Louisa's POV
"They were in my fucking way!" Lucas shouted back.
I totally lost my temper and shouted, "Why can't you have some sympathy for other people?! Mana and Mata were already injured, but they were still trying to help and protect me. Your soldiers were wounded. They could be recovered and work for you again as soon as their wounds were treated. They were very good at what they were doing! Instead of getting a doctor, you abandoned them in the mountains to let them rot and die like animals!"
Lucas roared, "Why can't you act like a normal woman?! Just shut the fuck up and lick my balls like everyone else?! All you have to do is to stay in my bed like a fucking doll and do what you've been told!"
Zackery held me up in his arms and said, "Listen, why don't we take this into the tent?"
"I'm not going into the tent! I have to treat those soldiers!" I said.