Day 4: The Teachers

The first day of classes finally came. After the drama that unfolded the day before, everyone was busy to notice the two casts of that drama entering the classroom. Sister Sophia entered first following the girls who were with her yesterday. She didn't want to show her face first, ashamed to show up in front of the crowd but to her luck, no one gave her attention.

For the first time in her life, she was happy to be ignored but that didn't last for long because after a few seconds from her entry, Father Asher and Sister Oriana entered together hand in hand, not literally though, Father Asher was holding her to not fall so the balance was on their hands.

Whispers rose in the class lowering with Father Asher's glare. Sister Oriana had the veil on so no one could see her injury but her trembling body didn't go past the young man so he gave everyone a warning with the best signal, glare.

She sighed and walked slowly to her seat, she sat at the corner of the room's hall, and right beside her on the other side sat Father Asher. He gave her one last look before his attention averted to the teacher entering.

"Hello, students! I'm Father Chris, and I will be teaching you Math!" A blonde good-looking young man introduced himself with a bright smile on his face.

"Good morning class, I'm Saintess Emily, and I will be teaching you the History of Archangels' Wings!" An old lady introduced herself calmly but the aura surrounding her said otherwise, she seemed like a bright and fun person not a serious and composed one.

"Good~ Evening kids~!!! I'm Saintess Jane! I will be your PE teacher~!!! So you all better do your best~ And surprise me with your strength~!!" The strong lady introduced herself excitedly.

"It's clear which Archangel she serves" Father Asher whispered in Sister Oriana's ear getting in return a giggle and a light blush on the cheeks. "She seems pretty scary though?" Sister Oriana said after controlling her facial expression.

"How so?"

"The words she says have hidden meanings under obvious interpretations." Father Asher's eyes became big after hearing that sentence, a blush streamed to his face and ears making him turn to look the other way. After calming down, he turned back to her and saw her focusing on whatever Saintess Jane was saying.

"Every time you talk, I find myself speechless and left with nothing but gaze at you and your beautifully sharp mouth" he mumbled. He blushed again for saying that out loud. Admitting it felt weird, but there's no turning back now. He needs to look around him and be more honest with himself.

"Move!!" Saintess Jane ordered and everyone moved to their positions. Father Asher wanted to ask the Saintess to allow Sister Oriana to rest but the Saintess had beat him to it, "Oh? You must be Sister Oriana~?"

"I greet the almighty Saintess-"

"Please! No formalities~ Haha!! Anyway, I guess you have an injured face and foot so take a break until you're in a better state to join the training" The two looked at each other before they looked at the Saintess, "What?! What do you take me for~?! Asher! Go to your position, I will take care of her~"

Sister Oriana nodded her head and he nodded in return before he bowed his head and left to stand at the end of the line, "I gotta admit~ The first time I saw that boy in Archangel Michael's first temple, I saw a soulless body and an expressionless face. Yesterday was the first time I saw him react to something other than receiving a sword from the second Wing~" Saintess Jane glanced at Sister Oriana and found her staring at Father Asher who started running around the field to finish some tests provided by the Saintess.

"I don't know if it's a real story or not, but I heard that Archangel Michael and Archangel Uriel were in love but for some unknown reason the love that blossomed between them wilted" When she glanced at Sister Oriana, she saw her looking at her with sparkling eyes. Yes, the veil might hide her face perfectly, but such fabric can't hide a thing from Archangel Gabriel, her Wings, and the saints.

"If you want answers, you can find them in the library. Hmmm~ But that section is only for the elite~"

"Ah!" Sister Oriana's shoulders drooped. Of course, this is very important information so no normal person can access them. But she wants to know so badly, since the Saintess mentioned that, it means there's a relation between that topic and what's between her and Father Asher, something the Saintess caught wind of.

"Thank you, Saintess" She took off the veil and threw it away before she threw away the heels and run to the field with the other students.

Everyone watched in shock as Sister Oriana run around the field before she rushed to the archery field and shoot three arrows in the middle not missing an empty spot in the red dot. She then ran toward the trampoline zone and did some fine and flexible moves before she did another round and stop in the middle of the field.

"Weh~ It has been so long since I did this much~ Thank you, Saintess, for your encouraging words. Don't worry about me, I won't let an injury stop me from reaching what I want~!!" No one took their eyes off of her even when she said those words. Instead, they were filled with energy once again to challenge themselves.

Liveness filled the field once again and everyone worked hard, as for Sister Sophia who was having it hard to hold the bow the right way.

Father Asher, who was wielding his sword watched as Sister Oriana ran around and did what most ladies from Archangel Uriel's temple didn't, it was as if she had a strength none had.

"Ahahahaha!! I wonder why you weren't chosen in any of Archangel Gabriel's temples!! What a unique strength and enthusiasm~" She stared at Sister Oriana as if she were staring at her soul. Sister Oriana on the other hand kept her smile while trying to catch her breath. She bowed her head and left to the hallway after getting permission from the Saintess.

The Saintess Jane didn't take her eyes off of Sister Oriana as she made her way to the hall, her smile started to fade slowly, she gave Father Asher a glance which he caught immediately, and run toward Sister Oriana before she lost consciousness in the middle of her walk. He held her motionless body which was starting to heat up.

"Sister Oriana?!!" He called for her and luckily she opened her eyes, "Sister!?" His hopeful smile faded when she lost consciousness again, "Si- Oriana? Oriana?! ORIANA?!?!?!"