Chapter 12

A month had passed since Damien quit his job as the President of DN Group.

Today, his father named his cousin as the heir and FZ Group engaged Damien's cousin and Lennox.

After talking with Damien, I felt that we'd gotten a lot closer than before.

He showed his emotion to me more comfortably.

He cries from time to time and as usual, I comfort him.

Today is the day that we would finally get the result of our baby's gender.

I'm nervous and excited.

Damien is panicking and kept telling me to calm down when he was the one trembling but I just laughed at his antics.

The doctor came back with the result and Damien took it with shaking hands.

The doctor waited for us to open the envelope.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" The doctor exclaimed.

"Thank you doc!" I said.

"You're welcome, I'll have to see another patient so I'll leave the both of you here"

The doctor excused himself and left me alone with Damien.

Damien shed tears as he looked at the pictures of our baby.

"Are you crying?" I asked, giggling as I watch his tears fall from his beautiful eyes.

"Thank you... Thank you for having our child. I'll work really hard to be a good father." He cried, holding and kissing the back of my hands.

I put my hand on his head and patted him, "Don't strain yourself. I'll be here with you so please take care of us moderately." I replied.

"It would be weird to keep calling our baby boy 'child'... Why don't we think of a name?" Damien suggested.

"Dylan. As soon as I saw him, I thought of that name. I want to give him the name Dylan." I said with a smile.

"It seems like we thought the same," Damien said and kissed my forehead.

Dylan is a pretty name for a baby boy. I wish he grows up well like his father.

"Your mommy gave you a beautiful name, you should grow up and become an outstanding person like your mom okay?" Damien said and kissed my belly.

I felt a movement and the baby started to kick when Damien placed his hand on my belly.

We looked at each other and then looked at my belly again, the movement stopped for a few seconds, and then the baby kicked again

"Ouch," I whined.

Damien put his head closer to my belly and whispered loudly to my belly, "Little pup, Don't kick mommy too much... He is hurting."




It is time for dinner, we're finally back in Empire Tower.

I decided to stop by the coffee shop in the lobby.

There are a lot of people but the line is quickly moving.

Since there is a self-service station, Damien and I decided to go there instead.

I picked out some Cheesecake and Profiteroles with Caramel topping.

My brother saw us and decided to greet us, "Noir, Damien... I haven't seen you two for a while." He said.

"Brother... How have you been?"

"I'm good, both of you went to the clinic again?" Brother Nine asked.

"Yes... We got the baby's gender checked." Damien replied.

"Woah! Then what's the gender?" Brother Nine excitedly asked.

"We'll tell you later. We're tired so we're going back up." I said and left after paying.

"Father is still waiting for you. I haven't told him about your pregnancy. Be sure to tell him." Brother Nine said as we left.

We got in the elevator and Damien was too quiet so I decided to speak up, "What's wrong?" I asked.

Damien smiled awkwardly and put both of his hands in his pocket, "I'm just thinking... When are you planning to introduce me to your parents?" He asked.

We got off the elevator and stood in front of our door, "How about tomorrow?" I asked with a smile.

"Sure!" He replied with a smile and then hugged me.




After eating, Damien and I went back to our room.

I sat on the bed and watched the TV while he was using the laptop on my desk.

I've been waiting for him to accompany me to bed but... He is too busy using the laptop.

I sneaked behind him and looked at what he is doing...

He has been reading response emails from companies but he kept getting rejected.

He sighed and was about to apply to another company so I sneaked under the table and crawled in front of him to distract him.

He looked down and our eyes met.

I spread his thighs and caressed them.

He flinched and grabs my cheeks, "What are you doing?" He asked.

I pouted and tried to get up but I bumped my head on the table, luckily Damien's hand was supporting my head so I wasn't hurt.

He move his sliding chair and pulled me out of the table.

I sat on his lap and pouted, "I'm trying to distract you.'' I said.

He poked my cheek with his pointer finger and smiled, "Don't pout, it's not my fault that you almost hit your head on the table." He teased.

I got annoyed by his teasing so I decided to move and sit on his manhood.

"Y-You..." He groaned.

"I, What?" I teased.

He put his hand on my waist and lifted me back to his thighs, he lifted my feet from the ground and carried me to bed like a princess.

He covered me with a quilt and attempted to go back to using the laptop but I pulled the end of his shirt to stop him.

"Stay with me here," I said.

He sighed and turned off the laptop then sat next to me.

I watched the TV leaning on his shoulders while he read a book.

When the show I was watching ended, I decided to talk to Damien.

"Damien, can you hold off on finding a job?" I asked.

When I blurted out those questions, My heart started racing. I don't want him to be disappointed in me for saying that but... I want him to give himself a break.

"Hmm? Why?" Damien asked.

"You have been working yourself with no day offs for 12 years... Don't you think that it is time that you get some rest?" I asked.

"I still have money in my savings account, we have a penthouse and I can pay for the bills... Why don't you give yourself some time and forget about work?" I continued.

He paused and think for a while before speaking, "You're right. With the money I have... We can last for a few years."

"See? I told you I--"

"Wait... You have money?" I asked.

"Of course, I worked for DN group for 12 years. I saved my wage into my savings account." Damien replied.

I looked into his account and saw the amount of money he has.


I have been paying everything and stopped him from paying because I thought he has no money...

I didn't think he'd have 100,000,000 in his bank account...

"I thought your father took everything from you?" I asked.

"He did, but... That was only the company and all the projects I've been working on for the past few months. Of course, I'm paying myself for working and I've worked nonstop for 12 years. I've saved up enough money for us to get by for a few years."

Few years... With that amount of money, I bet we could live and retire without any worries. Just how much does this man spend?!

"You have a lot of money in your bank... We should take it easy and enjoy our lives."

Damien looked at me hesitantly and whimpered like a puppy, "But... I have to find a job soon... What would I say to your father if he asks what I do for a living? How could your parents rest knowing that your husband does not have a job?"

I placed my hand on top of his head, "My parents would not judge you for taking a break. Let's not think too much about this, shall we?"

"Let's take a little break okay?" I continued.




Damien and I decided to take a break.

He stopped looking for jobs in the meantime and decided to accompany me instead.

We decided to go to the mall to spend some time together.

Damien bought the tickets and popcorn while I waited for him on a nearby bench.

I noticed everyone staring at my belly so I felt anxious and hid it with my hands.

Damien arrived soon with the tickets and popcorn, he saw me hiding my belly with my hands so he squat down and placed the popcorn beside me.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"They're... They're staring at me... I feel a little uncomfortable." I replied.

He removed his coat and put it on me, "They must be staring because you look beautiful." Damien said.

I covered myself with Damien's coat and we watched the movie.

It was a romance movie and felt quite boring.

I was going to ask Damien so we can leave but his eyes were full of enthusiasm as he watched every scene.

Without even realizing it, I fell asleep and couldn't watch the movie properly.

"Noir..." Someone called.

I opened my eyes and saw Damien gently tapping my cheeks.

"Oh... Was it done?" I asked.

After watching the movies, I decided to go to the comfort room while Damien waited on a nearby bench.

I was about to flush when I heard 2 men talking.

Man 1: Did you know FZ Group is currently in a mess right now?

Man 2: I heard the heir messed with the son of some big company.

Man 1: It's such a waste, FZ Group's heir is pretty. I heard he's an omega.

Man 2: Yeah... But the person he offended has 2 Dominant Alpha brothers.

Man 1: He really dug his own grave. I heard he's working as a sex slave of one of those brothers. Even his parents offered him to appease the big company's anger.

Man 2: You know FZ Group is a notorious company... It isn't a surprise if they even sell their own son just to save their faces. They even try to force their son to marry DN group's son for the sake of money *chuckles*

Man 1: Yeah, he's quite pitiful he had to be born with such a family.

After the 2 men left, I got out of the Comfort room and went back to Damien.

"What's wrong?" He asked, looking at me anxiously.

"C-can we go home?"

Damien drove home.

As soon as we got home, I ran upstairs and opened the laptop.

The news about FZ Group on the verge of bankruptcy was all over the news.

Even the news about abandoning their heir for money is all over the news.

I thought that Damien's cousin would marry Lennox... What in the world happened?!

Damien entered our bedroom with a gift in his hand, "Someone sent you a present, there's no name of the sender in it but they wrote your name." Damien said and handed me the present.

I sat on the bed with Damien and opened the gift.

I was horrified to see pictures of Lennox sleeping on the street, kneeling and begging.

It even contained documents about FZ Group's embezzlement and dirt.

"Who in the world sent those..." Damien muttered.

I looked at the laptop and the gift.

Only 2 people came to my mind when I saw it.

Brother Nine and Brother Sven...

They did the same before when they caught the person who bullied me in middle school.

I ran to the Cafe in the lobby and grabbed my brother Nine to talk.

"Brother! Did you do something to FZ Group?" I asked.

"FZ Group?" Brother Nine repeated.

He looked at me with a puzzled expression so I knew already that it wasn't him.

Then... Did brother Sven do this alone?

But... How did he get so powerful?

I know this would be easy if he's using dad's power but... I'm sure dad would not let him waste resources like this.

Am I wrong?

Is there someone else who is powerful enough to bring this chaos?

Was it someone who hold grudge against FZ Group?

They're notorious after all...

"Noir! How could you run off like that!" Damien exclaimed and pulled me in his arms.

Sasha called brother Nine so he went back inside.

Damien brought me back to our penthouse and let me rest for the day.