Day 1: The Hidden Temple

"Welcome to The Hidden Temple, I'm Noon, and I will be your guide through your stay here until you're well prepared for the final test~" Sister Oriana listened closely to Noon until they reached the waiting room.

Based on what she said and what Archangel Uriel's Wing said, there will be tests everywhere she will go, those tests will determine whether she's prepared for being a Wing or not.

And of course, there are rules to follow, any violation will exclude you from joining the final test.

"First rule. No one is allowed to leave their chamber after nine"

"Second rule. Since each one owns their chamber, the chambers must remain clean 24/7 because that will show how much you care about flawlessly clean places. And not to forget, a clean place means clean mind and soul~"

"Third rule. There are a total of four dorms, each dorm is separated into seven wings. And as you probably heard each Archangel has a total of seven wings which means, seven will be chosen from each temple to become the next Wing in training~"

Sister Oriana halted and finally looked in the direction Noon was walking in, "may I ask a question?" The Guide nodded her head after turning to look Sister Oriana in the eyes, "Umm... didn't this place exist to find the next Wing? Then what did you mean when you said, seven will be chosen from each temple to become the next Wing in training? Isn't the next wing already prepared to lead in this place?"

Noon stared at Sister Oriana for a while before a smile formed on her face, "You are as they said, Sister~ Very sharp indeed!!" She giggled making Sister Oriana more confused, "Regarding your question, this place was founded because the Archangels themselves wanted to be as close as possible to their future Wings, they want to see how they deal with daily life struggles and if something had to happen, an attack or anything related to it!"

"Ah! I understood what you meant! Thank you~" Noon kept staring at Sister Oriana with a smile still plastered on her face, "You are always welcome. And please, don't hesitate to come and find me whenever you need help with anything. You can find me in the library~ Ah! Speaking of the library. I need to make a thing clear"

"Fourth rule, part one. The library is open to everyone 24/7. In case the lock time came and you were in the library, you can stay there for the night, there are bedrooms on the fifth floor so you don't need to worry about that part. BUT each one in a room, two aren't allowed to be in the same room. AND two from different genders are forbidden to be in the same room, there will be a punishment if they were found out."

"Fourth rule, part two. The library has six floors, the sixth floor is forbidden to all who didn't pass the tenth test. If there was any attempt to enter it, the student will be severely punished"

"The last rule~ The Fifth rule! If a student tries to cheat in any way, harm other students, or even try to escape from the temple. The student won't see the sun's light"

Sister Oriana trembled at the last part, "Wh- What happens to them?" She asked maintaining eye contact. The coldness of Noon's words started to wave around them making her look scarier.

"Don't worry, they won't be sent to hell or be killed. They will go through a lot~ Of divinity cleansing. Before you ask what that is, it's a painful phase where the body is being cleaned from any dark powers that might have entered the body. Everyone here is aiming to become the Archangels' Wings so they must be clean from anything the Devils might plant in them~" Sister Oriana nodded her head and kept walking behind Lady Noon who remained silent until they reached Sister Oriana's chamber.

"This is your chamber~ Everything you need is here, bedroom, bathroom, sitting room, and even a study room~!!! Enjoy your stay and do your best in studying!"

"Ah! I- I have one more question!"


"C- Can we leave the temple by getting permission? Now and then, I might want to go out and see other places-"

"Wow! I didn't expect someone to ask the question the right way!! Of course, you can! But a gentleman must be with you~ You're a woman after all, and you seem frugal at that haha!! We choose the one who goes with you, you can change him if you don't like him or makes you uncomfortable, you're going out to relax after all~" Sister Oriana's face lit up and sparkles glowed in her eyes because of the wonderful news she just heard.

Noon closed the door behind her. She put a hand under her chin and smirked, "I never thought I'd live to see this~ I can't wait to see what she will do~" She walked away with silent steps toward the Great Hall. All the Sisters and Fathers were meeting up to talk about their students, some were excited while talking about them, while others were complaining about them and their behaviors.

The Great Hall was noisy but when everyone noticed Noon approaching the middle of the Hall, hushes and whispers rose until she finished climbing the stairs. When she turned to face everyone, her hair changed to grey and her eyes became blue, "well, even if you are bothered by your students you have to bear with them, we all are their guiding light to help their inner powers show up~"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, "Nun Noon? Did you get a student too?!" Someone popped out of nowhere and dared to ask, everyone started to wipe away the sweat forming on their forehead, and some started praying for the man's poor soul.

To their surprise, the man's head remained intact and the Nun was even smiling, the shock on everyone's faces was indescribable because no one saw a genuine smile on her face. They looked at each other wondering who that student was to make The Cold Nun smile like that, "a very unique student. And I'm looking forward to seeing what interesting things this student will do"

Praying rose in the Great Hall for the poor student who will be a victim under the Nun's cold wings.

"Achoo!! Augh~ Is someone talking about me?" Sister Oriana rubbed her arms together after a cold sensation snapped on her back