Chapter 25

  Randall was not at all impressed by Barbara.

  Barbara was just a snobbish and short-sighted woman.

  Although she married Kinsley, she was far from the core of the Sarton family. She was not from a wealthy family and was also not a wise woman.

  For example, today's matter was nothing more than a scam, and after a little study, one would know that the mastermind involved in it might have a powerful background.

  However, Barbara wanted to get involved in it. Randall failed to convince her, and he thought it was good for Barbara to learn a lesson from it.

  Barbara glared at Randall, and then she quickly apologized to Morton, "Morton, don't take it seriously. You have my full trust."

  Morton smirked, "It's fine. I am not going to lower myself to his level. A guy good-for-nothing."

  After saying that, he said in high spirits, "Barbara, let's go!"


  Morton and Barbara walked through the crowd and came to the gate of the White Investment Corporation.