The Power of the Demon

Guert let out a sigh, not surprised in his heart. There are only a few forces in the cultivation world at present, but he still sneered and said: "Really? I am also one of the nine arts. How can I send someone out for such a thing? You don't even know? Want to fool me? Hmph!"

The man repeatedly kowtowed and begged for mercy: "It's true, I was sent secretly by Lord Yanfei to collect some information secretly."

Guert's heart moved, his tone relaxed, and he said, "What's your name? I'll go back and check."

The man hurriedly said, "I'm Yikong's tobacco company."

Guerte nodded and said, "Yan Xing, what information have you collected? Where did you follow these demon spirits?"

Yan Xing looked embarrassed, and said: "This... Master Yan Fei said that he can only report to him. If Master Gu wants to know, you can ask him..."

Before he finished speaking, Guert slapped his palm, and a big hole was blown out on the ground. Guert sneered, "Really? Who do you want me to ask?"

Yan Xing was startled, he already knew that this Guert was a person who was a headache for the other eight arts, and if he really wanted to kill him, let alone no one knew, even if he knew, he probably wouldn't dare to do anything, and a smile was on his face , said: "Yes, yes, Mr. Gu is also one of the leaders of the Nine Arts, of course you can know."

This time he was also well-behaved, before he could wait for Gurt to ask after he finished speaking, he hurriedly said: "I started following these demon spirits from Zuo Youtian.

"The cause of the incident is Dixutian, Yuanchengtian and Jiuxuantian have some strange changes, it seems that there has been a change in the space, Zuo Youtian was one of the three major nodes of the space system in the cultivation world back then, so I have been paying attention to Zuo Youtian.

"Later, I found out that there was a slight change in the space over there. I searched along, and found a big cave, and these demon spirits crawled out of it..." He said, with a terrified look on his face.

Guert frowned and said, "Go ahead."

Yan Xing hurriedly continued: "Then I was afraid of being discovered by them, so I buried myself in the soil and didn't dare to leave until I confirmed that they had come out."

Guert looked him up and down, and thought to himself: This man is quite clever. Can't help but ask: "Did you report this?"

Yan Xingdao: "I originally wanted to go back and report directly, but at the time I was bold and wanted to know where the other side of the cave was, so I sneaked there while no one was there."

As he said that, he seemed to be afraid that Guert would not believe him, and explained: "Because I have reached the highest level of practice in "Transferring the Space", and I am the best at simple space movement."

After a short pause, he continued what he said just now: "After I went in, I found that it was not the space we usually recognize, and I lost my way all of a sudden."

Guert has been completely hooked by him. He has also moved between the upper world and the cultivation world, so he has some experience in this kind of space movement. He can almost feel what Yan Xing is facing. Frightened, he couldn't help asking: "Then how did you come back?"

Yan Xing seemed to have fallen into the environment at that time, with infinite fear in his eyes, and said: "I knew at the time that the more chaotic the more calm, so I found the nearest location, and then waited for the opportunity."

Guert suddenly understood what he meant, and said, "Demon spirit?"

Yan Keqi couldn't help standing up, his eyes sparkled, and he shouted: "Yes! l I know there must be more than that, because I didn't move much after I went in, but I couldn't find the exit, so as long as I am patient, I will definitely be able to wait until the monster comes out." spirit.

"I don't know how long it took, but I finally waited for it. Those demon spirits didn't seem to be aware of them in the space, so I simply sucked on a demon spirit, and then followed out of the space and returned to Zuo Youtian."

Guert was stunned and said, "Didn't you see anyone? For example, the person who woke them up and gave them attack instructions?"

Yan Xing shook his head and said: "They seem to wake up automatically. After coming out, they will automatically crawl to the ground, and then wake up after a while, and start to crawl out purposefully. Follow them to the end, so I followed them here."

Guert stared at him, knowing that this person must be an elite of the Yikong faction, otherwise Yanfei would not let him perform such a task , but Yanfei, a big bastard, how could he secretly let Yanxing investigate this?

Seeing Guert staring at him, Yan Xing felt hairy in his heart, and said, "I've told you everything I know."

Guert closed his eyes slightly, and said, "No, you haven't said one thing, how did you escape the demon spirit?

"Your lightness skills can be considered good, but it should be far from being able to avoid demon spirits. Also, since you have come into contact with sleeping demon spirits, then you should take this opportunity to know the weaknesses of some demon spirits. ."

Yan Xing was startled, sweat began to flow on his forehead, and said: "I, no...I..."

Guert said impatiently: "Hurry up, I won't hurt you, you can go back after you finish what you have to say, and you can also tell Yanfei that I forced you to say it, let him Come and find me."

Yan Xing hurriedly dared not dare, seemed to sort out his thoughts, and said: "It's like this. There seems to be a raised part on the head of the demon spirit, that place..."

Guert interrupted: "I know this, what else? The perception of demon spirits is very sensitive. How did you track them without being discovered?"

When Yan Xing saw that Guert said he knew, he opened his mouth wide in shock, as if he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, and finally said: "Most demon spirits rely on smell to determine their orientation, and their eyes are basically useless. However, there are exceptions, and each type of demon spirit is different.

"In addition, their natural armor is very hard, but there is a place under their belly, and that is the weak point."

Guert nodded, and said, "I see, what were you hiding there just now, observing?"

Yan Xing was stunned, then lowered his head, and said: "It's nothing, I just followed along the way, wanting to see how their Guangming class kills these demon spirits."

Guert always felt that his words were a little dishonest, but he couldn't catch any clues, so he said immediately: "Come with me."

Yan Xing was stunned, and said: "Didn't you say you let me go back?"

Guert sneered and said, "What are you in a hurry for? I'm worried about that side, so I'll go and have a look, and I'll let you go in a while. Don't worry, with me here, no one will hurt you."

Yan Xing wanted to move his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but soon realized that it was useless to say more, it was better to shut up, so he obediently followed Guert.

As soon as Guert got up, he suddenly felt something in his heart. His eyes swept to the west, and a figure flickered quickly and disappeared.

Guert hurriedly said: "Don't move here, I'll go!"

While speaking, the person has already flashed past.

The vague figure in front of him seemed to be there, and a voice in Guert's heart seemed to be calling. Although the figure was very vague, he was 80% sure that it was Nuo'er.

The two chased and fled, and they flew away from the wanton state after a while.

Although Guert knew that it might be a trap, he remembered that the person in front of him might be Nuo Er, so he gritted his teeth and kept chasing, and finally stopped in front of him.

Guert rushed behind that person in one breath, with a tall@slender figure, a light green long skirt, and long brown hair tied up behind his head, it was the very familiar Nuo'er in his dream.

Guert couldn't help shouting: "Nuoer, is it Nuoer?"

The woman flipped her jade palms, and at the same time she turned around, she attacked Guerte.

All Guert's attention was on whether the woman was Nuo'er or not. He didn't expect her to attack suddenly. He didn't notice for a while, but when he was about to move, the jade palm had already patted her.

Guert's eyes flashed with brilliance, and then dimmed again. Taking advantage of the moment when she turned around, he had already seen the appearance of this woman. Although the back and figure were similar, the appearance was different.

This woman has rough skin, flat nose and small eyes, and slightly crooked lips. Only one pair of eyes are as clear as water, but they are also black in color, not Nuoer's dark blue. This woman is not his beautiful and lovely Nuoer at all.

Guert suddenly woke up, but the palm had already imprinted, he took a breath, the power of the mantra was activated, and the Tianjue Heart Sutra protected all possible parts of the palm.

The jade palm was printed on Guert's chest. Looking at the pair of beautiful little hands, Guert's eyes flashed brightly, and he thought of Nuo Er again. Even if Tianjue Heart Sutra protects his body, he was still penetrated into the meridian.

Guert's figure bounced back, his body shook in the air , and he spit out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, his figure rolled backwards, Tianjue's heart spun, and Tianjue's Heart Sutra quickly dispelled the strange power that had penetrated into his body.

The woman didn't catch up, didn't even look at it, and flew away instead.

When Guert landed on the ground, the woman had disappeared, and he had achieved his goal, losing the motivation to pursue further. Moreover, the strange power in his body seemed not so easy to dispel. After several times of circulation, although the power has been resolved, the strange feeling still seems to remain, and it circulates in the body from time to time.

Guert knew that this woman should be the one he had seen a few times. The figure that resembled Nuo Er must be a person of high level in the Underworld, so this power should not be that simple, and it is better to be careful.

When he returned to the Wanwan State, Yan Xing had already run away, so he didn't bother to look for him again. If Yan Xing was really a member of Nine Arts, he would definitely meet him.

But when they were talking just now, that woman had been watching from the sidelines, wondering what the purpose was?

Guert lifted his body, and flew towards the place where Feng Qi and others killed the demon spirit just now, just after flying not far away, suddenly a strange force gushed out of his body, like thousands of needles piercing his body, his meridians twisted suddenly, he groaned miserably With a sound, his body fell from the air and barely landed on the ground.

He was terrified, the strange power in his body seemed to disappear suddenly, and everything returned to normal, but he was still covered in cold sweat.

He thought to himself: just now, he was just grazing, if he was killing demon spirits or fighting fiercely with others, if he suddenly happened in the middle, it would be fatal.

Fighting between masters is an instant gap, and the meridian in the body suddenly comes like this, which is equivalent to hanging a sword above one's head, which will be pierced at any time.

He didn't dare to move any more, found a room next to him, sat cross-legged in it, and scanned the meridians through the Tianjue Heart Meridian. Everything in the meridians was normal, but the strange feeling of nothingness still existed.

He took a deep breath, the heart of Tianjue in his mind was spinning, the imprint of the heart of Tianjue appeared on his forehead, and he began to silently recite the mantra of King Dongfang Jiang III Ming, his energy suddenly changed, and he felt that all the conditions of the meridians in his body were completely clear Yu Xin, after searching carefully, finally found a shadow that was not there before near the dantian.

Guert slowly injected the power of the mantra, and the shadow seemed unmoved and unaffected at all. After an unknown period of time, Guert tried all the power he could use, and the shadow area There seems to be no power fluctuations at all, so no force can affect it.

His mind had calmed down a long time ago, and he pondered what to do in his heart. This should be a force in the ghost world, so his skills from the cultivation world have no effect on it. As well as the person who assassinated him and this woman, nothing else is known.

While he was thinking hard, there was a sudden wind outside, and with a puff, the two of them landed on the street outside.

Only one of them said: "What about the others?"

Another voice tremblingly said: "I don't know, he seemed to have discovered something just now, so he chased after him, even ignoring me."

Guert was surprised, the second person who spoke was Yan Xing, and the person in Yan Xing's mouth should be himself, so who is the other person? It doesn't look like wild geese are flying.

The person before said angrily: "Trash, did you reveal some flaws in your speech?"

Yan Xing cried and said: "Impossible, I followed what you said."

Guert was startled, could it be that what Yan Xing said was still a trap?

The person before said with a cold snort, "Then look for it again, be careful not to let Feng Qi's people see it."

After speaking, there was a sudden noise, and the two flew away.

Guert rushed out of the house and looked into the distance, only to see two figures disappearing in the air, one was Yan Xing, and the other was a complete stranger.

He couldn't help but wonder, who is this person? Could it be that what Yanxing told him was all false?

Could it be that there are other new forces in the realm of comprehension besides the four forces of the light level, the dark level, the nine arts, and the underworld?

He began to feel that the current situation was getting more and more strange. At this time, a huge explosion sounded suddenly not far away. He hurried over and saw a huge demon spirit lying down there. , but it came from a deep hole next to the demon spirit, and there was a strange smell of smoke coming out of it.

Few tens of meters away, Feng Qi and the others were standing there. When they saw Guert appearing, they waved their hands excitedly.

Guert walked over, and Ye You said excitedly: "Brother, we just blew up the demon spirit's lair, it's just below here."

Guert was stunned, turned his head to look at the deep hole, and said, "How many are there in total?"

Feng Qi was sweating profusely, and said with a smile: "We killed four of them, we don't know how many are inside, so we simply blow them up at once."

Guert looked over there suspiciously, and said, "How did you find it?"

Yeyou excitedly told him the story. It turned out that when they were chasing and killing a demon spirit, the demon spirit escaped and brought them here. It turned out that there were many more inside, so they decided to blow them all up.

Guert laughed and said: "Good job, now Free Day can be quiet for a few days."

Ye You, Qin Luo, Xiao Yan and others were all gearing up, so excited that they wished for more demon spirits to continue killing.

While they were still discussing enthusiastically, Feng Qi pulled Gu Er aside, and said: "I just heard that the white-clothed warrior said that you have come a long time ago, why did you just show up now? I see that your expression is not right, what happened?"

Guert recounted the process of discovering Yan Xing just now, including the process of being slapped by a woman from the Underworld.

Feng Qi was frightened and said: "Then are you okay now?"

Guert smiled bitterly and said: "I can only pray to God. At present, my Heavenly Heart Sutra has no effect, and it should not have any major impact on my body. It is the person who walks with smoke, you see it?"

Feng Qi shook his head and said: "I only feel that there are people watching all the time, but they are killing demon spirits along the way, I didn't think too much, I didn't expect that there are people from other forces."

Guert sighed softly, and said: "This cultivation world is really getting more and more chaotic. The ghost world is so violently releasing demon spirits, it's too much to deal with."

Feng Qi smiled and said: "To deal with the demon spirit, the high-level will have to deal with it, now just let me come to the emergency."

Guert was stunned, then thought of someone, and asked, "Yi Qingke?"

Feng nodded and said: "Yes! Master Zhi Ruoyan has accepted her as an apprentice in order to quickly improve her own cultivation base, plus she has reached a certain level of talent in subduing beasts, the problem of demon spirits should be very easy. It will be resolved soon."

Guert thought to himself, no wonder I haven't heard from Yi Qingke for a long time, it turned out that she was accepted as an apprentice by Zhi Ruoyan, the second high-ranking person of Guangming. However, with her own talent in subduing beasts, she should indeed be responsible for this task.

He immediately expressed the worry in his heart, and said: "I'm afraid that after the demon spirits come out of the underworld, they will start to use other tricks."

Feng Qi smiled and said: "The high-ranking adults have already made an assessment. If you want to break through the passage in the Underworld, you need a high level of cultivation, so you don't have much strength to come here.

"The ones who came over now all came here when the passage was unsealed some time ago. Now that the passage has been sealed, they don't have enough power to mobilize in the cultivation world. After a while, Lord Miu Mushi will leave the pass. "

Guert frowned and said, "Is this the attitude of the high-ranking side towards the invasion of the Underworld?"

Feng Qi nodded with a smile and said: "So you don't have to be too nervous, nothing will happen in the cultivation world. This time, they took special care that I want to see you. They said that you might be provoked by others and misunderstood them, so I hope You can go to a high-level meeting with them."

Guert stared at Feng Qi and said: "Teacher Feng Qi, what you said is what they said, what about your attitude? What do you think the attitude of the high-level towards me will be?"

Feng Qi was stunned, and sighed: "Don't worry, high-ranking officials will not mess with you. You, like Qingke, are outstanding practitioners, and they will focus on training them."

Guert snorted coldly and said, "The premise is that I must listen to them and be loyal to the Guangming Order, right?"

Feng Qi was stunned and said: "What do you mean by that? Don't you plan to stay in Guangming rank?"

Gurt curled his lips and said: "I am who I am, I don't want to follow any faction, I only do what I think is worth doing."

There was a flash of light in Fengqi's eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he sighed: "Those you go tell the high-ranking, I'm only a second-ranking, it's hard to say any opinions."

Guert was stunned, Feng Qi blinked at him, and smiled meaningfully.