Cursed with endless days, too hardened now for tears
After eons treading this weary immortal sphere.
Joy and wonder long drained from panoramas bleak,
When each moment stretches banality antique.
Beauty can't stir this listless ancient heart,
Empathy eroded as centuries grew apart
My humanity from base appetites obscured,
Only hunger and rage in their stead endured.
Power to crush galaxies in my fist unfurled,
But bound in this husk, from transcendence hurled.
Condemned to walk as an immortal blight,
Dooming all I touch to my dreadful plight.
Civilizations risen, prospered and collapsed,
As I wandered without purpose or maps.
Love, creation, meaning all cast aside,
Now only darkness and destruction inside.
The cosmos my plaything, life my idle game,
I stoke stars to supernova, watch worlds aflame.
Careless of the cost, the innocent lives unfurled,
They pass in moments, I remain chained to this world.
Thus cruelty became my sole diversion,
To pierce the ennui of my perverse version
Of immortality, a hell masquerading as boon,
An endless purgatory bereft of the moon.
So I ravage and rampage to feel something real,
Ignite chaos, innocents lives steal.
But their pain only flickers, ephemeral spark,
Then darkness descends heavier, icy and stark.
This curse no apotheosis but trap metastasized,
Anger and anguish now my soul comprised.
I dream of endings, to join the ranks of the dead,
And from my torments at last be unyoked and unfed.
So I'll roam eye of the storm, deceivingly quiet,
Rage churning, innocence my next riot.
For cruelty is all that remains to ignite
Sensation in one who will never see light.
I prowl patient predator biding my hour,
When I can unleash fire and unholy power.
No escape from the endless march of time,
Except to lose myself for a moment in sublime
Violence and fury, destruction and force,
To feel something cut through this dreadful curse.
So pity you mortals who rouse my bitterness,
Oblivion will come, until then only distress.