Chapter 5

  I never thought that my father would die. On the night when I came of age, my father was killed by rogues.

  When I hurried home, I only saw my father's cold body. The warriors on patrol said that they smelled a strange scent at the place where my father's body was found. Therefore, they concluded that my father died at the hands of rogues.

  At that time, I was young, and immersed in sadness, and I believed in what those people said.

  After my father died, I had to shoulder the future of the whole pack and take responsibility for my people. When I really became the leader of the pack, I found that it was so tiring to become an alpha.

  Under the protection of my father, I had always lived a carefree life, and I was not clear about the affairs of the pack. Now I had taken over many things at once, and I didn't know how to deal with them.

  At that time, both Beta Otto and I just came of age and had no experience. After half a year, when I really had a general understanding of the situation in the pack, I found that Kincaid was more prestigious than I was. Many warriors believed Kincaid and obeyed his orders. Most of my rights had been denied.

  Kincaid was kind on the surface and respected me very much, but he put every obstacle in my way secretly. I swallowed my grievances in silence.

  What was more terrible was that I found something strange about my father's death, but it had been half a year and many traces had been erased. It was very difficult to investigate.

  But all kinds of clues showed that Kincaid was the most suspect. Because he was the biggest beneficiary of my father's death.

  What I didn't understand was that Kincaid already had such great power, and even if my father died, he could not have the chance to become Alpha of our pack. Then why did he kill my father?

  Later, as my investigation deepened, I found that my father had been investigating Aesop's death. Was my father suspecting Aesop's death? Or did he find something so that he was killed?

  But an accident forced me to stop the investigation on the surface. I was attacked on my way back from the nightclub. It seemed that someone sensed that I was investigating the cause of my father's death. During that time, I encountered numerous dangers. Although the final investigation said they were accidents, I knew they were all man-made.

  Those man-made accidents, though not fatal, had made me suffer. I knew it was a warning from the murderer behind the scenes. That was telling me that if I kept investigating this matter, I would be killed like my father.

  At that time, I was always afraid that I would bring danger to Tracy, so I seldom went home. Whenever I felt that I couldn't stand it, I would sneak home. I would feel much better if I looked at her peaceful sleeping face.

  I couldn't let others know that I cared about her, otherwise the murderer would use her to threaten me, then she would be in danger. Therefore, I became more and more indifferent to her on the surface. Seeing her more and more afraid of me, my heart ached.

  I pretended to be afraid and give up the investigation of my father's death and stayed in the nightclub every day. I had been secretly developing my power.

  The murderer seemed to have believed that I would do the decent thing, and those man-made accidents were finally gone. Then I found that no matter where I went, someone asked me whether I had found my mate intentionally or unintentionally. I knew that I must not let others know who my mate was.

  I knew that he would not easily believe what I said, so I often went to nightclubs to hunt for women and often had sex with different women. Everyone in the pack knew that I was a lecher. Even Tracy, who didn't go out often, knew that I had many lovers. She often looked at me with disdain and disgust secretly.

  Since I pretended to be a lecher, I didn't have to sneak home anymore.

  When other women swallowed my dick and drank my cum, I would imagine that Tracy was the one who was giving me oral sex now. When I fucked other women hard, I would imagine that it was Tracy who was moaning.

  No matter how late, I went home every day. Making love with different women was like drinking poison to quench my thirst for me. I knew that only by making love with my partner, and marking her, could I get real satisfaction. My wolf growled in pain every day. Every night, I would quietly come to her room, smell her scent, and imagine that one day I could mark her and make her my Luna.

  The floor where Tracy lived had no bathroom, so she had to come to the second floor to share the bathroom with me. Every day after she took a bath, I went into the bathroom. I smelt the scent left by her in the bathroom and imagined her naked in the bathtub.

  I imagined that she used her hands to stroke my dick. I was licking her pussy. The tension was building up. It wouldn't be long until she climaxed for the first time. Once she climaxed, I would push my dick into her pussy. Then I would fuck her harder and rougher and cum inside her hole. When I thought that the cum was dripping slowly and heavily from her hole, I would have an erection again.

  Six months ago, Vicky, Kincaid's daughter, pursued me, and I agreed to date her. She became one of my lovers. Later, I found that she was very stupid, just a love-struck woman. I pretended to love her and got Kincaid's information from her.

  Vicky pestered me to come to my house today. I was afraid that too much refusal would arouse her suspicion, so I agreed. But what I didn't expect was that Tracy would see me having sex with Vicky.

  When I saw Tracy, my brain went blank.

  I was worried that Vicky would embarrass Tracy, so I asked Tracy to cook in the kitchen. Unexpectedly, Vicky treated Tracy like a maid. I couldn't stand it, so I asked her to leave. I knew Vicky would not leave as long as I was at home, so I got up and went out.