Chapter 19

  The next morning, just as Shirley walked out of the apartment building, she saw someone pouncing toward her.

  Shirley was scared and took a step back. She looked closer and found that it was a man in ragged clothes who fell in front of her.

  He cried painfully and said, "Shirley, it was all my fault. I'm so sorry. You getting the invitation to the National Technology Summit from the Eric Group was not because of me, but because of your outstanding ability. Can you let go of my family and the Sharp Group?"

  Hearing the man's words, Shirley could not help but widen her eyes in surprise. She said uncertainly, "Percy?"

  "It's me! I'm Percy!" Percy raised his head.

  Shirley saw that Percy's face was covered in dirt and tears. His previous high-spirited appearance was completely gone.

  "What happened to you?" Shirley did not expect that Percy would become like this after just one day.

  Shirley frowned slightly.