always felt very strange looking at Ye You. After all, one was a child who had to be held by him for everything, and the other was such a beautiful girl. The difference in body size alone was a bit unacceptable, and I didn't bother to explain it now. "How did you become like this?" he asked.

Ye You pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm always like this."

Then he told the cause and effect again.

It turned out that she was found to have Jiuyin Juemai since she was born, and it was almost impossible for her to survive, but because the world and Tianjuegu had always been friendly , Yeji sent her most beloved daughter to Tianjuegu.

Unexpectedly, Tianjuegu mutated, Luo Lun took her away, and went all the way to Dixutian, where she was treated with medicine every day, shrinking her body into a child-like shape, and at the same time stopped her normal growth, so Luo Lun Lun entrusted her to Guert at the end and brought her back to the world.

Over the past year or so, under the treatment of Uncle Leng of Tianjue Valley, she has gradually returned to her previous appearance.

Guert looked at the beautiful girl with bright eyes and kind eyes, and kept telling the story with a small mouth. He sighed in his heart and said, "So, your father sent that killer?"

Ye You's expression darkened, and he said, "Yes, he thought Grandpa killed me, so..."

Guert patted her and said, "You came to help the Palace of Joy this time under your father's order?"

Yeyou nodded seriously, and said: "This is the first time I have traveled far since I came back. Originally, my father promised me that as long as this mission is completed, I will let me watch the duel between you and Yong Liansi. I didn't expect that I met my big brother right away, ha!"

Looking at her innocent smile, Guert felt a little like Xiaoyou back then. He smiled slightly and said, "You are very powerful now!"

Suddenly Hao Se pulled him and said: "When is your martial arts match with Yong Liansi? Is it coming soon?"

Guert frowned and thought about it, and said: "It seems to be delayed for a while, but she is busy playing in the high-level area now, so she probably won't be free..."

Hao Se was startled, and said, "Don't you want to help?"

Guert said angrily: "Don't you know why I almost died last time? I am annoyed by those idiots who are bright."

After a pause, he said: "If you have this time, why not go to Tianxiaogu for trouble."

Hao Se was startled, and said: "Aren't you afraid that Jiuyi will make trouble?"

Guert sighed secretly, knowing that there were two arts in Tianxiao Valley, he could not move at will, even if he wanted to, based on the strength of Huanxi Palace, he was not the opponent of those two arts.

He walked towards Yan Xue, where the discussion seemed to be over, Yan Xue was whispering something to some of them, Guert asked: "Master, I want to ask, when will the Nine Arts Party start?"

Yan Xue was stunned, and said, "Nine Arts Gathering? I haven't heard of it."

The people next to him also seemed to be stunned, especially Tian Se, the Tianyuan Cliff where he was located was also one of the Nine Arts.

Gurt pointed to his body and said, "Didn't you see the VIP badge on me? It was given by Fayol."

Everyone around did not know who Fayol was, but Yan Xue asked in surprise, "Did he say what time?"

Guert said: "When the happy weather clears..."

Yan Xue's delicate body trembled, and she cried out, "What?"

A light voice suddenly sounded from behind, saying: "When the happy sky clears up, that's when the Huanxi Palace will be destroyed..."

Everyone was also dumbfounded. Guert looked back and happened to see Feng Luoshang in a red dress, and his eyes were shining brilliantly through the veil.

While being surprised, Feng Luoshang told another piece of news, which startled Guert.

Happy day.

In the gloomy sky, Guerte was walking fast on the road, and the figure of Feng Luoshang still appeared in his mind.

Feng Luoshang suddenly appeared just now, and after saying "When the happy sky clears up, the happy palace will be destroyed", at the same time, she told Guert the latest news:

The sand in the hourglass hanging in Liberty Day is falling down at an unusual speed. If this speed is followed, Guert must rush back to Liberty Day immediately before he can catch up with Yong Liansi in time. Otherwise, when the time is up and Guert does not appear, the decisive battle will be lost.

However, Feng Luoshang also explained that sentence before Guert left. The so-called clearing of the happy sky is actually what happened after the Leaving Pillar in Huanxi City fell. It is impossible to fall, that's why Feng Luoshang said that sentence.

Goult walked and asked, why did Fayol make such an appointment?

Did he know that someone would attack the Palace of Huanxi?

It seems that the purpose of the Nine Art Gathering is not just to deal with the entanglement between himself and Tianxiaogu, so what other purpose is there?

In addition to these questions, his non-stop running to Liberty is also a big question. Why did Yong Liansi speed up the time of the decisive battle with him?

At this time, it should be her time to attack the Guangming high-level area, how can she be distracted here?

After passing the city of mortals, he soon came to the teleportation area, and finally arrived at Freedom Sky.

When he rushed to Liberty Sky Wantan State, the sand above the hourglass was falling down like rain, and the entire Wantan State was crowded with visitors from all walks of life, who obviously came after hearing about the abnormality of the hourglass.

But Yong Liansi was nowhere to be seen. When he was wondering, suddenly a boy in Tsing Yi walked up to Guerte and said in a low voice, "Miss Yong is welcome."

Guert was stunned, knowing that his Uncle Brand's face had already been recorded, but he also wanted to know what Yong Liansi was going to do, so he followed the boy in Tsing Yi and walked along the edge of the street to Pingjie Mansion .

Just before entering the Pingjie mansion, there was a loud commotion in the wanton state. Guert turned his head in surprise, and saw the sand in the hourglass in the air resume its usual speed, falling drop by drop...

Guert couldn't understand Yong Liansi's purpose any more. Could it be that she just wanted to call herself?

Finally, I saw Yong Liansi in an ordinary house, with an elegant and chic long skirt, long brown hair shawl, and a delicate face that immediately showed a sweet smile after seeing Guert.

Only heard Yong Liansi said: "You are here."

Guert said angrily: "You are so strict, I have to throw it to the side no matter how urgent it is!"

Yong Liansi pursed her lips and snickered: "This trick really works, you will arrive as soon as you are called, but the sand used just now will probably make our decisive battle half a month earlier."

Guert shrugged, and said indifferently: "Since I dare to come here in a hurry, I will not be afraid of you. Let's fight!"

Yong Liansi looked at him curiously, and said, "Yo? Could it be that you got the King Ming Root Curse in Huanxi Palace? It's getting stronger!"

Guert broke out in a cold sweat, and said, "Don't talk nonsense! I'm a dead pig and I'm not afraid of boiling water. Anyway, it's like this. It's better to be suspended than to fall directly!"

Seeing that he was afraid of being like this, Yong Liansi laughed and said, "Why are you nervous? Are you also afraid that the high-level will chase you down?"

Guert suddenly remembered that Hao Se should have come with him this time, but because Dalong exposed him as a traitor of the Purple and Gold Squad, he was afraid that the high-ranking officials would be waiting for him outside, so he dared not leave the Palace of Joy, while Ye You It was because he had to go back and report to his father before he could come out.

He said: "Aren't you interested in King Ming's fundamental curse? Why haven't you appeared?"

Yong Liansi smiled disdainfully, and said: "Only a fool would believe that something is in the Palace of Huanxi, if it really exists, the news will definitely not spread, the only possibility is that someone wants to frame the Palace of Huanxi.

"The purpose of framing is, firstly, that he once had a grudge against Huanxi Palace, so he took the opportunity to take revenge, and secondly, the person who really got the thing wanted to use this method to divert attention."

Guert broke out in cold sweat again, laughed dryly, and said, "You are really smart."

Yong Liansi looked at him strangely, and said, "Your mood is not right, did you really get it?"

Guert calmed down, curled his lips and said: "If you want me to talk nonsense with you, you are hiding and practicing." After a pause, he said: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Yong Liansi sighed, and said: "That's right, you should still remember to owe me a favor, right?"

Guert knew that he owed it when Ning Xutian faced Tianxiao's lore, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "How can you be so eager to repay Shi En..."

Yong Liansi raised her eyebrows and said, "You don't admit it?"

Guert helplessly raised his hands in surrender, and said, "Of course I admit it, tell me, how do I pay it back?"

Yong Liansi showed a triumphant smile and said, "Go and be our secret messenger!"

Guert snorted and said, "Follow the Guangming Order?"

Yong Liansi nodded and said: "Help me send a letter to the current leaders of the high-level district, informing them that if the high-level district does not show up within three days, we will launch a general attack on the high-level district, and the high-level district will be devastated by then , don't blame us."

Guert smiled bitterly again, and said after a while: "Why did you ask me to go? Isn't this asking me to court death?"

Yong Liansi smiled and said: "No, based on your relationship with Feng Qi, he will never kill you. Besides, last time you were surrounded by Tianxiao Valley, he didn't come forward to help you. I am very guilty, if you go to see him now, he will definitely meet and keep you safe."

Of course, Guert was not worried about this, he shook his head, and said: "The message you asked me to bring... is too much, if I really say that, even if Feng Qi doesn't do anything to me, other people probably won't." Can't spare me."

Yong Liansi snickered and said: "It seems that you still don't know your prestige in the second-level high-level. One person broke our three major secret techniques and saved countless Guangming-level cultivators. Kill a Heavenly Absolute, and many people now regard you as an idol at the second level of light and darkness."

Guert shook his head and said, "Forget it, I can't tell you anything. Anyway, I'm not an ungrateful person, so I'll pay you back this favor. When will I go?"

Yong Liansi pondered for a moment, and said: "Now! I don't want to procrastinate any longer in the high-level area. The absence of high-level light will make this battle really meaningless."

Guert stared straight at these words, but after seeing their battle in the Moon Sky, he knew that they really had this tone.

The combined attack of the three major secret arts overwhelmed several masters of the Guangming rank. Facing them, the Guangming rank was really vulnerable.

Immediately he waved his hand and said, "Then I'll go!"

Yong Liansi smiled and said: "Go, I have already said hello, wherever we see you appear, our dark steps will definitely not attack."

Guert sighed secretly, knowing that his boundaries were becoming more and more blurred, and what was even more strange was that the tricks he used to break the three secret arts of the dark order came from the two major orders, including the power of the dark order and Illusion technique taught by Fengqi of the Guangming class.

When he passed through the random state, the people over there were discussing why the hourglass appeared in such a strange state. Gurt, dressed as Uncle Brand, walked leisurely through the crowd and came to the transmission area.

He had to pass through Sheyue Tian to Congealing Void Tian, and then through the Light Gate to enter the high-level area. This journey is much farther than the journey from Huanxi Palace.

While Guert was secretly lamenting his hard work, in another illusory place, something that would affect the future was happening quietly.

The dark realm.

It was pitch black all around, a pair of extremely bright eyes were looking into the distance, that ray of light was slowly drifting in this nameless space, this ray of light was particularly prominent in the darkness, it made people feel refreshed when they saw it Secluded feeling.

And those eyes were staring at the moving track of this ray of light, not daring to close them for a moment.

Suddenly, a deep sigh came out, and a voice said, "What are we doing like this for?"

"There is no reason, this is our responsibility."

A steady voice said.

"But... we can't let the dark ranks continue to occupy us like this! Back then, Zhantian was locked by the three of you. Now that you have run out, you must be more powerful than before. This level gap is not theirs. It can be made up." The previous voice continued.

A soft voice sounded, and said: "Jingxue, I know your worry, but don't forget that the dark level and the bright level are only branches of the cultivation world, and there is a reason why I ordered to suppress Zhantian back then. And now more The important thing is right now, you should know how serious the consequences will be if this place is lost."

"But... hey..."

If someone heard them talking, they could tell from the words that they were high-ranking people who disappeared mysteriously. They don't stay in the high-level area well, what are they going to do in this dark area?

At this moment, those eyes in the darkness suddenly flashed brightly, and said: "It's started!"

I saw that faint light in the distance began to sway back and forth, which seemed to be the same as before, but obviously trembling slightly, it was different from the quietness before.

Then, Youguang paused, and a very strong light burst out from the Youguang.

At this moment, the dark area instantly became brighter, and the sound of booming sounded, and the entire area returned to darkness, including the dim light that had disappeared.

A voice said in shock: "It seems to be more serious than we thought!"

Even the soft voice was nervous at this moment, saying: "The passage seal has begun to fail, we are ready!"

After a while, a yellow glow suddenly appeared in the dim light just now, and the soft voice called out: "Go!"

Swish! Several figures rushed over there silently.

A battle that no one knows about but that concerns the survival of the entire cultivation world is about to begin!