Sealing Passage

Guert only felt that the hand that had been holding his arm was loosened, and the man also rushed forward, and then there was a sharp whistling sound in the field.

Guert widened his eyes, staring at the blue light.

I saw a skinny hand stretched out in a ray of light, and the blue light seemed to be something substantial, and it was tightly grasped by the skinny hand, as if it was trying to pass through it with all its strength.

The blue light became more intense, and Guert could see the figures next to him clearly with his naked eyes. Before he could react, another jade-like hand stretched out from the blue light, forming a black and white pattern with the skinny claws. strong contrast.

But at this moment, a black shadow flashed in front of the blue light, and Guert felt his eyes go dark, the blue light disappeared, a clear and long whistle sounded, strong wind gushed out, the blue light reappeared, and a black shadow was reflected in it.

Guert widened his eyes and took a closer look. He was so shocked that he couldn't speak. It turned out that the black shadow in the blue light was actually a pair of wings. In a flash, the blue light was completely covered up again, and there were several screams in succession. Xiao, everything finally returned to calm.

A few gasps came from the side, and then a voice said: "Is it sealed?"

Another voice replied: "I can only say that I'm fine for the time being, it's really dangerous!"

The second voice was familiar, and Guert called out immediately, "Master Zhi Ruoyan." As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a few eyes staring at him.

Zhi Ruoyan's voice sounded, and said: "Good boy, you almost ruined the big thing just now. I didn't expect that King Ming's fundamental curse was on you."

A muffled voice said: "Was it really blessed by King Ming Lieyan? That is even a high-level exercise that has been lost..."

Another crisp voice said: "It must be. In the dark domain, only the King Ming who surpasses the domain power can emit light. Didn't you see that his spiritual blade itself can't emit any light?"

It was only then that Guert realized that the reason for being called out just now was that King Ming's Fundamental Mantra is really a strange book, and he doesn't know which one is better than the three ancient books.

He said in a daze: "What are you doing?"

Zhi Ruo said: "Let's go out and talk."

As he said that, Guert felt a sudden gust of cold wind blowing from behind. When he looked back, it was still pitch black, but the wind came from here.

A gentle voice said: "Get out of here."

Guert heard that it was Sister Rou's voice, and he felt relieved. He was about to walk away, when suddenly there was a roar from behind, and a shrill howling sound, Zhi Ruoyan shouted: "Be careful!"

There were a few more howls, and Guert suddenly felt a pain in his heart. When he looked up, he saw the blue light reappearing, and the black shadow with wings disappeared.

Sister Rou shouted: "It's not good! Subduing Demon Lingzun failed!"

Almost at the same time, Guert only felt that all the people who were there just now had disappeared, and they must all be hiding, so he hurriedly learned to hide his breath.

The blue light was much weaker than before, but it still existed, and then the skinny dry hand stretched out again, and it was covered with bright red blood.

Guert retched for a while, and a hatred came out of nowhere, and he almost wanted to rush forward. At this moment, the smooth and soft hand that was holding him down in the darkness just now , grabbed him again, and asked him to control his emotions.

But with such a slight movement, the blue light suddenly shined, shooting a ray of light towards this side.

Before Guert had time to move, he felt a faint fragrance from his nose, and then a strong force came. He had been sent several meters away, and there was a puff of smoke from the place where he was standing, which also carried a faint smell. The blue light is particularly eye-catching.

Guert was extremely anxious, knowing that it was the man who pushed him away at a critical moment, and wondered what happened to her? The more anxious he was, the more he knew that he couldn't move around.

Finally, the skinny dry hand grabbed twice in the blue light, and then stretched out an arm like a dry stick. At this moment, as if he couldn't bear it anymore, a yell came out, and beside the blue light A black shadow flashed away, and the others seemed to have received some signal, and jumped out at the same time.

Because only the surrounding area of the blue light can be seen, Guert only felt that several black shadows flashed past, and weapons of various colors were also exposed, and the skinny hands were dancing in the air, as if as long as this You can stop the crowd.

Guert looked chilled, who the hell is this person, who can block so many high-ranking people like this? If he was allowed to go to the lower realm, wouldn't anyone be able to stop him?

He violently pulled out the Qingyin Spiritual Blade, the flame power blessed by King Ming Lieyan just now was still in it, a bright flame flashed, and he rushed forward without hesitation.

Before getting close, he felt an invisible powerful force, which shook it, and the spirit blade seemed to hit something, and a clear cry popped out, and the light blessed by the flame burst out a string of sparks in the air and then disappeared. Guert It also flew out with a bang.

His whole body was numb, he had already forgotten what the pain was, with a move of his hand, the spirit blade returned to his hand, and he was about to get up, when suddenly a wing suddenly covered him completely.

His heart tightened, and just as he was about to make a move, suddenly a magical force spread throughout his body, and the pain disappeared in an instant, and a strange feeling flowed through Guert's heart.

"Subduing Demon Spirit Venerable!"

Could it be the box I sent you? that egg?

Guert just changed his mind, and a very majestic voice sounded in his heart, saying: "Exactly, I am Jiang Mo Lingzun. Thank you for the power you lost to me, and thank you for allowing me to be reborn."

Guert was stunned, how did I make it reborn? Lu Zongqi should be the protagonist who bred this egg, and he spent most of his high-level cultivation for this egg.

Jiang Mo Lingzun did not answer this question, but continued: "My master, I failed your order just now. I did not block the extremely blue light. The evil power contained in it is no longer what I am now able to block." gone."

Guert knew that the extremely blue light it was talking about should be the blue light in front of him.

Jiangmo Lingzun continued: "However, since my life is bestowed by the master, I will do my best to complete the task, but... this time, I need your help, master."

Guert couldn't help but said: "How can I help you?" As soon as the words came out, he felt that he shouldn't speak, and looked around, only to find that he seemed to be still covered by the wings of Jiang Mo Lingzun.

Jiang Mo Lingzun said: "Strength, give me strength, I have already failed once just now, my strength is not enough."

Guert was dumbfounded. The power of Jiangmo Lingzun was given by top-level seniors like Lu Zongqi and Miu Mushi. How could he, who has not even touched the high-level door, be able to give it power?

But he thought of another point, and said, "Are you injured? Do you need me to treat you?"

Jiangmo Lingzun said: "No need, master, I have my own spiritual blood protection, but I lack strength now."

Guert sighed helplessly, and was about to explain to it that he was actually not its master, and had no ability to give it power, when suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he said happily, "Yes! We can try this!"

Lord Jiang Mo Ling said: "What? Master?"

Guert took a deep breath and said, "Qingmo, tell me, where is the source of your strength in your body?"

Jiang Mo Lingzun hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "The top of the head, the horns."

Guert said resolutely: "Okay, turn the top of your head towards me."

The feather that had been covering him moved, his face lit up, the blue light over there reappeared, Guert didn't look at it, the power of the mantra had been activated, anyway, all the high-ranking people around already knew that he would be able to cast the King Ming's fundamental curse, There is no need to hide any more, and he began to read the mantra of Dongfang Jiang III, with seals on his hands, and his eyes closed.

The first is the Southern Jundali Ming King's root mantra, which is a kind of mantra for blessing power. It is combined with some extremely simple handprints. On the vertical corner of Jiang Mo Lingzun.

A burst of golden light shot out, and the originally faint light on the corner shone fiercely. I don't know if it was an effect, but Jiang Mo Lingzun suddenly raised his head and let out a clear whistle, which seemed to have the power to penetrate the world.

Guert's heart moved, and he thought to himself: Since it has been blessed, it is better to do it thoroughly.

He only heard him shout: "Double wings!"

He didn't know how much of a role his chance and coincidence played at this time. The Jiangmo Lingzun is equivalent to the highest guardian spirit in the high-level area, and it is also the highest spirit that will only appear when the high-level area is facing collapse.

In order for this supreme spirit to appear, many conditions are required, one of which is that one of the high-ranking district leaders must sacrifice all of his cultivation to serve as an introduction for Jiang Mo Lingzun.

In order to deal with this possible invasion of the underworld, Lu Zongqi, whose ability has already reached the lower realm of creation, was willing to sacrifice, and hid in the deepest part of Qingritian, acting as a medicine guide for Jiangmo Lingzun.

As a result, all the original arrangements were changed because of Yong Liansi's assassination. Lu Zongqi, one of the highest leaders in the high-ranking district, died regretfully in the lower realm he created.

Guert took out Jiang Mo Lingzun at a critical moment, which made Lu Zongqi's efforts not in vain. The series of things that happened after that were all high-level tests for Guert, and Jiang Mo Lingzun followed Guert in this journey. In a period of time, it is also growing rapidly.

Finally, Jiangmo Lingzun opened his spiritual consciousness by Mumushi, and was sent by Guert to the dark realm to complete its task. This is what Guert saw when he came in just now.

But after many failures in the Nether Demon Realm, this time it was also well prepared, and it did not know what kind of powerful force was used to break the spiritual power of Jiang Mo Lingzun.

When everything might be irreparable, Guert's King Ming's Root Mantra appeared. The blessing effect of King Ming's Root Mantra is superimposed. The more powerful the power, the more terrifying it will be after blessing.

Jiangmo Lingzun only felt that the world seemed to be destroyed with a wave of his hand, but in fact, after being blessed by King Ming's root mantra, Jiangmo Lingzun's "spiritual consciousness" has leapt into "spiritual consciousness".

At this moment, Guert sipped the wings, even if Jiang Mo Lingzun had the ability to open up the world, he did not dare to neglect the master who gave it power. The huge body turned away, and the wings had already reached Guert.

Guert chanted the mantra faster and faster, and finally jumped up, two rays of light, one red and one white, flashed between his hands. with.


After several consecutive beeps, a scene that amazed everyone appeared.

The huge horns on the top of Jiang Mo Lingzun's head glowed with golden light, and on the pair of wings on the huge body, one wing emitted a fiery red flame light, while the other wing emitted a pale white frost light.

Another clear whistle came out, and the new Jiangmo Lingzun was reborn!

Guert only felt a burst of fatigue all over his body. He fell to the ground and almost fell to the ground.

Someone from the senior rank over there has already shouted, "Ming Wang blesses you! Spiritual consciousness has appeared!"

Jiang Mo Lingzun didn't say much, he spread his wings, flapped them and flew towards the "extreme blue light".

Gold, red, white, blue and other four kinds of light are mixed together, and several colors that have never been seen in the dark field appear at the same time.

The high-ranking people were exhausted from coping, and they all backed away at this moment, opening their mouths wide, and staring at this astonishing scene with wide eyes.

Guert's weak body was shaking, and a soft hand caught him in time.

Guert looked up, and under the illumination of the four mixed lights over there, he could barely see a beautiful outline, but it should be someone he had never seen before.

He was exhausted just now, and now he didn't have any extra thoughts to guess who this person was. With the help of his support, he looked up at the fight between Jiang Mo Lingzun and Extreme Blue Light.

Power blessing and weapon blessing are indeed extremely effective. Jiang Molingzun's single horn and wings have become extremely powerful attack points, especially the wings. The two different forces of ice and fire are difficult for any one person to deal with.

Seeing that it used the horn as a weapon, Guert thought to himself that he should have added the blessing of the King of Western Ming to the horn.

But he discovered another problem. With the movements of the Demon Lord, the three blessings he released seemed to be closely related to his own strength. Once there, his body felt weaker.

Guert didn't know if it was because of the release of power, but as Jiang Mo Lingzun showed great power, he was struggling more and more!

The beautiful woman next to him seemed to sense his weakness, and looked at him with concern, and a wave of strength came into her soft little hand.

Guert has already known through the touch of his hand that this beauty is the one who has been reminding him just now, and felt her power enter. He really hopes that someone can help him share it, but the strange thing is that once the beauty's power comes in, It was bounced away by the meager mantra power left by him.

The beauty looked at him in astonishment, thinking that he did it on purpose, Guert smiled wryly and shook his head.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the beauty gathered a larger force and flowed into Guert's body. This time it was even more thorough. As soon as the force entered the meridian, it was all bounced back, almost shaking the beauty's hand away.

Guert's face became more and more ugly, he took a deep breath, and said: "It's useless, over there..." As he said, he pointed his arm at the fighting Demon Lord Lingzun over there.

That beauty just realized, her red lips moved, and just about to speak, Zhi Ruoyan over there noticed the situation here, swept over, and said: "Xiao Rou, don't bother, the blessing of King Ming's Root Mantra is usually only for yourself, Therefore, the power is self-directed. This time, the blessing was given to Jiang Mo Lingzun, and the spiritual consciousness was instantly raised to the level of divine consciousness. Xiaogu's consumption will be great, and external power cannot be replaced.

"However..." sighed, and said: "Xiao Gu, you should try your best to hold on, they seem to have used extremely powerful power, if they can't stand it this time, the high-level area or even the cultivation world, just wait for it to collapse ."

Guert was startled, he knew the meaning of Zhi Ruo's words, and knew that no matter what he had to hold on, the other was getting weaker and weaker, and his whole body was almost leaning on the beautiful woman, his eyes were fixed on Jiang Mo who was not far away. Lingzun.

With a bang, Lord Jiang Moling slapped his wings, and the skinny hands that had been struggling to support them snapped off, a stream of green blood shot out, and the extremely blue light suddenly dimmed.

No one here dared to be distracted, and no one knew what the other party's attack was. Jiang Mo Lingzun raised his head and let out a long roar, obviously expressing the depression of being defeated just now, but the three-color light on his body gradually dimmed go down.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads to look at Guert behind, only to see that Guert was hugged by the beautiful woman Zhi Ruoyan called Xiao Rou, and he was so weak that he didn't even bother to move. Knowing that although blessing is powerful, it is far from what Guert can afford.

At this moment, Jiang Mo Lingzun suddenly let out a shrill howl!

Everyone was frightened and hurriedly turned their heads to look, only to see a charming red appeared in the extremely blue light, and the extremely blue light was also elongated suddenly, turning into a tall human figure, accompanied by red, and A looming figure, it was this figure that made a sharp attack on Jiang Mo Lingzun.

Guert's vision was already blurred, but when he saw this figure, he shuddered all over, pulled himself together, supported the beautiful woman's jade arm, stood up straight, and looked at the figure.

Jiang Mo Lingzun also seemed to feel Guert's cheer, the three-color light on his body regained its vitality, spread his wings, and the horn on his head struck towards the figure of the extremely blue light.

Guert suddenly shouted: "No!"

Jiang Mo Lingzun let out a shriek, and his huge body stopped in the air. Everyone turned their heads in astonishment. Guert gasped for breath, looked at the figure, but seemed speechless, and could only shake his head.

Stopping here, the figure in the extremely blue light pointed towards Jiang Mo Lingzun without hesitation.

Zhi Ruoyan said sharply: "Guert, what are you thinking, order!"

Guert himself didn't know what he was thinking, he just felt that the figure was too similar to a person close to him, but seeing Jiang Mo Lingzun's painful appearance of only daring to avoid and dare not attack, the pressure on him was also increasing.

Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, and with the last of his strength, he shouted: "Seal the passage!"

Jiang Mo Lingzun screamed again, his red and white wings flashed, and the extremely blue light was completely covered up.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Lord Jiang Moling had finally moved.

Guert became weaker and weaker, and his vision slowly became blurred again. There were only a few flashes of light left in his eyes, and finally everything fell silent.