Thank You pt 2

Writer 2:

I'm actually too shocked to think, despite the fact this post is only coming out now. I am still in full blown shock about the fact that 100,000 people have read this book LIKE WHATT?! I genuinely don't know how to say thank you enough, I don't have the words to show my gratitude 

Just thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! A big huge enormous thank you to each and every single one of you on every single site. Without you, we would be nothing more than a hidden concept . The fact we now have a community of people who have seen and regularly return is beyond me

I actually have lost the ability to think I am so grateful. I truly appreciate all of you so much, ALL OF YOU!!! 

Writer 1:

Now that writer 2 is done blabbering, YOOOOOOO EVERYONE, obviously you can tell by the title, it's another gratitude post, because last week friday, 20th of October, WE HIT 100 THOUSAND VIEWS ON WEBNOVEL, and I was supposed to write a thank you chapter a long time ago, and Writer 2 constantly reminded me, and its sorta been a whole ass week since we hit 100 k, but yo, better late than never.

 I'm just gonna put it out there that the Webnovel views are a little unreliable, and by 100k it's probably not actually 100 k since I think 1 view counts for like 10 or something, but 100 thousand is a 100 thousand so alongside that achievement I'd like to celebrate our other milestones that we've reached. 

We surpassed 1.5 k on Wattpad and are currently sitting at 1.7k, has been having a little bug recently but regardless of that we've topped 2k and now are sitting at a comfortable 2.1k, ao3 literally just surpassed 900 and we're getting pretty close to 1 thousand. 

But yeah those are some crazy numbers, now that I really think of it 1 thousand people is an insane amount. 

Anyways, enough of that, it wouldn't be a proper Writer 1 thank you if I didn't show love to every commenter so let's get started.

Webnovel: Rad_reader, idk_yk, DaQuan_Lee, Some_Guy_3 and MisoHen.

Wattpad: noshameatall and justrynalive

Ao3: Speedproductions, and Krinz.

Fanfic: dawgnumberone5.

I'd like to thank you ALL for sharing your thoughts and commenting, you mean a lot to both me and writer 2. Thank you all so much, hopefully you guys continue to follow Amare Flos and we can see the story grow together. 


To celebrate our 100k milestone on Webnovel, we will be doing a bonus QnA chapter alongside Chapter 38 next friday (3rd of november). Please feel free to drop as many questions you want to ask either to one of the two writers, or one of the many characters. THAT'S RIGHT, the QnA will be dominantly focused on the characters but if you do happen to have a question for the writers you can go ahead, so I hope you will enjoy that bonus chapter.

If you are a fan who'd like to submit a question, please make sure you've commented it by Thursday 2nd of November, I will answer every single question so don't be shy. Anyways, that's all from me, see you all next friday!