Hmm? Oh hello everyone man it sure has been a while hasn't it?
Can't say that I'm not disappointed in myself for such a long time since the last chapter was released.
But anyway happy new years everyone can you believe it already 2025 and about 11 months away from avatar 3
Not sure about you guys but I'm about to start college back up today so that definitely going to make a damper onto something but that besides the point
So as the title says chapter 2 remake is out Yay!
So uh…that's all...
What? Why are you still here?
Okay fine agh uh let's me pull out my bag of random shit.
Uh let see ... .chapter on who should be in frontiers of Pandora hearm arc.
Naw I'll save that for Avatar at the end of the movie arc.
Second I have the *** ** y/n naw that for the end.
Oh? I forgot I had this in here let me just throw away the release date of the next chapter in a few days
Hmmm yeah I'm sorry about all I have on releasing things. So enjoy what I have made for you all in the remake of chapter 2
There might just be a new details in our avatar design that might have been missed before hint hint