The Missing Sister

A week had passed and Hun didn't leave his room. No matter how hard he tries to change his form to Sister Oriana he would fail miserably worrying The Wing more and more.

The reports Archangel Uriel kept receiving worried her more and more, resulting in her meetings with Archangel Michael increasing too.

"Uriel?" Michael called for her while she was going back and forth. He would give a joke by telling her that she was making him feel dizzy and watch her as she gets flustered, but now wasn't the time for such jokes. Uriel was trembling none stop ever since they entered the room and no matter how hard he tries to call for her she wouldn't stop moving or look around.

"Uriel?! What happened?!" After some time passed and she didn't stop, Michael stood from his seat and held her shoulders that were trembling like leaves on the ground, holding back from flying away by the wind.

Uriel finally looked at Michael and gasped before tears fell from her glowing gold eyes, "Michael?"

"Yes, Uriel. Yes, it's me. Can you please talk to me and tell me what happened?" Her eyes were filled again with tears and her legs finally give up after holding them in for too long.

"M- My future wing, Michael. My future wing!! Hic- Someone sobs- Someone kidnapped him!!!" Michael furrowed his eyebrows wondering who she meant until it struck to him that one creature, "you... You were planning to make a demon your next wing?" He whispered to himself but Uriel heard him yet decided to remain silent and not explain her reasons for him. Not now. Not yet.

"I can't interfere with human affairs, so I can't save him"

"But your wing can!"

"No, Michael, no. You don't get it" Michael remained silent waiting for her to finish her sentence, but the second part made him jump from his place and rush to his chamber with Uriel between his arms. The other two wings saw them and looked at each other and shrugged but when they sensed the type of aura coming from Michael, they followed them with their legs trembling.

Some might not know, but Archangel Michael is the strongest Archangel among all those who existed. Yes, Archangel Gabriel is a warrior by heart and soul but she still can't surpass Archangel Michael who was the first to be created and fought alongside the humans when God asked him to. So he had the experience and ability that none has and none will ever... Unless someone kills him. That's the only case, yet it's impossible with his wild strength which could turn the solar system into dust in the middle of nothingness.

"Archangel Michael?" Archangel Gabriel finally asked when they entered the contact room where he meets his wing. Unlike Uriel's, Michael's wing appeared in front of him, but not as an old man with a long beard, but as a young man in his twenties, with broad shoulders, grey hair, and glowing blue eyes. Those traits were proofs of which Archangel they served.

Uriel's wings are fragile from the outside with glowing gold eyes and burning red hair, but they're destructive when they battle. Not only that, but they are also the best judges whenever a problem occurs.

Gabriel's wings are similar to Michael's but they exceed in fighting more than strategy and planning in battlefields. They're like wild beasts with no shackles around them, but what exposes them faster is their red eyes and green-greyish hair. Outside the battlefield, they're the nicest of all, the guider for all mortals and the messengers for those below and suffering. Simply put, be careful to not be on Gabriel and her wings' bad side and you'll be safe.

As for Raphael's wings, they're the doctors and soul healers for not only the mortals but also living beings in the heavens and a few from hell.

They all are capable of doing a lot but the only issue is that they could do nothing unless God himself allows them.

That's one of a few things that scared Archangel Uriel, God knows nothing about her actions about bringing Hun, the demon, to her temple and treating him as a human but worse, as her future wing. At least that's what she thought, what she didn't know was that God ordered Gabriel to watch over Uriel and fix the mistakes she has been causing and even try to guide her to the route she used to be on before meeting Hun, but Gabriel still doesn't know what and how to do that so she was horrified when she saw the state Uriel was in.

"Uriel?" She tried to approach her but Michael stopped her.

"Uriel? Are you sure the people who kidnapped Hun were the devil's followers and not the devils themselves?"

"Yes, I'm sure!! When my wing contacted me and told me devils kidnapped him, I rushed to check everything myself but they were humans with a scary demonic energy" She started trembling recalling everything she saw and felt.

"It seems things were awfully bad there, Michael"

He stared at Uriel before he sighed and turned back to his wing, "you heard everything"

His wing smiled with his eyes closed not opening them as a form of respect to his Archangel, he bowed down and with a big smile, he excused himself. He walked to Asher's bedroom and opened it without even knocking on the door, he pulled the sheets. His smile grew bigger when he saw the bed empty of its usual soul and has only pillows, "it seems you were worried over nothing Archangel" he gave a small smile before he giggled and looked outside the window where the moon shines bright.

Far from the holy temples, and humans' eyes, a man ran as fast as he could to where he sensed 'Sister Oriana' energy, "please wait for me sister! I'll save you!!"

Far from Asher, Hun opened his eyes and looked around. The whole place was in silence, he could hear laughs and screams, whines and huffs. Everything felt weird and disgustingly familiar.

"Even here- I- I can't escape you? Ha! Haha hahahahahahaha!!!"