Chord of Memory

Yan Yiyi's tender body trembled, her face revealed an unbelievable expression, her eyes were filled with complex lights, and the demon spirit over there let out a miserable howl, which should be on the verge of death.

Yan Yiyi didn't hesitate any more, waved her jade palm, and a purple light flew out. Everyone was surprised at what Guert said about the purple feather. At this time, they saw a purple light flash in the air, and only a few people could see clearly that it was a feather. Purple feathers.

Before everyone could react, Gurt flew towards the purple feather in the opposite direction. As soon as his hand touched the purple feather, a burst of purple light burst out, and a long purple blade flashed out in the purple light.

The expression of the young man who was still floating in the air changed greatly, and the expression of Yan Yiyi below also changed slightly. Neither of them thought that Gurt was so familiar with the usage of Ziyu.

Guert took the purple feather, and the memory in his mind seemed to return to that day in the deep valley of the Miditian, the purple feather danced with the wind in the sun, with a graceful posture, and Yiyi, who was dressed in white like snow, smiled sweetly, soft His lips pressed against his cheeks lightly, exhaling like blue.

The long purple blade cut across the demon spirit's stomach, and with a puff, warm blood spurted out, and a black shadow flew out. Guert smelled the strange smell, and knew that it was like the little gluttonous beast born back then, and it was skillfully received. Get off this little demon spirit.

It was the first time for everyone in the air to see such a scene, and they all exclaimed. Guert handed over the demon spirit to Yi Qingke. The Volunteers seem to have a natural ability to tame the demon spirit, especially the Born demon spirits are the most insecure.

Guert walked up to Yan Yiyi, handed Zi Yu over, and said with a smile, "Thank you."

Yan Yiyi was looking at him with a strange look, and said, "How do you know it's Zi Yu? How do you know how to use it?"

Guert sighed secretly in his heart. He thought it would wake up some of her memories, but now it seems to be futile. He said: "Someone once taught me how to use it."

Yan Yiyi asked strangely: "Is there anyone else who used it besides me?"

Guert shook his head with a smile, and said, "Except for you, no one else has used it."

Yan Yiyi frowned, looked at Guert up and down, and said, "You mean, I taught you?"

Guert shook his head and said, "It's not you, that person is my lover, are you?"

Yan Yiyi's elegant and refined face was visibly shocked, and before she could speak, the young man who had been following her had rushed over, interrupted their conversation, and said, "Yiyi, our work is done, let's go ."

Guert glanced at the man. I still remember that when he went to the Upper Realm, he went to a place full of mountains. The purpose at that time was to find his mother Xi Qingsi, and then go to Yiyi through her, but he never thought that he would step into the Realm for the first time. The upper realm is where Yiyi is located.

But he missed it. Is that the last chance Yiyi left for himself?

Seeing Guert staring at him, the young man seemed a little terrified by him, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Guert raised his eyebrows and said, "Have we met before? I was playing the Moyu flute in the mountains, and you appeared and told me that this is not the Purple Star Valley of Love, and then I left...Is that so?"

The young man was stunned, then shook his head and said, "I don't know you, you've got the wrong person."

Yan Yiyi looked at the young man in astonishment, and said, "Mu Su, have you seen him?"

The young pastor hurriedly said: "No, he has identified the wrong person himself, how could I have met him!"

Guert frowned and looked at him, and was about to speak when Chuanqing and the others had already rushed over. Everyone except Yi Qingke saw Guert for the first time after the tragic change in the high-level area. Not only was everything fine, but his cultivation seemed to have increased even more, so he was very excited.

Everyone regarded this young man who had been suppressed by the Guangming Order as his own member of the Guangming Order.

Guert knew that there were too many people here and it was not convenient to say more, so he went with everyone to the temporary command point in the wanton state.

The place was also almost ruined by the demon spirits. Chuanqing, Yeyou, Qin Luo and some major figures from the Guangming class in Free Day were all present, but Yi Qing was a little late because she was busy dealing with the little demon spirit.

Guert smiled and said: "There were too many people just now, so I didn't say much. I want to ask, who is in charge of the Guangming level?"

Chuan Qing said: "Master Feng Qi and Master Su Rou personally made the roll call."

Guert was stunned, he thought they were all seriously injured, but Su Rou could name Feng Qi as the temporary boss, he couldn't help saying: "Sister Rou! How are their injuries?"

Everyone showed strange expressions. Guert knew their doubts, but he didn't explain it. After all, he didn't even know how he survived.

Chuanqing sadly replied: "We don't know the specifics, maybe we can only ask Master Feng Qi." Speaking of this, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and said: "Master Feng Qi made a special statement. If I see you, I want to Please go and see him, he is currently in Jingmengtian."

Guert sighed inwardly, nodded and said: "Okay, I understand. Although the people from the Nether Demon Realm have been driven away, the wanton state is almost destroyed. Although rebuilding is not too troublesome, it will take a while after all. Work harder!

"The strength of the Demon Realm should be insufficient, so among the people sent this time, there are only four or five people from the Demon Realm, and most of the others are living dead."

Yeyou suddenly said: "Brother, will you stay here forever?"

Guert swept away the crowd, seeing everyone's questioning eyes, knowing that this is a question they all want to know, he smiled and said: "Yes, so don't be afraid, as long as we are fully prepared, we will be fine, but..." Suddenly After a pause, he said, "What's the matter with Dark Order and Nine Arts? Don't they plan to fight against the Underworld together?"

Chuanqing said: "Looking at what they mean, it seems that they want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

Qin Luo looked at Guert and said, "You have a good relationship with Anjie and Jiuyi, can you talk about it?"

Guert pondered for a moment, then suddenly smiled and said: "It's useless to say, those old foxes don't know how to spend effort if they don't suffer a little bit. By the way, what is the direction of the door leading to the capital of desire in the wanton state?"

Everyone was stunned, Chuan Qing said: "In the northeast, there are people from Jiuyi guarding it."

Guert laughed and said, "Next time, if there is another sneak attack by demon spirits, Qing Ke, you can just lead them there, and we don't need to take care of the rest."

Everyone was stunned, and at the same time felt that Guert's move was too insidious. Yi Qingke looked at Chuanqing and said in amazement: "Is this good? The destructive power of demon spirits is much stronger than that of foreign spirits."

Guert waved his hand and said noncommittally: "Whatever, let's start with Jiuyi first, Master Fayol will have a solution... Hehe."

Everyone knew that Fayol was the latest high-status person to appear in the Nine Arts Alliance, but they didn't know what it had to do with him, let alone what Gurt was messing around with.

With Guert's guarantee, although the wanton state is almost in ruins, the whole city is full of vibrant scenes. In the face of crisis and pressure, it seems that for the first time, the practitioners of the Guangming class are so united.

Everyone's face was filled with a special brilliance. Not only did they have firm and beautiful confidence in the future, but after seeing Guert's almost magical performance, they also had a strong desire for practice again.

Especially for a group of mid-level second-level cultivators, after seeing Guert's fight with the underworld, it has greatly benefited their cultivation base, and everyone is full of confidence and strength.

Guert wandered casually in the streets of Wantanzhou, surrounded by busy practitioners who were rebuilding the entire city.

Guert did not hide his appearance this time. Everyone who passed by knew him and greeted him respectfully. This was the treatment he had enjoyed at the dark steps, and he was used to accepting it at this time. Nod your head one by one.

His target was not these people, he was looking for Yan Yiyi, but unfortunately, since he finished talking with them briefly, he never saw Yan Yiyi again.

He also asked Qingke just now that Yan Yiyi came to give her the totem of the earth, and also taught her some beast-hunting skills.

Her mission to come to the realm of comprehension this time has been completed, could it be that the pastor persuaded Yiyi to leave while she was away?

As he was thinking, he suddenly saw a white-clothed figure flashing by not far in front of him. Guerte was overjoyed and hurried away. Sure enough, he saw Yan Yiyi walking slowly not far in front, with a pair of beautiful eyes looking around. The streamer turned around, as if he was thinking about something.

Guert followed up from behind, and said with a smile: "What are you thinking about in life?"

Yan Yiyi didn't show any surprise at his appearance, she still looked around with interest, and said, "This place seems a bit familiar, so I'm walking, trying to grab something..."

Guert was stunned and said, "Do you still remember this place?"

Yan Yiyi looked at him, and said softly: "Actually, since you borrowed Ziyu from me today, I have been recalling some things."

Guert said in surprise: "Did you remember anything?"

Seeing his surprised expression, Yan Yiyi shook her head in confusion, and said, "I feel it, but I can't grasp it at all."

She paused, and then said: "Purple Feather is one of the three great spiritual objects in ancient times. Even the immortals of the Immortal God Realm would not be able to use this item without my permission, but you can use it, that's for sure." For some reason."

Guert was surprised again. Yiyi had never said these before. It turned out that he had already been listed by Yiyi as one of the people who could use the purple feather. Unfortunately, when Yiyi took out the purple feather last time, his cultivation base was still low. She failed to control Ziyu, although she was able to control Ziyu this time, Yiyi no longer knew it.

Thinking of this, a burst of sadness welled up in his heart. Is Yiyi, who lost the good memories of the past, still the person he was looking for so hard?

Yan Yiyi seemed to sense the melancholy in his eyes, and said, "Are you sad?"

Guert smiled bitterly: "That person is not sad anymore, what's the use of me being sad?"

Yan Yiyi suddenly stopped, staring at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, and slowly walked in front of Guert, caressing Guert's cheek with her jade hand, as if raving, said: "That person also caressed Guert like this before." Have you ever been?"

Guert was taken aback. This kind of bold action was indeed Yan Yiyi's style. Looking at her who was close at hand, her familiar pretty face was glowing with an unfamiliar strange brilliance, and he couldn't help but said in a daze: "Yes. of."

Yan Yiyi looked at him, her jade finger still didn't stop, she moved up and down lightly, and said, "Does it feel the same?"

Guert was stunned, and immediately didn't know what to say, his mouth was slightly lifted, but he still didn't speak in the end.

Yan Yiyi also immediately put down her hands, took a few steps back, and resumed her forward pace, saying: "Forget Heart Jue, Forget Heart Jue... Sigh."

Guert followed her footsteps, saw her brows furrowed slightly, and said, "What's wrong with the Forgetting Heart Art?"

Yan Yiyi turned her head to look at him, a wry smile suddenly appeared on her pretty face, and said: "Although I am not that person, I can still feel the torment in my heart when that person met you."

Surprised, Guert stopped, looking at Yan Yiyi's back, his heart was like an overturned five-flavored bottle, and all kinds of thoughts rushed up together.

Yan Yiyi also stopped in her tracks, turned her head around, and Zhong Tiandizhi's aura showed a bright smile on her pretty face, and said: "However, although it is suffering, if that person comes back, then the first thing to do is to run to see you..."

Guert's body trembled violently, as if a heartstring had been plucked, and the memory fragments in his mind kept passing by, and finally froze in the underground square. The first time Yan Yiyi appeared in his memory, a pair of beautiful eyes seemed to be bottomless Looking at him in the deep pool, several expressions flashed across his pretty face in an instant, that charming style...

Why did an extraordinary cultivator from the upper world appear in an ordinary city in the human world...

Guert seemed to be awakened by something in his mind, but it seemed that he could not imagine such a scene at all, and finally everything stopped. He seemed to traverse three lives, but returned to a certain point in it.

In front of him was still the desolate Wanton State, Yan Yiyi had already left, and there was no one around.

Only then did he realize that he had already burst into tears.

The news of Guert's reappearance at the Bright Order to drive away the people from the Underworld spread throughout the comprehension world, and Wantanzhou became a place where many comprehensionists flocked. Deeply shocked, but he quietly embarked on the road to the high-level area alone.

He didn't say goodbye to anyone, the unintentional twitching of his heart by Yiyi made him uneasy, and in order to relieve this deep uneasiness, he knew he should find something to do.

And the most important thing to do at this moment is to go to see Fengqi immediately to learn about the latest situation of the Guangming Rank and the Underworld, not only for the entire cultivation world , but also for practitioners like Master Lu Zhufeng who love themselves life, remembering their own memories.

Unlimited cultivation and advancement is not the original meaning of cultivation, only real practitioners can appreciate growth and be willing to be ordinary.

And another thing that is closely related to his heart is that woman from the underworld named Yuan Nuo. Is she really his Nuo'er? This is also one of the motivations for him to decide to go to the high-level area and fight to the end with the Underworld.

Guert arrived at Jingmengtian smoothly, and the corpses he saw that day had already been cleaned up, but the cold atmosphere around him still made the high-level area that should have been solemn and dignified somewhat dilapidated.

When he entered the Dream Palace, he not only saw Feng Qi, but also accidentally saw Zi Mei, she should also be one of the few survivors that day.

Feng Qi was obviously very excited when he saw Guert, and said: "Okay, okay, you're finally here!"

On the contrary, Zi Mei seemed very indifferent, just looked at Gurt, without even saying hello, this girl who grew up under the pampering of the high-end area, has become more and more mature after undergoing several major changes.

Guert didn't pay much attention to Zi Mei, he just looked at Feng Qi and felt that this once unrestrained fantasy master was getting more and more haggard, obviously the pressure on his shoulders was too great, but the heroic spirit between his brows It's still the same.

Gurt smiled and described what happened in the arbitrary state, and then asked about the situation in the high-level area.

Feng raised his eyes to shine brightly, then downcast, and said: "Sister Rou, Lord Hoover, and Lord Meng Jingxue were all injured, and Lord Hoover was the most injured in order to protect sister Rou, and he is still in a coma.

"Even though Sister Rou is awake, she can't lift up all her strength. Mr. Meng Jingxue has broken limbs and needs a long time of recuperation."

Guert sighed, the situation was not worse than he had imagined, and said, "Where is Master Mushi?"

Feng Qi frowned and said: "This is the most troublesome part, we don't know what's wrong with him, I can't get in at all in Chongming, where Master Mu Mushi is, but I just know that those high-ranking people will come back after they enter." It never showed up."

Guert was startled, and thought to himself: So that's the case. I said why Hongtianlai has not appeared, and the high-level area can be kept intact, and the underworld did not directly attack the high-level area, it must be because they did not receive Hongtian came to pay back, so he was not sure about what happened in the high-level area, so he made small troubles in places such as the lower bound free sky in the high-level area, trying to stimulate the high-level area.

Immediately, he couldn't help saying: "Could it be that it hasn't come out yet?"

Feng Qi shook his head and said: "No, so we don't know anything." As he spoke, his eyes lit up, but then darkened, and he shook his head.

Guert knew what he meant, and couldn't help but said: "I have the authorization of Master Lu Zong Qilu, I can go in, you tell me the location, I will go in and have a look."

Feng Qi shook his head and said, "No way!"

Then he smiled wryly and said: "You also know the current strength of the high-level area. There is no high-level area available. Facing the pressure from the dark level and the nine arts, we can't send a single person. If you go in again, we really only have to Can take a beating.

"Hey, now only those who pray for the city of tempering can wake up from the 'long repair' as soon as possible after receiving the emergency summoning order."

Guert knew that there was still a batch of the last strength of the Guangming class hidden in the city of tempering, and without himself, the Guangming class was really helpless facing the opponent's super masters. He also frowned and said: "Take me to see Look at Sister Rou and them."

Feng Qi nodded and said: "Zi Mei is here to find you."

Guert looked at Zi Mei in surprise, only to see that her cute little face was showing heavy sadness, she turned her head and walked towards the back of the Dream Palace without looking at Guert, Guert hurriedly followed superior.

There was silence on the road, Guert always felt that there was something wrong with Zimei, but he didn't know where to start, suddenly Zimei said, "Why are you here now?"

Guert was stunned, Zimei's voice suddenly had a slightly crying voice, and said: "Why are you here now!"

Guert was silent, and said after a while: "I was locked in a place, and I just came out not long ago..."

Zi Mei cried: "Liar! Sister Rou and Lord Hoover were injured so badly just to save you. You ungrateful guy, you never came to see them!"

Guert was stunned, and finally knew why Zimei had been ignoring him.

Seeing her shoulders trembling, he sighed softly, walked forward, put his arms around her shoulders lightly, and said: "Don't worry, Xiaomei, I'm still alive, so I've lived up to their kindness, I can cure you." Good them, everything will pass."