Chapter 10

"Damien... Can we talk?" I asked.

He paused and looked at me for a few seconds and sighed, "of course," he whispered and kissed my forehead.

He carried me and left his work downstairs, He put me on the bed and covered my lower body with a quilt while he sat on the floor in front of me.

"So? Will you tell me what made you cry?" He asked, giving me a half smile as he caressed my cheeks.

"T-The thing is... I remember everything now, Damien... I remember everything from the beginning." I cried.

His expression turned cold, he was looking at me sternly.

"I-- I know... What I did to marry you was w-wrong... I know that from the b-beginning you didn't want the marriage... I-I'm sorry." I cried, stammering in my own words.

"S-so to make up for everything I did... I-if you want a divorce, I'll compromise... A-and if you don't want to see me anymore, the child-- I'll leave the child to you a-and leave the country. I-I..."

He pushed me to the bed and slammed both of his hands to the mattress, "Do you regret marrying me?" He asked, frowning and looking at me as if he was about to break into tears.

"N-No." I replied.

"Then it is good enough. Even if I have to guilt you into staying with me-- I won't care. Even if you regret marrying me, I will make you stay. Even if you make me miserable I'll never let you leave my side. You have to take responsibility for marrying me. You can't leave me Noir. You can never leave me." He whispered.

He pulled me and embraced me, I could feel him trembling under his emotionless pretense.

I could smell his pheromones covering my entire body and the room.

"Do you even understand? You don't have to put up with me anymore! I'm giving you your freedom!" I exclaimed.

He pushed me away from him and grabbed my shoulders.

His hands are trembling as he was grasping my shoulders, "Don't you understand at all?! You can't leave me!" He shouted.

His eyes turned golden as he was looking at me. His golden eyes were a sign that he was releasing too much emotion.

His grip loosened and tears started flowing from his eyes.

He looked down and trembled but I couldn't say anything back to him.

"Why are you so cruel? It's always back and forth with you. One moment you love me and in a few seconds you want to break away."

"You forced me to marry you and you even go as far as blackmailing me just to make me stay. So why are you trying to escape now?"

"Have you got tired of me?"

"You made yourself my life and now you want to toss me aside because you got tired?"

"Don't you think that's cruel? I am ready to risk everything to make you stay. So, why can't you understand?"

"Don't you... Hate me?" I asked.

"I love you!" He exclaimed.

"I love you so much and it's driving me crazy!" He said in a low tone of voice.

He let go of me so I scoot closer to him, I sat on his lap and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

He looked at me with tears falling from his eyes. I put my forehead against him and closed my eyes.

"Please... Don't leave me." He mumbled.

"I love you Noir, so please... Don't leave me." He mumbled.

When I opened my eyes again, his eyes were back to normal.

His crying face looks so cute that I felt bad.

I wiped the tears off his face and kissed him passionately.

He put his hand underneath my shirt, putting his hand on my waist, caressing every inch of my body

His hand slowly made its way to my back as we kissed.

He leaned closer to me, gently pushing my body onto the bed.

I tried pushing him because I couldn't breathe but he kept kissing me.

He grabbed both of my hands using his left hand while his right hand was touching my chest.

He took off his shirt, showing off his muscles. When he was leaning onto me, I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"We can't..." I whispered, looking away from him.

He lifted my shirt to reveal my belly and chest, he lifted and kissed the back of my right hand then looked at me seductively, "We can't?" He whimpered.

"But... The last time was too rough... What if we hurt the baby?"

He frowned and paused to look at me for a few seconds before fixing my shirt.

He got off of me and sighed as he buttoned up his shirt.

He slowly calmed down as well. I covered my body with a quilt and watched him stand up.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything if you don't like it." He said and kissed my forehead.

"You should sleep and rest your body. Call me if you need anything." He said.

He left the room and went downstairs.

After a few minutes, I went out of the room and peeked at him.

I saw him continuing the work he left.

I took the pillow and the quilt from our room and went downstairs.

When he noticed me carrying the pillow and the quilt, he paused and put down his work to help me. "What are you doing?" He asked and pulled me to sit in his lap

"I want to rest here with you." I replied.

I put my head on his lap and turned on the TV to watch cartoons.

I put the volume lower so I wouldn't bother Damien into focusing.

He continued reading the documents until someone pressed the doorbell.

I sat up and waited for Damien to answer the door.

Lester burst through the door panting so I was startled.

"S-sir Damien *inhales* Y-you have to go to the company now!" Lester exclaimed trying to catch his breath.

"What's happening?" I asked nervously.

Lester was about to answer but Damien cut him off, "It's nothing!" Damien said.

"I can't leave, You should go back Lester. I'll go tomorrow." Damien replied coldly.

"But boss!"

I turned off the TV and looked at them,

Lester got quite agitated so I decided to speak, "Damien, It looks important so how about going?" I suggested.

"But... Who would accompany you?" Damien asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about it. I'll call my brother." I replied with a smile.

Damien went upstairs to change into his work clothes while I was left alone with Lester.

"What is happening?" I asked.

Lester spat his drink and looked at me nervously.

"Sorry sir... I'm afraid Mr. Damien might kill me if I tell you. Please just ask him for my sake." Lester replied.

Damien ran downstairs and grabbed all his stuffs.

He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer to him, "Are you sure you'll be fine?" He asked.

"Uhn! I'll be fine so just go. Come back soon!" I said with a smile.

He kissed my cheeks one last time before leaving.

An hour after Damien left, someone rang the doorbell.

I opened the door and was surprised because I didn't expect that my brother would come with Sasha.

I let them enter and prepared some snacks.

I turned on the TV and brought them strawberry milkshakes.

Sasha immediately drank it and feasted on the snacks while my brother looked troubled.

"Noir... Are you okay?" Brother Nine asked.

"Yes, Why?" I asked, looking at him with puzzled expression.

"Didn't you know?" Brother asked.

"Know what?"

Sasha swallowed the snacks and spoke, "I heard that there is an ongoing issue on DN group. My friend who is a shareholder just shared it to me." Sasha said.

"I just got out of hospital yesterday. He didn't tell me anything."

My brother sighed and looked at me, "Didn't you know? FZ Group is trying to pair their heir with whoever is the president of DN Group. Apparently, it's what the heir wants."

"Why are they targeting a married man?" I asked, sounding a little annoyed.

"Apparently, the heir is working in DN Group and saw Damien. There's even a rumor going around that Damien doesn't care about you and he is secretly in love with FZ Group's heir." Brother explained.

As soon as I heard about the rumors, I knew exactly who is the heir.

"By any chance, is the name of that FZ heir Lennox Friedrich?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh, yes! How did you know?" Brother asked.

If FZ Group withdraws its investment, DN Group would lose a lot of money and might decline.

I didn't expect Lennox to be the heir of FZ Group.

Damien must be dealing with a lot of pressure. Especially since I just got discharged from the hospital.


"Noir... How about contacting father again?" Brother Nine suggested.

I paused and looked down without saying a word so Brother Nine decided to speak.

"You know... Ever since you left our home to marry Damien, father has been worried sick for you. He didn't block your credit card so he would know where you are but you never used it."

Damien and I have been married for 6 years and it's been 7 years since I left home.

I'm 27 now.

It was 7 years I wasted without seeing my parents.

I'm bound to see them sooner or later anyway.

I'm still their son so Father wouldn't despise me.

Maybe even now-- He just thinks that I'm still in my rebellious phase.

"Father will be coming here in a month, I'll send you his number so please contact him." Brother suggested.

Before I realized, it was already nighttime and someone was knocking on the door.

I opened the door and hugged Damien, "Welcome home." I said.

"Since your husband is here, We'll be taking our leave" Sasha said, pulling Brother Nine.

"Noir! Be sure to think about it okay!?" Brother Nine shouted as he left.

I locked the door and took off Damien's coat and took his bag away.

He hugged me from behind and walked with me as I put away his things.

Even as I served dinner, he never let me go.

"You have to let me go to eat, you know." I said and served him food.

He sighed and let go of me to eat.

"Stop pouting and eat your food." I scolded.

"So... What was your brother talking about?" He asked hesitantly.

He started sweating, and he is avoiding my gaze. I could tell he is nervous.

"Damien... Do you want to meet my parents?" I asked.

His eyes lit up and looked at me as if he was gonna cry, "Are we really going to meet your parents?" He asked.

"Yes. I heard my parents are coming here next month. If you have time, Maybe we can go and meet them." I suggested.

He hugged me and kissed my lips, "I'd love to!" He replied.

After eating, we went back to our bedroom, Damien changed into his pajama and lay next to me.

He hugged me and closed his eyes.

He didn't say a word to me about the pressure he is going through.

He must've been thinking for me again.

But, I wish he would share his problems with me.

Even if I cannot do anything about it. I know I can at least share his burden.

I closed my eyes and prayed in my mind, "I wish he would heal from the things he never spoke of."