Chapter 3

  After soaking in the lake for a whole hour, the heat in my body came down. I endured great pain and shifted back into my human form. It was late at night. I felt cold and hungry, but I dared not go back.

  When I lost control, I shifted into my pure white wolf in the bathroom on the second floor. I made a mess of the bathroom. When Osborn came back from the nightclub and found out what I had done, I might be badly punished.

  Although I might have to go hungry, sleep in the attic, and be scolded, I had to go back. I dared not spend the night outside.

  During this period, our pack was not safe. It was said that some rogues could sneak into our pack at night by escaping the patrol personnel by some means.

  Recently, young girls had been missing from our pack. It was said that they were all abducted by rogues outside in the middle of the night.

  Since my father was killed by rogues at the edge of the territory, my brother hated rogues. Any rogues who broke into our territory would be killed. It had been two years since I heard that Rogues had entered our territory.

  Why did these rogues suddenly appear and still abduct those girls in our pack? What did those rogues want to do? Even I sensed something was wrong inside.

  My brother must be investigating this matter because he was so grumpy these days. I didn't know if he found anything.

  Because of this, few people went out at night. There was no one on the road except those warriors patrolling. Just now, I saw them hurried to the east.

  I braved the night wind and went home trembling with fear.

  I was a little surprised when I walked near my home. The light on the first floor of the house was on, and I heard some crying and laughter. What's going on? Did Osborn bring a group of people back for a party? Was he going to humiliate me in front of a group of people?

  When I came to the door, my face turned pale. How can there be so many strange scents?

  Did the rogues break into the house?

  When I was about to turn to the patrol for help, I heard Osborn’s voice.

  What the hell was going on? Was he hijacked? Was he in danger? But his voice did not sound flustered at all. I was a little curious about what was going on. So I went quietly to walk to the house.

  I had lived in this house for so long, and it was full of my scents. So, when I walked to the door just now, no one found me back.

  I went quietly to the window on the first floor and looked in. The scene in front of me made me tremble. I stood rooted to the spot with fear. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  Several men were gang raping Vicky while Osborn was talking to another man. Vicky’s face was red and swollen. It was obvious that she was slapped in the face. I was confused. Didn’t Vicky chase Osborn to the nightclub? Vicky was his lover. Why would Osborn turn a blind eye to Vicky being gang raped?

  I saw a man getting a blowjob from Vicky. Vicky tried to swallow all his dick and lick it all down to his balls like a lollipop, it looked like it was something impossible for Vicky to take all his dick into her mouth. She was choking and gagging lightly and maybe that made him take the lead over her head. He pulled her hair roughly and started pushing all of his dick down to her throat. Vicky’s eyes were tearing uncontrollably.

  That man pulled his dick away giving Vicky some space to fill her lungs with air. Vicky inhaled and exhaled loudly as if she was drowning in water. Something like transparent liquid was coming out of his dick. He pushed her head against his dick but he let her thrust his dick into her mouth rhythm freely.

  Then he flipped her on her knees again and pushed his dick deeper into her throat. He pinched her nipples making her swallow all. Vicky pulled her head, finally panting and hardly asking for some fresh air. That man pulled her chin up "everyone wants to fuck you now? Do you want some men inside your hole?" He raised his brows.

  Vicky cried and her face was wet with tears. She shouted, "Please let me go. Please! I won't tell anyone about it. Let me go, please! "

  That man gave Vicky a slap and said, "You know what I want to hear. Speak! I’m all yours."

  Vicky cried out, "I’m all yours."

  That man laughed and continued, "Follow me! Speak! Please fuck my pussy."

  Vicky wailed, "Please fuck my pussy."

  As soon as Vicky finished her words, that man fucked her hole roughly making her plead to stop.

  He pushed his dick deep and rough while pulling Vicky’s hair back to him as if riding a horse, saying, "you are my doll now. My slave. Got that bitch?" He hollered at her. And Vicky was moving her butt in rhythm with his thrust.

  That pushed his dick harder and rougher. He slapped Vicky’s ass and said, "Do you like this ride? Bitch?"

  Vicky shook her head and sobbed, "No!" That man slapped her ass again. "Say, 'Yes, daddy.'" He pinched her nipples roughly.

  "Yes, daddy." Vicky burst into loud sobs.

  When Vicky was crying, another man approached her with an evil leer.

  Vicky’s face turned pale, and she knew what would happen next. She shook her head and cried, "No!"

  She struggled hard, but to no avail. The two men adjusted their positions. One thrust his dick in Vicky’s mouth while the other was pushing his dick inside her pussy at the same time.

  I couldn't bear to watch anymore. Although Vicky always bullied me, I didn’t want to see her hurt in this way. Being gang raped was too cruel for a woman.

  Why would Vicky rather beg these rogues for mercy than Osborn for help? Moreover, Osborn looked familiar with those rogues. Even if his lover was gang raped in front of him, he could chat with those rogues in Vicky's cry. This was too strange.

  As the alpha in the pack, Osborn should not have this attitude towards rogues!

  What exactly was his relationship with these rogues?