Misguided into a foreign land

In the darkness.

Yong Liansi stared blankly at the underground palace in front of him, and said, "Is this the place you walked through before?"

Guert knows that Hongtianlai must know this place, and he himself has gone directly to Midietian through this place. If Hongtianlai wants to bypass the upper layers, this is the shortcut.

The underground palace was completely dark, and while groping forward, Gurt said in a deep voice, "Their target may be Mushi."

Yong Liansi fell into this place for the first time, unable to adapt to the surroundings at all, and even the force induction seemed to be completely ineffective, so he had to hold Guert's sleeve with his hand, and walked along, saying: "Ah, they are looking for Mushi do what?"

Gurt was silent for a moment, until he found the slightly bright exit ahead, and then said: "It must not be as simple as reminiscing about the past."

When Yong Liansi asked this sentence, he knew that he asked a stupid question. Hong Tianlai was no longer a high-level person in Guangming, so what good would happen if he took the initiative to kill the high-level area?

Gurt climbed out along the exit. This is still the bottom of the lake that has dried up, but the water has completely dried up, and there are cracked mud all around.

There were still many bloodstains on the ground, Guert knew that it was left by Fu Su and Lu Zongsheng when they competed for King Ming's Root Mantra, and looked around carefully, and found some faint footprints on the ground.

Guerte thought to himself: These should belong to the group from Hongtian. It is not easy to fly up here, so there are still some traces left.

At this moment, Yong Liansi also crawled out, looked around completely stunned, and asked, "Where is this place?"

Guert pulled her up, flew up, and said: "This is a high-level cemetery, don't look, come with me!"

Yong Liansi flew up as he said, and looked at the large area of land on the deep pit as if it had been scraped over, especially the original cemetery, where the tombstones were lying around, and the bones were incomplete and lying around.

Guert said: "Master Ming's root curse was found here, on Hong Tianlai's body."

Yong Liansi's body was shocked, and said: "So, Hong Tianlai was buried here?"

Guert looked at Lin Hai in the distance, and said: "There is an exit here, which can lead directly to Miditian. They should have passed by."

Yong Liansi was startled, as if he was meditating on something, and stopped talking. Finally, when the two were about to approach the entrance of the black hole, Guert suddenly said: "What did Zhan Tian tell you?"

Yong Liansi was taken aback for a moment, then he let out an uh, and said, "Responsiveness."

Guert nodded, stretched out his hand, and said, "Pull me!"

Yong Liansi knew that there was a turbulent space in this black hole, and if she made a slight mistake, she might move to the wrong position, so Yiyan tightly held Guert's hand.

Gurt jumped into the black hole at once, and sure enough, a huge suction force dragged the two into chaos, and then their eyes lit up, and the surroundings returned to normal.

The current is fast and rushes down.

Guert rushed out of the water in one breath, stopped in mid-air, and first looked around, where is this place.

Halfway up the mountain.

A piece of emerald green came into view, the mountains in the distance, the vegetation nearby, everything seemed full of vitality.

The river is like a long dark blue belt, coiled on this lush mountain, after several circles from the top of the mountain, it rushes down, and gathers in the lake halfway up the mountain, and they got out of the lake halfway up the mountain. When I came out, the lake water was crystal clear, but I didn't see any living things.

At this time, Yong Liansi also got out of the lake. The black tights had already lined up her figure perfectly, but now she was soaked by the lake water, her black hair fell down and draped over her shoulders, and two spots on her tall and crisp breasts were clearly visible. , a slender waist that can't be grasped, a flat belly without any excess fat, and a beautiful buttocks, even Guert almost couldn't control it.

Yong Liansi steamed his clothes dry, flew to Guerte's side and asked, "Where is this place?"

Guert saw that although her clothes had been steamed dry, there was still water dripping from the end of her black hair hanging on one side, and there were still a few drops of water between her eyebrows and eyes on her incomparably beautiful face, which made her whole body more beautiful. The aura is compelling, and the beauty is beyond belief.

A cold light flashed in Yong Liansi's eyes, and he said, "Hello!"

Guert was startled, and suddenly woke up, saying: "Oh, let me see, let me see!"

Yong Liansi glared at him, and said: "Why don't you have the demeanor of a monk at all, have you never seen a woman?"

Guert shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Follow me!" As he spoke, he straightened up and flew towards the top of the mountain.

The tall trees below retreated quickly, Yong Liansi looked at the top of the mountain, and said: "This is Midietian? Why haven't I seen it?"

Guert shook his head and said: "I haven't seen it either, let's talk about it later!"

While talking, the two had reached the top of the mountain.

There is a platform on the top of the mountain, a blue water belt is pouring down from the gap in the mountain, the wind is whistling, both of them are breathing a little short, the air here is obviously much thinner than that below.

Guert looked far into the distance, looking back and forth, there are five three-color peaks in total, and they are located in the middle one, which is also medium in height, separated by a sea of clouds in the middle, and in the distance seems to be two red peaks, only In the middle section, the top cannot be seen upwards, while on the other side, in the distance, there are two yellow peaks, the tops are slightly shorter than this side, and looking farther away, there is a sea of clouds.

Both of them were stunned and looked at each other. Guert shook his head and said, "I don't know you."

Yong Liansi had a thoughtful look in his eyes, looked around, and said, "Is this Wufengtian?"

Guert asked in amazement, "Where is it?"

Yong Liansi said: "The world of cultivation has been said to have eighteen heavens since ancient times, and there are eleven heavens below Ningxu Tian, and the high-level areas actually occupy seven heavens in total.

"In addition to Jingmengtian, Shanglitian, Pinghaitian, Midietian, Chongmingtian, and the Tianshangtian where the City of Tempering is located, there is another layer of heaven, Wufengtian, which is the only independent layer outside the high-level area. sky.

"It is said that there are five mountain peaks that can reach the upper realm directly, and there are various mysterious and unknown existences. Except for the top few high-level people, other people only hear about this place, so there are also legends that the fairy envoy is Live here, but everything is a legend."

Guert was stunned and said, "Then why did we come here?"

Yong Liansi said: "The space turbulence in that high-level cemetery is too irregular. It can't be just one road. The road we walked this time may be a different road from yours last time. That's why we came here."

Gult pondered for a moment, then said, "So, isn't there a way to other heavens here?"

Yong Liansi shook his head and said: "I don't know, logically, the eighteenth heaven should be the same space system, and the structure is from top to bottom. If this is really Wufeng Heaven, then the level should be the same as that of Midietian and Chongming. , can travel freely anywhere."

Guert was stunned, and said: "That is to say, we are looking for the teleportation area with energy fluctuations?"

Yong Liansi nodded and said: "Yes." As she spoke, she couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and said, "But this place is so big, it's really not easy to find it."

Guert was also thinking about this question, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, thinking of the lake just now, and said: "The place we came out of should be a node in space?"

Yong Liansi nodded, and looked at Guert suspiciously.

Guert's thoughts turned, and he said slowly: "I remember that the last time I went out from Miditian, I also passed through the water, so we just need to look around to see if there is any lake like this nearby, and we should be able to find something. "

Yong Liansi frowned and said: "This should be easier, let's try it." Then, he looked around, ready to pick a mountain as a target.

Guert said: "Let's search separately, you look for the one over there, I look for this one, use the howling as a signal, once you find something, you will make a long howl. Even if you don't find it, the time is almost up, you have to make a long howl to signal, let's get together Rethink things together."

Yong Liansi nodded in agreement, and said: "Be careful yourself, Wufengtian will never be a no-man's land, there are some mysterious existences." After finishing speaking, he flew towards a yellow mountain on the side.

Seeing her go away, Guert also headed for the red mountain on the other side.

The two yellow ones are shorter, while the two red ones are taller than the current one. The air is extremely thin. He is afraid that Yong Liansi will not be able to bear it. , If there is a problem, the recovery will be faster.

Across a sea of clouds, the faintly visible red building finally fully appeared in front of my eyes.

The entire mountain is covered in red, and all the trees and grasslands are dyed with blood-like bright red, which makes people dazzled when they first see it.

Guert landed halfway up the mountain, smelling the air at the end of his nose, and knew that the air here was already extremely thin, and the human body would not be able to bear it any further.

Stepping on the blood-red grass, he listened carefully for the sound of running water, and walked up slowly.

The colors of these plants seemed to be natural, and Guert was very curious. These plants looked like ordinary arbor plants. How could the colors be so different?

Going up again, there is no mountain road anymore. Guert circled the whole mountain sideways, panting with exhaustion, all of them are trees, and the leaves seem to never fall, and there are no leaves on the ground, which is also true. It makes the whole mountain look bright red.

Finally he found the upper cliff, and he flew away first, seeing clearly that there are layers of cliffs in the shape of a trapezoid above, knowing that this is the only way to go up, and immediately flew upwards, Tianjuexin began to rotate naturally , the blue imprint of Tianjue Heart appeared on his forehead, and his inner breath began to help him provide enough oxygen to ensure normal body functions.

After passing through three layers of cliffs, the top of the mountain can already be seen, about two or three hundred meters away. If this is the distance from the flat ground, it can be passed in about one second, but if it is replaced by a vertical distance, even Guert This kind of cultivation is beginning to be unbearable.

The energy needed for inner breathing was consumed a lot, and he finally stopped at the cliff on the fourth floor, sat on the ground, looked around, and saw a sea of clouds all around him, and couldn't see the conditions of other mountains at all.

Guert thought to himself: In this situation, it is difficult to make a whistle, even if it does, it is unknown, and I don't know if Yong Liansi can hear it.

He looked up and wanted to hear if there was any sound of water, but suddenly he found that not only was there no sound of water, but there was no other sound at all. There were trees under the cliff, but there was no movement. A breath of death.

Although Guert was brave enough, this was the first time he had encountered this situation. A bone-piercing fear suddenly rose from his heart, and his breath became short of breath.

Suddenly there was a small chi-chi sound in the distance, as if something had hit a branch, or something was spinning, his nerves tensed suddenly, he jumped up, and rushed towards the place where the sound came from.

This is the cliff on the other side of the mountain. Guert had just stood firm when suddenly the cliff trembled violently. The sky and the earth seemed to be spinning, and a roar sounded like thunder from ancient times.

Guert only felt a sharp pain in his eardrums, and his whole body was blown away. The energy he had gathered seemed to be blown away in an instant. He couldn't raise his energy to fly, so he had to go down the mountain. Rolling away, there was a constant cracking sound all the way, and I don't know how many branches were broken.

Without the protective body of Yi Qi, he was just like an ordinary person, and the roar seemed to be unbroken, and finally everything stopped, but the person still did not stop rolling down, and finally hit a big rock, and the person Flying high, falling, and then he just felt cold around him, and passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, Guert woke up in a daze. His whole body was in pain, his clothes were covered with blood, his head was all swollen, and his face was bruised and swollen even without looking.

He remembered what happened just now, looked at the top of the mountain with a wry smile, and could only see a sea of clouds.

Falling from such a high place, without the body protection of Qi Qi, he is still alive, this life is really big enough. I really don't know where the roar just now came from? Not human, what would that be?

Guert barely got up, turned around, looked around, and suddenly froze.

A hundred meters ahead turned out to be a clear big lake, the source of the lake water is also from the mountain running water, but the strange thing is that the splashing water hit the stones, and the rushing water fell into the lake, and there was no sound at all. .

Guert was frightened, broke out in cold sweat, patted himself on the head, and thought to himself: Did that deafen him just now? How could there be no sound at all?

At this moment, a long howling sound came from above, and the distance was not far away. Guert was startled, and then breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "It seems that there is no problem with the ears."

With luck in his body, when he was unconscious just now, the Tianjue Heart Sutra had automatically healed his wounds, otherwise he wouldn't have woken up so quickly after such a wrestling.

Fortunately, he heard the whistling sound, the sound was not too far away, Yong Liansi should be nearby, he hurriedly gave out a long howl with all his strength, and then staggered to the lake, the lake was cold, he squatted by the lake, his face was indeed It was already bruised and purple, and there were countless scratches and scratches.

He sighed helplessly, and washed his face with water, the cold lake water, and the burning wound.

There was another whistling sound, and Guerte turned her head, only to see the black figure of Yong Liansi appearing above, she saw Guert standing there, her solemn face was visibly relaxed, and she said: "It's good that you are fine Ah, what's going on?"

While speaking, she had already come to Guert, and saw that his clothes were in tatters, his face was bruised and purple, and his body was covered with injuries.

Guert shook his head with a wry smile, pointed to the top, and said, "It rolled down from the top like this."

Yong Liansi was startled and said: "Sure enough, something happened to you. I heard a loud roar from over there just now, and the direction seemed to be your side, so I hurriedly chased after him. After several screams, I finally saw you. That roar What is it?"

Guert smiled wryly and said, "I only know that when the sound came, my vigor was completely lost, and even the cliff at the top was trembling, and I was thrown down like this." After a pause, he said: " But it's a blessing in disguise, you see," he said, pointing to the back.

Yong Liansi's attention just now was all on Guerte, and he didn't notice the big lake behind him. Now when he saw it, he couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Well, it's worth the fall for you!"

Guert heard her cry, and said, "Do you think it's strange too? There's no sound at all!"

Yong Liansi nodded, as if thinking about something, said: "You take a rest here, I'll go and have a look." After finishing speaking, she stepped a little and flew towards the source of the water over there.

Guert was so shaken that he couldn't move if he really wanted to. Anyway, Yong Liansi also came, so I left everything to her.

He sat down cross-legged, Tianjue Xin was activated again, Dongfang Mingwang root mantra was also activated, and he began to enter the state of breath adjustment.

Turning around the meridian of Tianjue's heart meridian, he realized that the injury was much more serious than imagined this time. The meridian was injured in many places, and the shadow beside the dantian seemed to be enlarged. He knew not to be impatient, so Tianjue left his mind and began to slowly walk through the meridians.

After an unknown amount of time, his meridians finally fully recovered, and the shadow beside the dantian was still expanding, but even if Tian Juexin personally mobilized, he was still helpless.

Guert was about to finish his work when he suddenly discovered that the power of the mantra that had been coordinating with the Heart Sutra of Tianjue seemed to have changed. The speed of the power of the mantra was getting faster and faster. get up.

Gurt felt an unprecedented sense of oppression in his body, and then there was a bang in his mind, and a row of golden characters suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Central Fudo Mingo Root Mantra"

Gurt was surprised, this is

As soon as the golden characters passed, rows of small black characters began to float: "This mantra is the teaching wheel of the Great Sun Tathagata. It can subdue all demons, but it is against the way of heaven. Please use it with caution!"

Guert was overjoyed, knowing that this must be the wordless book, but he didn't expect it to be automatically displayed in his mind.

"Fudo Mingwang root mantra is based on the mantra of Dongfang Jiang III Mingwang and the Fudo Mingwang root seal. The Yin Qi uses the left hand as a fist, stretches the middle finger and index finger, and puts the thumb on the little finger and ring finger.

"Extend the index finger and middle finger of the right hand, insert them into the palm of the left hand, and put the thumb on the ring finger and little finger. The mantra is a power method, and it is divided into the remnant food mantra, the fire world mantra, the ice language mantra, and the one-word heart mantra."

Guert only felt that his whole body's perception had reached its peak state, and he memorized all the small words that passed by.

At this moment, the power of the mantra in the body suddenly calmed down, this thought was suddenly disconnected, and there was an obvious shock, and the previous state of internal vision was restored.