Wind Chime Teaser

Guert was sweating profusely from running, and sat panting at the door of the house.

A gust of wind hit, the leaves in the forest rattled, and the silver wind chimes hanging on the eaves also tinkled sweetly at this time.

Guert happened to be sitting under the wind chime, and took advantage of the opportunity to look up. The small silver bell was hanging from the door by a thin line, and at the top of the thin line, there was a golden leaf sealed inside the eaves, because it had been attached to the eaves. Inside, so Gourt didn't even notice.

Guert laughed secretly in his heart that he hadn't paid attention to how the wind chime was hung. He didn't expect that the owner was quite ingenious, and it was actually sealed with leaves. He probably used some special technique.

Just as he was about to lower his head, another gust of wind blew, and the bell made a crisp tinkling sound again, and the leaf at the top moved slightly, revealing the black lettering inside.

Curiosity arose in Guert's heart, is there any secret hidden in this leaf?

He poked his head around and looked around, and when he saw no one, he flew away and lifted the leaves from the eaves as if he went to someone else's house to steal something when he was young.

The wind chime fell immediately, he caught it, got down, quickly turned over the leaves to look at it, and was completely stunned after seeing it.

I saw on this golden leaf, written in small and beautiful fonts: "Every time the wind chime rings, it means that I miss you."

Although the leaf is not big, but the font is beautiful, so these words are written very calmly, but the content is like the sweet words of a lover in love.

Guert wondered secretly, this place should be regarded as the Upper Realm, if the person inside really practiced the Art of Containing Meaning, then he would be regarded as a high-level master, but he was actually in love.

The content on this leaf should be written by a woman to the person in the house, probably because the two cannot be together often, so the woman hung the wind chime here.

The place is surrounded by the sea. Although it is in the forest, the sea breeze is constant every day. Naturally, the ringing of the bell keeps ringing, which means that this woman is constantly thinking about him.

Guert sighed in his heart, who said that people above the high level can't talk about love? Seeing that the cultivation base of these two people should not be bad, and they are so romantic, if someday Yiyi can treat me like this, I will die.

While thinking about him and Yiyi, I felt sorry for the woman in my heart: I'm really sorry, this leaf was taken off by myself, I will put it back for you immediately, maybe the owner here will come back soon, he I should be able to understand your painstaking efforts.

I thought to myself, the speed in my hand was fast enough, so I flew up again, and hung up the silver wind chime again, then turned my hand secretly, and with a light touch, the leaves were attached back to the eaves, and the wind chime was hung up again.

Guert fell down, the wind blew again, and the wind chime sounded again, but at this time, the wind chime had a richer meaning in Guert's ears.

He looked up at the wind chime, and thought to himself: I wish you all a happy life. Then he stopped staying and went in other directions.

Here is the only place he hasn't been before.

When he walked around the woods just now, he found that the light on the east side of the woods was much darker than other places, so this place should be different from other places.

Guert walked in, getting deeper and deeper, and finally a towering ancient tree appeared in front of him, and a large black hole was exposed in the hollow of the tree.

He was secretly surprised: it seems that the light here is dark because of the dark light from this big hole.

But what makes him happy is that there are obvious signs of spatial fluctuations in this big hole, which means that it may allow him to open the light door, at least to return to the place where he came from.

So, he stepped in without hesitation.

Just when Guert stepped into the big cave, a figure suddenly flew down from the distant cliff, with a long white dress and a purple light on his white wrist, graceful and graceful.

This person seemed to be very familiar with this place, and within a few moments he had already reached the woods, and then his beautiful eyes lit up, and he saw this wooden house in the open space in the forest .

She thought to herself: I finally found it, the space shift really wasted a lot of time.

Her beautiful figure passed through the dense forest and landed on the open space. Looking at the wooden house, memories flooded out of her mind like a flood, and her steps slowly moved over.

She walked to the door and was about to push the door open when she suddenly remembered something, looked up, and saw the silver wind chime hanging on the eaves, and the golden leaf attached to the eaves...

In an instant, as if she couldn't hold it anymore, crystal tears slid out of the beautiful eyes of this white-clothed beauty like broken pearls.

Unexpectedly, there is another world here!

Gurt, who stepped into the black tree hole, couldn't contain his surprise. The further he went in, the more obvious the spatial fluctuations were.

Looking at this direction, it should be walking towards the cliff, and the sound of waves hitting the rocks can be heard from time to time, which shows that the direction is not wrong.

Although there are some potholes in the tree hole, it is generally smooth, and it is obvious that people have often walked by like this before.

Guert couldn't help but think of the silver wind chime he found outside just now. He really didn't know who the person in the room was, and there was such a woman who treated him so well.

It's a pity that this is the upper world, there are too many hidden world experts, apart from that piece of paper, I have no way of judging who lives here.

But that piece of paper says "Forgetting all kinds of emotions and forgetting the mind, all restrained in the mind", it seems to be the three major secrets of the upper world. If there is no accident for mother Xi Qingsi, it should be a kind of love formula... Zixing Qinggu, a kind of love formula.

He seemed to have figured out something suddenly in his mind. Since his mother practiced a kind of love formula, it is not too difficult to understand her relationship with her father, Gu Yuanhong, and Zhan Tian, the lord of the dark ranks.

Kind of Love Jue, Kind of Love Jue, probably the same as Wang Xin Jue, in the beginning it was she who fell in love with you, then you were infatuated with it, and finally she left unfeelingly, what she wanted was the distraction. Ethereal.

However, these two great formulas are based on the most basic human emotions and desires as the goal of cultivation. I don't know what the restraining formula is?

But by analogy, it is estimated that it is not a pleasant torture.

Suddenly there was a clear sound of waves beating in front of him, and a fishy sea breeze was smelled at the end of his nose, and then Guert sensed a strong spatial fluctuation.

He knows that this is the teleportation area of this space, as long as he opens the light door, he can at least return to Zuo Youtian when he came back.

But for some reason, Guert couldn't feel any joy in his heart. I don't know if it was because he had just figured out his mother Xi Qingsi's practice formula, or because of something else...

Guert turned his head to look at the dark road when he looked at it, and suddenly there was reluctance and longing in his heart, as if there was someone or something worthy of concern over there.

It was as if he had fallen into an unreal dream.


The waves rolled over again, making a loud noise, as if they were right beside him.

Guert was startled, and woke up suddenly. He hurriedly scolded himself for being stupid, and stopped hesitating. He blocked it with both hands, and a blue light door appeared, and he stepped in.

When he saw the wilderness of Zuo Youtian, he breathed a sigh of relief. He had never felt such a strong intimacy with this place for a moment. Whether in the Underworld or other places, he had never panicked like he was there just now. The unknown danger Scarier than any known threat.

But when he just got out of breath, he noticed the difference here. The sky and clouds seemed to have been burnt, and they were all inlaid with small golden edges, and there was a smell of blood in the air.

Guert flew up quickly, and before he could stabilize his figure, he saw a figure flying in the distance. Suddenly, he understood what happened.

The flying figure in front also seemed to have noticed the change in the rear, and turned his horse's head. Although he was hundreds of meters away, the other party still saw Guert clearly, and let out a long roar, as if to announce something.

Guert glanced at the corpse on the ground in the distance, clenched his fists tightly, and the figure flying in the air was a demon warrior riding a pegasus. The golden armor proved that he was a golden armored warrior from the Underworld Demon Realm, although Last time, Guert was reimbursed a lot of Jinjia Liusha at once, but the strength accumulated over the years in the Underworld Demon Realm is obviously more than that.

Guerte only felt that the power of the three breaths in his body was turning rapidly, and his feet did not move, but the speed of the forward sweep had reached a jaw-dropping speed. The distance of hundreds of meters had reached the person in just a few seconds. side.

When the golden armored warrior saw Guert rushing over, he quickly turned back his horse's head and was about to gallop away, but he obviously didn't expect that Guert had already arrived beside him just as he started his body shape.

Guert grabbed Tianma's wings with one palm. Although Tianma was frightened, it was worthy of being a superior demon spirit carefully cultivated in the underworld. With both hooves kicking sideways, the other wing also swept towards Guert from another angle.

Guert sneered and said, "Don't blame me for being hot!"

As he spoke, he thought of the body of the cultivator lying on the ground, and he felt ruthless in his heart. Regardless of the side kicks of both hooves, a force came out from the hand that grabbed the wings of Pegasus. The hooves hung back limply.

The golden-armored warrior on the seat was not a vegetarian either. With a loud shout, a pair of hammers suddenly appeared in his hands, and they blasted at Guert's body.

Guert quickly let go of Tianma's wings, just now he was full of strength, although Tianma is powerful, it is still a body of flesh and blood, and it is impossible to recover in such a short time.

He stepped back, avoiding the golden armored warrior's hammer, his palms were flying in front of him, a ball of fire shone from his chest, and then a voice shouted: "Fire Curse!"

The golden-armored warrior had already heard of Guert's unique move, and he was terrified at this moment, he slapped Tianma and was about to run away.

But Tianma was stiffened by Guert's blow just now. If Tianma hadn't been so talented, that blow would have been enough to tear his internal organs apart and leave him dead on the spot.

At this moment, King Ming's flames were burning, Tianma was unable to dodge anymore, the golden armored warrior was forced to abandon his horse and flee, Tianma was ignited at once, and the roar spread far away, resounding throughout Zuo Youtian.

There are still many cultivators in the entire Zuoyoutian land. Seeing that Guertefu had killed the Pegasus and the golden armored warrior who had made them suffer so much just now, they were very happy and couldn't help cheering.

Gurt heard the roar of the pegasus before it died, and felt a little unbearable in his heart. He knew that this was too cruel, but he also knew that these beautiful-looking pegasus were more terrifying than those ugly and brainless demon spirits.

At this moment, the golden armored warrior who had just abandoned his horse and fled roared angrily, swinging his double hammers and rushed towards Guert.

Guert didn't have a weapon in his hand, and the golden armored warrior actually attacked in an orderly manner in a fit of rage, forcing Guert to back up. At the same time, he was secretly surprised, not knowing that such a golden armor How many warriors are there? If they all have this kind of strength, then the world of comprehension will be really dangerous.

After Guert dodged the first few hammers repeatedly, the golden armored warrior seemed a little tired, there was a slight gap in the shadow of the left and right hammers, Guert looked for the gap and slapped it.

The incomparable strength passed through the palm in an instant, and penetrated the whole body of this sturdy monster and golden armored warrior. He let out a miserable cry and fell backwards.

Guerte has always been unreasonable, followed by a palm and then kicked downwards. The golden armored warrior expended a lot of energy. With one kick, the hammers trembled, and he fell down. fell to the ground.

Guert also fell down, stepped on his chest, looked at the samurai coldly and said, "Where are the Underworld Emperor and the Demon Emperor?"

The flaming eyes of the golden armored warrior glared angrily, and he muttered in his mouth a demon language that Guerte could not understand. It has been passed on.

Although the structure is not the same, the key vital parts are still the same. Guert used the Heart Sutra of Heaven's Judgment to tightly strangle the vitality of the golden armored warrior, and said again: "If I can understand, where are you going?" How many people were killed? Where are the Underworld Emperor and the Demon Emperor?"

The golden-armored warrior seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, and said in a hoarse voice, "The Underworld Emperor and the Demon Emperor are all leaving with the army, and I, I am just a spy."

Guert was in a hurry and said, "The army? Where is the army?"

The golden armored warrior couldn't breathe, and said, "High, high rank..."

Guert stayed, high-end area? They actually went directly to the high-level area?

The Tianjue Heart Sutra directly extinguished his vitality, and the man died without making a sound. Guert got up and flew towards the free sky.

Unless these ghosts and demons know how to use the space nodes, the only way to attack the high-level light is Free Sky, Shooting Moon Sky, Condensed Void Sky, and high-level areas, so Free Sky should be the most dangerous right now.

He flew past all the way, and besides seeing many corpses along the way, he also found many remaining cultivators who were slightly or seriously injured. But Guert didn't have time to treat them, so he had to apologize silently in his heart.

The door of light opened, and Free Sky appeared in front of him.

There is no broken wall as imagined, just a few scattered corpses, and traces of movement along the way.

Guert flew to the front of the three cities of Liberty Sky, and suddenly several guards in the wanton state cheered, shouting Guert's name, and then rushed out many practitioners, Chuanqing and Yi Qingke were among them .

Guert didn't see Su Rou, but he saw that they were neatly dressed and there were no signs of fighting, so he couldn't help asking strangely: "What's going on? Where's Sister Rou?"

Chuanqing said: "Master Surou has brought a small team to attack the Demon Army."

Guert was startled, and shouted: "What's going on? Didn't the Underworld Demon Legion attack Liberty Sky?"

Yi Qingke said: "We are also very strange. We were all prepared to resist, but for some reason, they only passed by the door and did not attack us. They even bypassed our defense line and headed upwards."

Chuanqing continued: "Sister Rou knew that they wanted to attack the high-level area directly, so she brought people up to inform them and delay them!"

Guert said angrily: "Nonsense! This time the legion is different from the last one. The Underworld Emperor and the Demon Emperor personally lead the army. They are the strongest forces in the Underworld Demon Realm. They are at the same level as the Mu Mushi. Isn't she going to die!" Said Then, I want to rush out.

Yi Qing hurriedly grabbed him, and said: "It's been a while, and you can't stop it anymore, and Sister Rou is not an impulsive person, they are so powerful, Sister Rou should be able to sense it, and she will play it by ear!"

When Guert heard it, he knew what she said was right, but even if he notified the high-level district, the ghost army was still difficult to resist, so he still had to help. Looking back at her, he said, "What else is going on here?"

Yi Qingke said: "Sister Rou was afraid that the underworld demon army would split into two groups, so she specially sent me to stay and guard Free Sky, but..." As she spoke, she glanced at the two nearby cities.

Guert was stunned, and then remembered that Liberty Day and the people from Dark Step and Jiuyi could not help but frown, "What's wrong with them?"

Yi Qingke said: "No one from the Dark Stage came out, and Jiuyi is secretly preparing. We can't tell where their goal is at all."

Gurt suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

It would be destructive for the underworld to attack the high-ranking Guangming. At this time, if the dark-ranking and Nine Arts destroy the wanton state, the bright-ranking will really disappear completely in the cultivation world.

While thinking about it, he raised his figure and said, "I'll take a look." After saying that, he headed towards Pingjie Mansion.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Pingjie Mansion, Guert shouted to the guards: "I am Guert, and I want to see Yong Liansi or Zhantian."

Before the guard could speak, a crisp voice sounded, "I knew you would come looking for me." It was Yong Liansi's voice.

Guert was no longer in the mood to chat with Yong Liansi anymore, and asked bluntly, "What's your position?"

Yong Liansi smiled lightly: "Our position is to adapt to the situation."

Guert was stunned, and said angrily: "What kind of position is this! The situation is critical now, don't try to fish in troubled waters, the Guangming Rank is really going to collapse, and you will be next."

Yong Liansi didn't speak, but suddenly there were several angry reprimands from behind, one of which was very familiar to Guert, so he couldn't help but stare in amazement.

I saw a few more people coming out of the door, they were actually Yan Buqing, Yue Zongren, Lei Yu and another strange middle-aged man.

This Yan Buqing is naturally the person Guert is most familiar with. He is also the main force who attacked the high-ranking Guangming under the leadership of Yong Liansi. Mystery.

The three of them used to attack Guert together, which is the most powerful combination attack technique of the dark order, but they were seriously injured last time, and it has been a long time since they appeared.

Looking at their expressions at this time, one can tell that the old injuries have all recovered, and their cultivation base has also improved.

Guert laughed and said, "It turns out that we are old friends, and you are still alive!"

Yan Buqing passed the gate of hell a few times, thanks to Guert, when he heard this, his expression changed immediately, and he said, "What did you say!"

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Yong Liansi yelled: "Everyone shut up!" After a pause, he looked at Guert and said: "Holy Master has a plan of the Holy Master, you should go and do what you should do." ."

Guert now somewhat understands the dilemma of wolves in the front and tigers in the back, but the underworld is also very insidious, and it actually makes good use of this delicate relationship within the cultivation world.

There must be spies from the underworld here, but I don't know if they are among the nine arts or the dark ranks.

At that moment, he sneered and said, "I hope Zhan Tian can distinguish the situation."

After finishing speaking, amidst the roars of Yan Buqing and the others, they headed towards the capital of desire, the main city where Jiuyi is located.